Viewing file: (51.4 KB) -rwxr-xr-x Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
Common functions for SYSV-style boot/shutdown sequences, MacOS, FreeBSD and Windows. Because each system uses a different format and semantics for bootup actions, there are separate functions for listing and managing each type. However, some functions like enable_at_boot and disable_at_boot can creation actions regardless of the underlying boot system.
Example code :
foreign_require('init', ''); $ok = init::action_status('foo'); if ($ok == 0) { init::enable_at_boot('foo', 'Start or stop the Foo server', '/etc/foo/start', '/etc/foo/stop'); }
BEGIN { push(@INC, ".."); }; use WebminCore; &init_config(); @action_buttons = ( 'start', 'restart', 'condrestart', 'reload', 'status', 'stop' ); %access = &get_module_acl();
=head2 init_mode
This variable is set based on the bootup system in use. Possible values are :
=item osx - MacOSX hostconfig files
=item rc - FreeBSD 6+ RC files
=item init - System V init.d files, seen on Linux and Solaris
=item local - A single rc.local file
=item win32 - Windows services
=item upstart - Upstart, seend on Ubuntu 11
=item systemd - SystemD, as seen on Fedora 16
=cut if ($config{'init_mode'}) { $init_mode = $config{'init_mode'}; } elsif ($config{'hostconfig'}) { $init_mode = "osx"; } elsif ($config{'rc_dir'}) { $init_mode = "rc"; } elsif ($config{'init_base'} && -d "/etc/init" && &has_command("initctl")) { $init_mode = "upstart"; } elsif ($config{'init_base'} && -d "/etc/systemd" && &has_command("systemctl") && &execute_command("systemctl list-units") == 0) { $init_mode = "systemd"; } elsif ($config{'init_base'}) { $init_mode = "init"; } elsif ($config{'local_script'}) { $init_mode = "local"; } elsif ($gconfig{'os_type'} eq 'windows') { $init_mode = "win32"; }
=head2 runlevel_actions(level, S|K)
Return a list of init.d actions started or stopped in some run-level, each of which is a space-separated string in the format : number name inode
=cut sub runlevel_actions { local($dir, $f, @stbuf, @rv); $dir = &runlevel_dir($_[0]); opendir(DIR, $dir); foreach $f (readdir(DIR)) { if ($f !~ /^([A-Z])(\d+)(.*)$/ || $1 ne $_[1]) { next; } if (!(@stbuf = stat("$dir/$f"))) { next; } push(@rv, "$2 $3 $stbuf[1]"); } closedir(DIR); @rv = sort { @a = split(/\s/,$a); @b = split(/\s/,$b); $a[0] <=> $b[0]; } @rv; return $_[1] eq "S" ? @rv : reverse(@rv); }
=head2 list_runlevels
Returns a list of known runlevels, such as : 2 3 5.
=cut sub list_runlevels { local(@rv); opendir(DIR, $config{init_base}); foreach (readdir(DIR)) { if (/^rc([A-z0-9])\.d$/ || /^(boot)\.d$/) { #if (!$config{show_opts} && $1 < 1) { next; } push(@rv, $1); } } closedir(DIR); return sort(@rv); }
=head2 list_actions
List boot time action names from init.d, such as httpd and cron.
=cut sub list_actions { local($dir, $f, @stbuf, @rv); $dir = $config{init_dir}; opendir(DIR, $dir); foreach $f (sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } readdir(DIR)) { if ($f eq "." || $f eq ".." || $f =~ /\.bak$/ || $f eq "functions" || $f eq "core" || $f eq "README" || $f eq "rc" || $f eq "rcS" || -d "$dir/$f" || $f =~ /\.swp$/ || $f eq "skeleton" || $f =~ /\.lock$/ || $f =~ /\.dpkg-(old|dist)$/ || $f =~ /^\.depend\./ || $f eq '.legacy-bootordering' || $f =~ /^mandrake/) { next; } if (@stbuf = stat("$dir/$f")) { push(@rv, "$f $stbuf[1]"); } } closedir(DIR); foreach $f (split(/\s+/, $config{'extra_init'})) { if (@stbuf = stat($f)) { push(@rv, "$f $stbuf[1]"); } } return @rv; }
=head2 action_levels(S|K, action)
Return a list of run levels in which some action (from init.d) is started or stopped. Each item is a space-separated string in the format : level order name
=cut sub action_levels { local(@stbuf, $rl, $dir, $f, @stbuf2, @rv); @stbuf = stat(&action_filename($_[1])); foreach $rl (&list_runlevels()) { $dir = &runlevel_dir($rl); opendir(DIR, $dir); foreach $f (readdir(DIR)) { if ($f =~ /^([A-Z])(\d+)(.*)$/ && $1 eq $_[0]) { @stbuf2 = stat("$dir/$f"); if ($stbuf[1] == $stbuf2[1]) { push(@rv, "$rl $2 $3"); last; } } } closedir(DIR); } return @rv; }
=head2 action_filename(name)
Returns the path to the file in init.d for some action, such as /etc/init.d/foo.
=cut sub action_filename { return $_[0] =~ /^\// ? $_[0] : "$config{init_dir}/$_[0]"; }
=head2 runlevel_filename(level, S|K, order, name)
Returns the path to the actual script run at boot for some action, such as /etc/rc3.d/S99foo.
=cut sub runlevel_filename { local $n = $_[3]; $n =~ s/^(.*)\///; return &runlevel_dir($_[0])."/$_[1]$_[2]$n"; }
=head2 add_rl_action(action, runlevel, S|K, order)
Add some existing action to a runlevel. The parameters are :
=item action - Name of the action, like foo
=item runlevel - A runlevel number, like 3
=item S|K - Either S for an action to run at boot, or K for shutdown
=item order - Numeric boot order, like 99
=cut sub add_rl_action { $file = &runlevel_filename($_[1], $_[2], $_[3], $_[0]); while(-r $file) { if ($file =~ /^(.*)_(\d+)$/) { $file = "$1_".($2+1); } else { $file = $file."_1"; } } &lock_file($file); if ($config{soft_links}) { &symlink_file(&action_filename($_[0]), $file); } else { &link_file(&action_filename($_[0]), $file); } &unlock_file($file); }
=head2 delete_rl_action(name, runlevel, S|K)
Delete some action from a runlevel. The parameters are :
=item action - Name of the action, like foo.
=item runlevel - A runlevel number, like 3.
=item S|K - Either S for an action to run at boot, or K for shutdown.
=cut sub delete_rl_action { local(@stbuf, $dir, $f, @stbuf2); @stbuf = stat(&action_filename($_[0])); $dir = &runlevel_dir($_[1]); opendir(DIR, $dir); foreach $f (readdir(DIR)) { if ($f =~ /^([A-Z])(\d+)(.+)$/ && $1 eq $_[2]) { @stbuf2 = stat("$dir/$f"); if ($stbuf[1] == $stbuf2[1]) { # found file to delete.. unlink &unlink_logged("$dir/$f"); last; } } } closedir(DIR); }
=head2 reorder_rl_action(name, runlevel, S|K, new_order)
Change the boot order of some existing runlevel action. The parameters are :
=item action - Name of the action, like foo.
=item runlevel - A runlevel number, like 3.
=item S|K - Either S for an action to run at boot, or K for shutdown.
=item new_order - New numeric boot order to use, like 99.
