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# Virtualmin Framed Theme # Icons copyright David Vignoni, all other theme elements copyright 2005-2007 # Virtualmin, Inc.
$main::cloudmin_no_create_links = 1; $main::cloudmin_no_edit_buttons = 1; $main::cloudmin_no_global_links = 1;
$main::mailbox_no_addressbook_button = 1; $main::mailbox_no_folder_button = 1;
$main::basic_virtualmin_menu = 1; $main::nocreate_virtualmin_menu = 1; $main::nosingledomain_virtualmin_mode = 1;
# Global state for wrapper # if 0, wrapper isn't on, add one and open it, if 1 close it, if 2+, subtract # but don't close $WRAPPER_OPEN = 0; $COLUMNS_WRAPPER_OPEN = 0;
# theme_ui_post_header([subtext]) # Returns HTML to appear directly after a standard header() call sub theme_ui_post_header { my ($text) = @_; my $rv; $rv .= "<div class='ui_post_header'>$text</div>\n" if (defined($text)); #$rv .= "<div class='section'>\n"; $rv .= "<p>" if (!defined($text)); return $rv; }
# theme_ui_pre_footer() # Returns HTML to appear directly before a standard footer() call sub theme_ui_pre_footer { my $rv; $rv .= "</div><p>\n"; return $rv; }
# ui_print_footer(args...) # Print HTML for a footer with the pre-footer line. Args are the same as those # passed to footer() sub theme_ui_print_footer { local @args = @_; print &ui_pre_footer(); &footer(@args); }
sub theme_icons_table { my ($i, $need_tr); my $cols = $_[3] ? $_[3] : 4; my $per = int(100.0 / $cols); print "<div class='wrapper'>\n"; print "<table id='main' width=100% cellpadding=5 class='icons_table'>\n"; for($i=0; $i<@{$_[0]}; $i++) { if ($i%$cols == 0) { print "<tr>\n"; } print "<td width=$per% align=center valign=top>\n"; &generate_icon($_[2]->[$i], $_[1]->[$i], $_[0]->[$i], $_[4], $_[5], $_[6], $_[7]->[$i], $_[8]->[$i]); print "</td>\n"; if ($i%$cols == $cols-1) { print "</tr>\n"; } } while($i++%$cols) { print "<td width=$per%></td>\n"; $need_tr++; } print "</tr>\n" if ($need_tr); print "</table>\n"; print "</div>\n"; }
sub theme_generate_icon { my $w = !defined($_[4]) ? "width=48" : $_[4] ? "width=$_[4]" : ""; my $h = !defined($_[5]) ? "height=48" : $_[5] ? "height=$_[5]" : ""; if ($tconfig{'noicons'}) { if ($_[2]) { print "$_[6]<a href=\"$_[2]\" $_[3]>$_[1]</a>$_[7]\n"; } else { print "$_[6]$_[1]$_[7]\n"; } } elsif ($_[2]) { print "<table><tr><td width=48 height=48>\n", "<a href=\"$_[2]\" $_[3]><img src=\"$_[0]\" alt=\"\" border=0 ", "$w $h></a></td></tr></table>\n"; print "$_[6]<a href=\"$_[2]\" $_[3]>$_[1]</a>$_[7]\n"; } else { print "<table><tr><td width=48 height=48>\n", "<img src=\"$_[0]\" alt=\"\" border=0 $w $h>", "</td></tr></table>\n$_[6]$_[1]$_[7]\n"; } }
# theme_post_save_domain(&domain, action) # Called by Virtualmin after a domain is updated, to refresh the left menu sub theme_post_save_domain { local ($d, $action) = @_; # Refresh left side, in case options have changed print "<script>\n"; if ($action eq 'create') { # Select the new domain print "top.left.location = '$gconfig{'webprefix'}/left.cgi?dom=$d->{'id'}';\n"; } else { # Just refresh left print "top.left.location = top.left.location;\n"; } print "</script>\n"; }
# theme_post_save_domains([domain, action]+) # Called after multiple domains are updated, to refresh the left menu sub theme_post_save_domains { print "<script>\n"; print "top.left.location = top.left.location;\n"; print "</script>\n"; }
# theme_post_save_server(&server, action) # Called by Cloudmin after a server is updated, to refresh the left menu sub theme_post_save_server { local ($s, $action) = @_; if ($action eq 'create' || $action eq 'delete' || !