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Library for editing webmin users, passwords and access rights.
foreign_require("acl", ""); @users = acl::list_users(); $newguy = { 'name' => 'newguy', 'pass' => acl::encrypt_password('smeg'), 'modules' => [ 'useradmin' ] }; acl::create_user($newguy);
BEGIN { push(@INC, ".."); }; use WebminCore; &init_config(); do ''; %access = &get_module_acl(); $access{'switch'} = 0 if (&is_readonly_mode());
=head2 list_users([&only-users])
Returns a list of hashes containing Webmin user details. Useful keys include :
=item name - Login name
=item pass - Encrypted password
=item modules - Array references of modules
=item theme - Custom theme, if any
If the only-users parameter is given, limit the list to just users with those usernames.
=cut sub list_users { my ($only) = @_; my (%miniserv, @rv, %acl, %logout); local %_; &read_acl(undef, \%acl); &get_miniserv_config(\%miniserv); foreach my $a (split(/\s+/, $miniserv{'logouttimes'})) { if ($a =~ /^([^=]+)=(\S+)$/) { $logout{$1} = $2; } } open(PWFILE, $miniserv{'userfile'}); while(<PWFILE>) { s/\r|\n//g; local @user = split(/:/, $_); if (@user) { my %user; next if ($only && &indexof($user[0], @$only) < 0); $user{'name'} = $user[0]; $user{'pass'} = $user[1]; $user{'sync'} = $user[2]; $user{'cert'} = $user[3]; if ($user[4] =~ /^(allow|deny)\s+(.*)/) { $user{$1} = $2; $user{$1} =~ s/;/:/g; } if ($user[5] =~ /days\s+(\S+)/) { $user{'days'} = $1; } if ($user[5] =~ /hours\s+(\d+\.\d+)-(\d+\.\d+)/) { $user{'hoursfrom'} = $1; $user{'hoursto'} = $2; } $user{'lastchange'} = $user[6]; $user{'olds'} = [ split(/\s+/, $user[7]) ]; $user{'minsize'} = $user[8]; $user{'nochange'} = int($user[9]); $user{'temppass'} = int($user[10]); $user{'modules'} = $acl{$user[0]}; $user{'lang'} = $gconfig{"lang_$user[0]"}; $user{'notabs'} = $gconfig{"notabs_$user[0]"}; $user{'skill'} = $gconfig{"skill_$user[0]"}; $user{'risk'} = $gconfig{"risk_$user[0]"}; $user{'rbacdeny'} = $gconfig{"rbacdeny_$user[0]"}; if ($gconfig{"theme_$user[0]"}) { ($user{'theme'}, $user{'overlay'}) = split(/\s+/, $gconfig{"theme_$user[0]"}); } elsif (defined($gconfig{"theme_$user[0]"})) { $user{'theme'} = ""; } $user{'readonly'} = $gconfig{"readonly_$user[0]"}; $user{'ownmods'} = [ split(/\s+/, $gconfig{"ownmods_$user[0]"}) ]; $user{'logouttime'} = $logout{$user[0]}; $user{'real'} = $gconfig{"realname_$user[0]"}; push(@rv, \%user); } } close(PWFILE);
# If a user DB is enabled, get users from it too if ($miniserv{'userdb'}) { my ($dbh, $proto, $prefix, $args) =&connect_userdb($miniserv{'userdb'}); &error("Failed to connect to user database : $dbh") if (!ref($dbh)); if ($proto eq "mysql" || $proto eq "postgresql") { # Fetch users with SQL my %userid; my $cmd = $dbh->prepare( "select id,name,pass from webmin_user". ($only ? " where name in (". join(",", map { "'$_'" } @$only).")" : "")); $cmd && $cmd->execute() || &error("Failed to query users : ".$dbh->errstr); while(my ($id, $name, $pass) = $cmd->fetchrow()) { my $u = { 'name' => $name, 'pass' => $pass, 'proto' => $proto, 'id' => $id }; push(@rv, $u); $userid{$id} = $u; } $cmd->finish();
# Add user attributes my $cmd = $dbh->prepare( "select id,attr,value from webmin_user_attr ". ($only && %userid ? " where id in (".join(",", keys %userid).")" : "")); $cmd && $cmd->execute() || &error("Failed to query user attrs : ".$dbh->errstr); while(my ($id, $attr, $value) = $cmd->fetchrow()) { if ($attr eq "olds" || $attr eq "modules" || $attr eq "ownmods") { $value = [ split(/\s+/, $value) ]; } $userid{$id}->{$attr} = $value; } $cmd->finish(); } elsif ($proto eq "ldap") { # Find users with LDAP query my $filter = '(objectClass='.$args->{'userclass'}.')'; if ($only) { my $ufilter = "(|".join("", map { "(cn=$_)" } @$only).")"; $filter = "(&".$filter.$ufilter.")"; } my $rv = $dbh->search( base => $prefix, filter => $filter, scope => 'sub'); if (!$rv || $rv->code) { &error("Failed to search users : ". ($rv ? $rv->error : "Unknown error")); } foreach my $l ($rv->all_entries) { my $u = { 'name' => $l->get_value('cn'), 'pass' => $l->get_value('webminPass'), 'proto' => $proto, 'id' => $l->dn() }; foreach my $la ($l->get_value('webminAttr')) { my ($attr, $value) = split(/=/, $la, 2); if ($attr eq "olds" || $attr eq "ownmods") { $value = [ split(/\s+/, $value) ]; } $u->{$attr} = $value; } $u->{'modules'} = [ $l->get_value('webminModule') ]; push(@rv, $u); } } &disconnect_userdb($miniserv{'userdb'}, $dbh); }
return @rv; }
=head2 get_user(username)
Returns a hash ref of details of the user with some name, in the same format as list_users. Returns undef if not found
=cut sub get_user { my ($username) = @_; my @rv = &list_users([ $username ]); my ($user) = grep { $_->{'name'} eq $username } @rv; return $user; }
=head2 list_groups([&only-groups])
Returns a list of hashes, one per Webmin group. Group membership is stored in /etc/webmin/webmin.groups, and other attributes in the config file. Useful keys include :
=item name - Group name
=item members - Array reference of member users
=item modules - Modules to grant to members
If the only-groups parameter is given, limit the list to just groups with those group names.
=cut sub list_groups { my ($only) = @_; my @rv; my %miniserv; &get_miniserv_config(\%miniserv);
# Add groups from local files open(GROUPS, "$config_directory/webmin.groups"); while(<GROUPS>) { s/\r|\n//g; local @g = split(/:/, $_); if (@g) { next if ($only && &indexof($g[0], @$only) < 0); local $group = { 'name' => $g[0], 'members' => [ split(/\s+/, $g[1]) ], 'modules' => [ split(/\s+/, $g[2]) ], 'desc' => $g[3], 'ownmods' => [ split(/\s+/, $g[4]) ] }; push(@rv, $group); } } close(GROUPS);
# If a user DB is enabled, get groups from it too if ($miniserv{'userdb'}) { my ($dbh, $proto, $prefix, $args) =&connect_userdb($miniserv{'userdb'}); &error("Failed to connect to group database : $dbh") if (!ref($dbh)); if ($proto eq "mysql" || $proto eq "postgresql") { # Fetch groups with SQL my %groupid; my $cmd = $dbh->prepare( "select id,name,description from webmin_group ". ($only ? " where name in (". join(",", map { "'$_'" } @$only).")" : "")); $cmd && $cmd->execute() || &error("Failed to query groups : ".$dbh->errstr); while(my ($id, $name, $desc) = $cmd->fetchrow()) { my $g = { 'name' => $name, 'desc' => $desc, 'proto' => $proto, 'id' => $id }; push(@rv, $g); $groupid{$id} = $g; } $cmd->finish();
# Add group attributes my $cmd = $dbh->prepare( "select id,attr,value from webmin_group_attr ". ($only && %userid ? " where id in (".join(",", keys %userid).")" : "")); $cmd && $cmd->execute() || &error("Failed to query group attrs : ".$dbh->errstr); while(my ($id, $attr, $value) = $cmd->fetchrow()) { if ($attr eq "members" || $attr eq "modules" || $attr eq "ownmods") { $value = [ split(/\s+/, $value) ]; } $groupid{$id}->{$attr} = $value; } $cmd->finish(); } elsif ($proto eq "ldap") { # Find groups with LDAP query my $filter = '(objectClass='.$args->{'groupclass'}.')'; if ($only) { my $gfilter = "(|".join("", map { "(cn=$_)" } @$only).")"; $filter = "(&".$filter.$gfilter.")"; } my $rv = $dbh->search( base => $prefix, filter => $filter, scope => 'sub'); if (!$rv || $rv->code) { &error("Failed to search groups : ". ($rv ? $rv->error : "Unknown error")); } foreach my $l ($rv->all_entries) { my $g = { 'name' => $l->get_value('cn'), 'desc' => $l->get_value('webminDesc'), 'proto' => $proto, 'id' => $l->dn() }; foreach my $la ($l->get_value('webminAttr')) { my ($attr, $value) = split(/=/, $la, 2); if ($attr eq "members" || $attr eq "ownmods") { $value = [ split(/\s+/, $value) ]; } $g->{$attr} = $value; } $g->{'modules'} = [ $l->get_value('webminModule') ]; push(@rv, $g); } } &disconnect_userdb($miniserv{'userdb'}, $dbh); }
return @rv; }
=head2 get_group(groupname)
Returns a hash ref of details of the group with some name, in the same format as list_groups. Returns undef if not found
=cut sub get_group { my ($groupname) = @_; my @rv = &list_groups([ $groupname ]); my ($group) = grep { $_->{'name'} eq $groupname } @rv; return $group; }
=head2 list_modules
Returns a list of the dirs of all modules available on this system.