=cut sub reorder_rl_action { local(@stbuf, $dir, $f, @stbuf2); @stbuf = stat(&action_filename($_[0])); $dir = &runlevel_dir($_[1]); opendir(DIR, $dir); foreach $f (readdir(DIR)) { if ($f =~ /^([A-Z])(\d+)(.+)$/ && $1 eq $_[2]) { @stbuf2 = stat("$dir/$f"); if ($stbuf[1] == $stbuf2[1]) { # Found file that needs renaming $file = &runlevel_dir($_[1])."/$1$_[3]$3"; while(-r $file) { if ($file =~ /^(.*)_(\d+)$/) { $file = "$1_".($2+1); } else { $file = $file."_1"; } } &rename_logged("$dir/$f", $file); last; } } } closedir(DIR); }
=head2 rename_action(old, new)
Change the name of an action in init.d, and re-direct all soft links to it from the runlevel directories. Parameters are :
=item old - Old action name.
=item new - New action name.
=cut sub rename_action { local($file, $idx, $old); foreach (&action_levels('S', $_[0])) { /^(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)$/; $file = &runlevel_dir($1)."/S$2$3"; if (readlink($file)) { # File is a symbolic link.. change it &lock_file($file); &unlink_file($file); &symlink_file("$config{init_dir}/$_[1]", $file); &unlock_file($file); } if (($idx = index($file, $_[0])) != -1) { $old = $file; substr($file, $idx, length($_[0])) = $_[1]; &rename_logged($old, $file); } } foreach (&action_levels('K', $_[0])) { /^(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)$/; $file = &runlevel_dir($1)."/K$2$3"; if (readlink($file)) { # File is a symbolic link.. change it &lock_file($file); &unlink_file($file); &symlink_file("$config{init_dir}/$_[1]", $file); &unlock_file($file); } if (($idx = index($file, $_[0])) != -1) { $old = $file; substr($file, $idx, length($_[0])) = $_[1]; &rename_logged($old, $file); } } &rename_logged("$config{init_dir}/$_[0]", "$config{init_dir}/$_[1]"); }
=head2 rename_rl_action(runlevel, S|K, order, old, new)
Change the name of a runlevel file. For internal use only.
=cut sub rename_rl_action { &rename_logged(&runlevel_dir($_[0])."/$_[1]$_[2]$_[3]", &runlevel_dir($_[0])."/$_[1]$_[2]$_[4]"); }
=head2 get_inittab_runlevel
Returns the runlevels entered at boot time. If more than one is returned, actions from all of them are used.
=cut sub get_inittab_runlevel { local %iconfig = &foreign_config("inittab"); local @rv; local $id = $config{'inittab_id'}; if (open(TAB, $iconfig{'inittab_file'})) { # Read the inittab file while(<TAB>) { if (/^$id:(\d+):/ && $1) { @rv = ( $1 ); } } close(TAB); }
if (&has_command("runlevel")) { # Use runlevel command to get current level local $out = &backquote_command("runlevel"); if ($out =~ /^(\S+)\s+(\S+)/) { push(@rv, $2); } } elsif (&has_command("who")) { # Use who -r command to get runlevel local $out = &backquote_command("who -r 2>/dev/null"); if (!$? && $out =~ /run-level\s+(\d+)/) { push(@rv, $1); } }
# Add statically configured runlevels if ($config{"inittab_rl_$rv[0]"}) { @rv = split(/,/, $config{"inittab_rl_$rv[0]"}); } push(@rv, $config{'inittab_extra'}); return &unique(@rv); }
=head2 init_description(file, [&hasargs])
Given a full path to an init.d file, returns a description from the comments about what it does. If the hasargs hash ref parameter is given, it is filled in with supported parameters to the action, like 'start' and 'stop'.
=cut sub init_description { # Read contents of script, extract start/stop commands open(FILE, $_[0]); local @lines = <FILE>; close(FILE); local $data = join("", @lines); if ($_[1]) { foreach (@lines) { if (/^\s*(['"]?)([a-z]+)\1\)/i) { $_[1]->{$2}++; } } }
local $desc; if ($config{'daemons_dir'}) { # First try the daemons file local %daemon; if ($_[0] =~ /\/([^\/]+)$/ && &read_env_file("$config{'daemons_dir'}/$1", \%daemon) && $daemon{'DESCRIPTIVE'}) { return $daemon{'DESCRIPTIVE'}; } } if ($config{'chkconfig'}) { # Find the redhat-style description: section foreach (@lines) { s/\r|\n//g; if (/^#+\s*description:(.*?)(\\?$)/) { $desc = $1; } elsif (/^#+\s*(.*?)(\\?$)/ && $desc && $1) { $desc .= "\n".$1; } if ($desc && !$2) { last; } } } elsif ($config{'init_info'} || $data =~ /BEGIN INIT INFO/) { # Find the suse-style Description: line foreach (@lines) { s/\r|\n//g; if (/^#\s*(Description|Short-Description):\s*(.*)/) { $desc = $2; } } } else { # Use the first comments foreach (@lines) { s/\r|\n//g; next if (/^#!\s*\/(bin|sbin|usr)\// || /\$id/i || /^#+\s+@/ || /source function library/i || /^#+\s*copyright/i); if (/^#+\s*(.*)/) { last if ($desc && !$1); $desc .= $1."\n" if ($1); } elsif (/\S/) { last; } } $_[0] =~ /\/([^\/]+)$/; $desc =~ s/^Tag\s+(\S+)\s*//i; $desc =~ s/^\s*$1\s+//; } return $desc; }
=head2 chkconfig_info(file)
If a file has a chkconfig: section specifying the runlevels to start in and the orders to use, return an array containing the levels (as array ref), start order, stop order and description.
=cut sub chkconfig_info { local @rv; local $desc; open(FILE, $_[0]); while(<FILE>) { if (/^#\s*chkconfig:\s+(\S+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)/) { @rv = ( $1 eq '-' ? [ ] : [ split(//, $1) ], $2, $3 ); } elsif (/^#\s*description:\s*(.*)/) { $desc = $1; } } close(FILE); $rv[3] = $desc if ($desc && @rv); return @rv; }
=head2 action_status(action)
Returns 0 if some action doesn't exist, 1 if it does but is not enabled, or 2 if it exists and is enabled. This works for all supported boot systems, such as init.d, OSX and FreeBSD.
