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Functions for creating configuration file backups. Some example code :
foreign_require('backup-config', ''); @backups = backup_config::list_backups(); ($apache_backup) = grep { $_->{'mods'} eq 'apache' } @backups; $apache_backup->{'dest'} = '/tmp/apache.tar.gz'; &backup_config::save_backup($apache_backup);
BEGIN { push(@INC, ".."); }; use strict; use warnings; use WebminCore; our (%text, $module_config_directory, %config); &init_config(); &foreign_require("cron", "");
our $cron_cmd = "$module_config_directory/"; our $backups_dir = "$module_config_directory/backups"; our $manifests_dir = "/tmp/backup-config-manifests";
=head2 list_backup_modules
Returns details of all modules that allow backups, each of which is a hash ref in the same format as returned by get_module_info.
=cut sub list_backup_modules { my ($m, @rv); foreach $m (&get_all_module_infos()) { my $mdir = &module_root_directory($m->{'dir'}); if (&check_os_support($m) && -r "$mdir/") { push(@rv, $m); } } return sort { $a->{'desc'} cmp $b->{'desc'} } @rv; }
=head2 list_backups
Returns a list of all configured backups, each of which is a hash ref with at least the following keys :
=item mods - Space-separate list of modules to include.
=item dest - Destination file, FTP or SSH server.
=item configfile - Set to 1 if /etc/webmin/modulename files are included.
=item nofiles - Set to 1 if server config files (like httpd.conf) are NOT included.
=item others - A tab-separated list of other files to include.
=item email -Email address to notify.
=item emode - Set to 0 to send email only on failure, 1 to always send.
=item sched - Set to 1 if regular scheduled backups are enabled.
=item mins,hours,days,months,weekdays - Cron-style specification of backup time.
=cut sub list_backups { my (@rv, $f); opendir(DIR, $backups_dir) || return (); foreach $f (sort { $a cmp $b } readdir(DIR)) { next if ($f !~ /^(\S+)\.backup$/); push(@rv, &get_backup($1)); } closedir(DIR); return @rv; }
=head2 get_backup(id)
Given a unique backup ID, returns a hash ref containing its details, in the same format as list_backups.
=cut sub get_backup { my %backup; &read_file("$backups_dir/$_[0].backup", \%backup) || return undef; $backup{'id'} = $_[0]; return \%backup; }
=head2 save_backup(&backup)
Given a hash ref containing backup details, saves them to disk. Must be in the same format as returned by list_backups, except for the ID which will be randomly assigned if missing.
=cut sub save_backup { $_[0]->{'id'} ||= time().$$; mkdir($backups_dir, 0700); &lock_file("$backups_dir/$_[0]->{'id'}.backup"); &write_file("$backups_dir/$_[0]->{'id'}.backup", $_[0]); &unlock_file("$backups_dir/$_[0]->{'id'}.backup"); }
=head2 delete_backup(&backup)
Deletes the backup whose details are in the given hash ref.
=cut sub delete_backup { &unlink_logged("$backups_dir/$_[0]->{'id'}.backup"); }
=head2 parse_backup_url(string)
Converts a URL like ftp:// or a filename into its components. These are user, pass, host, page, port (optional)
=cut sub parse_backup_url { if ($_[0] && $_[0] =~ /^ftp:\/\/([^:]*):([^\@]*)\@([^\/:]+)(:(\d+))?(\/.*)$/) { return (1, $1, $2, $3, $6, $5); } elsif ($_[0] && $_[0] =~ /^ssh:\/\/([^:]*):([^\@]*)\@([^\/:]+)(:(\d+))?(\/.*)$/) { return (2, $1, $2, $3, $6, $5); } elsif ($_[0] && $_[0] =~ /^upload:(.*)$/) { return (3, undef, undef, undef, $1); } elsif ($_[0] && $_[0] =~ /^download:$/) { return (4, undef, undef, undef, undef); } else { return (0, undef, undef, undef, $_[0]); } }
=head2 show_backup_destination(name, value, [local-mode])
Returns HTML for a field for selecting a local or FTP file.