=cut sub list_modules { return map { $_->{'dir'} } &list_module_infos(); }
=head2 list_module_infos
Returns a list of the details of all modules that can be used on this system, each of which is a hash reference in the same format as their files.
=cut sub list_module_infos { my @mods = grep { &check_os_support($_) } &get_all_module_infos(); return sort { $a->{'desc'} cmp $b->{'desc'} } @mods; }
=head2 create_user(&details, [clone])
Creates a new Webmin user, based on the hash reference in the details parameter. This must be in the same format as those returned by list_users. If the clone parameter is given, it must be a username to copy detailed access control settings from for this new user.
=cut sub create_user { my %user = %{$_[0]}; my $clone = $_[1]; my %miniserv; my @mods = &list_modules();
if ($miniserv{'userdb'} && !$miniserv{'userdb_addto'}) { # Adding to user database my ($dbh, $proto, $prefix, $args) =&connect_userdb($miniserv{'userdb'}); &error("Failed to connect to user database : $dbh") if (!ref($dbh)); if ($proto eq "mysql" || $proto eq "postgresql") { # Add user with SQL my $cmd = $dbh->prepare("insert into webmin_user (name,pass) values (?, ?)"); $cmd && $cmd->execute($user{'name'}, $user{'pass'}) || &error("Failed to add user : ".$dbh->errstr); $cmd->finish(); my $cmd = $dbh->prepare("select max(id) from webmin_user"); $cmd->execute(); my ($id) = $cmd->fetchrow(); $cmd->finish();
# Add other attributes my $cmd = $dbh->prepare("insert into webmin_user_attr (id,attr,value) values (?, ?, ?)"); foreach my $attr (keys %user) { next if ($attr eq "name" || $attr eq "pass"); my $value = $user{$attr}; if ($attr eq "olds" || $attr eq "modules" || $attr eq "ownmods") { $value = join(" ", @$value); } $cmd->execute($id, $attr, $value) || &error("Failed to add user attribute : ". $dbh->errstr); $cmd->finish(); } $_[0]->{'id'} = $id; $_[0]->{'proto'} = $proto; } elsif ($proto eq "ldap") { # Add user to LDAP my $dn = "cn=".$user{'name'}.",".$prefix; my @attrs = ( "objectClass", $args->{'userclass'}, "cn", $user{'name'}, "webminPass", $user{'pass'} ); my @webminattrs; foreach my $attr (keys %user) { next if ($attr eq "name" || $attr eq "pass" || $attr eq "modules"); my $value = $user{$attr}; if ($attr eq "olds" || $attr eq "ownmods") { $value = join(" ", @$value); } push(@webminattrs, defined($value) ? $attr."=".$value : $attr); } if (@webminattrs) { push(@attrs, "webminAttr", \@webminattrs); } if (@{$user{'modules'}}) { push(@attrs, "webminModule", $user{'modules'}); } my $rv = $dbh->add($dn, attr => \@attrs); if (!$rv || $rv->code) { &error("Failed to add user to LDAP : ". ($rv ? $rv->error : "Unknown error")); } $_[0]->{'id'} = $dn; $_[0]->{'proto'} = 'ldap'; } &disconnect_userdb($miniserv{'userdb'}, $dbh); $user{'proto'} = $proto; } else { # Adding to local files &lock_file($ENV{'MINISERV_CONFIG'}); if ($user{'theme'}) { $miniserv{"preroot_".$user{'name'}} = $user{'theme'}.($user{'overlay'} ? " ".$user{'overlay'} : ""); } elsif (defined($user{'theme'})) { $miniserv{"preroot_".$user{'name'}} = ""; } if (defined($user{'logouttime'})) { my @logout = split(/\s+/, $miniserv{'logouttimes'}); push(@logout, "$user{'name'}=$user{'logouttime'}"); $miniserv{'logouttimes'} = join(" ", @logout); } &put_miniserv_config(\%miniserv); &unlock_file($ENV{'MINISERV_CONFIG'});
my @times; push(@times, "days", $user{'days'}) if ($user{'days'} ne ''); push(@times, "hours", $user{'hoursfrom'}."-".$user{'hoursto'}) if ($user{'hoursfrom'}); &lock_file($miniserv{'userfile'}); &open_tempfile(PWFILE, ">>$miniserv{'userfile'}"); my $allow = $user{'allow'}; $allow =~ s/:/;/g; my $deny = $user{'deny'}; $deny =~ s/:/;/g; &print_tempfile(PWFILE, "$user{'name'}:$user{'pass'}:$user{'sync'}:$user{'cert'}:", ($allow ? "allow $allow" : $deny ? "deny $deny" : ""),":", join(" ", @times),":", $user{'lastchange'},":", join(" ", @{$user{'olds'}}),":", $user{'minsize'},":", $user{'nochange'},":", $user{'temppass'}, "\n"); &close_tempfile(PWFILE); &unlock_file($miniserv{'userfile'});
&lock_file(&acl_filename()); &open_tempfile(ACL, ">>".&acl_filename()); &print_tempfile(ACL, &acl_line(\%user, \@mods)); &close_tempfile(ACL); &unlock_file(&acl_filename());
delete($gconfig{"lang_".$user{'name'}}); $gconfig{"lang_".$user{'name'}} = $user{'lang'} if ($user{'lang'}); delete($gconfig{"notabs_".$user{'name'}}); $gconfig{"notabs_".$user{'name'}} = $user{'notabs'} if ($user{'notabs'}); delete($gconfig{"skill_".$user{'name'}}); $gconfig{"skill_".$user{'name'}} = $user{'skill'} if ($user{'skill'}); delete($gconfig{"risk_".$user{'name'}}); $gconfig{"risk_".$user{'name'}} = $user{'risk'} if ($user{'risk'}); delete($gconfig{"rbacdeny_".$user{'name'}}); $gconfig{"rbacdeny_".$user{'name'}} = $user{'rbacdeny'} if ($user{'rbacdeny'}); delete($gconfig{"ownmods_".$user{'name'}}); $gconfig{"ownmods_".$user{'name'}} = join(" ", @{$user{'ownmods'}}) if (@{$user{'ownmods'}}); delete($gconfig{"theme_".$user{'name'}}); if ($user{'theme'}) { $gconfig{"theme_".$user{'name'}} = $user{'theme'}.($user{'overlay'} ? " ".$user{'overlay'} : ""); } elsif (defined($user{'theme'})) { $gconfig{"theme_".$user{'name'}} = ''; } $gconfig{"readonly_".$user{'name'}} = $user{'readonly'} if (defined($user{'readonly'})); $gconfig{"realname_".$user{'name'}} = $user{'real'} if (defined($user{'real'})); &write_file("$config_directory/config", \%gconfig); }
# Copy ACLs from user being cloned if ($clone) { ©_acl_files($clone, $user{'name'}, [ "", @mods ]); } }
=head2 modify_user(old-name, &details)
Updates an existing Webmin user, identified by the old-name paramter. The details hash must be in the same format as returned by list_users or passed to create_user.
