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#!/usr/bin/perl # Show a form for restoring an old backup job
require './'; &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'restore_title'}, "", "restore");
$conf = &get_director_config(); @jobs = &find("Job", $conf); $backup = &find_by("Type", "Restore", \@jobs);
print &ui_form_start("restore.cgi", "post"); print &ui_table_start($text{'restore_header'}, undef, 2);
# Old job to restore $dbh = &connect_to_database(); $cmd = $dbh->prepare("select JobId,Name,SchedTime,Level from Job where Name not like 'Restore%' order by SchedTime desc") || &error("prepare failed : ",$dbh->errstr); $cmd->execute(); while(my ($id, $name, $when, $level) = $cmd->fetchrow()) { $level = $text{'restore_level_'.$level} || $level; ($j, $c) = &is_oc_object($name); if (!$j) { # Normal backup push(@opts, [ $id, "$id - $name ($when) - $level" ]); } elsif ($j && $c) { # Backup of one node push(@opts, [ $id, "$id - $j on $c ($when) - $level" ]);
# Save the job ID to a list of those for this particular node # group backup $stime = &date_to_unix($when); $found = 0; foreach $nj (@nodejobs) { $diff = abs($stime - $nj->{'stime'}); if ($nj->{'job'} eq $j && $diff < 30) { push(@{$nj->{'clients'}}, [ $id, $c ]); $found = 1; last; } } if (!$found) { push(@nodejobs, { 'job' => $j, 'stime' => $stime, 'when' => $when, 'clients' => [ [ $id, $c ] ]}); } } } # Add entries for entire node group restores if (@nodejobs) { @opts = ( [ undef, $text{'restore_jlist'} ], @opts, [ undef, $text{'restore_njlist'} ] ); foreach $nj (@nodejobs) { push(@opts, [ "nj_".$nj->{'job'}."_".$nj->{'stime'}."_". $nj->{'clients'}->[0]->[0], "$nj->{'job'} ($nj->{'when'}" ]); } } $cmd->finish(); print &ui_table_row($text{'restore_job'}, &ui_select("job", undef, \@opts));
# Files to restore print &ui_table_row($text{'restore_files'}, &ui_textarea("files", undef, 8, 50)."\n". &bacula_file_button("files", "job"));
# Storage device @storages = sort { lc($a->{'name'}) cmp lc($b->{'name'}) } &get_bacula_storages(); print &ui_table_row($text{'restore_storage'}, &ui_select("storage", undef, [ map { [ $_->{'name'}, &text('storagestatus_on', $_->{'name'}, $_->{'address'}) ] } @storages ]));
# Destination client or group @clients = sort { lc($a->{'name'}) cmp lc($b->{'name'}) } grep { !&is_oc_object($_, 1) } &get_bacula_clients(); @groups = sort { lc($a->{'name'}) cmp lc($b->{'name'}) } grep { &is_oc_object($_, 1) } &get_bacula_clients(); @opts = ( ); if (@clients) { push(@opts, [ undef, $text{'restore_clist'} ]) if (@groups); push(@opts, map { [ $_->{'name'}, &text('clientstatus_on', $_->{'name'}, $_->{'address'}) ] } @clients); } if (@groups) { push(@opts, [ undef, $text{'restore_glist'} ]) if (@clients); push(@opts, map { ($g, $c) = &is_oc_object($_); $c ? ( ) : ( [ $_->{'name'}, $g ] ) } @groups); } if (@nodejobs) { push(@opts, [ "*", $text{'restore_all'} ]); } print &ui_table_row($text{'restore_client'}, &ui_select("client", undef, \@opts));
# Destination directory $where = &find_value("Where", $backup->{'members'}); print &ui_table_row($text{'restore_where'}, &ui_opt_textbox("where", undef, 40, $text{'default'}." (<tt>$where</tt>)<br>", $text{'restore_where2'}));
# Wait for completion? print &ui_table_row($text{'backup_wait'}, &ui_yesno_radio("wait", $config{'wait'}));
print &ui_table_end(); print &ui_form_end([ [ "restore", $text{'restore_ok'} ] ]);
&ui_print_footer("", $text{'index_return'});