=cut sub action_status { if ($init_mode eq "upstart") { # Check upstart service status local $out = &backquote_command("initctl status ". quotemeta($_[0])." 2>&1"); if (!$?) { my $cfile = "/etc/init/$_[0].conf"; open(CONF, $cfile); while(<CONF>) { if (/^(#*)\s*start/) { return $1 ? 1 : 2; } } close(CONF); return 1; # Should never happen } } elsif ($init_mode eq "systemd") { # Check systemd service status local $unit = $_[0]; $unit .= ".service" if ($unit !~ /\.service$/); local $out = &backquote_command("systemctl show ". quotemeta($unit)." 2>&1"); if ($out =~ /UnitFileState=(\S+)/ && $out !~ /Description=LSB:\s/) { # Exists .. but is it started at boot? return lc($1) eq 'enabled' ? 2 : 1; } } if ($init_mode eq "init" || $init_mode eq "upstart" || $init_mode eq "systemd") { # Look for init script local ($a, $exists, $starting, %daemon); foreach $a (&list_actions()) { local @a = split(/\s+/, $a); if ($a[0] eq $_[0]) { $exists++; local @boot = &get_inittab_runlevel(); foreach $s (&action_levels("S", $a[0])) { local ($l, $p) = split(/\s+/, $s); $starting++ if (&indexof($l, @boot) >= 0); } } } if ($starting && $config{'daemons_dir'} && &read_env_file("$config{'daemons_dir'}/$_[0]", \%daemon)) { $starting = lc($daemon{'ONBOOT'}) eq 'yes' ? 1 : 0; } return !$exists ? 0 : $starting ? 2 : 1; } elsif ($init_mode eq "local") { # Look for entry in rc.local local $fn = "$module_config_directory/$_[0].sh"; local $cmd = "$fn start"; open(LOCAL, $config{'local_script'}); while(<LOCAL>) { s/\r|\n//g; $found++ if ($_ eq $cmd); } close(LOCAL); return $found && -r $fn ? 2 : -r $fn ? 1 : 0; } elsif ($init_mode eq "win32") { # Look for a win32 service, enabled at boot local ($svc) = &list_win32_services($_[0]); return !$svc ? 0 : $svc->{'boot'} == 2 ? 2 : 1; } elsif ($init_mode eq "rc") { # Look for an RC script local @rcs = &list_rc_scripts(); local ($rc) = grep { $_->{'name'} eq $_[0] } @rcs; return !$rc ? 0 : $rc->{'enabled'} ? 2 : 1; } elsif ($init_mode eq "osx") { # Look for a hostconfig entry local $ucname = uc($_[0]); local %hc; &read_env_file($config{'hostconfig'}, \%hc); return $hc{$ucname} eq '-YES-' ? 2 : $hc{$ucname} eq '-NO-' ? 1 : 0; } }
=head2 enable_at_boot(action, description, startcode, stopcode, statuscode, &opts)
Makes some action start at boot time, creating the script by copying the specified file if necessary. The parameters are :
=item action - Name of the action to create or enable.
=item description - A human-readable description for the action.
=item startcode - Shell commands to run at boot time.
=item stopcode - Shell commands to run at shutdown time.
=item statuscode - Shell code to output the action's status.
=item opts - Hash ref of additional options, like : fork -> server will fork into background
If this is called for a named action that already exists (even if it isn't enabled), only the first parameter needs to be given.
=cut sub enable_at_boot { local $st = &action_status($_[0]); return if ($st == 2); # already starting! local ($daemon, %daemon); local $unit = $_[0]; $unit .= ".service" if ($unit !~ /\.service$/);
if ($init_mode eq "upstart" && (!-r "$config{'init_dir'}/$_[0]" || -r "/etc/init/$_[0].conf")) { # Create upstart action if missing, as long as this isn't an old-style # init script my $cfile = "/etc/init/$_[0].conf"; if (-r $cfile) { # Config file exists, make sure it is enabled if (&has_command("insserv")) { &system_logged( "insserv ".quotemeta($_[0])." >/dev/null 2>&1"); } my $lref = &read_file_lines($cfile); my $foundstart; foreach my $l (@$lref) { if ($l =~ /^#+start/) { # Start of start block $l =~ s/^#+//; $foundstart = 1; } elsif ($l =~ /^#+\s+\S/ && $foundstart) { # Continuation line for start $l =~ s/^#+//; } elsif ($l =~ /^\S/ && $foundstart) { # Some other directive after start last; } } &flush_file_lines($cfile); } else { # Need to create config $_[2] || &error("Upstart service $_[0] cannot be created ". "unless a command is given"); &create_upstart_service($_[0], $_[1], $_[2], undef, $_[5]->{'fork'}); if (&has_command("insserv")) { &system_logged( "insserv ".quotemeta($_[0])." >/dev/null 2>&1"); } } return; } if ($init_mode eq "systemd" && (!-r "$config{'init_dir'}/$_[0]" || &is_systemd_service($unit))) { # Create systemd unit if missing, as long as this isn't an old-style # init script my $cfile = &get_systemd_root($_[0])."/".$unit; if (!-r $cfile) { # Need to create config $_[2] || &error("Systemd service $_[0] cannot be created ". "unless a command is given"); &create_systemd_service($unit, $_[1], $_[2], $_[3], undef, $_[5]->{'fork'}, $_[5]->{'pidfile'}); } &system_logged("systemctl enable ". quotemeta($unit)." >/dev/null 2>&1"); return; } if ($init_mode eq "init" || $init_mode eq "local" || $init_mode eq "upstart" || $init_mode eq "systemd") { # In these modes, we create a script to run if ($config{'daemons_dir'} && &read_env_file("$config{'daemons_dir'}/$_[0]", \%daemon)) { $daemon++; } local $fn; if ($init_mode eq "init" || $init_mode eq "upstart" || $init_mode eq "systemd") { # Normal init.d system $fn = &action_filename($_[0]); } else { # Need to create hack init script $fn = "$module_config_directory/$_[0].sh"; } local @chk = &chkconfig_info($fn); local @start = @{$chk[0]} ? @{$chk[0]} : &get_start_runlevels(); local $start_order = $chk[1] || "9" x $config{'order_digits'}; local $stop_order = $chk[2] || "9" x $config{'order_digits'}; local @stop; if (@chk) { local %starting = map { $_, 1 } @start; @stop = grep { !$starting{$_} && /^\d+$/ } &list_runlevels(); }
local $need_links = 0; if ($st == 1 && $daemon) { # Just update daemons file $daemon{'ONBOOT'} = 'yes'; &lock_file("$config{'daemons_dir'}/$_[0]"); &write_env_file("$config{'daemons_dir'}/$_[0]", \%daemon); &unlock_file("$config{'daemons_dir'}/$_[0]"); } elsif ($st == 1) { # Just need to create links (later) $need_links++; } elsif ($_[1]) { # Need to create the init script &lock_file($fn); &open_tempfile(ACTION, ">$fn"); &print_tempfile(ACTION, "#!/bin/sh\n"); if ($config{'chkconfig'}) { # Redhat-style description: and chkconfig: lines &print_tempfile(ACTION, "# description: $_[1]\n"); &print_tempfile(ACTION, "# chkconfig: $config{'chkconfig'} ", "$start_order $stop_order\n"); } elsif ($config{'init_info'}) { # Suse-style init info section &print_tempfile(ACTION, "### BEGIN INIT INFO\n", "# Provides: $_[0]\n", "# Required-Start: \$network \$syslog\n", "# Required-Stop: \$network\n", "# Default-Start: ",join(" ", @start),"\n", "# Default-Stop:\n", "# Description: $_[1]\n", "### END INIT INFO\n"); } else { &print_tempfile(ACTION, "# $_[1]\n"); } &print_tempfile(ACTION, "\n"); &print_tempfile(ACTION, "case \"\$1\" in\n");
