Viewing file: edit_master.cgi (5.55 KB) -rwxr-xr-x Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
#!/usr/bin/perl # edit_master.cgi # Display options and directives in an existing master zone
require './'; &ReadParse(); $in{'view'} = 'any' if ($in{'view'} eq ''); $zone = &get_zone_name_or_error($in{'zone'}, $in{'view'}); $dom = $zone->{'name'}; &can_edit_zone($zone) || &error($text{'master_ecannot'}); $desc = &ip6int_to_net(&arpa_to_ip($dom)); &ui_print_header($desc, $text{'master_title'}, "", undef, undef, undef, undef, &restart_links($zone));
# Find the record types if (!$config{'largezones'}) { @recs = grep { !$_->{'generate'} && !$_->{'defttl'} } &read_zone_file($zone->{'file'}, $dom); } if ($dom =~ /in-addr\.arpa/i || $dom =~ /\.$ipv6revzone/i) { @rcodes = &get_reverse_record_types(); } else { @rcodes = &get_forward_record_types(); } push(@rcodes, "ALL"); @rcodes = grep { &can_edit_type($_, \%access) } @rcodes;
if (!$config{'largezones'}) { # See what record type we have foreach $c (@rcodes) { $rnum{$c} = 0; } foreach $r (@recs) { $rnum{$r->{'type'}}++; $rnum{"ALL"}++ if ($r->{'type'} ne "SOA"); if ($r->{'type'} eq "SOA") { $soa = $r; } } } else { # Just assume that we have all types $soa = 1; }
if ($config{'show_list'}) { # display as list $mid = int((@rcodes+1)/2); @grid = ( ); push(@grid, &types_table(@rcodes[0..$mid-1])); push(@grid, &types_table(@rcodes[$mid..$#rcodes])); print &ui_grid_table(\@grid, 2, 100, [ "width=50%", "width=50%" ]); } else { # display as icons for($i=0; $i<@rcodes; $i++) { push(@rlinks, "edit_recs.cgi?zone=$in{'zone'}&". "view=$in{'view'}&type=$rcodes[$i]"); push(@rtitles, ($text{"type_$rcodes[$i]"} || $rcodes[$i]). (defined(%rnum) ? " ($rnum{$rcodes[$i]})" : "")); push(@ricons, $is_extra{$rcodes[$i]} ? "images/extra.gif" : "images/$rcodes[$i].gif"); } &icons_table(\@rlinks, \@rtitles, \@ricons); }
# links to forms editing text, soa and zone options if ($access{'file'}) { # Manually edit zone push(@links, "edit_text.cgi?zone=$in{'zone'}&view=$in{'view'}"); push(@titles, $text{'master_manual'}); push(@images, "images/text.gif"); } if ($access{'params'}) { # SOA values push(@links, "edit_soa.cgi?zone=$in{'zone'}&view=$in{'view'}"); push(@titles, $text{'master_soa'}); push(@images, "images/soa.gif"); } if ($access{'opts'}) { # Zone options in named.conf push(@links, "edit_options.cgi?zone=$in{'zone'}&view=$in{'view'}"); push(@titles, $text{'master_options'}); push(@images, "images/options.gif"); } if ($access{'findfree'}) { # Find free IPs push(@links, "find_free.cgi?zone=$in{'zone'}&view=$in{'view'}"); push(@titles, $text{'findfree_desc'}); push(@images, "images/findfree.gif"); } if ($access{'gen'}) { # Generators push(@links, "list_gen.cgi?zone=$in{'zone'}&view=$in{'view'}"); push(@titles, $text{'gen_title'}); push(@images, "images/gen.gif"); } if ($access{'whois'} && &has_command($config{'whois_cmd'}) && $dom !~ /in-addr\.arpa/i) { # Whois lookup push(@links, "whois.cgi?zone=$in{'zone'}&view=$in{'view'}"); push(@titles, $text{'master_whois'}); push(@images, "images/whois.gif"); } if ($access{'dnssec'} && &supports_dnssec()) { if (&have_dnssec_tools_support()) { # DNSSEC Automation push(@links, "edit_zonedt.cgi?zone=$in{'zone'}&view=$in{'view'}"); push(@titles, $text{'dt_enable_title'}); push(@images, "images/dnssectools.gif"); }
# Zone key push(@links, "edit_zonekey.cgi?zone=$in{'zone'}&view=$in{'view'}"); push(@titles, $text{'zonekey_title'}); push(@images, "images/zonekey.gif"); }
if (@links) { print &ui_hr(); &icons_table(\@links, \@titles, \@images); }
$apply = $access{'apply'} && &has_ndc(); if (!$access{'ro'} && ($access{'delete'} || $apply)) { print &ui_hr(); print &ui_buttons_start();
if ($apply) { # Show button to freeze print &ui_buttons_row( "freeze_zone.cgi", $text{'master_freeze'}, $text{'master_freezemsg2'}, &ui_hidden("zone", $in{'zone'}). &ui_hidden("view", $in{'view'}) );
# Show button to un-freeze print &ui_buttons_row( "unfreeze_zone.cgi", $text{'master_unfreeze'}, $text{'master_unfreezemsg2'}, &ui_hidden("zone", $in{'zone'}). &ui_hidden("view", $in{'view'}) ); }
# Show button to check records if (&supports_check_zone()) { print &ui_buttons_row( "check_zone.cgi", $text{'master_checkzone'}, $text{'master_checkzonemsg'}, &ui_hidden("zone", $in{'zone'}). &ui_hidden("view", $in{'view'}) ); }
# Move zone button $conf = &get_config(); print &move_zone_button($conf, $zone->{'viewindex'}, $in{'zone'});
# Convert to slave zone if ($access{'slave'}) { print &ui_buttons_row("convert_master.cgi", $text{'master_convert'}, $text{'master_convertdesc'}, &ui_hidden("zone", $in{'zone'}). &ui_hidden("view", $in{'view'})); }
if ($access{'delete'}) { # Show button to delete zome print &ui_buttons_row( "delete_zone.cgi", $text{'master_del'}, $text{'master_delmsg'}." ". ($dom !~ /in-addr\.arpa/i && $dom !~ /\.$ipv6revzone/i ? $text{'master_delrev'} : ""), &ui_hidden("zone", $in{'zone'}). &ui_hidden("view", $in{'view'}) ); }
print &ui_buttons_end(); }
&ui_print_footer("", $text{'index_return'});
sub types_table { my $rv; if ($_[0]) { $rv .= &ui_columns_start([ $text{'master_type'}, defined(%rnum) ? ( $text{'master_records'} ) : ( ) ], 100); for(my $i=0; $_[$i]; $i++) { local @cols = ( "<a href=\"edit_recs.cgi?". "zone=$in{'zone'}&view=$in{'view'}&type=$_[$i]\">". ($text{"recs_$_[$i]"} || $_[$i])."</a>" ); if (defined(%rnum)) { push(@cols, $rnum{$_[$i]}); } $rv .= &ui_columns_row(\@cols); } $rv .= &ui_columns_end(); } return $rv; }