$done_theme_post_save_server++) { print "<script>\n"; print "top.left.location = top.left.location;\n"; print "</script>\n"; } }
# theme_select_server(&server) # Called by Cloudmin when a page for a server is displayed, to select it on the # left menu. sub theme_select_server { local ($server) = @_; print <<EOF; <script> if (window.parent && window.parent.frames[0]) { var leftdoc = window.parent.frames[0].document; var leftform = leftdoc.forms[0]; if (leftform) { var serversel = leftform['sid']; if (serversel && serversel.value != '$server->{'id'}' || !serversel) { //if (serversel) { // // Need to change value of selector // serversel.value = '$server->{'id'}'; // } window.parent.frames[0].location = '$gconfig{'webprefix'}/left.cgi?mode=vm2&sid=$server->{'id'}'; } } } </script> EOF }
# theme_select_domain(&domain) # Called by Virtualmin when a page for a server is displayed, to select it on # the left menu. sub theme_select_domain { local ($d) = @_; print <<EOF; <script> if (window.parent && window.parent.frames[0]) { var leftdoc = window.parent.frames[0].document; var leftform = leftdoc.forms[0]; if (leftform) { var domsel = leftform['dom']; if (domsel && domsel.value != '$d->{'id'}') { // Need to change value // domsel.value = '$d->{'id'}'; window.parent.frames[0].location = '$gconfig{'webprefix'}/left.cgi?mode=virtualmin&dom=$d->{'id'}'; } } } </script> EOF }
# theme_post_save_folder(&folder, action) # Called after some folder is changed, to refresh the left frame. The action # may be 'create', 'delete', 'modify' or 'read' sub theme_post_save_folder { local ($folder, $action) = @_; my $ref; if ($action eq 'create' || $action eq 'delete' || $action eq 'modify') { # Always refresh $ref = 1; } else { # Only refesh if showing unread count if (defined(&mailbox::should_show_unread) && &mailbox::should_show_unread($folder)) { $ref = 1; } } if ($ref) { print "<script>\n"; print "top.frames[0].document.location = top.frames[0].document.location;\n"; print "</script>\n"; } }
sub theme_post_change_modules { print <<EOF; <script> var url = '' + top.left.location; if (url.indexOf('mode=webmin') > 0) { top.left.location = url; } </script> EOF }
sub theme_prebody { if ($script_name =~ /session_login.cgi/) { # Generate CSS link print "<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='$gconfig{'webprefix'}/unauthenticated/gray-reset-fonts-grids-base.css'>\n"; print "<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='$gconfig{'webprefix'}/unauthenticated/gray-virtual-server-style.css'>\n"; print "<!--[if IE]>\n"; print "<style type=\"text/css\">\n"; print "table.formsection, table.ui_table, table.loginform { border-collapse: collapse; }\n"; print "</style>\n"; print "<![endif]-->\n"; } if (get_module_name() eq "virtual-server") { # No need for Module Index link, as we have the left-side frame $tconfig{'nomoduleindex'} = 1; } }
sub theme_prehead { print "<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='$gconfig{'webprefix'}/unauthenticated/gray-reset-fonts-grids-base.css'>\n"; print "<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='$gconfig{'webprefix'}/unauthenticated/gray-virtual-server-style.css' />\n"; print "<!--[if IE]>\n"; print "<style type=\"text/css\">\n"; print "table.formsection, table.ui_table, table.loginform { border-collapse: collapse; }\n"; print "</style>\n"; print "<![endif]-->\n"; print "<script>\n"; print "var rowsel = new Array();\n"; print "</script>\n"; print "<script type='text/javascript' src='$gconfig{'webprefix'}/unauthenticated/sorttable.js'></script>\n"; if ($ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'} =~ /Chrome/) { print "<style type=\"text/css\">\n"; print "textarea,pre { font-size:120%; }\n"; print "</style>\n"; } }
sub theme_popup_prehead { return &theme_prehead(); }
# ui_table_start(heading, [tabletags], [cols], [&default-tds], [right-heading]) # A table with a heading and table inside sub theme_ui_table_start { my ($heading, $tabletags, $cols, $tds, $rightheading) = @_; if (! $tabletags =~ /width/) { $tabletages .= " width=100%"; } if (defined($main::ui_table_cols)) { # Push on stack, for nested call push(@main::ui_table_cols_stack, $main::ui_table_cols); push(@main::ui_table_pos_stack, $main::ui_table_pos); push(@main::ui_table_default_tds_stack, $main::ui_table_default_tds); } my $rv; my $colspan = 1;
if (!$WRAPPER_OPEN) { $rv .= "<table class='shrinkwrapper' $tabletags>\n"; $rv .= "<tr><td>\n"; } $WRAPPER_OPEN++; $rv .= "<table class='ui_table' $tabletags>\n"; if (defined($heading) || defined($rightheading)) { $rv .= "<thead><tr>"; if (defined($heading)) { $rv .= "<td><b>$heading</b></td>" } if (defined($rightheading)) { $rv .= "<td align=right>$rightheading</td>"; $colspan++; } $rv .= "</tr></thead>\n"; } $rv .= "<tbody> <tr class='ui_table_body'> <td colspan=$colspan>". "<table width=100%>\n"; $main::ui_table_cols = $cols || 4; $main::ui_table_pos = 0; $main::ui_table_default_tds = $tds; return $rv; }
