Viewing file: edit_cmd.cgi (3.68 KB) -rwxr-xr-x Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
#!/usr/bin/perl # edit_cmd.cgi # Display a custom command and its parameters
require './'; &ReadParse();
$access{'edit'} || &error($text{'edit_ecannot'}); if ($in{'new'}) { &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'create_title'}, "", "create"); if ($in{'clone'}) { $cmd = &get_command($in{'id'}, $in{'idx'}); } } else { &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'edit_title'}, "", "edit"); $cmd = &get_command($in{'id'}, $in{'idx'}); }
# Form header print &ui_form_start("save_cmd.cgi", "post"); print &ui_hidden("new", $in{'new'}); print &ui_hidden("id", $cmd->{'id'}); print &ui_table_start($text{'edit_details'}, "width=100%", 4);
# Command ID if (!$in{'new'}) { print &ui_table_row(&hlink($text{'edit_id'}, "id"), "<tt>$cmd->{'id'}</tt>", 3); }
# Description, text and HTML print &ui_table_row(&hlink($text{'edit_desc'}, "desc"), &ui_textbox("desc", $cmd->{'desc'}, 60), 3); print &ui_table_row(&hlink($text{'edit_desc2'}, "desc2"), &ui_textarea("html", $cmd->{'html'}, 2, 60), 3);
# Command to run if ($cmd->{'cmd'} =~ s/^\s*cd\s+(\S+)\s*;\s*//) { $dir = $1; } print &ui_table_row(&hlink($text{'edit_cmd'},"command"), &ui_textarea("cmd", $cmd->{'cmd'}, 5, 60, "soft"), 3);
# Directory to run in print &ui_table_row(&hlink($text{'edit_dir'},"dir"), &ui_opt_textbox("dir", $dir, 40, $text{'default'})." ". &file_chooser_button("dir", 1), 3);
# User to run as if (&supports_users()) { print &ui_table_row(&hlink($text{'edit_user'},"user"), &ui_opt_textbox("user", $cmd->{'user'} eq '*' ? undef : $cmd->{'user'}, 13, $text{'edit_user_def'})." ". &user_chooser_button("user", 0)." ". &ui_checkbox("su", 1, $text{'edit_su'}, $cmd->{'su'}), 3); }
# Show raw output print &ui_table_row(&hlink($text{'edit_raw'},"raw"), &ui_yesno_radio("raw", $cmd->{'raw'} ? 1 : 0));
# Command ordering on main page print &ui_table_row(&hlink($text{'edit_order'},"order"), &ui_opt_textbox("order", $cmd->{'order'} || "", 6, $text{'default'}));
# Hide from main page? print &ui_table_row(&hlink($text{'edit_noshow'},"noshow"), &ui_yesno_radio("noshow", $cmd->{'noshow'}));
# Visible in Usermin? print &ui_table_row(&hlink($text{'edit_usermin'},"usermin"), &ui_yesno_radio("usermin", $cmd->{'usermin'}));
# Command timeout print &ui_table_row(&hlink($text{'edit_timeout'},"timeout"), &ui_opt_textbox("timeout", $cmd->{'timeout'} || undef, 6, $text{'default'})." ".$text{'edit_secs'});
# Clear environment? print &ui_table_row(&hlink($text{'edit_clear'},"clear"), &ui_yesno_radio("clear", $cmd->{'clear'}));
# Output format $fmode = $cmd->{'format'} eq 'redirect' ? 2 : $cmd->{'format'} eq 'form' ? 3 : $cmd->{'format'} ? 1 : 0; print &ui_table_row(&hlink($text{'edit_format'}, "format"), &ui_radio("format_def", $fmode, [ [ 0, $text{'edit_format0'} ], [ 2, $text{'edit_format2'} ], [ 3, $text{'edit_format3'} ], [ 1, $text{'edit_format1'}." ". &ui_textbox("format", $fmode == 1 ? $cmd->{'format'} : "", 20) ] ]));
# Show Webmin servers to run on @servers = &list_servers(); if (@servers > 1) { @hosts = @{$cmd->{'hosts'}}; @hosts = ( 0 ) if (!@hosts); print &ui_table_row(&hlink($text{'edit_servers'}, "servers"), &ui_select("hosts", \@hosts, [ map { [ $_->{'id'}, !$_->{'host'} ? $_->{'desc'} : $_->{'host'}. ($_->{'desc'} ? ' ('.$_->{'desc'}.')' : '') ] } sort { lc($a->{'host'}) cmp lc($b->{'host'}) } @servers], 5, 1), 3); }
print &ui_table_end();
# Show parameters &show_params_inputs($cmd);
if ($in{'new'}) { print &ui_form_end([ [ undef, $text{'create'} ] ]); } else { print &ui_form_end([ [ undef, $text{'save'} ], [ 'clone', $text{'edit_clone'} ], [ 'delete', $text{'delete'} ] ]); }
&ui_print_footer("", $text{'index_return'});