Viewing file: index.cgi (12.24 KB) -rwxr-xr-x Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
#!/usr/bin/perl # index.cgi # Display a list of run-levels and the actions that are run at boot and # shutdown time for each level
require './'; require './'; &ui_print_header(&text('index_mode', $text{'mode_'.$init_mode}), $text{'index_title'}, "", undef, 1, 1);
if ($init_mode eq "osx" && $access{'bootup'}) { # This hostconfig if block written by Michael A Peters <> # for OSX/Darwin. # build hostconfig table @hconf_set = &hostconfig_settings(); %description_list = &hostconfig_gather(description); print &ui_columns_start([ &text('index_action'), &text('index_setting'), &text('index_desc') ], 100, 0); $i = 0; while (<@hconf_set>) { $action_description = $description_list{"$hconf_set[$i][0]"}; print &hostconfig_table($hconf_set[$i][0], $hconf_set[$i][1], $action_description); $i++; } print &ui_columns_end(); if ($access{'bootup'} == 1) { print &ui_links_row([ "<a href='edit_hostconfig.cgi?1'>". "$text{'index_add_mac'}</a>", "<a href='edit_hostconfig.cgi?2'>". &text('index_editconfig', "<tt>$config{'hostconfig'}</tt>")."</a>" ]); } } elsif ($init_mode eq "init" && $access{'bootup'}) { # build list of normal and broken actions @iacts = &list_actions(); foreach $a (@iacts) { @ac = split(/\s+/, $a); $nodemap{$ac[1]} = $ac[0]; push(@acts, $ac[0]); push(@actsl, "0+".&urlize($ac[0])); push(@actsf, $ac[0] =~ /^\// ? $ac[0] : "$config{'init_dir'}/$ac[0]"); } @runlevels = &list_runlevels(); foreach $r (@runlevels) { foreach $w ("S", "K") { foreach $a (&runlevel_actions($r, $w)) { @ac = split(/\s+/, $a); if (!$nodemap{$ac[2]}) { push(@acts, $ac[1]); push(@actsl, "1+$r+$ac[0]+$ac[1]+$ac[2]+$w"); push(@actsf, "$config{'init_base'}/rc$r.d/$w$ac[0]$ac[1]"); } } } }
# For each action, look at /etc/rc*.d/* files to see if it is # started at boot @boot = &get_inittab_runlevel(); for($i=0; $i<@acts; $i++) { foreach $s (&action_levels('S', $acts[$i])) { local ($l, $p) = split(/\s+/, $s); local ($lvl) = (&indexof($l, @boot) >= 0); local %daemon; if ($lvl && $config{'daemons_dir'} && &read_env_file("$config{'daemons_dir'}/$acts[$i]", \%daemon)) { $lvl = lc($daemon{'ONBOOT'}) eq 'yes' ? 1 : 0; } push(@{$actsb[$i]}, [ $l, $p, $lvl ]); } @{$actsb[$i]} = sort { $b->[2] <=> $a->[2] } @{$actsb[$i]}; }
# Sort the actions if necessary @order = ( 0 .. $#acts ); if ($config{'sort_mode'}) { @order = sort { local $aa = $actsb[$a]->[0]; local $bb = $actsb[$b]->[0]; $bb->[2] <=> $aa->[2] || $bb->[1] <=> $aa->[1] } @order; } @acts = map { $acts[$_] } @order; @actsl = map { $actsl[$_] } @order; @actsf = map { $actsf[$_] } @order; @actsb = map { $actsb[$_] } @order;
@links = ( ); if ($access{'bootup'} == 1) { push(@links, "<a href='edit_action.cgi?2'>$text{'index_add'}</a>"); } if (!$config{'desc'}) { # Display actions by name only print &ui_links_row(\@links); @grid = ( ); for($i=0; $i<@acts; $i++) { if ($acts[$i]) { push(@grid, "<a href=\"edit_action.cgi?". "$actsl[$i]\">$acts[$i]</a>"); } } print &ui_grid_table(\@grid, 4, 100, [ "width=25%", "width=25%", "width=25%", "width=25%" ], undef, $text{'index_title'}); print &ui_links_row(\@links); } else { # Display actions and descriptions print &ui_form_start("mass_start_stop.cgi", "post"); print &ui_links_row(\@links); print &ui_columns_start([ "", $text{'index_action'}, $config{'desc'} == 2 ? $text{'index_levels'} : $text{'index_boot'}, $config{'order'} ? ( $text{'index_order'} ) : ( ), $config{'status_check'} == 2 ? ( $text{'index_status'} ) : ( ), $text{'index_desc'} ], 100, 0, [ "", "nowrap", "nowrap", "nowrap", "nowrap" ]);