=cut sub show_backup_destination { my ($mode, $user, $pass, $server, $path, $port) = &parse_backup_url($_[1]); my $rv; $rv .= "<table cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0>";
# Local file field $rv .= "<tr><td>".&ui_oneradio("$_[0]_mode", 0, undef, $mode == 0)."</td>\n"; $rv .= "<td colspan=2>$text{'backup_mode0'} ". &ui_textbox("$_[0]_file", $mode == 0 ? $path : "", 40). " ".&file_chooser_button("$_[0]_file")."</td> </tr>\n";
# FTP file fields $rv .= "<tr><td>".&ui_oneradio("$_[0]_mode", 1, undef, $mode == 1)."</td>\n"; $rv .= "<td>$text{'backup_mode1'} ". &ui_textbox("$_[0]_server", $mode == 1 ? $server : undef, 20). "</td>\n"; $rv .= "<td>$text{'backup_path'} ". &ui_textbox("$_[0]_path", $mode == 1 ? $path : undef, 40). "</td> </tr>\n"; $rv .= "<tr> <td></td>\n"; $rv .= "<td>$text{'backup_login'} ". &ui_textbox("$_[0]_user", $mode == 1 ? $user : undef, 15). "</td>\n"; $rv .= "<td>$text{'backup_pass'} ". &ui_password("$_[0]_pass", $mode == 1 ? $pass : undef, 15). "</td> </tr>\n"; $rv .= "<tr> <td></td>\n"; $rv .= "<td>$text{'backup_port'} ". &ui_opt_textbox("$_[0]_port", $mode == 1 ? $port : undef, 5, $text{'default'})."</td> </tr>\n";
# SCP file fields $rv .= "<tr><td>".&ui_oneradio("$_[0]_mode", 2, undef, $mode == 2)."</td>\n"; $rv .= "<td>$text{'backup_mode2'} ". &ui_textbox("$_[0]_sserver", $mode == 2 ? $server : undef, 20). "</td>\n"; $rv .= "<td>$text{'backup_path'} ". &ui_textbox("$_[0]_spath", $mode == 2 ? $path : undef, 40). "</td> </tr>\n"; $rv .= "<tr> <td></td>\n"; $rv .= "<td>$text{'backup_login'} ". &ui_textbox("$_[0]_suser", $mode == 2 ? $user : undef, 15). "</td>\n"; $rv .= "<td>$text{'backup_pass'} ". &ui_password("$_[0]_spass", $mode == 2 ? $pass : undef, 15). "</td> </tr>\n"; $rv .= "<tr> <td></td>\n"; $rv .= "<td>$text{'backup_port'} ". &ui_opt_textbox("$_[0]_sport", $mode == 2 ? $port : undef, 5, $text{'default'})."</td> </tr>\n";
if ($_[2] == 1) { # Uploaded file field $rv .= "<tr><td>".&ui_oneradio("$_[0]_mode", 3, undef, $mode == 3). "</td>\n"; $rv .= "<td colspan=2>$text{'backup_mode3'} ". &ui_upload("$_[0]_upload", 40). "</td> </tr>\n"; } elsif ($_[2] == 2) { # Output to browser option $rv .= "<tr><td>".&ui_oneradio("$_[0]_mode", 4, undef, $mode == 4). "</td>\n"; $rv .= "<td colspan=2>$text{'backup_mode4'}</td> </tr>\n"; }
$rv .= "</table>\n"; return $rv; }
=head2 parse_backup_destination(name, &in)
Returns a backup destination string, or calls error.
=cut sub parse_backup_destination { my %in = %{$_[1]}; my $mode = $in{"$_[0]_mode"}; if ($mode == 0) { # Local file $in{"$_[0]_file"} =~ /^\/\S/ || &error($text{'backup_edest'}); return $in{"$_[0]_file"}; } elsif ($mode == 1) { # FTP server &to_ipaddress($in{"$_[0]_server"}) || &to_ip6address($in{"$_[0]_server"}) || &error($text{'backup_eserver1'}); $in{"$_[0]_path"} =~ /^\/\S/ || &error($text{'backup_epath'}); $in{"$_[0]_user"} =~ /^[^:]*$/ || &error($text{'backup_euser'}); $in{"$_[0]_pass"} =~ /^[^\@]*$/ || &error($text{'backup_epass'}); $in{"$_[0]_port_def"} || $in{"$_[0]_port"} =~ /^\d+$/ || &error($text{'backup_eport'}); return "ftp://".$in{"$_[0]_user"}.":".$in{"$_[0]_pass"}."\@". $in{"$_[0]_server"}. ($in{"$_[0]_port_def"} ? "" : ":".$in{"$_[0]_port"}). $in{"$_[0]_path"}; } elsif ($mode == 2) { # SSH server &to_ipaddress($in{"$_[0]_sserver"}) || &to_ip6address($in{"$_[0]_sserver"}) || &error($text{'backup_eserver2'}); $in{"$_[0]_spath"} =~ /^\/\S/ || &error($text{'backup_epath2'}); $in{"$_[0]_suser"} =~ /^[^:]*$/ || &error($text{'backup_euser'}); $in{"$_[0]_spass"} =~ /^[^\@]*$/ || &error($text{'backup_epass'}); $in{"$_[0]_sport_def"} || $in{"$_[0]_sport"} =~ /^\d+$/ || &error($text{'backup_esport'}); return "ssh://".$in{"$_[0]_suser"}.":".$in{"$_[0]_spass"}."\@". $in{"$_[0]_sserver"}. ($in{"$_[0]_sport_def"} ? "" : ":".$in{"$_[0]_sport"}). $in{"$_[0]_spath"}; } elsif ($mode == 3) { # Uploaded file .. save as temp file? $in{"$_[0]_upload"} || &error($text{'backup_eupload'}); return "upload:$_[0]_upload"; } elsif ($mode == 4) { return "download:"; } }
=head2 execute_backup(&modules, dest, &size, &files, include-webmin, exclude-files, &others)
Backs up the configuration files for the modules to the selected destination. The backup is simply a tar file of config files. Returns undef on success, or an error message on failure.
