!c99Shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #16!

Software: Apache/2.2.3 (CentOS). PHP/5.1.6 

uname -a: Linux mx-ll-110-164-51-230.static.3bb.co.th 2.6.18-194.el5PAE #1 SMP Fri Apr 2 15:37:44
EDT 2010 i686

uid=48(apache) gid=48(apache) groups=48(apache) 

Safe-mode: OFF (not secure)

/usr/libexec/webmin/firewall/   drwxr-xr-x
Free 51.95 GB of 127.8 GB (40.64%)
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Viewing file:     index.cgi (11.3 KB)      -rwxr-xr-x
Select action/file-type:
(+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
# index.cgi
# Display current iptables firewall configuration from save file

require './firewall-lib.pl';
if ($iptables_save_file) {
    $desc = &text('index_editing', "<tt>$iptables_save_file</tt>");
&ui_print_header(undef, $text{'index_title'}, undef, "intro", 1, 1, 0,
    &help_search_link("iptables", "man", "doc"), undef, undef, $desc);

# Check for iptables and iptables-restore commands
if ($c = &missing_firewall_commands()) {
    print "<p>",&text('index_ecommand', "<tt>$c</tt>"),"<p>\n";
    &ui_print_footer("/", $text{'index'});

# Check if the kernel supports iptables
$out = &backquote_command("iptables -n -t filter -L OUTPUT 2>&1");
if ($?) {
    print "<p>",&text('index_ekernel', "<pre>$out</pre>"),"<p>\n";
    &ui_print_footer("/", $text{'index'});

# Check if the distro supports iptables
if (!$config{'direct'} && defined(&check_iptables) &&
    ($err = &check_iptables())) {
    print "<p>$err</p>\n";
    &ui_print_footer("/", $text{'index'});

# Check if firewall is being started at boot
if (!$config{'direct'} && &foreign_check("init")) {
    if (defined(&started_at_boot)) {
        $atboot = &started_at_boot();
    else {
        &foreign_require("init", "init-lib.pl");
        $atboot = &init::action_status("webmin-iptables") == 2;

# Check if the save file exists. If not, check for any existing firewall
# rules, and offer to create a save file from them
@livetables = &get_iptables_save("iptables-save 2>/dev/null |");
if (!$config{'direct'} &&
    (!-s $iptables_save_file || $in{'reset'}) && $access{'setup'}) {
    @tables = @livetables;
    foreach $t (@tables) {
        $rules++ if (@{$t->{'rules'}});
        foreach $c (keys %{$t->{'defaults'}}) {
            $chains++ if ($t->{'defaults'}->{$c} ne 'ACCEPT');
    foreach $t (@known_tables) {
        system("iptables -t $t -n -L >/dev/null") if (!$hastable{$t});
    if (!$in{'reset'} && ($rules || $chains)) {
        # Offer to save the current rules
        print &ui_confirmation_form("convert.cgi",
            &text('index_existing', $rules,
            [ [ undef, $text{'index_saveex'} ] ],
            $init_support && !$atboot ?
              &ui_checkbox("atboot", 1, $text{'index_atboot'}, 0) :

        print &ui_table_start($text{'index_headerex'}, "width=100%", 2);
        $out = &backquote_command("iptables-save 2>/dev/null");
        print &ui_table_row(undef,
            "<pre>".&html_escape($out)."</pre>", 2);
        print &ui_table_end();
    else {
        # Offer to set up a firewall
        print &text($in{'reset'} ? 'index_rsetup' : 'index_setup',
        print &ui_form_start("setup.cgi");
        print &ui_hidden("reset", $in{'reset'});
        print "<center><table><tr><td>\n";
        print &ui_oneradio("auto", 0, $text{'index_auto0'}, 1),"<p>\n";
        foreach $a (1 .. 5) {
            print &ui_oneradio("auto", $a,
                       $text{'index_auto'.$a}, 0)." ";
            print &interface_choice("iface".$a),"<p>\n";
        print "</td></tr></table>\n";
        print &ui_submit($text{'index_auto'}),"<p>\n";
        if ($init_support && !$atboot) {
            print &ui_checkbox("atboot", 1,
                       $text{'index_atboot'}, 0);
        print "</center>\n";
        print &ui_form_end();
else {
    $form = 0;
    @tables = &get_iptables_save();
    if (!$config{'direct'}) {
        # Verify that all known tables exist, and if not add them to the
        # save file
        foreach $t (@tables) {
        foreach $t (@known_tables) {
            if (!$hastable{$t}) {
                local ($missing) = &get_iptables_save(
                    "iptables-save --table $t 2>/dev/null |");
                if ($missing) {
        @tables = &get_iptables_save() if ($need_reload);