=cut sub modify_user { my $username = $_[0]; my %user = %{$_[1]}; my (%miniserv, @pwfile, @acl, @mods, $m); local $_; &get_miniserv_config(\%miniserv);
if ($user{'proto'}) { # In users and groups DB my ($dbh, $proto) = &connect_userdb($miniserv{'userdb'}); &error("Failed to connect to user database : $dbh") if (!ref($dbh)); if ($proto eq "mysql" || $proto eq "postgresql") { # Get old password, for change detection my $cmd = $dbh->prepare( "select pass from webmin_user where id = ?"); $cmd && $cmd->execute($user{'id'}) || &error("Failed to get old password : ".$dbh->errstr); my ($oldpass) = $cmd->fetchrow(); $cmd->finish(); &add_old_password(\%user, $oldpass, \%miniserv);
# Update primary details my $cmd = $dbh->prepare("update webmin_user set name = ?, ". "pass = ? where id = ?"); $cmd && $cmd->execute($user{'name'}, $user{'pass'}, $user{'id'}) || &error("Failed to update user : ".$dbh->errstr); $cmd->finish();
# Re-save attributes my $cmd = $dbh->prepare("delete from webmin_user_attr ". "where id = ?"); $cmd && $cmd->execute($user{'id'}) || &error("Failed to delete attrs : ".$dbh->errstr); my $cmd = $dbh->prepare("insert into webmin_user_attr ". "(id,attr,value) values (?, ?, ?)"); foreach my $attr (keys %user) { next if ($attr eq "name" || $attr eq "pass"); my $value = $user{$attr}; if ($attr eq "olds" || $attr eq "modules" || $attr eq "ownmods") { $value = join(" ", @$value); } $cmd->execute($user{'id'}, $attr, $value) || &error("Failed to add user attribute : ". $dbh->errstr); $cmd->finish(); } } elsif ($proto eq "ldap") { # Rename in LDAP if needed if ($user{'name'} ne $username) { my $newdn = $user{'id'}; $newdn =~ s/^cn=\Q$username\E,/cn=$user{'name'},/; my $rv = $dbh->moddn($user{'id'}, newrdn => "cn=$user{'name'}"); if (!$rv || $rv->code) { &error("Failed to rename user : ". ($rv ? $rv->error : "Unknown error")); } $user{'id'} = $newdn; }
# Re-save all the attributes my @attrs = ( "cn", $user{'name'}, "webminPass", $user{'pass'} ); my @webminattrs; foreach my $attr (keys %user) { next if ($attr eq "name" || $attr eq "desc" || $attr eq "modules"); my $value = $user{$attr}; if ($attr eq "olds" || $attr eq "ownmods") { $value = join(" ", @$value); } push(@webminattrs, defined($value) ? $attr."=".$value : $attr); } push(@attrs, "webminAttr", \@webminattrs); push(@attrs, "webminModule", $user{'modules'}); my $rv = $dbh->modify($user{'id'}, replace => { @attrs }); if (!$rv || $rv->code) { &error("Failed to modify user : ". ($rv ? $rv->error : "Unknown error")); } } &disconnect_userdb($miniserv{'userdb'}, $dbh); } else { # In local files &lock_file($ENV{'MINISERV_CONFIG'}); delete($miniserv{"preroot_".$username}); if ($user{'theme'}) { $miniserv{"preroot_".$user{'name'}} = $user{'theme'}.($user{'overlay'} ? " ".$user{'overlay'} : ""); } elsif (defined($user{'theme'})) { $miniserv{"preroot_".$user{'name'}} = ""; } local @logout = split(/\s+/, $miniserv{'logouttimes'}); @logout = grep { $_ !~ /^$username=/ } @logout; if (defined($user{'logouttime'})) { push(@logout, "$user{'name'}=$user{'logouttime'}"); } $miniserv{'logouttimes'} = join(" ", @logout); &put_miniserv_config(\%miniserv); &unlock_file($ENV{'MINISERV_CONFIG'});
local @times; push(@times, "days", $user{'days'}) if ($user{'days'} ne ''); push(@times, "hours", $user{'hoursfrom'}."-".$user{'hoursto'}) if ($user{'hoursfrom'}); &lock_file($miniserv{'userfile'}); open(PWFILE, $miniserv{'userfile'}); @pwfile = <PWFILE>; close(PWFILE); &open_tempfile(PWFILE, ">$miniserv{'userfile'}"); my $allow = $user{'allow'}; $allow =~ s/:/;/g; my $deny = $user{'deny'}; $deny =~ s/:/;/g; foreach (@pwfile) { if (/^([^:]+):([^:]*)/ && $1 eq $username) { &add_old_password(\%user, "$2", \%miniserv); &print_tempfile(PWFILE, "$user{'name'}:$user{'pass'}:", "$user{'sync'}:$user{'cert'}:", ($allow ? "allow $allow" : $deny ? "deny $deny" : ""),":", join(" ", @times),":", $user{'lastchange'},":", join(" ", @{$user{'olds'}}),":", $user{'minsize'},":", $user{'nochange'},":", $user{'temppass'}, "\n"); } else { &print_tempfile(PWFILE, $_); } } &close_tempfile(PWFILE); &unlock_file($miniserv{'userfile'});
&lock_file(&acl_filename()); @mods = &list_modules(); open(ACL, &acl_filename()); @acl = <ACL>; close(ACL); &open_tempfile(ACL, ">".&acl_filename()); foreach (@acl) { if (/^(\S+):/ && $1 eq $username) { &print_tempfile(ACL, &acl_line($_[1], \@mods)); } else { &print_tempfile(ACL, $_); } } &close_tempfile(ACL); &unlock_file(&acl_filename());
delete($gconfig{"lang_".$username}); $gconfig{"lang_".$user{'name'}} = $user{'lang'} if ($user{'lang'}); delete($gconfig{"notabs_".$username}); $gconfig{"notabs_".$user{'name'}} = $user{'notabs'} if ($user{'notabs'}); delete($gconfig{"skill_".$username}); $gconfig{"skill_".$user{'name'}} = $user{'skill'} if ($user{'skill'}); delete($gconfig{"risk_".$username}); $gconfig{"risk_".$user{'name'}} = $user{'risk'} if ($user{'risk'}); delete($gconfig{"rbacdeny_".$username}); $gconfig{"rbacdeny_".$user{'name'}} = $user{'rbacdeny'} if ($user{'rbacdeny'}); delete($gconfig{"ownmods_".$username}); $gconfig{"ownmods_".$user{'name'}} = join(" ", @{$user{'ownmods'}}) if (@{$user{'ownmods'}}); delete($gconfig{"theme_".$username}); if ($user{'theme'}) { $gconfig{"theme_".$user{'name'}} = $user{'theme'}.($user{'overlay'} ? " ".$user{'overlay'} : ""); } elsif (defined($user{'theme'})) { $gconfig{"theme_".$user{'name'}} = ''; } delete($gconfig{"readonly_".$username}); $gconfig{"readonly_".$user{'name'}} = $user{'readonly'} if (defined($user{'readonly'})); delete($gconfig{"realname_".$username}); $gconfig{"realname_".$user{'name'}} = $user{'real'} if (defined($user{'real'})); &write_file("$config_directory/config", \%gconfig); }
if ($username ne $user{'name'} && !$user{'proto'}) { # Rename all .acl files if user renamed foreach $m (@mods, "") { local $file = "$config_directory/$m/$username.acl"; if (-r $file) { &rename_file($file, "$config_directory/$m/$user{'name'}.acl"); } } local $file = "$config_directory/$username.acl"; if (-r $file) { &rename_file($file, "$config_directory/$user{'name'}.acl"); } }
if ($miniserv{'session'} && $username ne $user{'name'}) { # Modify all sessions for the renamed user &rename_session_user(\&miniserv, $username, $user{'name'}); } }
=head2 add_old_password(&user, oldpass, &miniserv)
Internal function to update the olds list of old passwords for a user
=cut sub add_old_password { my ($user, $oldpass, $miniserv) = @_; if ($oldpass ne $user->{'pass'} && "!".$oldpass ne $user->{'pass'} && $oldpass ne "!".$user->{'pass'} && $user->{'pass'} ne 'x' && $user->{'pass'} ne 'e' && $user->{'pass'} ne '*LK*') { # Password change detected .. update change time # and save the old one local $nolock = $oldpass; $nolock =~ s/^\!//; unshift(@{$user->{'olds'}}, $nolock); if ($miniserv->{'pass_oldblock'}) { while(scalar(@{$user->{'olds'}}) > $miniserv->{'pass_oldblock'}) { pop(@{$user->{'olds'}}); } } $user->{'lastchange'} = time(); } }
=head2 delete_user(name)
Deletes the named user, including all .acl files for detailed module access control settings.