=cut sub execute_backup { # Work out modules we can use my @mods; foreach my $m (@{$_[0]}) { my $mdir = &module_root_directory($m); if ($m && &foreign_check($m) && -r "$mdir/") { push(@mods, $m); } }
# Work out where to write to my ($mode, $user, $pass, $host, $path, $port) = &parse_backup_url($_[1]); my $file; if ($mode == 0) { $file = &date_subs($path); } else { $file = &transname(); }
# Get module descriptions my $m; my %desc; foreach $m (@mods) { my %minfo = &get_module_info($m); $desc{$m} = $minfo{'desc'}; }
my @files; my %manifestfiles; if (!$_[5]) { # Build list of all files to save from modules foreach my $m (@mods) { &foreign_require($m, ""); my @mfiles = &foreign_call($m, "backup_config_files"); foreach my $f (@mfiles) { next if (!$f); if (-d $f) { # A directory .. recursively expand foreach my $sf (&expand_directory($f)) { next if (!$sf); push(@files, $sf); push(@{$manifestfiles{$m}}, $sf); } } else { # Just one file push(@files, $f); push(@{$manifestfiles{$m}}, $f); } } } }
# Add module config files if ($_[4]) { foreach $m (@mods) { my @cfiles = ( "$config_directory/$m/config" ); push(@files, @cfiles); push(@{$manifestfiles{$m}}, @cfiles); } }
# Add other files foreach my $f (@{$_[6]}) { next if (!$f); if (-d $f) { # A directory .. recursively expand foreach my $sf (&expand_directory($f)) { next if (!$sf); push(@files, $sf); push(@{$manifestfiles{"other"}}, $sf); } } else { # Just one file push(@files, $f); push(@{$manifestfiles{"other"}}, $f); } }
# Save the manifest files &execute_command("rm -rf ".quotemeta($manifests_dir)); mkdir($manifests_dir, 0755); my @manifests; foreach $m (@mods, "_others") { next if (!defined($manifestfiles{$m})); my $man = "$manifests_dir/$m"; my $fh; &open_tempfile($fh, ">$man"); &print_tempfile($fh, map { "$_\n" } @{$manifestfiles{$m}}); &close_tempfile($fh); push(@manifests, $man); }
# Make sure we have something to do @files = grep { $_ && -e $_ } @files; @files || (return $text{'backup_enone'});
if (!$_[5]) { # Call all module pre functions my $m; foreach $m (@mods) { if (&foreign_defined($m, "pre_backup")) { my $err = &foreign_call($m, "pre_backup", \@files); if ($err) { return &text('backup_epre', $desc{$m}, $err); } } } }
# Make the tar (possibly .gz) file my $filestemp = &transname(); my $fh; &open_tempfile($fh, ">$filestemp"); foreach my $f (&unique(@files), @manifests) { my $frel = $f; $frel =~ s/^\///; &print_tempfile($fh, $frel."\n"); } &close_tempfile($fh); my $qfile = quotemeta($file); my $out; if (&has_command("gzip")) { &execute_command("cd / ; tar cfT - $filestemp | gzip -c >$qfile", undef, \$out, \$out); } else { &execute_command("cd / ; tar cfT $qfile $filestemp", undef, \$out, \$out); } my $ex = $?; &unlink_file($filestemp); if ($ex) { &unlink_file($file) if ($mode != 0); return &text('backup_etar', "<pre>$out</pre>"); } my @st = stat($file); ${$_[2]} = $st[7] if ($_[2]); @{$_[3]} = &unique(@files) if ($_[3]); &set_ownership_permissions(undef, undef, 0600, $file);
if (!$_[5]) { # Call all module post functions foreach $m (@mods) { if (&foreign_defined($m, "post_backup")) { &foreign_call($m, "post_backup", \@files); } } }
if ($mode == 1) { # FTP upload to destination my $err; &ftp_upload($host, &date_subs($path), $file, \$err, undef, $user, $pass, $port); &unlink_file($file); return $err if ($err); } elsif ($mode == 2) { # SCP to destination my $err; &scp_copy($file, "$user\@$host:".&date_subs($path), $pass, \$err,$port); &unlink_file($file); return $err if ($err); }
return undef; }
=head2 execute_restore(&mods, source, &files, apply, [show-only])
Restore configuration files from the specified source for the listed modules. Returns undef on success, or an error message.
