Viewing file: run.cgi (3.48 KB) -rwxr-xr-x Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
#!/usr/bin/perl # run.cgi # Run some command with the given parameters
require './'; $theme_no_table = 1; if ($ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'} =~ /multipart\/form-data/i) { &ReadParse(\%getin, "GET"); &ReadParseMime(undef, \&read_parse_mime_callback, [ $getin{'id'} ]); } else { &ReadParse(); } $| = 1; &error_setup($text{'run_err'}); $cmd = &get_command($in{'id'}, $in{'idx'}); &can_run_command($cmd) || &error($text{'run_ecannot'}); if (&supports_users()) { $user = $cmd->{'user'} eq '*' ? $remote_user : $cmd->{'user'}; @user_info = getpwnam($user); @user_info || &error(&text('run_ecmduser', $user)); } else { @user_info = ( "root", undef, 0, 0 ); }
# substitute parameters into command ($env, $export, $str, $displaystr) = &set_parameter_envs( $cmd, $cmd->{'cmd'}, \@user_info);
# work out hosts @hosts = @{$cmd->{'hosts'}}; @hosts = ( 0 ) if (!@hosts); @servers = &list_servers();
# Run and display output if ($cmd->{'format'} ne 'redirect' && $cmd->{'format'} ne 'form') { if ($cmd->{'format'}) { print "Content-type: ",$cmd->{'format'},"\n"; print "\n"; } else { &ui_print_unbuffered_header($cmd->{'desc'}, $text{'run_title'}, "", -d "help" ? "run" : undef); } }
foreach $h (@hosts) { ($server) = grep { $_->{'id'} eq $h } @servers; next if (!$server); $txt = $cmd->{'noshow'} ? 'run_out2' : 'run_out'; if (@{$cmd->{'hosts'}}) { $txt .= 'on'; } if (!$cmd->{'format'}) { print &text($txt, "<tt>".&html_escape($displaystr)."</tt>", $server->{'desc'} || "<tt>$server->{'host'}</tt>"),"\n"; print "<pre>" if (!$cmd->{'raw'}); } $remote_custom_error = undef; if ($h == 0) { # Run locally ($got, $out, $timeout) = &execute_custom_command( $cmd, $env, $export, $str, $cmd->{'format'} ne 'redirect' && $cmd->{'format'} ne 'form'); } else { # Remote foreign call eval { $SIG{'ALRM'} = sub { die "timeout" }; alarm($cmd->{'timeout'} ? $cmd->{'timeout'} + 5 : 60); &remote_foreign_require($server->{'host'}, "custom", ""); &remote_foreign_call($server->{'host'}, "custom", "set_parameter_envs", $cmd, $cmd->{'cmd'}, \@user_info, \%in, 1); ($got, $out, $timeout) = &remote_foreign_call( $server->{'host'}, "custom", "execute_custom_command", $cmd, $env, $export, $str); }; if ($@ =~ /timeout/) { $timeout = 1; } alarm(0); } if ($h == 0) { &additional_log('exec', undef, $displaystr); } if (!$remote_custom_error) { print $out if ($h != 0 && $cmd->{'format'} ne 'redirect' && $cmd->{'format'} ne 'form'); if (!$got && !$cmd->{'format'}) { print "<i>$text{'run_noout'}</i>\n"; } }
if (!$cmd->{'format'}) { print "</pre>\n" if (!$cmd->{'raw'}); if ($remote_custom_error) { print "<b>$remote_custom_error</b><p>\n"; } elsif ($timeout) { print "<b>",&text('run_timeout', $cmd->{'timeout'} || 60),"</b><p>\n"; } }
# Only log non-upload inputs %cmdin = ( %$cmd ); foreach $i (keys %in) { ($arg) = grep { $_->{'name'} eq $i } @{$cmd->{'args'}}; if ($arg->{'type'} != 10) { $cmdin{$i} = $in{$i}; } } } &webmin_log("exec", "command", $cmd->{'id'}, \%cmdin); unlink(@unlink) if (@unlink); if (!$cmd->{'format'}) { &ui_print_footer("", $text{'index_return'}); } elsif ($cmd->{'format'} eq 'redirect') { &redirect(""); } elsif ($cmd->{'format'} eq 'form') { &redirect("form.cgi?id=".$in{'id'}."&idx=".$in{'idx'}); }
sub remote_custom_handler { $remote_custom_error = join("", @_); }