=cut sub delete_user { my ($username) = @_; my (@pwfile, @acl, %miniserv); local $_;
&lock_file($ENV{'MINISERV_CONFIG'}); &get_miniserv_config(\%miniserv); delete($miniserv{"preroot_".$username}); my @logout = split(/\s+/, $miniserv{'logouttimes'}); @logout = grep { $_ !~ /^$username=/ } @logout; $miniserv{'logouttimes'} = join(" ", @logout); &put_miniserv_config(\%miniserv); &unlock_file($ENV{'MINISERV_CONFIG'});
&lock_file($miniserv{'userfile'}); open(PWFILE, $miniserv{'userfile'}); @pwfile = <PWFILE>; close(PWFILE); &open_tempfile(PWFILE, ">$miniserv{'userfile'}"); foreach (@pwfile) { if (!/^([^:]+):/ || $1 ne $username) { &print_tempfile(PWFILE, $_); } } &close_tempfile(PWFILE); &unlock_file($miniserv{'userfile'});
&lock_file(&acl_filename()); open(ACL, &acl_filename()); @acl = <ACL>; close(ACL); &open_tempfile(ACL, ">".&acl_filename()); foreach (@acl) { if (!/^([^:]+):/ || $1 ne $username) { &print_tempfile(ACL, $_); } } &close_tempfile(ACL); &unlock_file(&acl_filename());
delete($gconfig{"lang_".$username}); delete($gconfig{"notabs_".$username}); delete($gconfig{"skill_".$username}); delete($gconfig{"risk_".$username}); delete($gconfig{"ownmods_".$username}); delete($gconfig{"theme_".$username}); delete($gconfig{"readonly_".$username}); &write_file("$config_directory/config", \%gconfig);
# Delete all module .acl files &unlink_file(map { "$config_directory/$_/$username.acl" } &list_modules()); &unlink_file("$config_directory/$username.acl");
if ($miniserv{'session'}) { # Delete all sessions for the deleted user &delete_session_user(\%miniserv, $username); }
if ($miniserv{'userdb'}) { # Also delete from user database my ($dbh, $proto, $prefix, $args) =&connect_userdb($miniserv{'userdb'}); &error("Failed to connect to user database : $dbh") if (!ref($dbh)); if ($proto eq "mysql" || $proto eq "postgresql") { # Find the user with SQL query my $cmd = $dbh->prepare( "select id from webmin_user where name = ?"); $cmd && $cmd->execute($username) || &error("Failed to find user : ".$dbh->errstr); my ($id) = $cmd->fetchrow(); $cmd->finish();
if (defined($id)) { # Delete the user my $cmd = $dbh->prepare( "delete from webmin_user where id = ?"); $cmd && $cmd->execute($id) || &error("Failed to delete user : ".$dbh->errstr); $cmd->finish();
# Delete attributes my $cmd = $dbh->prepare( "delete from webmin_user_attr where id = ?"); $cmd && $cmd->execute($id) || &error("Failed to delete user attrs : ". $dbh->errstr); $cmd->finish();
# Delete ACLs my $cmd = $dbh->prepare( "delete from webmin_user_acl where id = ?"); $cmd && $cmd->execute($id) || &error("Failed to delete user acls : ". $dbh->errstr); $cmd->finish(); } } elsif ($proto eq "ldap") { # Find user with LDAP query my $rv = $dbh->search( base => $prefix, filter => '(&(cn='.$username.')(objectClass='. $args->{'userclass'}.'))', scope => 'sub'); if (!$rv || $rv->code) { &error("Failed to find user : ". ($rv ? $rv->error : "Unknown error")); } my ($user) = $rv->all_entries;
if ($user) { # Delete sub-objects my $rv = $dbh->search( base => $user->dn(), filter => '(objectClass=*)', scope => 'sub'); if (!$rv || $rv->code) { &error("Failed to delete LDAP user : ". ($rv ? $rv->error : "Unknown error")); } foreach my $so ($rv->all_entries) { next if ($so->dn() eq $user->dn()); my $drv = $dbh->delete($so->dn()); if ($drv->code) { &error("Failed to delete LDAP ". "sub-object : ".$drv->error); } }
# Delete the user from LDAP my $rv = $dbh->delete($user->dn()); if (!$rv || $rv->code) { &error("Failed to delete LDAP user : ". ($rv ? $rv->error : "Unknown error")); } } } &disconnect_userdb($miniserv{'userdb'}, $dbh); } }
=head2 create_group(&group, [clone])
Add a new webmin group, based on the details in the group hash. The required keys are :
=item name - Unique name of the group
=item modules - An array reference of module names
=item members - An array reference of group member names. Sub-groups must have their names prefixed with an @.
=cut sub create_group { my %group = %{$_[0]}; my $clone = $_[1]; my %miniserv; &get_miniserv_config(\%miniserv);
if ($miniserv{'userdb'} && !$miniserv{'userdb_addto'}) { # Adding to group database my ($dbh, $proto, $prefix, $args) =&connect_userdb($miniserv{'userdb'}); &error("Failed to connect to group database : $dbh") if (!ref($dbh)); if ($proto eq "mysql" || $proto eq "postgresql") { # Add group with SQL my $cmd = $dbh->prepare("insert into webmin_group (name,description) values (?, ?)"); $cmd && $cmd->execute($group{'name'}, $group{'desc'}) || &error("Failed to add group : ".$dbh->errstr); $cmd->finish(); my $cmd = $dbh->prepare("select max(id) from webmin_group"); $cmd->execute(); my ($id) = $cmd->fetchrow(); $cmd->finish();
# Add other attributes my $cmd = $dbh->prepare("insert into webmin_group_attr (id,attr,value) values (?, ?, ?)"); foreach my $attr (keys %group) { next if ($attr eq "name" || $attr eq "desc"); my $value = $group{$attr}; if ($attr eq "members" || $attr eq "modules" || $attr eq "ownmods") { $value = join(" ", @$value); } $cmd->execute($id, $attr, $value) || &error("Failed to add group attribute : ". $dbh->errstr); $cmd->finish(); } $_[0]->{'id'} = $id; $_[0]->{'proto'} = $proto; } elsif ($proto eq "ldap") { # Add group to LDAP my $dn = "cn=".$group{'name'}.",".$prefix; my @attrs = ( "objectClass", $args->{'groupclass'}, "cn", $group{'name'}, "webminDesc", $group{'desc'} ); my @webminattrs; foreach my $attr (keys %group) { next if ($attr eq "name" || $attr eq "desc" || $attr eq "modules"); my $value = $group{$attr}; if ($attr eq "members" || $attr eq "ownmods") { $value = join(" ", @$value); } push(@webminattrs, $attr."=".$value); } if (@webminattrs) { push(@attrs, "webminAttr", \@webminattrs); } if (@{$group{'modules'}}) { push(@attrs, "webminModule", $group{'modules'}); } my $rv = $dbh->add($dn, attr => \@attrs); if (!$rv || $rv->code) { &error("Failed to add group to LDAP : ". ($rv ? $rv->error : "Unknown error")); } $_[0]->{'id'} = $dn; $_[0]->{'proto'} = 'ldap'; } &disconnect_userdb($miniserv{'userdb'}, $dbh); $group{'proto'} = $proto; } else { # Adding to local files &lock_file("$config_directory/webmin.groups"); open(GROUP, ">>$config_directory/webmin.groups"); print GROUP &group_line(\%group),"\n"; close(GROUP); &unlock_file("$config_directory/webmin.groups"); }
if ($clone) { # Clone ACLs from original group ©_acl_files($clone, $group{'name'}, [ "", &list_modules() ], "group", "group"); } }
=head2 modify_group(old-name, &group)
Update a webmin group, identified by the name parameter. The group's new details are in the group hash ref, which must be in the same format as returned by list_groups.
