Viewing file: download.cgi (10.18 KB) -rwxr-xr-x Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
#!/usr/bin/perl # download.cgi # Get a perl module from somewhere
require './';
if ($ENV{REQUEST_METHOD} eq "POST") { &ReadParseMime(); } else { &ReadParse(); $no_upload = 1; } &error_setup($text{'download_err'});
if ($in{'source'} >= 2) { &ui_print_unbuffered_header(undef, $text{'download_title'}, ""); } else { &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'download_title'}, ""); }
&tempname(); if ($in{'source'} == 0) { # installing from local file (or maybe directory) if (!$in{'local'}) { &install_error($text{'download_elocal'}); } if (!-r $in{'local'}) { &install_error(&text('download_elocal2', $in{'local'})); } $source = $in{'local'}; @pfile = ( $in{'local'} ); $need_unlink = 0; } elsif ($in{'source'} == 1) { # installing from upload .. store file in temp location if ($no_upload) { &install_error($text{'download_eupload'}); } $in{'upload_filename'} =~ /([^\/\\]+$)/; @pfile = ( &tempname("$1") ); open(PFILE, ">$pfile[0]"); print PFILE $in{'upload'}; close(PFILE); $source = $in{'upload_filename'}; $need_unlink = 1; } elsif ($in{'source'} == 2) { # installing from URL.. store downloaded file in temp location $in{'url'} =~ /\/([^\/]+)\/*$/; @pfile = ( &tempname("$1") ); $progress_callback_url = $in{'url'}; if ($in{'url'} =~ /^(http|https):\/\/([^\/]+)(\/.*)$/) { # Make a HTTP request $ssl = $1 eq 'https'; $host = $2; $page = $3; $port = $ssl ? 443 : 80; if ($host =~ /^(.*):(\d+)$/) { $host = $1; $port = $2; } &http_download($host, $port, $page, $pfile[0], \$error, \&progress_callback, $ssl); } elsif ($in{'url'} =~ /^ftp:\/\/([^\/]+)(:21)?(\/.*)$/) { $host = $1; $file = $3; &ftp_download($host, $file, $pfile[0], \$error, \&progress_callback); } else { &install_error(&text('download_eurl', $in{'url'})); } &install_error($error) if ($error); $source = $in{'url'}; $need_unlink = 1; } elsif ($in{'source'} == 3) { # installing from CPAN.. find the module, and then install it $in{'cpan'} || &error($text{'download_emodname'}); $in{'cpan'} =~ s/^\s+//; $in{'cpan'} =~ s/\s+$//; @cpan = split(/\s+|\0/, $in{'cpan'});
# First check if YUM or APT can install this module for us if ($config{'incyum'} && !$in{'forcecpan'}) { @yum = &list_packaged_modules(); foreach $c (@cpan) { ($yum) = grep { lc($_->{'mod'}) eq lc($c) } @yum; if ($yum) { # Module name is known push(@cpanyum, $yum); } elsif ($software::config{'package_system'} eq "rpm") { # Try to install from perl dependency push(@cpanyum, { 'package' => "perl($c)" }); } } } if (scalar(@cpan) == scalar(@cpanyum) && defined(&software::update_system_install)) { # Can install from YUM or APT .. do it! $i = 0; foreach $yum (@cpanyum) { print &text('download_yum', "<tt>$cpan[$i]</tt>", "<tt>$yum->{'package'}</tt>"),"<br>\n"; print "<ul>\n"; &software::update_system_install($yum->{'package'}); print "</ul>\n"; $i++; } &ui_print_footer($in{'return'}, $in{'returndesc'} || $text{'index_return'}); exit; }
$progress_callback_url = $config{'packages'}; if (!-r $packages_file || $in{'refresh'}) { # Need to download the modules list from CPAN first &download_packages_file(\&progress_callback); print "<p>\n";