# ui_table_row(label, value, [cols], [&td-tags]) # Returns HTML for a row in a table started by ui_table_start, with a 1-column # label and 1+ column value. sub theme_ui_table_row { my ($label, $value, $cols, $tds) = @_; $cols ||= 1; $tds ||= $main::ui_table_default_tds; my $rv; if ($main::ui_table_pos+$cols+1 > $main::ui_table_cols && $main::ui_table_pos != 0) { # If the requested number of cols won't fit in the number # remaining, start a new row $rv .= "</tr>\n"; $main::ui_table_pos = 0; } $rv .= "<tr class='ui_form_pair'>\n" if ($main::ui_table_pos%$main::ui_table_cols == 0); $rv .= "<td class='ui_form_label' $tds->[0]><b>$label</b></td>\n" if (defined($label)); $rv .= "<td class='ui_form_value' colspan=$cols $tds->[1]>$value</td>\n"; $main::ui_table_pos += $cols+(defined($label) ? 1 : 0); if ($main::ui_table_pos%$main::ui_table_cols == 0) { $rv .= "</tr>\n"; $main::ui_table_pos = 0; } return $rv; }
# ui_table_end() # The end of a table started by ui_table_start sub theme_ui_table_end { my $rv; if ($main::ui_table_cols == 4 && $main::ui_table_pos) { # Add an empty block to balance the table $rv .= &ui_table_row(" ", " "); } if (@main::ui_table_cols_stack) { $main::ui_table_cols = pop(@main::ui_table_cols_stack); $main::ui_table_pos = pop(@main::ui_table_pos_stack); $main::ui_table_default_tds = pop(@main::ui_table_default_tds_stack); } else { $main::ui_table_cols = undef; $main::ui_table_pos = undef; $main::ui_table_default_tds = undef; } $rv .= "</tbody></table></td></tr></table>\n"; if ($WRAPPER_OPEN==1) { #$rv .= "</div>\n"; $rv .= "</td></tr>\n"; $rv .= "</table>\n"; } $WRAPPER_OPEN--; return $rv; }
# theme_ui_tabs_start(&tabs, name, selected, show-border) # Render a row of tabs from which one can be selected. Each tab is an array # ref containing a name, title and link. sub theme_ui_tabs_start { my ($tabs, $name, $sel, $border) = @_; my $rv; if (!$main::ui_hidden_start_donejs++) { $rv .= &ui_hidden_javascript(); }
# Build list of tab titles and names my $tabnames = "[".join(",", map { "\""."e_escape($_->[0])."\"" } @$tabs)."]"; my $tabtitles = "[".join(",", map { "\""."e_escape($_->[1])."\"" } @$tabs)."]"; $rv .= "<script>\n"; $rv .= "document.${name}_tabnames = $tabnames;\n"; $rv .= "document.${name}_tabtitles = $tabtitles;\n"; $rv .= "</script>\n";
# Output the tabs my $imgdir = "$gconfig{'webprefix'}/images"; $rv .= &ui_hidden($name, $sel)."\n"; $rv .= "<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 class='ui_tabs'>\n"; $rv .= "<tr><td bgcolor=#ffffff colspan=".(scalar(@$tabs)*2+1).">"; if ($ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'} !~ /msie/i) { # For some reason, the 1-pixel space above the tabs appears huge on IE! $rv .= "<img src=$imgdir/1x1.gif>"; } $rv .= "</td></tr>\n"; $rv .= "<tr>\n"; $rv .= "<td bgcolor=#ffffff width=1><img src=$imgdir/1x1.gif></td>\n"; foreach my $t (@$tabs) { if ($t ne $tabs[0]) { # Spacer $rv .= "<td width=2 bgcolor=#ffffff class='ui_tab_spacer'>". "<img src=$imgdir/1x1.gif></td>\n"; } my $tabid = "tab_".$t->[0]; $rv .= "<td id=${tabid} class='ui_tab'>"; $rv .= "<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0><tr>"; if ($t->[0] eq $sel) { # Selected tab $rv .= "<td valign=top class='tabSelected'>". "<img src=$imgdir/lc2.gif alt=\"\"></td>"; $rv .= "<td class='tabSelected' nowrap>". " <b>$t->[1]</b> </td>"; $rv .= "<td valign=top class='tabSelected'>". "<img src=$imgdir/rc2.gif alt=\"\"></td>"; } else { # Other tab (which has a link) $rv .