    # Work out the default table
    if (!defined($in{'table'})) {
        foreach $t (@tables) {
            if (@{$t->{'rules'}} && &can_edit_table($t->{'name'})) {
                $in{'table'} = $t->{'index'};
    if (!defined($in{'table'})) {
        foreach $t (@tables) {
            if (&can_edit_table($t->{'name'})) {
                $in{'table'} = $t->{'index'};
    $table = $tables[$in{'table'}];

    # Allow selection of a table
    print "<table width=100%><tr>\n";
    print "<form action=index.cgi>\n";
    print "<td><input type=submit value='$text{'index_change'}'>\n";
    print "<select name=table onChange='form.submit()'>\n";
    foreach $t (@tables) {
        if (&can_edit_table($t->{'name'})) {
            printf "<option value=%s %s>%s\n",
                $t->{'index'}, $t eq $table ? "selected" : "",
                &text('index_table_'.$t->{'name'}) || $t->{'name'};
    print "</select></td></form>\n";

    if ($access{'newchain'}) {
        # Show form to create a chain
        print "<form action=newchain.cgi>\n";
        print "<td align=right>",&ui_hidden("table", $in{'table'});
        print "<input type=submit value='$text{'index_cadd'}'>\n";
        print "<input name=chain size=20></td></form>\n";
        print "</tr></table>\n";

    # Display a table of rules for each chain
    foreach $c (sort by_string_for_iptables keys %{$table->{'defaults'}}) {
        print &ui_hr();
        @rules = grep { lc($_->{'chain'}) eq lc($c) }
        print "<b>",$text{"index_chain_".lc($c)} ||
                &text('index_chain', "<tt>$c</tt>"),"</b><br>\n";
        print "<form action=save_policy.cgi>\n";
        print &ui_hidden("table", $in{'table'});
        print &ui_hidden("chain", $c);
        if (@rules) {
            @links = ( &select_all_link("d", $form),
                   &select_invert_link("d", $form) );
            print &ui_links_row(\@links);

            # Generate the header
            local (@hcols, @tds);
            push(@hcols, "", $text{'index_action'});
            push(@tds, "width=5", "width=10% nowrap");
            if ($config{'view_condition'}) {
                push(@hcols, $text{'index_desc'});
                push(@tds, "");
            if ($config{'view_comment'}) {
                push(@hcols, $text{'index_comm'});
                push(@tds, "");
            push(@hcols, $text{'index_move'}, $text{'index_add'});
            push(@tds, "width=32", "width=32");
            print &ui_columns_start(\@hcols, 100, 0, \@tds);

            # Generate a row for each rule
            foreach $r (@rules) {
                $edit = &can_jump($r);
                local @cols;
                local $act =
                  $text{"index_jump_".lc($r->{'j'}->[1])} ||
                  &text('index_jump', $r->{'j'}->[1]);
                if ($edit) {
                    push(@cols, "<a href='edit_rule.cgi?table=".&urlize($in{'table'})."&idx=$r->{'index'}'>$act</a>");
                else {
                    push(@cols, $act);
                if ($config{'view_condition'}) {
                    push(@cols, &describe_rule($r));
                if ($config{'view_comment'}) {
                    $cmt = $config{'comment_mod'} ||
                           $r->{'comment'} ?
                        $r->{'comment'}->[1] : $r->{'cmt'};
                    push(@cols, $cmt);

                # Up/down mover
                local $mover;
                if ($r eq $rules[@rules-1]) {
                    $mover .= "<img src=images/gap.gif>";
                else {
                    $mover .= "<a href='move.cgi?table=".
                          "down=1'><img src=".
                          "images/down.gif border=0></a>";
                if ($r eq $rules[0]) {
                    $mover .= "<img src=images/gap.gif>";
                else {
                    $mover .= "<a href='move.cgi?table=".
                          "up=1'><img src=images/up.gif ".
                push(@cols, $mover);