# Make sure it is valid open(PFILE, $packages_file); read(PFILE, $two, 2); close(PFILE); if ($two ne "\037\213") { &install_error(&text('download_ecpangz', "<tt>$config{'packages'}</tt>")); } }
# Find each module in the modules list open(LIST, "gunzip -c $packages_file |"); while(<LIST>) { s/\r|\n//g; if ($_ eq '') { $found_blank++; } elsif ($found_blank && /^(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)/) { local $i = &indexof($1, @cpan); if ($i >= 0 && !$source[$i]) { $source[$i] = "$config{'cpan'}/$3"; $source[$i] =~ /\/perl-[0-9\.]+\.tar\.gz$/ && &install_error(&text('download_eisperl', "<tt>$in{'cpan'}</tt>")); $sourcec++; } } } close(LIST);
# Fail if any modules are missing from CPAN for($i=0; $i<@cpan; $i++) { push(@missing, "<tt>$cpan[$i]</tt>") if (!$source[$i]); }
if ($in{'missingok'}) { # If missing modules are OK, exclude them from the sources list for($i=0; $i<@cpan; $i++) { if (!$source[$i]) { splice(@source, $i, 1); splice(@cpan, $i, 1); $i--; } } @cpan || &install_error(&text('download_ecpan', join(" ", @missing))); } elsif (@missing) { # Fail due to missing modules &install_error(&text('download_ecpan', join(" ", @missing))); } $source = join("<br>", @source);
# Download the actual modules foreach $m (@source) { $m =~ /\/([^\/]+)\/*$/; $pfile = &tempname("$1"); $progress_callback_url = $m; if ($m =~ /^http:\/\/([^\/]+)(\/.*)$/) { # Make a HTTP request $host = $1; $page = $2; $port = 80; if ($host =~ /^(.*):(\d+)$/) { $host = $1; $port = $2; } &http_download($host, $port, $page, $pfile, \$error, \&progress_callback); } elsif ($m =~ /^ftp:\/\/([^\/]+)(:21)?(\/.*)$/) { $host = $1; $file = $3; &ftp_download($host, $file, $pfile, \$error, \&progress_callback); } else { &install_error(&text('download_eurl', $m)); } &install_error($error) if ($error); push(@pfile, $pfile); } $need_unlink = 1; } else { &error("Unknown source mode $in{'source'}"); }
# Check if the file looks like a perl module foreach $pfile (@pfile) { open(TAR, "( gunzip -c $pfile | tar tf - ) 2>&1 |"); while($line = <TAR>) { if ($line =~ /^\.\/([^\/]+)\/(.*)$/ || $line =~ /^([^\/]+)\/(.*)$/) { if (!$dirs{$1}) { $dirs{$1} = $pfile; push(@dirs, $1); } $file{$2}++; } $tar .= $line; } close(TAR); if ($?) { unlink(@pfile) if ($need_unlink); &install_error(&text('download_etar', "<tt>$tar</tt>")); } } if (@dirs == 0 || $file{'Makefile.PL'}+$file{'Build.PL'} < @dirs) { # Not all files were Perl modules unlink(@pfile) if ($need_unlink); &install_error($text{'download_emod'}); } if ($file{'Build.PL'} && $file{'Makefile.PL'} < @dirs) { # Make sure we have Module::Build if using Build.PL eval "use Module::Build"; if ($@) { unlink(@pfile) if ($need_unlink); &install_error(&text('download_ebuild', "<tt>Module::Build</tt>")); } } foreach $d (@dirs) { if ($d =~ /^(\S+)\-v?([0-9\.ab]+)$/) { push(@mods, $1); push(@vers, $2); } else { push(@mods, $m); push(@vers, undef); } $mods[$#mods] =~ s/-/::/g; }
# Extract all module files to look for depends $mtemp = &tempname(); mkdir($mtemp, 0755); foreach $d (@dirs) { system("cd $mtemp ; gunzip -c $dirs{$d} | tar xf - >/dev/null"); local $testargs; if ($d =~ /^Net_SSLeay/) { $testargs = &has_command("openssl"); $testargs =~ s/\/bin\/openssl$//; } local $cmd = "cd $mtemp/$d ; $perl_path Makefile.PL $testargs --skip"; if (&foreign_check("proc")) { # Run in a PTY, to handle CPAN prompting &foreign_require("proc", ""); local ($fh, $fpid) = &proc::pty_process_exec($cmd); &sysprint($fh, "no\n"); # For CPAN manual config question while(<$fh>) { # Wait till it completes } close($fh); } else { system("$cmd >/dev/null 2>&1 </dev/null"); } local @prereqs; open(MAKEFILE, "$mtemp/$d/Makefile"); while(<MAKEFILE>) { last if /MakeMaker post_initialize section/; if (/^#\s+PREREQ_PM\s+=>\s+(.