for($i=0; $i<@acts; $i++) { local ($boot, %daemon, @levels, $order); foreach $s (@{$actsb[$i]}) { if ($s->[2]) { $boot = 1; push(@levels, "<font color=#ff0000>$s->[0]</font>"); } else { push(@levels, $s->[0]); } } $order = $actsb[$i]->[0]->[1]; local @cols; push(@cols, "<a href=\"edit_action.cgi?". "$actsl[$i]\">$acts[$i]</a>"); local %has; $d = &html_escape(&init_description($actsf[$i], $config{'status_check'} == 2 ? \%has : undef)); if ($config{'desc'} == 2) { push(@cols, join(" ", @levels)); } else { push(@cols,$boot ? $text{'yes'} : "<font color=#ff0000>$text{'no'}</font>"); } if ($config{'order'}) { push(@cols, $order); } if ($config{'status_check'} == 2) { if ($actsl[$i] =~ /^0/ && $has{'status'}) { local $r = &action_running($actsf[$i]); if ($r == 0) { push(@cols, "<font color=#ff0000>". "$text{'no'}</font>"); } elsif ($r == 1) { push(@cols, $text{'yes'}); } else { push(@cols, undef); } } else { push(@cols, undef); } } push(@cols, $d); if ($actsl[$i] =~ /^0/) { print &ui_checked_columns_row( \@cols, undef, "idx", $order[$i]); } else { print &ui_columns_row([ undef, @cols ]); } } print &ui_columns_end(); print &ui_links_row(\@links); @buts = ( [ "start", $text{'index_start'} ], [ "stop", $text{'index_stop'} ], [ "restart", $text{'index_restart'} ] ); if ($access{'bootup'} == 1) { # Show buttons to enable/disable at boot push(@buts, undef, [ "addboot", $text{'index_addboot'} ], [ "delboot", $text{'index_delboot'} ], undef, [ "addboot_start", $text{'index_addboot_start'} ], [ "delboot_stop", $text{'index_delboot_stop'} ], ); } print &ui_form_end(\@buts); } } elsif ($init_mode eq "local" && $access{'bootup'} == 1) { # Display local bootup script if ($config{'hostconfig'}) { # This means a darwin system where # daemons are not started in the rc script print &text('index_script_mac', "<tt>$config{'local_script'}</tt>"),"<br>\n"; } else { print &text('index_script', "<tt>$config{'local_script'}</tt>"),"<br>\n"; } print &ui_form_start("save_local.cgi", "post"); print &ui_textarea("local", &read_file_contents($config{'local_script'}), 15, 80)."<br>\n";
# Show shutdown script too, if any if ($config{'local_down'}) { print &text('index_downscript', "<tt>$config{'local_down'}</tt>"),"<br>\n"; print &ui_textarea("down", &read_file_contents($config{'local_down'}), 15, 80). "<br>\n"; }
print &ui_form_end([ [ undef, $text{'save'} ] ]); } elsif ($init_mode eq "win32" && $access{'bootup'}) { # Show Windows services print &ui_form_start("save_services.cgi", "post"); print &select_all_link("d"),"\n"; print &select_invert_link("d"),"<br>\n"; print &ui_columns_start([ "", $text{'index_sname'}, $text{'index_sdesc'}, $text{'index_sboot'}, $text{'index_sstate'} ]); foreach $svc (&list_win32_services()) { print &ui_columns_row([ &ui_checkbox("d", $svc->{'name'}, undef), $svc->{'name'}, $svc->{'desc'}, $text{'index_sboot'.$svc->{'boot'}} || $svc->{'boot_desc'}, $text{'index_sstate'.$svc->{'state'}} || $svc->{'state_desc'}, ]); } print &ui_columns_end(); print &select_all_link("d"),"\n"; print &select_invert_link("d"),"<br>\n"; print &ui_form_end([ [ "start", $text{'index_start'} ], [ "stop", $text{'index_stop'} ], undef, [ "addboot", $text{'index_addboot'} ], [ "delboot", $text{'index_delboot'} ], undef, [ "addboot_start", $text{'index_addboot_start'} ], [ "delboot_stop", $text{'index_delboot_stop'} ], ]); print &ui_hr(); } elsif ($init_mode eq "rc" && $access{'bootup'}) { # Show FreeBSD scripts print &ui_form_start("mass_rcs.cgi", "post"); @links = ( &select_all_link("d"), &select_invert_link("d"), "<a href='edit_rc.cgi?new=1'>$text{'index_radd'}</a>" ); print &ui_links_row(\@links); print &ui_columns_start([ "", $text{'index_rname'}, $text{'index_rdesc'}, $text{'index_rboot'} ]); foreach $rc (&list_rc_scripts()) { print &ui_columns_row([ &ui_checkbox("d", $rc->{'name'}, undef), "<a href='edit_rc.cgi?name=". &urlize($rc->{'name'})."'