                # Before / after adder
                local $adder;
                $adder .= "<a href='edit_rule.cgi?table=".
                      "after=$r->{'index'}'><img src=".
                      "images/after.gif border=0></a>";
                $adder .= "<a href='edit_rule.cgi?table=".
                      "before=$r->{'index'}'><img src=".
                      "images/before.gif border=0></a>";
                push(@cols, $adder);

                if ($edit) {
                    print &ui_checked_columns_row(
                        \@cols, \@tds, "d", $r->{'index'});
                else {
                    print &ui_columns_row(\@cols, \@tds);
            print &ui_columns_end();
            print &ui_links_row(\@links);
        else {
            print "<b>$text{'index_none'}</b><br>\n";

        # Show policy changing button for chains that support it,
        # and rule-adding button
        print "<table width=100%><tr>\n";
        local $d = $table->{'defaults'}->{$c};
        if ($d ne '-') {
            # Built-in chain
            if ($access{'policy'}) {
                # Change default button
                print "<td width=33% nowrap>",
                print "<select name=policy>\n";
                foreach $t ('ACCEPT','DROP','QUEUE','RETURN') {
                    printf "<option value=%s %s>%s\n",
                        $t, $d eq $t ? "selected" : "",
                print "</select></td>\n";
            else {
                print "<td width=33%></td>\n";
            print "<td align=center width=33%>\n";
            if (@rules) {
                # Delete selected button
                print &ui_submit($text{'index_cdeletesel'},

                # Move selected button
                print &ui_submit($text{'index_cmovesel'},
            print "</td>\n";
        else {
            # Custom chain
            if ($access{'delchain'}) {
                # Delete and rename chain buttons
                print "<td width=33%>",
                   &ui_submit($text{'index_cdelete'}, "delete"),
                   &ui_submit($text{'index_crename'}, "rename"),
            print "<td align=center width=33%>\n";
            if (@rules) {
                # Clear chain button
                if ($access{'delchain'}) {
                    print &ui_submit($text{'index_cclear'},

                # Delete rules button
                print &ui_submit($text{'index_cdeletesel'},

                # Move selected button
                print &ui_submit($text{'index_cmovesel'},
            print "</td>\n";
        print "<td align=right width=33%>",
              &ui_submit($text{'index_radd'}, "add"),"</td>\n";
        print "</tr></table></form>\n";

    # Display buttons for applying and un-applying the configuration,
    # and for creating an init script if possible
    print &ui_hr();
    print &ui_buttons_start();

    if (!$config{'direct'}) {
        if (&foreign_check("servers")) {
            @servers = &list_cluster_servers();
        if ($access{'apply'}) {
            print &ui_buttons_row("apply.cgi",
                @servers ? $text{'index_applydesc2'}
                     : $text{'index_applydesc'},
                [ [ "table", $in{'table'} ] ]);

        if ($access{'unapply'}) {
            print &ui_buttons_row("unapply.cgi",
                [ [ "table", $in{'table'} ] ]);

        if ($init_support && $access{'bootup'}) {
            print &ui_buttons_row("bootup.cgi",
                [ [ "table", $in{'table'} ] ],
                &ui_yesno_radio("boot", $atboot));

        if ($access{'setup'}) {
            print &ui_buttons_row("index.cgi",
                $text{'index_reset'}, $text{'index_resetdesc'},
                [ [ "reset", 1 ] ]);

    # Show button for cluster page
    if (&foreign_check("servers")) {
        &foreign_require("servers", "servers-lib.pl");
        @allservers = grep { $_->{'user'} }
    if ($access{'cluster'} && @allservers) {
        print &ui_buttons_row(
            "cluster.cgi", $text{'index_cluster'},

    print &ui_buttons_end();

&ui_print_footer("/", $text{'index'});

sub shorewall_message
local ($filter) = grep { $_->{'name'} eq 'filter' } @{$_[0]};
if ($filter->{'defaults'}->{'shorewall'}) {
    print "<b><center>",
          &text('index_shorewall', "$gconfig{'webprefix'}/shorewall/"),

:: Command execute ::


:: Shadow's tricks :D ::

Useful Commands
Warning. Kernel may be alerted using higher levels
Kernel Info:

:: Preddy's tricks :D ::

Php Safe-Mode Bypass (Read Files)


eg: /etc/passwd

Php Safe-Mode Bypass (List Directories):


eg: /etc/

:: Search ::
  - regexp 

:: Upload ::
[ Read-Only ]

:: Make Dir ::
[ Read-Only ]
:: Make File ::
[ Read-Only ]

:: Go Dir ::
:: Go File ::

--[ c999shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #16 Modded by Shadow & Preddy | RootShell Security Group | r57 c99 shell | Generation time: 0.014 ]--