+)/) { local $prereq = $1; while($prereq =~ m/(?:\s)([\w\:]+)=>q\[.*?\],?/g) { push(@prereqs, $1); } } } close(MAKEFILE); push(@allreqs, @prereqs); } system("rm -rf $mtemp");
# Work out which pre-requesites are missing @allreqs = &unique(@allreqs); %needreqs = map { eval "use $_"; $@ ? ($_, 1) : ($_, 0) } @allreqs; foreach $m (@mods) { # Don't need modules in tar files delete($needreqs{$m}); } foreach $c (@cpan) { # Don't need modules we are getting from CPAN delete($needreqs{$c}); }
# Display install options print "<p>\n"; print &ui_form_start("install.cgi"); print &ui_hidden("source", $in{'source'}); print &ui_hidden("need_unlink", $need_unlink); foreach $pfile (@pfile) { print &ui_hidden("pfile", $pfile); } foreach $m (@mods) { print &ui_hidden("mod", $m); } foreach $v (@vers) { print &ui_hidden("ver", $v); } foreach $d (@dirs) { print &ui_hidden("dir", $d); } print &ui_hidden("return", $in{'return'}); print &ui_hidden("returndesc", $in{'returndesc'}); print &ui_table_start($text{'download_header'}, undef, 2);
# Modules being installed for($i=0; $i<@mods; $i++) { $modmsg .= &html_escape($mods[$i])." ".&html_escape($vers[$i])."<br>\n"; } print &ui_table_row(@mods > 1 ? $text{'download_mods'} : $text{'download_mod'}, $modmsg);
# Missing modules if (@missing) { print &ui_table_row($text{'download_missingok'}, join(" ", @missing)); }
# Source print &ui_table_row($text{'download_src'}, $source);
if (@allreqs) { # Pre-requisited @needreqs = grep { $needreqs{$_} } @allreqs; foreach $n (@needreqs) { print &ui_hidden("needreq", $n); } if (@needreqs) { $nmsg = " (".&text('download_missing', scalar(@needreqs)).")"; } else { $nmsg = " ($text{'download_nomissing'})"; } print &ui_table_row($text{'download_pres'}, join(" ", map { $needreqs{$_} ? "<i>$_</i>" : "<tt>$_</tt>" } @allreqs).$nmsg); }
# Install mode $in{'mode'} = 3 if ($in{'mode'} eq ''); print &ui_table_row($text{'download_act'}, &ui_select("act", $in{'mode'}, [ [ 0, $text{'download_m'} ], [ 1, $text{'download_mt'} ], [ 2, $text{'download_mi'} ], [ 3, $text{'download_mti'} ] ]));
# Command-line args to Makefile.PL print &ui_table_row($text{'download_args'}, &ui_textbox("args", $config{'def_args'}, 40));
# Table of environment variables $etable = &ui_columns_start([ $text{'download_name'}, $text{'download_value'} ]); for($i=0; $i<4; $i++) { $etable .= &ui_columns_row([ &ui_textbox("name_$i", undef, 15), &ui_textbox("value_$i", undef, 30) ]); } $etable .= &ui_columns_end(); print &ui_table_row($text{'download_envs'}, $etable);
print &ui_table_end(); print &ui_form_end([ [ undef, $text{'download_cont'} ], @needreqs && $in{'source'} == 3 ? ( [ "need", $text{'download_need'} ] ) : ( ) ]);
&ui_print_footer($in{'return'}, $in{'returndesc'} || $text{'index_return'});
sub install_error { print "<br><b>$main::whatfailed : $_[0]</b> <p>\n"; &ui_print_footer($in{'return'}, $in{'returndesc'} || $text{'index_return'}); exit; }