= "<td valign=top class='tabUnselected'>". "<img src=$imgdir/lc1.gif alt=\"\"></td>"; $rv .= "<td class='tabUnselected' nowrap>". " <a href='$t->[2]' ". "onClick='return select_tab(\"$name\", \"$t->[0]\")'>". "$t->[1]</a> </td>"; $rv .= "<td valign=top class='tabUnselected'>". "<img src=$imgdir/rc1.gif ". "alt=\"\"></td>"; $rv .= "</td>\n"; } $rv .= "</tr></table>"; $rv .= "</td>\n"; } $rv .= "<td bgcolor=#ffffff width=1><img src=$imgdir/1x1.gif></td>\n"; $rv .= "</table>\n";
if ($border) { # All tabs are within a grey box $rv .= "<table width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 ". "class='ui_tabs_box'>\n"; $rv .= "<tr> <td bgcolor=#ffffff rowspan=3 width=1><img src=$imgdir/1x1.gif></td>\n"; $rv .= "<td $cb colspan=3 height=2><img src=$imgdir/1x1.gif></td> </tr>\n"; $rv .= "<tr> <td $cb width=2><img src=$imgdir/1x1.gif></td>\n"; $rv .= "<td valign=top>"; } $main::ui_tabs_selected = $sel; return $rv; }
# theme_ui_columns_start(&headings, [width-percent], [noborder], [&tdtags], [title]) # Returns HTML for a multi-column table, with the given headings sub theme_ui_columns_start { my ($heads, $width, $noborder, $tdtags, $title) = @_; my ($href) = grep { $_ =~ /<a\s+href/i } @$heads; my $rv; $theme_ui_columns_row_toggle = 0; if (!$noborder && !$COLUMNS_WRAPPER_OPEN) { $rv .= "<table class='wrapper' width=" . ($width ? $width : "100") . "%>\n"; $rv .= "<tr><td>\n"; } if (!$noborder) { $COLUMNS_WRAPPER_OPEN++; } my @classes; push(@classes, "ui_table") if (!$noborder); push(@classes, "sortable") if (!$href); push(@classes, "ui_columns"); $rv .= "<table".(@classes ? " class='".join(" ", @classes)."'" : ""). (defined($width) ? " width=$width%" : "").">\n"; if ($title) { $rv .= "<thead> <tr $tb class='ui_columns_heading'>". "<td colspan=".scalar(@$heads)."><b>$title</b></td>". "</tr> </thead> <tbody>\n"; } $rv .= "<thead> <tr $tb class='ui_columns_heads'>\n"; my $i; for($i=0; $i<@$heads; $i++) { $rv .= "<td ".$tdtags->[$i]."><b>". ($heads->[$i] eq "" ? "<br>" : $heads->[$i])."</b></td>\n"; } $rv .= "</tr></thead> <tbody>\n"; $theme_ui_columns_count++; return $rv; }
# theme_ui_columns_row(&columns, &tdtags) # Returns HTML for a row in a multi-column table sub theme_ui_columns_row { $theme_ui_columns_row_toggle = $theme_ui_columns_row_toggle ? '0' : '1'; local ($cols, $tdtags) = @_; my $rv; $rv .= "<tr class='ui_columns_row row$theme_ui_columns_row_toggle' onMouseOver=\"this.className='mainhigh'\" onMouseOut=\"this.className='mainbody row$theme_ui_columns_row_toggle'\">\n"; my $i; for($i=0; $i<@$cols; $i++) { $rv .= "<td ".$tdtags->[$i].">". ($cols->[$i] !~ /\S/ ? "<br>" : $cols->[$i])."</td>\n"; } $rv .= "</tr>\n"; return $rv; }
# theme_ui_columns_end() # Returns HTML to end a table started by ui_columns_start sub theme_ui_columns_end { my $rv; $rv = "</tbody> </table>\n"; if ($COLUMNS_WRAPPER_OPEN == 1) { # Last wrapper $rv .= "</td> </tr> </table>\n"; } $COLUMNS_WRAPPER_OPEN--; return $rv; }
# theme_ui_grid_table(&elements, columns, [width-percent], [tds], [tabletags], # [title]) # Given a list of HTML elements, formats them into a table with the given # number of columns. However, themes are free to override this to use fewer # columns where space is limited. sub theme_ui_grid_table { my ($elements, $cols, $width, $tds, $tabletags, $title) = @_; return "" if (!@$elements); my $rv = "<table class='wrapper' " . ($width ? " width=$width%" : " width=100%") . ($tabletags ? " ".$tabletags : "") . "><tr><td>\n"; $rv .= "<table class='ui_table ui_grid_table'" . ($width ? " width=$width%" : "") . ($tabletags ? " ".$tabletags : "") . ">\n"; if ($title) { $rv .= "<thead><tr class='ui_grid_heading'> ". "<td colspan=$cols><b>$title</b></td> </tr></thead>\n"; } $rv .= "<tbody>\n"; my $i; for($i=0; $i<@$elements; $i++) { $rv .= "<tr class='ui_grid_row'>" if ($i%$cols == 0); $rv .= "<td ".$tds->[$i%$cols]." valign=top class='ui_grid_cell'>". $elements->[$i]."</td>\n"; $rv .= "</tr>" if ($i%$cols == $cols-1); } if ($i%$cols) { while($i%$cols) { $rv .= "<td ".