=cut sub modify_group { my $groupname = $_[0]; my %group = %{$_[1]}; my %miniserv; &get_miniserv_config(\%miniserv);
if ($group{'proto'}) { # In users and groups DB my ($dbh, $proto) = &connect_userdb($miniserv{'userdb'}); &error("Failed to connect to group database : $dbh") if (!ref($dbh)); if ($proto eq "mysql" || $proto eq "postgresql") { # Update primary details my $cmd = $dbh->prepare("update webmin_group set name = ?, ". "description = ? where id = ?"); $cmd && $cmd->execute($group{'name'}, $group{'desc'}, $group{'id'}) || &error("Failed to update group : ".$dbh->errstr); $cmd->finish();
# Re-save attributes my $cmd = $dbh->prepare("delete from webmin_group_attr ". "where id = ?"); $cmd && $cmd->execute($group{'id'}) || &error("Failed to delete attrs : ".$dbh->errstr); my $cmd = $dbh->prepare("insert into webmin_group_attr ". "(id,attr,value) values (?, ?, ?)"); foreach my $attr (keys %group) { next if ($attr eq "name" || $attr eq "desc"); my $value = $group{$attr}; if ($attr eq "members" || $attr eq "modules" || $attr eq "ownmods") { $value = join(" ", @$value); } $cmd->execute($group{'id'}, $attr, $value) || &error("Failed to add group attribute : ". $dbh->errstr); $cmd->finish(); } } elsif ($proto eq "ldap") { # Rename in LDAP if needed if ($group{'name'} ne $groupname) { my $newdn = $group{'id'}; $newdn =~ s/^cn=\Q$groupname\E,/cn=$group{'name'},/; my $rv = $dbh->moddn($group{'id'}, newrdn => "cn=$group{'name'}"); if (!$rv || $rv->code) { &error("Failed to rename group : ". ($rv ? $rv->error : "Unknown error")); } $group{'id'} = $newdn; }
# Re-save all the attributes my @attrs = ( "cn", $group{'name'}, "webminDesc", $group{'desc'} ); my @webminattrs; foreach my $attr (keys %group) { next if ($attr eq "name" || $attr eq "desc" || $attr eq "modules"); my $value = $group{$attr}; if ($attr eq "members" || $attr eq "ownmods") { $value = join(" ", @$value); } push(@webminattrs, $attr."=".$value); } push(@attrs, "webminAttr", \@webminattrs); push(@attrs, "webminModule", $group{'modules'}); my $rv = $dbh->modify($group{'id'}, replace => { @attrs }); if (!$rv || $rv->code) { &error("Failed to modify group : ". ($rv ? $rv->error : "Unknown error")); } } &disconnect_userdb($miniserv{'userdb'}, $dbh); } else { # Update local file &lock_file("$config_directory/webmin.groups"); local $lref = &read_file_lines("$config_directory/webmin.groups"); foreach $l (@$lref) { if ($l =~ /^([^:]+):/ && $1 eq $groupname) { $l = &group_line(\%group); } } &flush_file_lines("$config_directory/webmin.groups"); &unlock_file("$config_directory/webmin.groups"); }
if ($groupname ne $group{'name'} && !$group{'proto'}) { # Rename all .gacl files if group renamed foreach my $m (@{$group{'modules'}}, "") { local $file = "$config_directory/$m/$groupname.gacl"; if (-r $file) { &rename_file($file, "$config_directory/$m/$group{'name'}.gacl"); } } } }
=head2 delete_group(name)
Delete a webmin group, identified by the name parameter.
=cut sub delete_group { my ($groupname) = @_; my %miniserv; &get_miniserv_config(\%miniserv);
# Delete from local files &lock_file("$config_directory/webmin.groups"); my $lref = &read_file_lines("$config_directory/webmin.groups"); @$lref = grep { !/^([^:]+):/ || $1 ne $groupname } @$lref; &flush_file_lines(); &unlock_file("$config_directory/webmin.groups"); &unlink_file(map { "$config_directory/$_/$groupname.gacl" } &list_modules());
if ($miniserv{'userdb'}) { # Also delete from group database my ($dbh, $proto, $prefix, $args) =&connect_userdb($miniserv{'userdb'}); &error("Failed to connect to group database : $dbh") if (!ref($dbh)); if ($proto eq "mysql" || $proto eq "postgresql") { # Find the group with SQL query my $cmd = $dbh->prepare( "select id from webmin_group where name = ?"); $cmd && $cmd->execute($groupname) || &error("Failed to find group : ".$dbh->errstr); my ($id) = $cmd->fetchrow(); $cmd->finish();
if (defined($id)) { # Delete the group my $cmd = $dbh->prepare( "delete from webmin_group where id = ?"); $cmd && $cmd->execute($id) || &error("Failed to delete group : ".$dbh->errstr); $cmd->finish();
# Delete attributes my $cmd = $dbh->prepare( "delete from webmin_group_attr where id = ?"); $cmd && $cmd->execute($id) || &error("Failed to delete group attrs : ". $dbh->errstr); $cmd->finish();
# Delete ACLs my $cmd = $dbh->prepare( "delete from webmin_group_acl where id = ?"); $cmd && $cmd->execute($id) || &error("Failed to delete group acls : ". $dbh->errstr); $cmd->finish(); } } elsif ($proto eq "ldap") { # Find group with LDAP query my $rv = $dbh->search( base => $prefix, filter => '(&(cn='.$groupname.')(objectClass='. $args->{'groupclass'}.'))', scope => 'sub'); if (!$rv || $rv->code) { &error("Failed to find group : ". ($rv ? $rv->error : "Unknown error")); } my ($group) = $rv->all_entries;
if ($group) { # Delete sub-objects my $rv = $dbh->search( base => $group->dn(), filter => '(objectClass=*)', scope => 'sub'); if (!$rv || $rv->code) { &error("Failed to delete LDAP group : ". ($rv ? $rv->error : "Unknown error")); } foreach my $so ($rv->all_entries) { next if ($so->dn() eq $group->dn()); my $drv = $dbh->delete($so->dn()); if ($drv->code) { &error("Failed to delete LDAP ". "sub-object : ".$drv->error); } }
# Delete the group from LDAP my $rv = $dbh->delete($group->dn()); if (!$rv || $rv->code) { &error("Failed to delete LDAP group : ". ($rv ? $rv->error : "Unknown error")); } } } &disconnect_userdb($miniserv{'userdb'}, $dbh); }
=head2 group_line(&group)
Internal function to generate a group file line
=cut sub group_line { return join(":", $_[0]->{'name'}, join(" ", @{$_[0]->{'members'}}), join(" ", @{$_[0]->{'modules'}}), $_[0]->{'desc'}, join(" ", @{$_[0]->{'ownmods'}}) ); }
=head2 acl_line(&user, &allmodules)
Internal function to generate an ACL file line.
=cut sub acl_line { my %user = %{$_[0]}; return "$user{'name'}: ".join(' ', @{$user{'modules'}})."\n"; }
=head2 can_edit_user(user, [&groups])
Returns 1 if the current Webmin user can edit some other user.
