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#!/usr/bin/python -t # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Library General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # Copyright 2005 Duke University # # Seth Vidal <> # Luke Macken <>
""" Update metadata (updateinfo.xml) parsing. """
import sys import gzip
from yum.i18n import utf8_text_wrap, to_utf8 from yum.yumRepo import YumRepository from yum.packages import FakeRepository from yum.misc import to_xml import Errors
import rpmUtils.miscutils
try: from xml.etree import cElementTree except ImportError: import cElementTree iterparse = cElementTree.iterparse
class UpdateNoticeException(Exception): """ An exception thrown for bad UpdateNotice data. """ pass
class UpdateNotice(object):
""" A single update notice (for instance, a security fix). """
def __init__(self, elem=None): self._md = { 'from' : '', 'type' : '', 'title' : '', 'release' : '', 'status' : '', 'version' : '', 'pushcount' : '', 'update_id' : '', 'issued' : '', 'updated' : '', 'description' : '', 'references' : [], 'pkglist' : [], 'reboot_suggested' : False }
if elem: self._parse(elem)
def __getitem__(self, item): """ Allows scriptable metadata access (ie: un['update_id']). """ return self._md.has_key(item) and self._md[item] or None
def __str__(self): head = """ =============================================================================== %(title)s =============================================================================== Update ID : %(update_id)s Release : %(release)s Type : %(type)s Status : %(status)s Issued : %(issued)s """ % self._md
if self._md['updated'] and self._md['updated'] != self._md['issued']: head += " Updated : %s" % self._md['updated']
# Add our bugzilla references bzs = filter(lambda r: r['type'] == 'bugzilla', self._md['references']) if len(bzs): buglist = " Bugs :" for bz in bzs: buglist += " %s%s\n\t :" % (bz['id'], bz.has_key('title') and ' - %s' % bz['title'] or '') head += buglist[: - 1].rstrip() + '\n'
# Add our CVE references cves = filter(lambda r: r['type'] == 'cve', self._md['references']) if len(cves): cvelist = " CVEs :" for cve in cves: cvelist += " %s\n\t :" % cve['id'] head += cvelist[: - 1].rstrip() + '\n'
if self._md['description'] is not None: desc = utf8_text_wrap(self._md['description'], width=64, subsequent_indent=' ' * 12 + ': ') head += "Description : %s\n" % '\n'.join(desc)
# Get a list of arches we care about: arches = set(rpmUtils.arch.getArchList())
filelist = " Files :" for pkg in self._md['pkglist']: for file in pkg['packages']: if file['arch'] not in arches: continue filelist += " %s\n\t :" % file['filename'] head += filelist[: - 1].rstrip()
return head
def get_metadata(self): """ Return the metadata dict. """ return self._md
def _parse(self, elem): """ Parse an update element::
<!ELEMENT update (id, synopsis?, issued, updated, references, description, pkglist)> <!ATTLIST update type (errata|security) "errata"> <!ATTLIST update status (final|testing) "final"> <!ATTLIST update version CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ATTLIST update from CDATA #REQUIRED> """ if elem.tag == 'update': for attrib in ('from', 'type', 'status', 'version'): self._md[attrib] = elem.attrib.get(attrib) for child in elem: if child.tag == 'id': if not child.text: raise UpdateNoticeException("No id element found") self._md['update_id'] = child.text elif child.tag == 'pushcount': self._md['pushcount'] = child.text elif child.tag == 'issued': self._md['issued'] = child.attrib.get('date') elif child.tag == 'updated': self._md['updated'] = child.attrib.get('date') elif child.tag == 'references': self._parse_references(child) elif child.tag == 'description': self._md['description'] = child.text elif child.tag == 'pkglist': self._parse_pkglist(child) elif child.tag == 'title': self._md['title'] = child.text elif child.tag == 'release': self._md['release'] = child.text else: raise UpdateNoticeException('No update element found')