$tds->[$i%$cols]." class='ui_grid_cell'><br></td>\n"; $i++; } $rv .= "</tr>\n"; } $rv .= "</table>\n"; $rv .= "</tbody>\n"; $rv .= "</td></tr></table>\n"; # wrapper return $rv; }
# theme_ui_hidden_table_start(heading, [tabletags], [cols], name, status, # [&default-tds], [rightheading]) # A table with a heading and table inside, and which is collapsible sub theme_ui_hidden_table_start { my ($heading, $tabletags, $cols, $name, $status, $tds, $rightheading) = @_; my $rv; if (!$main::ui_hidden_start_donejs++) { $rv .= &ui_hidden_javascript(); } my $divid = "hiddendiv_$name"; my $openerid = "hiddenopener_$name"; my $defimg = $status ? "open.gif" : "closed.gif"; my $defclass = $status ? 'opener_shown' : 'opener_hidden'; my $text = defined($tconfig{'cs_text'}) ? $tconfig{'cs_text'} : defined($gconfig{'cs_text'}) ? $gconfig{'cs_text'} : "000000"; if (!$WRAPPER_OPEN) { # If we're not already inside of a wrapper, wrap it $rv .= "<table class='shrinkwrapper' $tabletags>\n"; $rv .= "<tr><td>\n"; } $WRAPPER_OPEN++; my $colspan = 1; $rv .= "<table class='ui_table' $tabletags>\n"; if (defined($heading) || defined($rightheading)) { $rv .= "<thead><tr>"; if (defined($heading)) { $rv .= "<td><a href=\"javascript:hidden_opener('$divid', '$openerid')\" id='$openerid'><img border=0 src='$gconfig{'webprefix'}/images/$defimg'></a> <a href=\"javascript:hidden_opener('$divid', '$openerid')\" class='ui-hidden-table-title'><b>$heading</b></a></td>"; } if (defined($rightheading)) { $rv .= "<td align=right>$rightheading</td>"; $colspan++; } $rv .= "</tr> </thead>\n"; } $rv .= "<tbody><tr> <td colspan=$colspan><div class='$defclass' id='$divid'><table width=100%>\n"; $main::ui_table_cols = $cols || 4; $main::ui_table_pos = 0; $main::ui_table_default_tds = $tds; return $rv; }
# ui_hidden_table_end(name) # Returns HTML for the end of table with hiding, as started by # ui_hidden_table_start sub theme_ui_hidden_table_end { my ($name) = @_; local $rv = "</table></div></td></tr></tbody></table>\n"; if ( $WRAPPER_OPEN == 1 ) { $WRAPPER_OPEN--; #$rv .= "</div>\n"; $rv .= "</td></tr></table>\n"; } elsif ($WRAPPER_OPEN) { $WRAPPER_OPEN--; } return $rv; }
# theme_select_all_link(field, form, text) # Adds support for row highlighting to the normal select all sub theme_select_all_link { local ($field, $form, $text) = @_; $form = int($form); $text ||= $text{'ui_selall'}; return "<a class='select_all' href='#' onClick='f = document.forms[$form]; ff = f.$field; ff.checked = true; r = document.getElementById(\"row_\"; if (r) { r.className = \"mainsel\" }; for(i=0; i<f.$field.length; i++) { ff = f.${field}[i]; if (!ff.disabled) { ff.checked = true; r = document.getElementById(\"row_\"; if (r) { r.className = \"mainsel\" } } } return false'>$text</a>"; }
# theme_select_invert_link(field, form, text) # Adds support for row highlighting to the normal invert selection sub theme_select_invert_link { local ($field, $form, $text) = @_; $form = int($form); $text ||= $text{'ui_selinv'}; return "<a class='select_invert' href='#' onClick='f = document.forms[$form]; ff = f.$field; ff.checked = !f.$field.checked; r = document.getElementById(\"row_\"; if (r) { r.className = ff.checked ? \"mainsel\" : \"mainbody\" }; for(i=0; i<f.$field.length; i++) { ff = f.${field}[i]; if (!ff.disabled) { ff.checked = !ff.checked; r = document.getElementById(\"row_\"; if (r) { r.className = ff.checked ? \"mainsel\" : \"mainbody row\"+((i+1)%2) } } } return false'>$text</a>"; }
# theme_select_status_link(name, form, &folder, &mails, start, end, status, label) # Adds support for row highlighting to read mail module selector # XXX can delete after Usermin 1.400 sub theme_select_status_link { local ($name, $formno, $folder, $mail, $start, $end, $status, $label) = @_; $formno = int($formno); local @sel; for(my $i=$start; $i<=$end; $i++) { local $read = &get_mail_read($folder, $mail->[$i]); if ($status == 0) { push(@sel, ($read&1) ? 0 : 1); } elsif ($status == 1) { push(@sel, ($read&1) ? 1 : 0); } elsif ($status == 2) { push(@sel, ($read&2) ? 