=cut sub can_edit_user { return 1 if ($access{'users'} eq '*'); if ($access{'users'} eq '~') { return $base_remote_user eq $_[0]; } my $glist = $_[1] ? $_[1] : [ &list_groups() ]; foreach my $u (split(/\s+/, $access{'users'})) { if ($u =~ /^_(\S+)$/) { foreach my $g (@$glist) { return 1 if ($g->{'name'} eq $1 && &indexof($_[0], @{$g->{'members'}}) >= 0); } } else { return 1 if ($u eq $_[0]); } } return 0; }
=head2 open_session_db(\%miniserv)
Opens the session database, and ties it to the sessiondb hash. Parameters are :
=item miniserv - The Webmin miniserv.conf file as a hash ref, as supplied by get_miniserv_config
=cut sub open_session_db { my $sfile = $_[0]->{'sessiondb'} ? $_[0]->{'sessiondb'} : $_[0]->{'pidfile'} =~ /^(.*)\/[^\/]+$/ ? "$1/sessiondb" : return; eval "use SDBM_File"; dbmopen(%sessiondb, $sfile, 0700); eval { $sessiondb{'1111111111'} = 'foo bar' }; if ($@) { dbmclose(%sessiondb); eval "use NDBM_File"; dbmopen(%sessiondb, $sfile, 0700); } else { delete($sessiondb{'1111111111'}); } }
=head2 delete_session_id(\%miniserv, id)
Deletes one session from the database. Parameters are :
=item miniserv - The Webmin miniserv.conf file as a hash ref, as supplied by get_miniserv_config.
=item user - ID of the session to remove.
=cut sub delete_session_id { return 1 if (&is_readonly_mode()); &open_session_db($_[0]); my $ex = exists($sessiondb{$_[1]}); delete($sessiondb{$_[1]}); dbmclose(%sessiondb); return $ex; }
=head2 delete_session_user(\%miniserv, user)
Deletes all sessions for some user. Parameters are :
=item miniserv - The Webmin miniserv.conf file as a hash ref, as supplied by get_miniserv_config.
=item user - Name of the user whose sessions get removed.
=cut sub delete_session_user { return 1 if (&is_readonly_mode()); &open_session_db($_[0]); foreach my $s (keys %sessiondb) { local ($u,$t) = split(/\s+/, $sessiondb{$s}); if ($u eq $_[1]) { delete($sessiondb{$s}); } } dbmclose(%sessiondb); }
=head2 rename_session_user(\%miniserv, olduser, newuser)
Changes the username in all sessions for some user. Parameters are :
=item miniserv - The Webmin miniserv.conf file as a hash ref, as supplied by get_miniserv_config.
=item olduser - The original username.
=item newuser - The new username.
=cut sub rename_session_user { return 1 if (&is_readonly_mode()); &open_session_db(\%miniserv); foreach my $s (keys %sessiondb) { local ($u,$t) = split(/\s+/, $sessiondb{$s}); if ($u eq $_[1]) { $sessiondb{$s} = "$_[2] $t"; } } dbmclose(%sessiondb); }
=head2 update_members(&allusers, &allgroups, &modules, &members)
Update the modules for members users and groups of some group. The parameters are :
=item allusers - An array ref of all Webmin users, as returned by list_users.
=item allgroups - An array ref of all Webmin groups.
=item modules - Modules to assign to members.
=item members - An array ref of member user and group names.
=cut sub update_members { foreach my $m (@{$_[3]}) { if ($m !~ /^\@(.*)$/) { # Member is a user my ($u) = grep { $_->{'name'} eq $m } @{$_[0]}; if ($u) { $u->{'modules'} = [ @{$_[2]}, @{$u->{'ownmods'}} ]; &modify_user($u->{'name'}, $u); } } else { # Member is a group my $gname = substr($m, 1); my ($g) = grep { $_->{'name'} eq $gname } @{$_[1]}; if ($g) { $g->{'modules'} = [ @{$_[2]}, @{$g->{'ownmods'}} ]; &modify_group($g->{'name'}, $g); &update_members($_[0], $_[1], $g->{'modules'}, $g->{'members'}); } } } }
=head2 copy_acl_files(from, to, &modules, [from-type], [to-type])
Copy all .acl files from some user to another user in a list of modules. The parameters are :
=item from - Source user or group name.
=item to - Destination user or group name.
=item modules - Array ref of module names.
=item from-type - Either "user" or "group", defaults to "user"
=item to-type - Either "user" or "group", defaults to "user"
=cut sub copy_acl_files { my ($from, $to, $mods, $fromtype, $totype) = @_; $fromtype ||= "user"; $totype ||= "user"; my ($dbh, $proto, $fromid, $toid);
# Check if the source user/group is in a DB my $userdb = &get_userdb_string(); if ($userdb) { ($dbh, $proto, $prefix, $args) = &connect_userdb($userdb); &error($dbh) if (!ref($dbh)); if ($proto eq "mysql" || $proto eq "postgresql") { # Search in SQL DB my $cmd = $dbh->prepare( "select id from webmin_${fromtype} where name = ?"); $cmd && $cmd->execute($from) || &error($dbh->errstr); ($fromid) = $cmd->fetchrow(); $cmd->finish(); my $cmd = $dbh->prepare( "select id from webmin_${totype} where name = ?"); $cmd && $cmd->execute($to) || &error($dbh->errstr); ($toid) = $cmd->fetchrow(); $cmd->finish(); } elsif ($proto eq "ldap") { # Search in LDAP my $fromclass = $fromtype eq "user" ? "userclass" : "groupclass"; my $rv = $dbh->search( base => $prefix, filter => '(&(cn='.$from.')(objectClass='. $fromclass.'))', scope => 'sub'); $rv->code && &error($rv->error); my ($fromobj) = $rv->all_entries; $fromid = $fromobj ? $fromobj->dn() : undef; my $toclass = $totype eq "user" ? "userclass" : "groupclass"; my $rv = $dbh->search( base => $prefix, filter => '(&(cn='.$to.')(objectClass='. $toclass.'))', scope => 'sub'); $rv->code && &error($rv->error); my ($toobj) = $rv->all_entries; $toid = $toobj ? $toobj->dn() : undef; } }
if (defined($fromid) && defined($toid) && ($proto eq "mysql" || $proto eq "postgresql")) { # Copy from database to database my $delcmd = $dbh->prepare("delete from webmin_${totype}_acl where id = ? and module = ?"); my $cmd = $dbh->prepare("insert into webmin_${totype}_acl select ?,module,attr,value from webmin_${fromtype}_acl where id = ? and module = ?"); foreach my $m (@$mods) { $delcmd && $delcmd->execute($toid, $m) || &error("Failed to clear ACLs : ".$dbh->errstr); $delcmd->finish(); $cmd && $cmd->execute($toid, $fromid, $m) || &error("Failed to copy ACLs : ".$dbh->errstr); $cmd->finish(); } } elsif (!defined($fromid) && !defined($toid)) { # Copy files my $fromsuffix = $fromtype eq "user" ? "acl" : "gacl"; my $tosuffix = $totype eq "user" ? "acl" : "gacl"; foreach my $m (@$mods) { &unlink_file("$config_directory/$m/$to.$tosuffix"); my %acl; if (&read_file("$config_directory/$m/$from.$fromsuffix", \%acl)) { &write_file("$config_directory/$m/$to.$tosuffix", \%acl); } } } else { # Source and dest use different storage types foreach my $m (@$mods) { my %caccess; if ($fromtype eq "user") { %caccess = &get_module_acl($from, $m, 1, 1); } else { %caccess = &get_group_module_acl($from, $m, 1); } if (%caccess) { if ($totype eq "user") { &save_module_acl(\%caccess, $to, $m, 1); } else { &save_group_module_acl(\%caccess, $to, $m, 1); } } } } if ($dbh) { &disconnect_userdb($userdb, $dbh); } }
=head2 copy_group_acl_files(from, to, &modules)
Copy all .gacl files from some group to another in a list of modules. Parameters are :
=item from - Source group name.