if ($_[2]) { &print_tempfile(ACTION, "'start')\n"); &print_tempfile(ACTION, &tab_indent($_[2])); &print_tempfile(ACTION, "\tRETVAL=\$?\n"); if ($config{'subsys'}) { &print_tempfile(ACTION, "\tif [ \"\$RETVAL\" = \"0\" ]; then\n"); &print_tempfile(ACTION, "\t\ttouch $config{'subsys'}/$_[0]\n"); &print_tempfile(ACTION, "\tfi\n"); } &print_tempfile(ACTION, "\t;;\n"); }
if ($_[3]) { &print_tempfile(ACTION, "'stop')\n"); &print_tempfile(ACTION, &tab_indent($_[3])); &print_tempfile(ACTION, "\tRETVAL=\$?\n"); if ($config{'subsys'}) { &print_tempfile(ACTION, "\tif [ \"\$RETVAL\" = \"0\" ]; then\n"); &print_tempfile(ACTION, "\t\trm -f $config{'subsys'}/$_[0]\n"); &print_tempfile(ACTION, "\tfi\n"); } &print_tempfile(ACTION, "\t;;\n"); }
if ($_[4]) { &print_tempfile(ACTION, "'status')\n"); &print_tempfile(ACTION, &tab_indent($_[4])); &print_tempfile(ACTION, "\t;;\n"); }
if ($_[2] && $_[3]) { &print_tempfile(ACTION, "'restart')\n"); &print_tempfile(ACTION, "\t\$0 stop ; \$0 start\n"); &print_tempfile(ACTION, "\tRETVAL=\$?\n"); &print_tempfile(ACTION, "\t;;\n"); }
&print_tempfile(ACTION, "*)\n"); &print_tempfile(ACTION, "\techo \"Usage: \$0 { start | stop }\"\n"); &print_tempfile(ACTION, "\tRETVAL=1\n"); &print_tempfile(ACTION, "\t;;\n"); &print_tempfile(ACTION, "esac\n"); &print_tempfile(ACTION, "exit \$RETVAL\n"); &close_tempfile(ACTION); chmod(0755, $fn); &unlock_file($fn); $need_links++; }
if ($need_links && ($init_mode eq "init" || $init_mode eq "upstart" || $init_mode eq "systemd")) { local $data = &read_file_contents($fn); my $done = 0; if (&has_command("chkconfig") && !$config{'no_chkconfig'} && (@chk && $chk[3] || $data =~ /Default-Start:/i)) { # Call the chkconfig command to link up &system_logged("chkconfig --add ".quotemeta($_[0])); my $ex = &system_logged( "chkconfig ".quotemeta($_[0])." on"); if (!$ex) { $done = 1; } } elsif (&has_command("insserv") && !$config{'no_chkconfig'} && $data =~ /Default-Start:/i) { # Call the insserv command to enable my $ex = &system_logged("insserv ".quotemeta($_[0]). " >/dev/null 2>&1"); $done = 1 if (!$ex && &action_status($_[0]) == 2); } if (!$done) { # Just link up the init script local $s; foreach $s (@start) { &add_rl_action($_[0], $s, "S", $start_order); } local @klevels = &action_levels("K", $_[0]); if (!@klevels) { # Only add K scripts if none exist foreach $s (@stop) { &add_rl_action($_[0], $s, "K", $stop_order); } } } } elsif ($need_links) { # Just add rc.local entry local $lref = &read_file_lines($config{'local_script'}); local $i; for($i=0; $i<@$lref && $lref->[$i] !~ /^exit\s/; $i++) { } splice(@$lref, $i, 0, "$fn start"); if ($config{'local_down'}) { # Also add to shutdown script $lref = &read_file_lines($config{'local_down'}); for($i=0; $i<@$lref && $lref->[$i] !~ /^exit\s/; $i++) { } splice(@$lref, $i, 0, "$fn stop"); } &flush_file_lines(); } } elsif ($init_mode eq "win32") { # Enable and/or create a win32 service if ($st == 1) { # Just enable &enable_win32_service($_[0]); } else { # Need to create service, which calls wrapper program eval "use Win32::Daemon";
# modify the string handed over # so it does not contain backslashes ... $_[2] =~ s/\\/\//g;
local $perl_path = &get_perl_path(); local %svc = ( 'name' => $_[0], 'display' => $_[1], 'path' => $perl_path, 'user' => '', 'description' => "OCM Webmin Pro Service", 'pwd' => $module_root_directory, 'parameters' => "\"$module_root_directory/\" $_[2]", ); if (!Win32::Daemon::CreateService(\%svc)) { print STDERR "Failed to create Win32 service : ", Win32::FormatMessage(Win32::Daemon::GetLastError()),"\n"; } } } elsif ($init_mode eq "rc") { # Enable and/or create an RC script &lock_rc_files(); if ($st == 1) { # Just enable &enable_rc_script($_[0]); } else { # Need to create a local rc script, and enable local @dirs = split(/\s+/, $config{'rc_dir'}); local $file = $dirs[$#dirs]."/".$_[0].".sh"; local $name = $_[0]; $name =~ s/-/_/g; &open_lock_tempfile(SCRIPT, ">$file"); &print_tempfile(SCRIPT, "#!/bin/sh\n"); &print_tempfile(SCRIPT, "#\n"); &print_tempfile(SCRIPT, "# PROVIDE: $_[0]\n"); &print_tempfile(SCRIPT, "# REQUIRE: LOGIN\n"); &print_tempfile(SCRIPT, "\n"); &print_tempfile(SCRIPT, ". /etc/rc.subr\n"); &print_tempfile(SCRIPT, "\n"); &print_tempfile(SCRIPT, "name=$name\n"); &print_tempfile(SCRIPT, "rcvar=`set_rcvar`\n"); &print_tempfile(SCRIPT, "start_cmd=\"$_[2]\"\n"); if ($_[3]) { &print_tempfile(SCRIPT, "stop_cmd=\"$_[3]\"\n") } if ($_[4] && $_[4] !~ /\n/) { &print_tempfile(SCRIPT, "status_cmd=\"$_[4]\"\n") } &print_tempfile(SCRIPT, "\n"); &print_tempfile(SCRIPT, "load_rc_config \${name}\n"); &print_tempfile(SCRIPT, "run_rc_command \"\$1\"\n"); &close_tempfile(SCRIPT); &set_ownership_permissions(undef, undef, 0755, $file); &enable_rc_script($_[0]); } &unlock_rc_files(); } elsif ($init_mode eq "osx") { # Add hostconfig file entry local $ucname = uc($_[0]); local %hc; &lock_file($config{'hostconfig'}); &read_env_file($config{'hostconfig'}, \%hc); if (!$hc{$ucname}) { # Need to create action local $ucfirst = ucfirst($_[0]); local $dir = "$config{'darwin_setup'}/$ucfirst"; local $paramlist = "$dir/$config{'plist'}"; local $scriptfile = "$dir/$ucfirst";
# Create dirs if missing if (!-d $config{'darwin_setup'}) { &make_dir($config{'darwin_setup'}, 0755); } if (!-d $dir) { &make_dir($dir, 0755); }
# Make params list file &open_lock_tempfile(PLIST, ">$paramlist"); &print_tempfile(PLIST, "{\n"); &print_tempfile(PLIST, "\t\tDescription\t\t= \"$_[1]\";\n"); &print_tempfile(PLIST, "\t\tProvides\t\t= (\"$ucfirst\");\n"); &print_tempfile(PLIST, "\t\tRequires\t\t= (\"Resolver\");\n"); &print_tempfile(PLIST, "\t\tOrderPreference\t\t= \"None\";\n"); &print_tempfile(PLIST, "\t\tMessages =\n"); &print_tempfile(PLIST, "\t\t{\n"); &print_tempfile(PLIST, "\t\t\tstart\t= \"Starting $ucfirst\";\n"); &print_tempfile(PLIST, "\t\t\tstop\t= \"Stopping $ucfirst\";\n"); &print_tempfile(PLIST, "\t\t};\n"); &print_tempfile(PLIST, "}\n"); &close_tempfile(PLIST);
# Create Bootup Script &open_lock_tempfile(STARTUP, ">$scriptfile"); &print_tempfile(STARTUP, "#!/bin/sh\n\n"); &print_tempfile(STARTUP, ". /etc/rc.common\n\n"); &print_tempfile(STARTUP, "if [ \"\${$ucname:=-NO-}\" = \"-YES-\" ]; then\n"); &print_tempfile(STARTUP, "\tConsoleMessage \"Starting $ucfirst\"\n"); &print_tempfile(STARTUP, "\t$_[2]\n"); &print_tempfile(STARTUP, "fi\n"); &close_tempfile(STARTUP); &set_ownership_permissions(undef, undef, 0750, $scriptfile); }
# Update hostconfig file $hc{$ucname} = '-YES-'; &write_env_file($config{'hostconfig'}, \%hc); &unlock_file($config{'hostconfig'}); } }
=head2 disable_at_boot(action)
Disabled some action from starting at boot, identified by the action parameter. The config files that define what commands the action runs are not touched, so it can be re-enabled with the enable_at_boot function.
