Viewing file: index.cgi (5.99 KB) -rwxr-xr-x Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
#!/usr/bin/perl # Shows hosts on which Usermin is installed
require './'; &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'index_title'}, "", "intro", 1, 1);
# Display hosts on which modules will be installed print &ui_subheading($text{'index_hosts'}); @servers = &list_servers(); @hosts = &list_usermin_hosts(); if ($config{'sort_mode'} == 1) { @hosts = sort { my ($as) = grep { $_->{'id'} == $a->{'id'} } @servers; my ($bs) = grep { $_->{'id'} == $b->{'id'} } @servers; lc($as->{'host'}) cmp lc($bs->{'host'}) } @hosts; } elsif ($config{'sort_mode'} == 2) { @hosts = sort { my ($as) = grep { $_->{'id'} == $a->{'id'} } @servers; my ($bs) = grep { $_->{'id'} == $b->{'id'} } @servers; lc(&server_name($as)) cmp lc(&server_name($bs)) }@hosts; } $formno = 0; foreach $h (@hosts) { local ($s) = grep { $_->{'id'} == $h->{'id'} } @servers; next if (!$s); push(@titles, &server_name($s)."<br>". &text('index_version', $h->{'version'})); push(@links, "edit_host.cgi?id=$h->{'id'}"); push(@icons, "$gconfig{'webprefix'}/servers/images/$s->{'type'}.gif"); $gothost{$h->{'id'}}++; } if (@links) { if ($config{'table_mode'}) { # Show as table print &ui_columns_start([ $text{'index_thost'}, $text{'index_tdesc'}, $text{'index_tver'}, $text{'index_ttype'} ]); foreach $h (@hosts) { local ($s) = grep { $_->{'id'} == $h->{'id'} } @servers; next if (!$s); local ($type) = grep { $_->[0] eq $s->{'type'} } @servers::server_types; print &ui_columns_row([ "<a href='edit_host.cgi?id=$h->{'id'}'>". ($s->{'host'} || &get_system_hostname())."</a>", $s->{'desc'}, $h->{'version'}, $type->[1], ]); } print &ui_columns_end(); } else { # Show as icons &icons_table(\@links, \@titles, \@icons); } } else { print "<b>$text{'index_nohosts'}</b><p>\n"; }
# Build common selectors @wgroups = &all_groups(\@hosts); $modsel2 = $modsel = "<select name=mod>\n"; $modsel2 .= "<option value=''>$text{'index_gacl'}\n"; foreach $m (&all_modules(\@hosts)) { $modsel .= "<option value=$m->{'dir'}>$m->{'desc'}\n"; $modsel2 .= "<option value=$m->{'dir'}>$m->{'desc'}\n"; } $modsel .= "</select>\n"; $modsel2 .= "</select>\n"; $themesel = "<select name=theme>\n"; foreach $t (&all_themes(\@hosts)) { $themesel .= "<option value=$t->{'dir'}>$t->{'desc'}\n"; } $themesel .= "</select>\n";
# Show button for adding server print "<table width=100%><tr>\n"; @addservers = grep { !$gothost{$_->{'id'}} } @servers; if (@addservers) { print "<form action=add.cgi><td>\n"; print "<input type=submit name=add value='$text{'index_add'}'>\n"; print "<select name=server>\n"; foreach $s (@addservers) { print "<option value=$s->{'id'}>",&server_name($s),"\n"; } print "</select>\n"; print "</td></form>\n"; $formno++; } else { print "<td></td>\n"; }
# Show button for adding server group @groups = &servers::list_all_groups(\@servers); if (@groups) { print "<form action=add.cgi><td align=right>\n"; print "<input type=submit name=gadd value='$text{'index_gadd'}'>\n"; print "<select name=group>\n"; foreach $g (@groups) { print "<option>$g->{'name'}\n"; } print "</select>\n"; print "</td></form>\n"; $formno++; } else { print "<td></td>\n"; } print "</tr></table>\n";
if (@hosts) { # Display modules lists and new module form print &ui_hr(); print &ui_subheading($text{'index_modules'}); print "<table width=100%><tr>\n"; print "<form action=edit_mod.cgi><td>\n"; print "<input type=submit value=\"$text{'index_edit'}\">\n"; print $modsel; print "</td>\n";
print "<td align=right><input type=submit name=tedit value=\"$text{'index_tedit'}\">\n"; print $themesel; print "</td></form></tr>\n"; $formno++;
print "<tr> <form action=refresh.cgi><td align=left colspan=2>\n"; print "<input type=submit value='$text{'index_refresh'}'>\n"; &create_on_input(undef, 1, 1); print "</td></form>\n"; $formno++; print "</table><p>\n";
print "<form action=install.cgi method=post ", "enctype=multipart/form-data>\n"; print "$text{'index_installmsg'}<p>\n"; print "<input type=radio name=source value=0 checked> $text{'index_local'}\n"; print "<input name=local size=50>\n"; print &file_chooser_button("local", 0, $formno); print "<br>\n"; print "<input type=radio name=source value=1> $text{'index_uploaded'}\n"; print "<input type=file name=upload size=20><br>\n"; print "<input type=radio name=source value=2> $text{'index_ftp'}\n"; print "<input name=url size=50><br>\n"; print " " x 5,"<input type=checkbox name=down value=1> ", "$text{'index_down'}<p>\n";
print "<input type=checkbox name=nodeps value=1> ", "$text{'index_nodeps'}<br>\n";
print "$text{'index_installon'}\n"; &create_on_input(); print "<p>\n";
print "<input type=submit value=\"$text{'index_installok'}\">\n"; print "</form>\n"; $formno++;
# Display upgrade form &foreign_require("webmin", ""); print &ui_hr(); print &ui_subheading($text{'index_upgrade'}); print "$text{'index_updesc'}<p>\n";
# what kind of install is the local system? $mode = &usermin::get_install_type();
print "<form action=upgrade.cgi method=post enctype=multipart/form-data>\n"; print "<input type=hidden name=mode value='$mode'>\n";
print "<input type=radio name=source value=0> $text{'index_local'}\n"; print "<input name=file size=40>\n"; print &file_chooser_button("file", 0, $formno),"<br>\n"; print "<input type=radio name=source value=1> $text{'index_uploaded'}\n"; print "<input name=upload type=file size=30><br>\n"; print "<input type=radio name=source value=5> $text{'index_ftp'}\n"; print "<input name=url size=40><br>\n"; if ($in{'mode'} eq 'rpm' || !$in{'mode'}) { print "<input type=radio name=source value=2 checked> $webmin::text{'upgrade_ftp'}<br>\n"; } print "<p>\n";
print "<input type=checkbox name=delete value=1> ", "$webmin::text{'upgrade_delete'}<br>\n"; print "$text{'index_upgradeon'}\n"; &create_on_input(); print "<input type=submit value=\"$usermin::text{'upgrade_ok'}\">\n"; print "</form>\n"; $formno++; }
&ui_print_footer("/", $text{'index'});