1 : 0); } } my $js = "var sel = [ ".join(",", @sel)." ]; "; $js .= "var f = document.forms[$formno]; "; $js .= "for(var i=0; i<sel.length; i++) { document.forms[$formno].${name}[i].checked = sel[i]; var ff = f.${name}[i]; var r = document.getElementById(\"row_\"; if (r) { r.className = ff.checked ? \"mainsel\" : \"mainbody row\"+((i+1)%2) } }"; $js .= "return false;"; return "<a class='select_status' href='#' onClick='$js'>$label</a>"; }
sub theme_select_rows_link { local ($field, $form, $text, $rows) = @_; $form = int($form); my $js = "var sel = { ".join(",", map { "\""."e_escape($_)."\":1" } @$rows)." }; "; $js .= "for(var i=0; i<document.forms[$form].${field}.length; i++) { var ff = document.forms[$form].${field}[i]; var r = document.getElementById(\"row_\"; ff.checked = sel[ff.value]; if (r) { r.className = ff.checked ? \"mainsel\" : \"mainbody row\"+((i+1)%2) } } "; $js .= "return false;"; return "<a class='select_rows' href='#' onClick='$js'>$text</a>"; }
sub theme_ui_checked_columns_row { $theme_ui_columns_row_toggle = $theme_ui_columns_row_toggle ? '0' : '1'; local ($cols, $tdtags, $checkname, $checkvalue, $checked, $disabled, $tags) = @_; my $rv; my $cbid = "e_escape(quotemeta("${checkname}_${checkvalue}")); my $rid = "e_escape(quotemeta("row_${checkname}_${checkvalue}")); my $ridtr = "e_escape("row_${checkname}_${checkvalue}"); my $mycb = $cb; if ($checked) { $mycb =~ s/mainbody/mainsel/g; } $mycb =~ s/class='/class='row$theme_ui_columns_row_toggle ui_checked_columns /; $rv .= "<tr id=\"$ridtr\" $mycb onMouseOver=\"this.className = document.getElementById('$cbid').checked ? 'mainhighsel' : 'mainhigh'\" onMouseOut=\"this.className = document.getElementById('$cbid').checked ? 'mainsel' : 'mainbody row$theme_ui_columns_row_toggle'\">\n"; $rv .= "<td class='ui_checked_checkbox' ".$tdtags->[0].">". &ui_checkbox($checkname, $checkvalue, undef, $checked, $tags." "."onClick=\"document.getElementById('$rid').className = this.checked ? 'mainhighsel' : 'mainhigh';\"", $disabled). "</td>\n"; my $i; for($i=0; $i<@$cols; $i++) { $rv .= "<td ".$tdtags->[$i+1].">"; if ($cols->[$i] !~ /<a\s+href|<input|<select|<textarea/) { $rv .= "<label for=\"". "e_escape("${checkname}_${checkvalue}")."\">"; } $rv .= ($cols->[$i] !~ /\S/ ? "<br>" : $cols->[$i]); if ($cols->[$i] !~ /<a\s+href|<input|<select|<textarea/) { $rv .= "</label>"; } $rv .= "</td>\n"; } $rv .= "</tr>\n"; return $rv; }
sub theme_ui_radio_columns_row { local ($cols, $tdtags, $checkname, $checkvalue, $checked) = @_; my $rv; my $cbid = "e_escape(quotemeta("${checkname}_${checkvalue}")); my $rid = "e_escape(quotemeta("row_${checkname}_${checkvalue}")); my $ridtr = "e_escape("row_${checkname}_${checkvalue}"); my $mycb = $cb; if ($checked) { $mycb =~ s/mainbody/mainsel/g; }
$mycb =~ s/class='/class='ui_radio_columns /; $rv .= "<tr $mycb id=\"$ridtr\" onMouseOver=\"this.className = document.getElementById('$cbid').checked ? 'mainhighsel' : 'mainhigh'\" onMouseOut=\"this.className = document.getElementById('$cbid').checked ? 'mainsel' : 'mainbody'\">\n"; $rv .= "<td ".$tdtags->[0]." class='ui_radio_radio'>". &ui_oneradio($checkname, $checkvalue, undef, $checked, "onClick=\"for(i=0; i<form.$checkname.length; i++) { ff = form.${checkname}[i]; r = document.getElementById('row_'; if (r) { r.className = 'mainbody' } } document.getElementById('$rid').className = this.checked ? 'mainhighsel' : 'mainhigh';\""). "</td>\n"; my $i; for($i=0; $i<@$cols; $i++) { $rv .= "<td ".$tdtags->[$i+1].">"; if ($cols->[$i] !~ /<a\s+href|<input|<select|<textarea/) { $rv .= "<label for=\"". "e_escape("${checkname}_${checkvalue}")."\">"; } $rv .= ($cols->[$i] !~ /\S/ ? "<br>" : $cols->[$i]); if ($cols->[$i] !~ /<a\s+href|<input|<select|<textarea/) { $rv .= "</label>"; } $rv .= "</td>\n"; } $rv .= "</tr>\n"; return $rv; }