=item to - Destination group name.
=item modules - Array ref of module names.
=cut sub copy_group_acl_files { my ($from, $to, $mods) = @_; ©_acl_files($from, $to, $mods, "group", "group"); }
=head2 copy_group_user_acl_files(from, to, &modules)
Copy all .acl files from some group to a user in a list of modules. Parameters are :
=item from - Source group name.
=item to - Destination user name.
=item modules - Array ref of module names.
=cut sub copy_group_user_acl_files { my ($from, $to, $mods) = @_; ©_acl_files($from, $to, $mods, "group", "user"); }
=head2 set_acl_files(&allusers, &allgroups, module, &members, &access)
Recursively update the ACL for all sub-users and groups of a group, by copying detailed access control settings from the group down to users. Parameters are :
=item allusers - An array ref of Webmin users, as returned by list_users.
=item allgroups - An array ref of Webmin groups.
=item module - Name of the module to update ACL for.
=item members - Names of group members.
=item access - The module ACL hash ref to copy to users.
=cut sub set_acl_files { my ($allusers, $allgroups, $mod, $members, $access) = @_; foreach my $m (@$members) { if ($m !~ /^\@(.*)$/) { # Member is a user local ($u) = grep { $_->{'name'} eq $m } @$allusers; if ($u) { local $aclfile = "$config_directory/$mod/$u->{'name'}.acl"; &lock_file($aclfile); &save_module_acl($access, $u->{'name'}, $mod, 1); chmod(0640, $aclfile) if (-r $aclfile); &unlock_file($aclfile); } } else { # Member is a group local $gname = substr($m, 1); local ($g) = grep { $_->{'name'} eq $gname } @$allgroups; if ($g) { local $aclfile = "$config_directory/$mod/$g->{'name'}.gacl"; &lock_file($aclfile); &save_group_module_acl($access, $g->{'name'}, $mod, 1); chmod(0640, $aclfile) if (-r $aclfile); &unlock_file($aclfile); &set_acl_files($allusers, $allgroups, $mod, $g->{'members'}, $access); } } } }
=head2 get_ssleay
Returns the path to the openssl command (or equivalent) on this system.
=cut sub get_ssleay { if (&has_command($config{'ssleay'})) { return &has_command($config{'ssleay'}); } elsif (&has_command("openssl")) { return &has_command("openssl"); } elsif (&has_command("ssleay")) { return &has_command("ssleay"); } else { return undef; } }
=head2 encrypt_password(password, [salt])
Encrypts and returns a Webmin user password. If the optional salt parameter is not given, a salt will be selected randomly.
=cut sub encrypt_password { my ($pass, $salt) = @_; if ($gconfig{'md5pass'}) { # Use MD5 encryption $salt ||= '$1$'.substr(time(), -8).'$xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'; return &encrypt_md5($pass, $salt); } else { # Use Unix DES &seed_random(); $salt ||= chr(int(rand(26))+65).chr(int(rand(26))+65); return &unix_crypt($pass, $salt); } }
=head2 get_unixauth(\%miniserv)
Returns a list of Unix users/groups/all and the Webmin user that they authenticate as, as array references.
=cut sub get_unixauth { my @rv; my @ua = split(/\s+/, $_[0]->{'unixauth'}); foreach my $ua (@ua) { if ($ua =~ /^(\S+)=(\S+)$/) { push(@rv, [ $1, $2 ]); } else { push(@rv, [ "*", $ua ]); } } return @rv; }
=head2 save_unixauth(\%miniserv, &authlist)
Updates %miniserv with the given Unix auth list, which must be in the format returned by get_unixauth.
=cut sub save_unixauth { my @ua; foreach my $ua (@{$_[1]}) { if ($ua->[0] ne "*") { push(@ua, "$ua->[0]=$ua->[1]"); } else { push(@ua, $ua->[1]); } } $_[0]->{'unixauth'} = join(" ", @ua); }
=head2 delete_from_groups(user|@group)
Removes the specified user from all groups.
=cut sub delete_from_groups { my ($user) = @_; foreach my $g (&list_groups()) { my @mems = @{$g->{'members'}}; my $i = &indexof($user, @mems); if ($i >= 0) { splice(@mems, $i, 1); $g->{'members'} = \@mems; &modify_group($g->{'name'}, $g); } } }
=head2 check_password_restrictions(username, password)
Checks if some new password is valid for a user, and if not returns an error message.
=cut sub check_password_restrictions { my ($name, $pass) = @_; my %miniserv; &get_miniserv_config(\%miniserv); my ($user) = grep { $_->{'name'} eq $name } &list_users(); my $minsize = $user ? $user->{'minsize'} : undef; $minsize ||= $miniserv{'pass_minsize'}; if (length($pass) < $minsize) { return &text('cpass_minsize', $minsize); } foreach my $re (split(/\t+/, $miniserv{'pass_regexps'})) { if ($re =~ /^\!(.*)$/) { $re = $1; $pass !~ /$re/ || return ($miniserv{'pass_regdesc'} || $text{'cpass_notre'}); } else { $pass =~ /$re/ || return ($miniserv{'pass_regdesc'} || $text{'cpass_re'}); } } if ($miniserv{'pass_nouser'}) { $pass =~ /\Q$name\E/i && return $text{'cpass_name'}; } if ($miniserv{'pass_nodict'}) { local $temp = &transname(); &open_tempfile(TEMP, ">$temp", 0, 1); &print_tempfile(TEMP, $pass,"\n"); &close_tempfile(TEMP); local $unknown; if (&has_command("ispell")) { open(SPELL, "ispell -a <$temp |"); while(<SPELL>) { if (/^(#|\&|\?)/) { $unknown++; } } close(SPELL); } elsif (&has_command("spell")) { open(SPELL, "spell <$temp |"); local $line = <SPELL>; $unknown++ if ($line); close(SPELL); } else { return &text('cpass_spellcmd', "<tt>ispell</tt>", "<tt>spell</tt>"); } $unknown || return $text{'cpass_dict'}; } if ($miniserv{'pass_oldblock'} && $user) { local $c = 0; foreach my $o (@{$user->{'olds'}}) { local $enc = &encrypt_password($pass, $o); $enc eq $o && return $text{'cpass_old'}; last if ($c++ > $miniserv{'pass_oldblock'}); } } return undef; }
=head2 hash_session_id(sid)
Returns an MD5 or Unix-crypted session ID.
=cut sub hash_session_id { my ($sid) = @_; my $use_md5 = &md5_perl_module(); if (!$hash_session_id_cache{$sid}) { if ($use_md5) { # Take MD5 hash $hash_session_id_cache{$sid} = &hash_md5_session($sid); } else { # Unix crypt $hash_session_id_cache{$sid} = &unix_crypt($sid, "XX"); } } return $hash_session_id_cache{$sid}; }
=head2 hash_md5_session(string)
Returns a string encrypted in MD5 format.
=cut sub hash_md5_session { my $passwd = $_[0]; my $use_md5 = &md5_perl_module();
# Add the password my $ctx = eval "new $use_md5"; $ctx->add($passwd);
# Add some more stuff from the hash of the password and salt my $ctx1 = eval "new $use_md5"; $ctx1->add($passwd); $ctx1->add($passwd); my $final = $ctx1->digest(); for(my $pl=length($passwd); $pl>0; $pl-=16) { $ctx->add($pl > 16 ? $final : substr($final, 0, $pl)); }
# This piece of code seems rather pointless, but it's in the C code that # does MD5 in PAM so it has to go in! my $j = 0; my ($i, $l); for(my $i=length($passwd); $i; $i >>= 1) { if ($i & 1) { $ctx->add("\0"); } else { $ctx->add(substr($passwd, $j, 1)); } } $final = $ctx->digest();
# Convert the 16-byte final string into a readable form my $rv; my @final = map { ord($_) } split(//, $final); $l = ($final[ 0]<<16) + ($final[ 6]<<8) + $final[12]; $rv .= &to64($l, 4); $l = ($final[ 1]<<16) + ($final[ 7]<<8) + $final[13]; $rv .= &to64($l, 4); $l = ($final[ 2]<<16) + ($final[ 8]<<8) + $final[14]; $rv .= &to64($l, 4); $l = ($final[ 3]<<16) + ($final[ 9]<<8) + $final[15]; $rv .= &to64($l, 4); $l = ($final[ 4]<<16) + ($final[10]<<8) + $final[ 5]; $rv .= &to64($l, 4); $l = $final[11]; $rv .= &to64($l, 2);
return $rv; }
=head2 md5_perl_module
Returns a Perl module for MD5 hashing, or undef if none.