=cut sub execute_restore { my ($mods, $src, $files, $apply, $show) = @_;
# Fetch file if needed my ($mode, $user, $pass, $host, $path, $port) = &parse_backup_url($src); my $file; if ($mode == 0) { $file = $path; } else { $file = &transname(); if ($mode == 2) { # Download with SCP my $err; &scp_copy("$user\@$host:$path", $file, $pass, \$err, $port); if ($err) { &unlink_file($file); return $err; } } elsif ($mode == 1) { # Download with FTP my $err; &ftp_download($host, $path, $file, \$err, undef, $user, $pass, $port); if ($err) { &unlink_file($file); return $err; } } }
# Validate archive open(FILE, $file); my $two; read(FILE, $two, 2); close(FILE); my $qfile = quotemeta($file); my $gzipped = ($two eq "\037\213"); my $cmd; if ($gzipped) { # Gzipped &has_command("gunzip") || return $text{'backup_egunzip'}; $cmd = "gunzip -c $qfile | tar tf -"; } else { $cmd = "tar tf $qfile"; } my $out; &execute_command($cmd, undef, \$out, \$out, 0, 1); if ($?) { &unlink_file($file) if ($mode != 0); return &text('backup_euntar', "<pre>$out</pre>"); } my @tarfiles = map { "/$_" } split(/\r?\n/, $out); my %tarfiles = map { $_, 1 } @tarfiles;
# Extract manifests for each module my %hasmod = map { $_, 1 } @{$_[0]}; $hasmod{"_others"} = 1; &execute_command("rm -rf ".quotemeta($manifests_dir)); my $rel_manifests_dir = $manifests_dir; $rel_manifests_dir =~ s/^\///; if ($gzipped) { &execute_command("cd / ; gunzip -c $qfile | tar xf - $rel_manifests_dir", undef, \$out, \$out); } else { &execute_command("cd / ; tar xf $qfile $rel_manifests_dir", undef, \$out, \$out); } opendir(DIR, $manifests_dir); my $m; my %mfiles; my @files; while($m = readdir(DIR)) { next if ($m eq "." || $m eq ".." || !$hasmod{$m}); open(MAN, "$manifests_dir/$m"); my @mfiles; while(<MAN>) { s/\r|\n//g; if ($tarfiles{$_}) { push(@mfiles, $_); } } close(MAN); $mfiles{$m} = \@mfiles; push(@files, @mfiles); } closedir(DIR); if (!@files) { &unlink_file($file) if ($mode != 0); return $text{'backup_enone2'}; }
# Get descriptions for each module my %desc; foreach my $m (@{$_[0]}) { my %minfo = &get_module_info($m); $desc{$m} = $minfo{'desc'}; }
# Call module pre functions foreach my $m (@{$_[0]}) { my $mdir = &module_root_directory($m); if ($m && &foreign_check($m) && !$_[4] && -r "$mdir/") { &foreign_require($m, ""); if (&foreign_defined($m, "pre_restore")) { my $err = &foreign_call($m, "pre_restore", \@files); if ($err) { &unlink_file($file) if ($mode != 0); return &text('backup_epre2', $desc{$m}, $err); } } } }
# Lock all files being extracted if (!$_[4]) { my $f; foreach $f (@files) { &lock_file($f); } }
# Extract contents (only files specified by manifests) my $flag = $_[4] ? "t" : "x"; my $qfiles = join(" ", map { s/^\///; quotemeta($_) } &unique(@files)); if ($gzipped) { &execute_command("cd / ; gunzip -c $qfile | tar ${flag}f - $qfiles", undef, \$out, \$out); } else { &execute_command("cd / ; tar ${flag}f $qfile $qfiles", undef, \$out, \$out); } my $ex = $?;
# Un-lock all files being extracted if (!$_[4]) { my $f; foreach $f (@files) { &unlock_file($f); } }
# Check for tar error if ($ex) { &unlink_file($file) if ($mode != 0); return &text('backup_euntar', "<pre>$out</pre>"); }
if ($_[3] && !$_[4]) { # Call all module apply functions foreach $m (@{$_[0]}) { if (&foreign_defined($m, "post_restore")) { &foreign_call($m, "post_restore", \@files); } } }
@{$_[2]} = @files; return undef; }
=head2 scp_copy(source, dest, password, &error, [port])