# theme_ui_nav_link(direction, url, disabled) # Returns an arrow icon linking to provided url sub theme_ui_nav_link { my ($direction, $url, $disabled) = @_; my $alt = $direction eq "left" ? '<-' : '->'; if ($disabled) { return "<img alt=\"$alt\" align=\"middle\"" . "src=\"$gconfig{'webprefix'}/images/$direction-grey.gif\">\n"; } else { return "<a href=\"$url\"><img alt=\"$alt\" align=\"top\"" . "src=\"$gconfig{'webprefix'}/images/$direction.gif\"></a>\n"; } }
# theme_footer([page, name]+, [noendbody]) # Output a footer for returning to some page sub theme_footer { my $i; my $count = 0; my %module_info = get_module_info(get_module_name()); for($i=0; $i+1<@_; $i+=2) { local $url = $_[$i]; if ($url ne '/' || !$tconfig{'noindex'}) { if ($url eq '/') { $url = "/?cat=$module_info{'category'}"; } elsif ($url eq '' && get_module_name() eq 'virtual-server' || $url eq '/virtual-server/') { # Don't bother with virtualmin menu next; } elsif ($url eq '' && get_module_name() eq 'server-manager' || $url eq '/server-manager/') { # Don't bother with Cloudmin menu next; } elsif ($url =~ /(view|edit)_domain.cgi/ && get_module_name() eq 'virtual-server' || $url =~ /^\/virtual-server\/(view|edit)_domain.cgi/) { # Don't bother with link to domain details next; } elsif ($url =~ /edit_serv.cgi/ && get_module_name() eq 'server-manager' || $url =~ /^\/virtual-server\/edit_serv.cgi/) { # Don't bother with link to system details next; } elsif ($url eq '' && get_module_name()) { $url = "/".get_module_name()."/". $module_info{'index_link'}; } elsif ($url =~ /^\?/ && get_module_name()) { $url = "/".get_module_name()."/$url"; } $url = "$gconfig{'webprefix'}$url" if ($url =~ /^\//); if ($count++ == 0) { print theme_ui_nav_link("left", $url); } else { print " |\n"; } print " <a href=\"$url\">",&text('main_return', $_[$i+1]),"</a>\n"; } } print "<br>\n"; if (!$_[$i]) { print "</body></html>\n"; } }
# Don't show virtualmin menu sub theme_redirect { local ($orig, $url) = @_; if (get_module_name() eq "virtual-server" && $orig eq "" && $url =~ /^((http|https):\/\/([^\/]+))\//) { $url = "$1/right.cgi"; } print "Location: $url\n\n"; }
# theme_ui_hidden_javascript() # Returns <script> and <style> sections for hiding functions and CSS sub theme_ui_hidden_javascript { my $rv; my $imgdir = "$gconfig{'webprefix'}/images";
return <<EOF; <style> .opener_shown {display:inline} .opener_hidden {display:none} </style> <script> // Open or close a hidden section function hidden_opener(divid, openerid) { var divobj = document.getElementById(divid); var openerobj = document.getElementById(openerid); if (divobj.className == 'opener_shown') { divobj.className = 'opener_hidden'; openerobj.innerHTML = '<img border=0 src=$imgdir/closed.gif>'; } else { divobj.className = 'opener_shown'; openerobj.innerHTML = '<img border=0 src=$imgdir/open.gif>'; } }
// Show a tab function select_tab(name, tabname, form) { var tabnames = document[name+'_tabnames']; var tabtitles = document[name+'_tabtitles']; for(var i=0; i<tabnames.length; i++) { var tabobj = document.getElementById('tab_'+tabnames[i]); var divobj = document.getElementById('div_'+tabnames[i]); var title = tabtitles[i]; if (tabnames[i] == tabname) { // Selected table tabobj.innerHTML = '<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr>'+ '<td valign=top class=\\'tabSelected\\'>'+ '<img src=$imgdir/lc2.gif alt=""></td>'+ '<td class=\\'tabSelected\\' nowrap>'+ ' <b>'+title+'</b> </td>'+ '<td valign=top class=\\'tabSelected\\'>'+ '<img src=$imgdir/rc2.gif alt=""></td>'+ '</tr></table>'; divobj.className = 'opener_shown'; } else { // Non-selected tab tabobj.innerHTML = '<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr>'+ '<td valign=top class=\\'tabUnselected\\'>'+ '<img src=$imgdir/lc1.gif alt=""></td>'+ '<td class=\\'tabUnselected\\' nowrap>'+ ' <a href=\\'\\' onClick=\\'return select_tab("'+ name+'", "'+tabnames[i]+'")\\'>'+title+'</a> </td>'+ '<td valign=top class=\\'tabUnselected\\'>'+ '<img src=$imgdir/rc1.gif alt=""></td>'+ '</tr></table>'; divobj.className = 'opener_hidden'; } } if (document.forms[0] && document.forms[0][name]) { document.forms[0][name].value = tabname; } return false; } </script> EOF }