=cut sub disable_at_boot { local $st = &action_status($_[0]); return if ($st != 2); # not currently starting local $unit = $_[0]; $unit .= ".service" if ($unit !~ /\.service$/);
if ($init_mode eq "upstart") { # Just use insserv to disable, and comment out start line in .conf file if (&has_command("insserv")) { &system_logged( "insserv -r ".quotemeta($_[0])." >/dev/null 2>&1"); } my $cfile = "/etc/init/$_[0].conf"; if (-r $cfile) { my $lref = &read_file_lines($cfile); my $foundstart; foreach my $l (@$lref) { if ($l =~ /^start\s/) { # Start of start block $l = "#".$l; $foundstart = 1; } elsif ($l =~ /^\s+\S/ && $foundstart) { # Continuation line for start $l = "#".$l; } elsif ($l =~ /^\S/ && $foundstart) { # Some other directive after start last; } } &flush_file_lines($cfile); } } elsif ($init_mode eq "systemd") { # Use systemctl to disable at boot &system_logged("systemctl disable ".quotemeta($unit). " >/dev/null 2>&1"); } if ($init_mode eq "init" || $init_mode eq "upstart" || $init_mode eq "systemd") { # Unlink or disable init script local ($daemon, %daemon); local $file = &action_filename($_[0]); local @chk = &chkconfig_info($file); local $data = &read_file_contents($file);
if ($config{'daemons_dir'} && &read_env_file("$config{'daemons_dir'}/$_[0]", \%daemon)) { # Update daemons file $daemon{'ONBOOT'} = 'no'; &lock_file("$config{'daemons_dir'}/$_[0]"); &write_env_file("$config{'daemons_dir'}/$_[0]", \%daemon); &unlock_file("$config{'daemons_dir'}/$_[0]"); } elsif (&has_command("chkconfig") && !$config{'no_chkconfig'} && @chk) { # Call chkconfig to remove the links &system_logged("chkconfig ".quotemeta($_[0])." off"); } else { # Just unlink the S links foreach my $a (&action_levels('S', $_[0])) { $a =~ /^(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)$/; &delete_rl_action($_[0], $1, 'S'); }
if (@chk) { # Take out the K links as well, since we know how to put # them back from the chkconfig info foreach my $a (&action_levels('K', $_[0])) { $a =~ /^(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)$/; &delete_rl_action($_[0], $1, 'K'); } } } } elsif ($init_mode eq "local") { # Take out of rc.local file local $lref = &read_file_lines($config{'local_script'}); local $cmd = "$module_config_directory/$_[0].sh start"; local $i; for($i=0; $i<@$lref; $i++) { if ($lref->[$i] eq $cmd) { splice(@$lref, $i, 1); last; } } if ($config{'local_down'}) { # Take out of shutdown script $lref = &read_file_lines($config{'local_down'}); local $cmd = "$module_config_directory/$_[0].sh stop"; for($i=0; $i<@$lref; $i++) { if ($lref->[$i] eq $cmd) { splice(@$lref, $i, 1); last; } } } &flush_file_lines(); } elsif ($init_mode eq "win32") { # Disable the service &disable_win32_service($_[0]); } elsif ($init_mode eq "rc") { # Disable an RC script &lock_rc_files(); &disable_rc_script($_[0]); &unlock_rc_files(); } elsif ($init_mode eq "osx") { # Disable in hostconfig local $ucname = uc($_[0]); local %hc; &lock_file($config{'hostconfig'}); &read_env_file($config{'hostconfig'}, \%hc); if ($hc{$ucname} eq '-YES-' || $hc{$ucname} eq '-AUTOMATIC-') { $hc{$ucname} = '-NO-'; &write_env_file($config{'hostconfig'}, \%hc); } &unlock_file($config{'hostconfig'}); } }
=head2 start_action(name)
Start the action with the given name, using whatever method is appropriate for this operating system. Returns a status code (0 or 1 for failure or success) and all output from the action script.
=cut sub start_action { local ($name) = @_; local $action_mode = &get_action_mode($name); if ($action_mode eq "init" || $action_mode eq "local") { # Run the init script or Webmin-created wrapper local $fn = $action_mode eq "init" ? &action_filename($name) : "$module_config_directory/$"; if (!-x $fn) { return (0, "$fn does not exist"); } &clean_environment(); local $out = &backquote_logged("$fn start 2>&1 </dev/null"); &reset_environment(); local $ex = $?; return (!$ex, $out); } elsif ($action_mode eq "rc") { # Run FreeBSD RC script return &start_rc_script($name); } elsif ($action_mode eq "win32") { # Start Windows service local $err = &start_win32_service($name); return (!$err, $err); } elsif ($action_mode eq "upstart") { # Run upstart action return &start_upstart_service($name); } elsif ($action_mode eq "systemd") { # Start systemd service return &start_systemd_service($name); } else { return (0, "Bootup mode $action_mode not supported"); } }
=head2 stop_action(name)
Stop the action with the given name, using whatever method is appropriate for this operating system. Returns a status code (0 or 1 for failure or success) and all output from the action script.
=cut sub stop_action { local ($name) = @_; local $action_mode = &get_action_mode($name); if ($action_mode eq "init" || $action_mode eq "local") { # Run the init script or Webmin-created wrapper local $fn = $action_mode eq "init" ? &action_filename($name) : "$module_config_directory/$"; if (!-x $fn) { return (0, "$fn does not exist"); } local $out = &backquote_logged("$fn stop 2>&1 </dev/null"); local $ex = $?; return (!$ex, $out); } elsif ($action_mode eq "rc") { # Run FreeBSD RC script return &stop_rc_script($name); } elsif ($action_mode eq "win32") { # Start Windows service local $err = &stop_win32_service($name); return (!$err, $err); } elsif ($action_mode eq "upstart") { # Stop upstart action return &stop_upstart_service($name); } elsif ($action_mode eq "systemd") { # Stop systemd service return &stop_systemd_service($name); } else { return (0, "Bootup mode $action_mode not supported"); } }
=head2 restart_action(action)
Calls a stop then a start for some named action.
=cut sub restart_action { local ($name) = @_; local $action_mode = &get_action_mode($name); if ($action_mode eq "upstart") { return &restart_upstart_service($name); } elsif ($action_mode eq "systemd") { return &restart_systemd_service($name); } else { &stop_action($name); return &start_action($name); } }
=head2 get_action_mode(name)
Returns the init mode used by some action. May be different from the global default on systems with mixed modes
=cut sub get_action_mode { local ($name) = @_; if ($init_mode eq "systemd") { # If classic init script exists but no systemd unit, assume init if (-r "$config{'init_dir'}/$name" && !&is_systemd_service($name)) { return "init"; } } elsif ($init_mode eq "upstart") { # If classic init script exists but not upstart config, assume init if (-r "$config{'init_dir'}/$name" && !-r "/etc/init/$name.conf") { return "init"; } } return $init_mode; }
=head2 tab_indent(lines)
Given a string with multiple \n separated lines, returns the same string with lines prefixed by tabs.