=cut sub md5_perl_module { eval "use MD5"; if (!$@) { $use_md5 = "MD5"; } else { eval "use Digest::MD5"; if (!$@) { $use_md5 = "Digest::MD5"; } } }
=head2 session_db_key(sid)
Returns the session DB key for some session ID. Assumes that open_session_db has already been called.
=cut sub session_db_key { my ($sid) = @_; my $hash = &hash_session_id($sid); return $sessiondb{$hash} ? $hash : $sid; }
=head2 setup_anonymous_access(path, module)
Grants anonymous access to some path. By default, the user for other anonymous access will be used, or if there is none, a user named 'anonymous' will be created and granted access to the module.
=cut sub setup_anonymous_access { my ($path, $mod) = @_;
# Find out what users and paths we grant access to currently my %miniserv; &get_miniserv_config(\%miniserv); my @anon = split(/\s+/, $miniserv{'anonymous'}); my $found = 0; my $user; foreach my $a (@anon) { my ($p, $u) = split(/=/, $a); $found++ if ($p eq $path); $user = $u; } return 1 if ($found); # Already setup
if (!$user) { # Create a user if need be $user = "anonymous"; local $uinfo = { 'name' => $user, 'pass' => '*LK*', 'modules' => [ $mod ], }; &create_user($uinfo); } else { # Make sure the user has the module local ($uinfo) = grep { $_->{'name'} eq $user } &list_users(); if ($uinfo && &indexof($mod, @{$uinfo->{'modules'}}) < 0) { push(@{$uinfo->{'modules'}}, $mod); &modify_user($uinfo->{'name'}, $uinfo); } else { print STDERR "Anonymous access is granted to user $user, but he doesn't exist!\n"; } }
# Grant access to the user and path push(@anon, "$path=$user"); $miniserv{'anonymous'} = join(" ", @anon); &put_miniserv_config(\%miniserv); &reload_miniserv(); }
=head2 join_userdb_string(proto, user, pass, host, prefix, &args)
Creates a string in the format accepted by split_userdb_string
=cut sub join_userdb_string { my ($proto, $user, $pass, $host, $prefix, $args) = @_; return "" if (!$proto); my $argstr; if (keys %$args) { $argstr = "?".join("&", map { $_."=".$args->{$_} } (keys %$args)); } return $proto."://".$user.":".$pass."\@".$host."/".$prefix.$argstr; }
=head2 validate_userdb(string, [no-table-check])
Checks if some user database is usable, and if not returns an error message
=cut sub validate_userdb { my ($str, $notablecheck) = @_; my ($proto, $user, $pass, $host, $prefix, $args) = &split_userdb_string($str); if ($proto eq "mysql" || $proto eq "postgresql") { # Load DBI driver eval 'use DBI;'; return &text('sql_emod', 'DBI') if ($@); if ($proto eq "mysql") { eval 'use DBD::mysql;'; return &text('sql_emod', 'DBD::mysql') if ($@); my $drh = DBI->install_driver("mysql"); return $text{'sql_emysqldriver'} if (!$drh); } else { eval 'use DBD::Pg;'; return &text('sql_emod', 'DBD::Pg') if ($@); my $drh = DBI->install_driver("Pg"); return $text{'sql_epostgresqldriver'} if (!$drh); }
# Connect to the database my $dbh = &connect_userdb($str); ref($dbh) || return $dbh;
# Validate critical tables if (!$notablecheck) { my %tables = ( "webmin_user" => [ "id", "name", "pass" ], "webmin_group" => [ "id", "name", "description" ], "webmin_user_attr" => [ "id", "attr", "value" ], "webmin_group_attr" => [ "id", "attr", "value" ], "webmin_user_acl" => [ "id", "module", "attr", "value" ], "webmin_group_acl" => [ "id", "module", "attr", "value"], ); foreach my $t (keys %tables) { my @cols = @{$tables{$t}}; my $sql = "select ".join(",", @cols)." from $t limit 1"; my $cmd = $dbh->prepare($sql); if (!$cmd || !$cmd->execute()) { return &text('sql_etable', $t, &html_escape($dbh->errstr)); } $cmd->finish(); } } &disconnect_userdb($str, $dbh); return undef; } elsif ($proto eq "ldap") { # Load LDAP module eval 'use Net::LDAP;'; return &text('sql_emod', 'Net::LDAP') if ($@);
# Try to connect my $dbh = &connect_userdb($str); ref($dbh) || return $dbh;
# Check for Webmin object classes my $schema = $dbh->schema(); my @allocs = map { $_->{'name'} } $schema->all_objectclasses(); &indexof($args->{'userclass'}, @allocs) >= 0 || return &text('sql_eclass', $args->{'userclass'}); &indexof($args->{'groupclass'}, @allocs) >= 0 || return &text('sql_eclass', $args->{'groupclass'});
# Check that base DN exists if (!$notablecheck) { my $superprefix = $prefix; $superprefix =~ s/^[^,]+,//; # Make parent DN my $rv = $dbh->search(base => $superprefix, filter => '(objectClass=*)', scope => 'one'); my $niceprefix = lc($prefix); $niceprefix =~ s/\s//g; my $found = 0; foreach my $d ($rv->all_entries) { my $niced = lc($d->dn()); $niced =~ s/\s//g; $found++ if ($niced eq $niceprefix); } $found || return &text('sql_eldapdn', $prefix); } &disconnect_userdb($str, $dbh); return undef; } else { return "Unknown user database type $proto"; } }
=head2 userdb_table_sql(string)
Returns SQL statements needed to create all required tables. Mainly for internal use.
=cut sub userdb_table_sql { my ($str) = @_; my ($key, $auto, $idattrkey); if ($str =~ /^mysql:/) { return ( "create table webmin_user ". "(id int(20) not null primary key auto_increment, ". "name varchar(255) not null, pass varchar(255))", "create table webmin_group ". "(id int(20) not null primary key auto_increment, ". "name varchar(255) not null, ". "description varchar(255))", "create table webmin_user_attr ". "(id int(20) not null, ". "attr varchar(255) not null, ". "value varchar(4096), ". "primary key(id, attr))", "create table webmin_group_attr ". "(id int(20) not null, ". "attr varchar(255) not null, ". "value varchar(4096), ". "primary key(id, attr))", "create table webmin_user_acl ". "(id int(20) not null, ". "module varchar(32) not null, ". "attr varchar(32) not null, ". "value varchar(255), ". "primary key(id, module, attr))", "create table webmin_group_acl ". "(id int(20) not null, ". "module varchar(32) not null, ". "attr varchar(32) not null, ". "value varchar(255), ". "primary key(id, module, attr))", ); } elsif ($str =~ /^postgresql:/) { return ( "create table webmin_user ". "(id serial not null primary key, ". "name varchar(255), ". "pass varchar(255))", "create table webmin_group ". "(id serial not null primary key, ". "name varchar(255), ". "description varchar(255))", "create table webmin_user_attr ". "(id int8 not null, ". "attr varchar(255) not null, ". "value varchar(4096), ". "primary key(id, attr))", "create table webmin_group_attr ". "(id int8 not null, ". "attr varchar(255) not null, ". "value varchar(4096), ". "primary key(id, attr))", "create table webmin_user_acl ". "(id int8 not null, ". "module varchar(255) not null, ". "attr varchar(255) not null, ". "value varchar(255), ". "primary key(id, module, attr))", "create table webmin_group_acl ". "(id int8 not null, ". "module varchar(255) not null, ". "attr varchar(255) not null, ". "value varchar(255), ". "primary key(id, module, attr))", ); } }