def _parse_references(self, elem): """ Parse the update references::
<!ELEMENT references (reference*)> <!ELEMENT reference> <!ATTLIST reference href CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ATTLIST reference type (self|cve|bugzilla) "self"> <!ATTLIST reference id CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST reference title CDATA #IMPLIED> """ for reference in elem: if reference.tag == 'reference': data = {} for refattrib in ('id', 'href', 'type', 'title'): data[refattrib] = reference.attrib.get(refattrib) self._md['references'].append(data) else: raise UpdateNoticeException('No reference element found')
def _parse_pkglist(self, elem): """ Parse the package list::
<!ELEMENT pkglist (collection+)> <!ELEMENT collection (name?, package+)> <!ATTLIST collection short CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST collection name CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT name (#PCDATA)> """ for collection in elem: data = { 'packages' : [] } if collection.attrib.has_key('short'): data['short'] = collection.attrib.get('short') for item in collection: if item.tag == 'name': data['name'] = item.text elif item.tag == 'package': data['packages'].append(self._parse_package(item)) self._md['pkglist'].append(data)
def _parse_package(self, elem): """ Parse an individual package::
<!ELEMENT package (filename, sum, reboot_suggested)> <!ATTLIST package name CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ATTLIST package version CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ATTLIST package release CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ATTLIST package arch CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ATTLIST package epoch CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ATTLIST package src CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ELEMENT reboot_suggested (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT filename (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT sum (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST sum type (md5|sha1) "sha1"> """ package = {} for pkgfield in ('arch', 'epoch', 'name', 'version', 'release', 'src'): package[pkgfield] = elem.attrib.get(pkgfield) for child in elem: if child.tag == 'filename': package['filename'] = child.text elif child.tag == 'sum': package['sum'] = (child.attrib.get('type'), child.text) elif child.tag == 'reboot_suggested': self._md['reboot_suggested'] = True return package
def xml(self): """Generate the xml for this update notice object""" msg = """ <update from="%s" status="%s" type="%s" version="%s"> <id>%s</id> <title>%s</title> <release>%s</release> <issued date="%s"/> <description>%s</description>\n""" % (to_xml(self._md['from']), to_xml(self._md['status']), to_xml(self._md['type']), to_xml(self._md['version']), to_xml(self._md['update_id']), to_xml(self._md['title']), to_xml(self._md['release']), to_xml(self._md['issued'], attrib=True), to_xml(self._md['description'])) if self._md['references']: msg += """ <references>\n""" for ref in self._md['references']: if ref['title']: msg += """ <reference href="%s" id="%s" title="%s" type="%s"/>\n""" % ( to_xml(ref['href'], attrib=True), to_xml(ref['id'], attrib=True), to_xml(ref['title'], attrib=True), to_xml(ref['type'], attrib=True)) else: msg += """ <reference href="%s" id="%s" type="%s"/>\n""" % ( to_xml(ref['href'], attrib=True), to_xml(ref['id'], attrib=True), to_xml(ref['type'], attrib=True))
msg += """ </references>\n""" if self._md['pkglist']: msg += """ <pkglist>\n""" for coll in self._md['pkglist']: msg += """ <collection short="%s">\n <name>%s</name>\n""" % ( to_xml(coll['short'], attrib=True), to_xml(coll['name'])) for pkg in coll['packages']: msg += """ <package arch="%s" name="%s" release="%s" src="%s" version="%s"> <filename>%s</filename> </package>\n""" % (to_xml(pkg['arch'], attrib=True), to_xml(pkg['name'], attrib=True), to_xml(pkg['release'], attrib=True), to_xml(pkg['src'], attrib=True), to_xml(pkg['version'], attrib=True), to_xml(pkg['filename'])) msg += """ </collection>\n""" msg += """ </pkglist>\n""" msg += """</update>\n""" return msg