=cut sub tab_indent { local ($rv, $l); foreach $l (split(/\n/, $_[0])) { $rv .= "\t$l\n"; } return $rv; }
=head2 get_start_runlevels
Returns a list of runlevels that actions should be started in, either based on the module configuration or /etc/inittab.
=cut sub get_start_runlevels { if ($config{'boot_levels'}) { return split(/[ ,]+/, $config{'boot_levels'}); } else { local @boot = &get_inittab_runlevel(); return ( $boot[0] ); } }
=head2 runlevel_dir(runlevel)
Given a runlevel like 3, returns the directory containing symlinks for it, like /etc/rc2.d.
=cut sub runlevel_dir { if ($_[0] eq "boot") { return "$config{init_base}/boot.d"; } else { return "$config{init_base}/rc$_[0].d"; } }
=head2 list_win32_services([name])
Returns a list of known Win32 services, each of which is a hash ref. If the name parameter is given, only details of that service are returned. Useful keys for each hash are :
=item name - A unique name for the service.
=item desc - A human-readable description.
=item boot - Set to 2 if started at boot, 3 if not, 4 if disabled.
=item state -Set to 4 if running now, 1 if stopped.
=cut sub list_win32_services { local ($name) = @_; local @rv; local $svc;
# Get the current statuses if ($name) { &open_execute_command(SC, "sc query $name", 1, 1); } else { &open_execute_command(SC, "sc query type= service state= all", 1, 1); } while(<SC>) { s/\r|\n//g; if (/^SERVICE_NAME:\s+(\S.*\S)/) { $svc = { 'name' => $1 }; push(@rv, $svc); } elsif (/^DISPLAY_NAME:\s+(\S.*)/ && $svc) { $svc->{'desc'} = $1; } elsif (/^\s+TYPE\s+:\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)/ && $svc) { $svc->{'type'} = $1; $svc->{'type_desc'} = $2; } elsif (/^\s+STATE\s+:\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)/ && $svc) { $svc->{'state'} = $1; $svc->{'state_desc'} = $2; } } close(SC);
# For each service, see if it starts at boot or not foreach $svc (@rv) { &open_execute_command(SC, "sc qc \"$svc->{'name'}\"", 1, 1); while(<SC>) { s/\r|\n//g; if (/^\s+START_TYPE\s+:\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)/) { $svc->{'boot'} = $1; $svc->{'boot_desc'} = $2; } } close(SC); }
return @rv; }
=head2 start_win32_service(name)
Attempts to start a service, returning undef on success, or some error message.
=cut sub start_win32_service { local ($name) = @_; local $out = &backquote_command("sc start \"$name\" 2>&1"); return $? ? $out : undef; }
=head2 stop_win32_service(name)
Attempts to stop a service, returning undef on success, or some error message.
=cut sub stop_win32_service { local ($name) = @_; local $out = &backquote_command("sc stop \"$name\" 2>&1"); return $? ? $out : undef; }
=head2 enable_win32_service(name)
Marks some service as starting at boot time. Returns undef on success or an error message on failure.
=cut sub enable_win32_service { local ($name) = @_; local $out = &backquote_command("sc config \"$name\" start= auto 2>&1"); return $? ? $out : undef; }
=head2 disable_win32_service(name)
Marks some service as disabled at boot time. Returns undef on success or an error message on failure.
=cut sub disable_win32_service { local ($name) = @_; local $out = &backquote_command("sc config \"$name\" start= demand 2>&1"); return $? ? $out : undef; }
=head2 create_win32_service(name, command, desc)
Creates a new win32 service, enabled at boot time. The required parameters are: name - A unique name for the service command - The DOS command to run at boot time desc - A human-readable description.
=cut sub create_win32_service { local ($name, $cmd, $desc) = @_; local $out = &backquote_command("sc create \"$name\" DisplayName= \"$desc\" type= share start= auto binPath= \"$cmd\" 2>&1"); return $? ? $out : undef; }
=head2 delete_win32_service(name)
Delete some existing service, identified by some name. Returns undef on success or an error message on failure.
=cut sub delete_win32_service { local ($name) = @_; local $out = &backquote_command("sc delete \"$name\" 2>&1"); return $? ? $out : undef; }
=head2 list_rc_scripts
Returns a list of known BSD RC scripts, and their enabled statuses. Each element of the return list is a hash ref, with the following keys :
=item name - A unique name for the script.
=item desc - A human-readable description.
=item enabled - Set to 1 if enabled, 0 if not, 2 if unknown.
=item file - Full path to the action script file.
=item standard - Set to 0 for user-defined actions, 1 for those supplied with FreeBSD.
=cut sub list_rc_scripts { # Build a list of those that are enabled in the rc.conf files local @rc = &get_rc_conf(); local (%enabled, %cmt); foreach my $r (@rc) { if ($r->{'name'} =~ /^(\S+)_enable$/) { local $name = $1; if (lc($r->{'value'}) eq 'yes') { $enabled{$name} = 1; } $r->{'cmt'} =~ s/\s*\(\s*or\s+NO\)//i; $r->{'cmt'} =~ s/\s*\(YES.*NO\)//i; $cmt{$name} ||= $r->{'cmt'}; } }
# Scan the script dirs local @rv; foreach my $dir (split(/\s+/, $config{'rc_dir'})) { opendir(DIR, $dir); foreach my $f (readdir(DIR)) { next if ($f =~ /^\./ || $f =~ /\.(bak|tmp)/i); next if (uc($f) eq $f); # Dummy actions are upper-case local $name = $f; $name =~ s/\.sh$//; local $data = &read_file_contents("$dir/$f"); local $ename = $name; $ename =~ s/-/_/g; push(@rv, { 'name' => $name, 'file' => "$dir/$f", 'enabled' => $data !~ /rc\.subr/ ? 2 : $enabled{$ename}, 'startstop' => $data =~ /rc\.subr/ || $data =~ /start\)/, 'desc' => $cmt{$name}, 'standard' => ($dir !~ /local/) }); } closedir(DIR); } return sort { $a->{'name'} cmp $b->{'name'} } @rv; }
=head2 save_rc_conf(name, value)
Internal function to modify the value of a single entry in the FreeBSD rc.conf file.
=cut sub save_rc_conf { local $found; local @rcs = split(/\s+/, $config{'rc_conf'}); local $rcfile = $rcs[$#rcs]; &open_readfile(CONF, $rcfile); local @conf = <CONF>; close(CONF); &open_tempfile(CONF, ">$rcfile"); foreach (@conf) { if (/^\s*([^=]+)\s*=\s*(.*)/ && $1 eq $_[0]) { &print_tempfile(CONF, "$_[0]=\"$_[1]\"\n") if (@_ > 1); $found++; } else { &print_tempfile(CONF, $_); } } if (!$found && @_ > 1) { &print_tempfile(CONF, "$_[0]=\"$_[1]\"\n"); } &close_tempfile(CONF); }
=head2 get_rc_conf
Reads the default and system-specific FreeBSD rc.conf files, and parses them into a list of hash refs. Each element in the list has the following keys:
=item name - Name of this configuration parameter. May appear more than once, with the later one taking precedence.
=item value - Current value.