>$rc->{'name'}</a>", $rc->{'desc'}, $rc->{'enabled'} == 1 ? $text{'yes'} : $rc->{'enabled'} == 2 ? "<i>$text{'index_unknown'}</i>": "<font color=#ff0000>$text{'no'}</font>", ]); } print &ui_columns_end(); print &ui_links_row(\@links); print &ui_form_end([ [ "start", $text{'index_start'} ], [ "stop", $text{'index_stop'} ], undef, [ "addboot", $text{'index_addboot'} ], [ "delboot", $text{'index_delboot'} ], undef, [ "addboot_start", $text{'index_addboot_start'} ], [ "delboot_stop", $text{'index_delboot_stop'} ], ]); } elsif ($init_mode eq "upstart" && $access{'bootup'}) { # Show upstart actions print &ui_form_start("mass_upstarts.cgi", "post"); @links = ( &select_all_link("d"), &select_invert_link("d"), "<a href='edit_upstart.cgi?new=1'>$text{'index_uadd'}</a>" ); print &ui_links_row(\@links); print &ui_columns_start([ "", $text{'index_uname'}, $text{'index_udesc'}, $text{'index_uboot'}, $text{'index_ustatus'}, ]); foreach $u (&list_upstart_services()) { if ($u->{'legacy'}) { $l = "edit_action.cgi?0+".&urlize($u->{'name'}); } else { $l = "edit_upstart.cgi?name=".&urlize($u->{'name'}); } print &ui_columns_row([ &ui_checkbox("d", $u->{'name'}, undef, 0), "<a href='$l'>$u->{'name'}</a>", $u->{'desc'}, $u->{'boot'} eq 'start' ? $text{'yes'} : $u->{'boot'} eq 'stop' ? "<font color=#ff0000>$text{'no'}</font>" : "<i>$text{'index_unknown'}</i>", $u->{'status'} eq 'running' ? $text{'yes'} : $u->{'status'} eq 'waiting' ? "<font color=#ff0000>$text{'no'}</font>" : "<i>$text{'index_unknown'}</i>", ]); } print &ui_columns_end(); print &ui_links_row(\@links); print &ui_form_end([ [ "start", $text{'index_start'} ], [ "stop", $text{'index_stop'} ], [ "restart", $text{'index_restart'} ], undef, [ "addboot", $text{'index_addboot'} ], [ "delboot", $text{'index_delboot'} ], undef, [ "addboot_start", $text{'index_addboot_start'} ], [ "delboot_stop", $text{'index_delboot_stop'} ], ]);
} elsif ($init_mode eq "systemd" && $access{'bootup'}) { # Show systemd actions print &ui_form_start("mass_systemd.cgi", "post"); @links = ( &select_all_link("d"), &select_invert_link("d"), "<a href='edit_systemd.cgi?new=1'>$text{'index_sadd'}</a>" ); print &ui_links_row(\@links); print &ui_columns_start([ "", $text{'index_uname'}, $text{'index_udesc'}, $text{'index_uboot'}, $text{'index_ustatus'}, ]); foreach $u (&list_systemd_services()) { if ($u->{'legacy'}) { $l = "edit_action.cgi?0+".&urlize($u->{'name'}); } else { $l = "edit_systemd.cgi?name=".&urlize($u->{'name'}); } print &ui_columns_row([ &ui_checkbox("d", $u->{'name'}, undef), "<a href='$l'>$u->{'name'}</a>", $u->{'desc'}, $u->{'boot'} == 1 ? $text{'yes'} : $u->{'boot'} == 2 ? $text{'index_always'} : "<font color=#ff0000>$text{'no'}</font>", $u->{'status'} ? $text{'yes'} : "<font color=#ff0000>$text{'no'}</font>", ]); } print &ui_columns_end(); print &ui_links_row(\@links); print &ui_form_end([ [ "start", $text{'index_start'} ], [ "stop", $text{'index_stop'} ], [ "restart", $text{'index_restart'} ], undef, [ "addboot", $text{'index_addboot'} ], [ "delboot", $text{'index_delboot'} ], undef, [ "addboot_start", $text{'index_addboot_start'} ], [ "delboot_stop", $text{'index_delboot_stop'} ], ]);
# reboot/shutdown buttons print &ui_hr(); print &ui_buttons_start(); if ($init_mode eq 'init' && $access{'bootup'} == 1) { print &ui_buttons_row("change_rl.cgi", $text{'index_rlchange'}, $text{'index_rlchangedesc'}, undef, &ui_select("level", $boot[0], \@runlevels)); } if ($access{'reboot'}) { print &ui_buttons_row("reboot.cgi", $text{'index_reboot'}, $text{'index_rebootmsg'}); } if ($access{'shutdown'}) { print &ui_buttons_row("shutdown.cgi", $text{'index_shutdown'}, $text{'index_shutdownmsg'}); } print &ui_buttons_end();
&ui_print_footer("/", $text{'index'});