Copies a file from some source to a destination. One or the other can be a server, like user@foo:/path/to/bar/
=cut sub scp_copy { &foreign_require("proc", ""); my $cmd = "scp -r ".($_[4] ? "-P $_[4] " : ""). quotemeta($_[0])." ".quotemeta($_[1]); my ($fh, $fpid) = &proc::pty_process_exec($cmd); my $out; while(1) { my $rv = &wait_for($fh, "password:", "yes\\/no", ".*\n"); $out .= $wait_for_input; if ($rv == 0) { syswrite($fh, "$_[2]\n"); } elsif ($rv == 1) { syswrite($fh, "yes\n"); } elsif ($rv < 0) { last; } } close($fh); my $got = waitpid($fpid, 0); if ($? || $out =~ /permission\s+denied/i) { ${$_[3]} = "scp failed : <pre>$out</pre>"; } }
=head2 find_cron_job(&backup)
=cut sub find_cron_job { my @jobs = &cron::list_cron_jobs(); my ($job) = grep { $_->{'user'} eq 'root' && $_->{'command'} eq "$cron_cmd $_[0]->{'id'}" } @jobs; return $job; }
=head2 nice_dest(destination, [subdates])
Returns a backup filename in a human-readable format, with dates substituted.
=cut sub nice_dest { my ($url, $subdates) = @_; my ($mode, $user, $pass, $server, $path, $port) = &parse_backup_url($url); if ($subdates) { $path = &date_subs($path); } if ($mode == 0) { return "<tt>$path</tt>"; } elsif ($mode == 1) { return &text($port ? 'nice_ftpp' : 'nice_ftp', "<tt>$server</tt>", "<tt>$path</tt>", $port ? "<tt>$port</tt>" : ""); } elsif ($mode == 2) { return &text($port ? 'nice_sshp' : 'nice_ssh', "<tt>$server</tt>", "<tt>$path</tt>", $port ? "<tt>$port</tt>" : ""); } elsif ($mode == 3) { return $text{'nice_upload'}; } elsif ($mode == 4) { return $text{'nice_download'}; } }
=head2 date_subs(string)
Given a string with strftime-style format characters in it like %Y and %S, replaces them with the correct values for the current date and time.
=cut sub date_subs { my ($path) = @_; my $rv; if ($config{'date_subs'}) { eval "use POSIX"; eval "use posix" if ($@); my @tm = localtime(time()); $rv = strftime($path, @tm); } else { $rv = $path; } if ($config{'webmin_subs'}) { $rv = &substitute_template($rv, { }); } return $rv; }
=head2 show_backup_what(name, webmin?, nofiles?, others)
Returns HTML for selecting what gets included in a backup.
=cut sub show_backup_what { my ($name, $webmin, $nofiles, $others) = @_; $others ||= ""; return &ui_checkbox($name."_webmin", 1, $text{'edit_webmin'}, $webmin)."\n". &ui_checkbox($name."_nofiles", 1, $text{'edit_nofiles'}, !$nofiles)."\n". &ui_checkbox($name."_other", 1, $text{'edit_other'}, $others)."<br>". &ui_textarea($name."_files", join("\n", split(/\t+/, $others)), 3, 50); }
=head2 parse_backup_what(name, &in)
Returns the webmin and nofiles flags, and a tab-separated list of other files to include.
=cut sub parse_backup_what { my ($name, $in) = @_; my $webmin = $in->{$name."_webmin"}; my $nofiles = !$in->{$name."_nofiles"}; $in->{$name."_files"} =~ s/\r//g; my $others = $in->{$name."_other"} ? join("\t", split(/\n+/, $in->{$name."_files"})) : undef; $webmin || !$nofiles || $others || &error($text{'save_ewebmin'}); return ($webmin, $nofiles, $others); }
=head2 expand_directory(directory)
Given a directory, return a list of full paths to all files within it.
=cut sub expand_directory { my ($dir) = @_; my @rv; opendir(EXPAND, $dir); my @sf = readdir(EXPAND); closedir(EXPAND); foreach my $sf (@sf) { next if ($sf eq "." || $sf eq ".."); my $path = "$dir/$sf"; if (-l $path || !-d $path) { push(@rv, $path); } elsif (-d $path) { push(@rv, &expand_directory($path)); } } return @rv; }