=item cmt - A human-readable comment about the parameter.
=cut sub get_rc_conf { local ($file, @rv); foreach $file (map { glob($_) } split(/\s+/, $config{'rc_conf'})) { local $lnum = 0; &open_readfile(FILE, $file); while(<FILE>) { local $cmt; s/\r|\n//g; if (s/#(.*)$//) { $cmt = $1; } if (/^\s*([^=\s]+)\s*=\s*"(.*)"/ || /^\s*([^=\s]+)\s*=\s*'(.*)'/ || /^\s*([^=\s]+)\s*=\s*(\S+)/) { push(@rv, { 'name' => $1, 'value' => $2, 'line' => $lnum, 'file' => $file, 'cmt' => $cmt }); } $lnum++; } close(FILE); } return @rv; }
=head2 enable_rc_script(name)
Mark some RC script as enabled at boot.
=cut sub enable_rc_script { local ($name) = @_; $name =~ s/-/_/g; &save_rc_conf($name."_enable", "YES"); }
=head2 disable_rc_script(name)
Mark some RC script as disabled at boot.
=cut sub disable_rc_script { local ($name) = @_; $name =~ s/-/_/g; local $enabled; foreach my $r (&get_rc_conf()) { if ($r->{'name'} eq $name."_enable" && lc($r->{'value'}) eq 'yes') { $enabled = 1; } } &save_rc_conf($name."_enable", "NO") if ($enabled); }
=head2 start_rc_script(name)
Attempt to start some RC script, and returns 1 or 0 (for success or failure) and the output.
=cut sub start_rc_script { local ($name) = @_; local @rcs = &list_rc_scripts(); local ($rc) = grep { $_->{'name'} eq $name } @rcs; $rc || return "No script found for $name"; local $out = &backquote_logged("$rc->{'file'} forcestart 2>&1 </dev/null"); return (!$?, $out); }
=head2 stop_rc_script(name)
Attempts to stop some RC script, and returns 1 or 0 (for success or failure) and the output.
=cut sub stop_rc_script { local ($name) = @_; local @rcs = &list_rc_scripts(); local ($rc) = grep { $_->{'name'} eq $name } @rcs; $rc || return "No script found for $name"; local $out = &backquote_logged("$rc->{'file'} forcestop 2>&1 </dev/null"); return (!$?, $out); }
=head2 delete_rc_script(name)
Delete the FreeBSD RC script with some name
=cut sub delete_rc_script { local ($name) = @_; my @rcs = &list_rc_scripts(); my ($rc) = grep { $_->{'name'} eq $name } @rcs; if ($rc) { &lock_rc_files(); &disable_rc_script($in{'name'}); &unlock_rc_files(); &unlink_logged($rc->{'file'}); } }
=head2 lock_rc_files
Internal function to lock all FreeBSD rc.conf files.
=cut sub lock_rc_files { foreach my $f (split(/\s+/, $config{'rc_conf'})) { &lock_file($f); } }
=head2 unlock_rc_files
Internal function to un-lock all FreeBSD rc.conf files.
=cut sub unlock_rc_files { foreach my $f (split(/\s+/, $config{'rc_conf'})) { &unlock_file($f); } }
=head2 list_upstart_services
Returns a list of all known upstart services, each of which is a hash ref with 'name', 'desc', 'boot', 'status' and 'pid' keys.
=cut sub list_upstart_services { # Start with native upstart services my @rv; my $out = &backquote_command("initctl list"); my %done; foreach my $l (split(/\r?\n/, $out)) { if ($l =~ /^(\S+)\s+(start|stop)\/([a-z]+)/) { my $s = { 'name' => $1, 'goal' => $2, 'status' => $3 }; if ($l =~ /process\s+(\d+)/) { $s->{'pid'} = $1; } open(CONF, "/etc/init/$s->{'name'}.conf"); while(<CONF>) { if (/^description\s+"([^"]+)"/ && !$s->{'desc'}) { $s->{'desc'} = $1; } elsif (/^(#*)\s*start/ && !$s->{'boot'}) { $s->{'boot'} = $1 ? 'stop' : 'start'; } } close(CONF); push(@rv, $s); $done{$s->{'name'}} = 1; } }
# Also add legacy init scripts my @rls = &get_inittab_runlevel(); foreach my $a (&list_actions()) { $a =~ s/\s+\d+$//; next if ($done{$a}); my $f = &action_filename($a); my $s = { 'name' => $a, 'legacy' => 1 }; $s->{'boot'} = 'stop'; foreach my $rl (@rls) { my $l = glob("/etc/rc$rl.d/S*$a"); $s->{'boot'} = 'start' if ($l); } $s->{'desc'} = &init_description($f); my $hasarg = &get_action_args($f); if ($hasarg->{'status'}) { my $r = &action_running($f); if ($r == 0) { $s->{'status'} = 'waiting'; } elsif ($r == 1) { $s->{'status'} = 'running'; } } push(@rv, $s); }
return sort { $a->{'name'} cmp $b->{'name'} } @rv; }
=head2 start_upstart_service(name)
Run the upstart service with some name, and return an OK flag and output
=cut sub start_upstart_service { my ($name) = @_; my $out = &backquote_logged( "initctl start ".quotemeta($name)." 2>&1 </dev/null"); return (!$?, $out); }
=head2 stop_upstart_service(name)
Shut down the upstart service with some name, and return an OK flag and output
=cut sub stop_upstart_service { my ($name) = @_; my $out = &backquote_logged( "initctl stop ".quotemeta($name)." 2>&1 </dev/null"); return (!$?, $out); }
=head2 restart_upstart_service(name)
Restart the upstart service with some name, and return an OK flag and output
=cut sub restart_upstart_service { my ($name) = @_; my $out = &backquote_logged( "service ".quotemeta($name)." restart 2>&1 </dev/null"); return (!$?, $out); }
=head2 create_upstart_service(name, description, command, [pre-script], [fork])
Create a new upstart service with the given details.
=cut sub create_upstart_service { my ($name, $desc, $server, $prestart, $forks) = @_; my $cfile = "/etc/init/$name.conf"; &open_lock_tempfile(CFILE, ">$cfile"); &print_tempfile(CFILE, "# $name\n". "#\n". "# $desc\n". "\n". "description \"$desc\"\n". "\n". "start on runlevel [2345]\n". "stop on runlevel [!2345]\n". "\n" ); if ($forks) { &print_tempfile(CFILE, "expect fork\n". "\n" ); } if ($prestart) { &print_tempfile(CFILE, "pre-start script\n". join("\n", map { " ".$_."\n" } split(/\n/, $prestart))."\n". "end script\n". "\n"); } &print_tempfile(CFILE, "exec ".$server."\n"); &close_tempfile(CFILE); }
=head2 delete_upstart_service(name)
Delete all traces of some upstart service
=cut sub delete_upstart_service { my ($name) = @_; if (&has_command("insserv")) { &system_logged("insserv -r ".quotemeta($name)." >/dev/null 2>&1"); } my $cfile = "/etc/init/$name.conf"; my $ifile = "/etc/init.d/$name"; &unlink_logged($cfile, $ifile); }
=head2 list_systemd_services
Returns a list of all known systemd services, each of which is a hash ref with 'name', 'desc', 'boot', 'status' and 'pid' keys.