# XXX Temporary until valign stuff gets cleaned up # # theme_ui_columns_table(&headings, width-percent, &data, &types, no-sort, title, # empty-msg) # Returns HTML for a complete table. # headings - An array ref of heading HTML # width-percent - Preferred total width # data - A 2x2 array ref of table contents. Each can either be a simple string, # or a hash ref like : # { 'type' => 'group', 'desc' => 'Some section title' } # { 'type' => 'string', 'value' => 'Foo', 'colums' => 3, # 'nowrap' => 1 } # { 'type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'd', 'value' => 'foo', # 'label' => 'Yes', 'checked' => 1, 'disabled' => 1 } # { 'type' => 'radio', 'name' => 'd', 'value' => 'foo', ... } # types - An array ref of data types, such as 'string', 'number', 'bytes' # or 'date' # no-sort - Set to 1 to disable sorting by theme # title - Text to appear above the table # empty-msg - Message to display if no data sub theme_ui_columns_table { my ($heads, $width, $data, $types, $nosort, $title, $emptymsg) = @_; my $rv;
# Just show empty message if no data if ($emptymsg && !@$data) { $rv .= &ui_subheading($title) if ($title); $rv .= "<b>$emptymsg</b><p>\n"; return $rv; }
# Are there any checkboxes in each column? If so, make those columns narrow my @tds; my $maxwidth = 0; foreach my $r (@$data) { my $cc = 0; foreach my $c (@$r) { if (ref($c) && ($c->{'type'} eq 'checkbox' || $c->{'type'} eq 'radio')) { $tds[$cc] .= " width=5" if ($tds[$cc] !~ /width=/); } $cc++; } $maxwidth = $cc if ($cc > $maxwidth); } $rv .= &ui_columns_start($heads, $width, 0, \@tds, $title);
# Add the data rows foreach my $r (@$data) { my $c0; if (ref($r->[0]) && ($r->[0]->{'type'} eq 'checkbox' || $r->[0]->{'type'} eq 'radio')) { # First column is special $c0 = $r->[0]; $r = [ @$r[1..(@$r-1)] ]; } # Turn data into HTML my @rtds = @tds; my @cols; my $cn = 0; $cn++ if ($c0); foreach my $c (@$r) { if (!ref($c)) { # Plain old string push(@cols, $c); } elsif ($c->{'type'} eq 'checkbox') { # Checkbox in non-first column push(@cols, &ui_checkbox($c->{'name'}, $c->{'value'}, $c->{'label'}, $c->{'checked'}, $c->{'tags'}, $c->{'disabled'})); } elsif ($c->{'type'} eq 'radio') { # Radio button in non-first column push(@cols, &ui_oneradio($c->{'name'}, $c->{'value'}, $c->{'label'}, $c->{'checked'}, $c->{'tags'}, $c->{'disabled'})); } elsif ($c->{'type'} eq 'group') { # Header row that spans whole table $rv .= &ui_columns_header([ $c->{'desc'} ], [ "colspan=$width" ]); next; } elsif ($c->{'type'} eq 'string') { # A string, which might be special push(@cols, $c->{'value'}); if ($c->{'columns'} > 1) { splice(@rtds, $cn, $c->{'columns'}, "colspan=".$c->{'columns'}); } if ($c->{'nowrap'}) { $rtds[$cn] .= " nowrap"; } } $cn++; } # Add the row if (!$c0) { $rv .= &ui_columns_row(\@cols, \@rtds); } elsif ($c0->{'type'} eq 'checkbox') { $rv .= &ui_checked_columns_row(\@cols, \@rtds, $c0->{'name'}, $c0->{'value'}, $c0->{'checked'}, $c0->{'disabled'}, $c0->{'tags'}); } elsif ($c0->{'type'} eq 'radio') { $rv .= &ui_radio_columns_row(\@cols, \@rtds, $c0->{'name'}, $c0->{'value'}, $c0->{'checked'}, $c0->{'disabled'}, $c0->{'tags'}); } }
$rv .= &ui_columns_end(); return $rv; }
Functions for generating YUI CSS grids markup.
# ui_yui_grid_start(id, type) # Return a yui grid opening div. # Available types are: # g - 1/2,1/2 # gb - 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 # gc - 2/3, 1/3 # gd - 1/3, 2/3 # ge - 3/4, 1/4 # gf - 1/4, 3/4 sub theme_ui_yui_grid_start { my ($id, $type) = @_; return "<div id='grid_$id' class='yui-$type'>\n"; }
sub theme_ui_yui_grid_end { my ($id) = @_; return "</div> <!-- grid_$id -->\n"; }
# ui_yui_grid_section_start(id, first?) # Return a yui grid markup section opening div. sub theme_ui_yui_grid_section_start { my ($id, $first) = @_; if ($first) { return "<div id='grid_$id' class='yui-u first'>\n"; } else { return "<div id='grid_$id' class='yui-u'>\n"; } } sub theme_ui_yui_grid_section_end { my ($id) = @_; return "</div> <!-- grid_$id -->\n"; }