=cut sub list_systemd_services { # Get all systemd unit names my $out = &backquote_command("systemctl list-units --full --all"); &error("Failed to list systemd units : $out") if ($?); foreach my $l (split(/\r?\n/, $out)) { my ($unit, $loaded, $active, $sub, $desc) = split(/\s+/, $l, 5); if ($unit ne "UNIT" && $loaded eq "loaded") { push(@units, $unit); } }
# Also find unit files for units that may be disabled at boot and not running, # and so don't show up in systemctl list-units opendir(UNITS, &get_systemd_root()); push(@units, grep { !/\.wants$/ && !/^\./ && !/\@/ } readdir(UNITS)); closedir(UNITS);
# Skip useless units @units = grep { !/^sys-devices-/ && !/^\-\.mount/ && !/^dev-/ && !/^systemd-/ } @units; @units = &unique(@units);
# Dump state of all of them, 100 at a time my %info; while(@units) { my @args; while(@args < 100 && @units) { push(@args, shift(@units)); } $out = &backquote_command("systemctl show -- ".join(" ", @args)); my @lines = split(/\r?\n/, $out); my $curr; foreach my $l (@lines) { my ($n, $v) = split(/=/, $l, 2); next if (!$n); if (lc($n) eq 'id') { $curr = $v; $info{$curr} ||= { }; } if ($curr) { $info{$curr}->{$n} = $v; } } if ($? && keys(%info) < 2) { &error("Failed to read systemd units : $out"); } }
# Extract info we want my @rv; foreach my $name (keys %info) { my $root = &get_systemd_root($name); my $i = $info{$name}; next if ($i->{'Description'} =~ /^LSB:\s/); push(@rv, { 'name' => $name, 'desc' => $i->{'Description'}, 'legacy' => 0, 'boot' => $i->{'UnitFileState'} eq 'enabled' ? 1 : $i->{'UnitFileState'} eq 'static' ? 2 : 0, 'status' => $i->{'ActiveState'} eq 'active', 'start' => $i->{'ExecStart'}, 'stop' => $i->{'ExecStop'}, 'reload' => $i->{'ExecReload'}, 'pid' => $i->{'ExecMainPID'}, 'file' => $root."/".$name, }); }
# Also add legacy init scripts my @rls = &get_inittab_runlevel(); foreach my $a (&list_actions()) { $a =~ s/\s+\d+$//; next if ($done{$a}); my $f = &action_filename($a); my $s = { 'name' => $a, 'legacy' => 1 }; $s->{'boot'} = 0; foreach my $rl (@rls) { my $l = glob("/etc/rc$rl.d/S*$a"); $s->{'boot'} = 1 if ($l); } $s->{'desc'} = &init_description($f); my $hasarg = &get_action_args($f); if ($hasarg->{'status'}) { my $r = &action_running($f); $s->{'status'} = $r == 1 ? 1 : 0; } push(@rv, $s); }
return sort { $a->{'name'} cmp $b->{'name'} } @rv; }
=head2 start_systemd_service(name)
Run the systemd service with some name, and return an OK flag and output
=cut sub start_systemd_service { my ($name) = @_; my $out = &backquote_logged( "systemctl start ".quotemeta($name)." 2>&1 </dev/null"); return (!$?, $out); }
=head2 stop_systemd_service(name)
Shut down the systemctl service with some name, and return an OK flag and output
=cut sub stop_systemd_service { my ($name) = @_; my $out = &backquote_logged( "systemctl stop ".quotemeta($name)." 2>&1 </dev/null"); return (!$?, $out); }
=head2 restart_systemd_service(name)
Restart the systemd service with some name, and return an OK flag and output
=cut sub restart_systemd_service { my ($name) = @_; my $out = &backquote_logged( "systemctl restart ".quotemeta($name)." 2>&1 </dev/null"); return (!$?, $out); }
=head2 create_systemd_service(name, description, start-script, stop-script, restart-script, [forks], [pidfile])
Create a new systemd service with the given details.
=cut sub create_systemd_service { my ($name, $desc, $start, $stop, $restart, $forks, $pidfile) = @_; $start =~ s/\r?\n/ ; /g; $stop =~ s/\r?\n/ ; /g; $restart =~ s/\r?\n/ ; /g; if ($start =~ /<|>/) { $start = "sh -c '$start'"; } if ($restart =~ /<|>/) { $restart = "sh -c '$restart'"; } if ($stop =~ /<|>/) { $stop = "sh -c '$stop'"; } my $cfile = &get_systemd_root($name)."/".$name; &open_lock_tempfile(CFILE, ">$cfile"); &print_tempfile(CFILE, "[Unit]\n"); &print_tempfile(CFILE, "Description=$desc\n") if ($desc); &print_tempfile(CFILE, "\n"); &print_tempfile(CFILE, "[Service]\n"); &print_tempfile(CFILE, "ExecStart=$start\n"); &print_tempfile(CFILE, "ExecStop=$stop\n") if ($stop); &print_tempfile(CFILE, "ExecReload=$restart\n") if ($restart); &print_tempfile(CFILE, "Type=forking\n") if ($forks); &print_tempfile(CFILE, "PIDFile=$pidfile\n") if ($pidfile); &print_tempfile(CFILE, "\n"); &print_tempfile(CFILE, "[Install]\n"); &print_tempfile(CFILE, "\n"); &close_tempfile(CFILE); &restart_systemd(); }
=head2 delete_systemd_service(name)
Delete all traces of some systemd service
=cut sub delete_systemd_service { my ($name) = @_; &unlink_logged(&get_systemd_root($name)."/".$name); &unlink_logged(&get_systemd_root($name)."/".$name.".service"); &restart_systemd(); }
=head2 is_systemd_service(name)
Returns 1 if some service is managed by systemd
=cut sub is_systemd_service { my ($name) = @_; foreach my $s (&list_systemd_services()) { if ($s->{'name'} eq $name && !$s->{'legacy'}) { return 1; } } return 0; }
=head2 get_systemd_root([name])
Returns the base directory for systemd unit config files
=cut sub get_systemd_root { my ($name) = @_; if ($name && (-r "/etc/systemd/system/$name.service" || -r "/etc/systemd/system/$name")) { return "/etc/systemd/system"; } return "/lib/systemd/system"; }
=head2 restart_systemd()
Tell the systemd daemon to re-read its config
=cut sub restart_systemd { my @pids = &find_byname("systemd"); if (@pids) { &kill_logged('HUP', @pids); &system_logged("systemctl --system daemon-reload >/dev/null 2>&1"); } }
=head2 reboot_system
Immediately reboots the system.
=cut sub reboot_system { &system_logged("$config{'reboot_command'} >$null_file 2>$null_file"); }
=head2 shutdown_system
Immediately shuts down the system.
=cut sub shutdown_system { &system_logged("$config{'shutdown_command'} >$null_file 2>$null_file"); }
# get_action_args(filename) # Returns the args that this action script appears to support, like stop, start # and status. sub get_action_args { my ($file) = @_; my %hasarg; open(FILE, $file); while(<FILE>) { if (/^\s*(['"]?)([a-z]+)\1\)/i) { $hasarg{$2}++; } } close(FILE); return \%hasarg; }
# action_running(filename) # Assuming some init.d action supports the status parameter, returns a 1 if # running, 0 if not, or -1 if unknown sub action_running { my ($file) = @_; &clean_language(); my ($out, $timedout) = &backquote_with_timeout("$file status", 2); &reset_environment(); if ($timedout) { return -1; } elsif ($out =~ /not\s+running/i || $out =~ /no\s+server\s+running/i) { return 0; } elsif ($out =~ /running/i) { return 1; } elsif ($out =~ /stopped/i) { return 0; } return -1; }