def _rpm_tup_vercmp(tup1, tup2): """ Compare two "std." tuples, (n, a, e, v, r). """ return rpmUtils.miscutils.compareEVR((tup1[2], tup1[3], tup1[4]), (tup2[2], tup2[3], tup2[4]))
class UpdateMetadata(object):
""" The root update metadata object. """
def __init__(self, repos=[]): self._notices = {} self._cache = {} # a pkg nvr => notice cache for quick lookups self._no_cache = {} # a pkg name only => notice list self._repos = [] # list of repo ids that we've parsed for repo in repos: try: # attempt to grab the updateinfo.xml.gz from the repodata self.add(repo) except Errors.RepoMDError: continue # No metadata found for this repo
def get_notices(self, name=None): """ Return all notices. """ if name is None: return self._notices.values() return name in self._no_cache and self._no_cache[name] or []
notices = property(get_notices)
def get_notice(self, nvr): """ Retrieve an update notice for a given (name, version, release) string or tuple. """ if type(nvr) in (type([]), type(())): nvr = '-'.join(nvr) return self._cache.has_key(nvr) and self._cache[nvr] or None
# The problem with the above "get_notice" is that not everyone updates # daily. So if you are at pkg-1, pkg-2 has a security notice, and pkg-3 # has a BZ fix notice. All you can see is the BZ notice for the new "pkg-3" # with the above. # So now instead you lookup based on the _installed_ pkg.pkgtup, and get # two notices, in order: [(pkg-3, notice), (pkg-2, notice)] # the reason for the sorting order is that the first match will give you # the minimum pkg you need to move to. def get_applicable_notices(self, pkgtup): """ Retrieve any update notices which are newer than a given std. pkgtup (name, arch, epoch, version, release) tuple. """ oldpkgtup = pkgtup name = oldpkgtup[0] arch = oldpkgtup[1] ret = [] for notice in self.get_notices(name): for upkg in notice['pkglist']: for pkg in upkg['packages']: if pkg['name'] != name or pkg['arch'] != arch: continue pkgtup = (pkg['name'], pkg['arch'], pkg['epoch'] or '0', pkg['version'], pkg['release']) if _rpm_tup_vercmp(pkgtup, oldpkgtup) <= 0: continue ret.append((pkgtup, notice)) ret.sort(cmp=_rpm_tup_vercmp, key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True) return ret
def add(self, obj, mdtype='updateinfo'): """ Parse a metadata from a given YumRepository, file, or filename. """ if not obj: raise UpdateNoticeException if type(obj) in (type(''), type(u'')): infile = obj.endswith('.gz') and or open(obj, 'rt') elif isinstance(obj, YumRepository): if not in self._repos: self._repos.append( md = obj.retrieveMD(mdtype) if not md: raise UpdateNoticeException() infile = elif isinstance(obj, FakeRepository): raise Errors.RepoMDError, "No updateinfo for local pkg" else: # obj is a file object infile = obj
for event, elem in iterparse(infile): if elem.tag == 'update': un = UpdateNotice(elem) if not self._notices.has_key(un['update_id']): self._notices[un['update_id']] = un for pkg in un['pkglist']: for file in pkg['packages']: self._cache['%s-%s-%s' % (file['name'], file['version'], file['release'])] = un no = self._no_cache.setdefault(file['name'], set()) no.add(un)
def __unicode__(self): ret = u'' for notice in self.notices: ret += unicode(notice) return ret def __str__(self): return to_utf8(self.__unicode__())
def xml(self, fileobj=None): msg = """<?xml version="1.0"?>\n<updates>""" if fileobj: fileobj.write(msg)
for notice in self._notices.values(): if fileobj: fileobj.write(notice.xml()) else: msg += notice.xml()
end = """</updates>\n""" if fileobj: fileobj.write(end) else: msg += end
if fileobj: return
return msg
def main(): """ update_md test function. """ import yum.misc
yum.misc.setup_locale() def usage(): print >> sys.stderr, "Usage: %s <update metadata> ..." % sys.argv[0] sys.exit(1)
if len(sys.argv) < 2: usage()
try: print sys.argv[1] um = UpdateMetadata() for srcfile in sys.argv[1:]: um.add(srcfile) print unicode(um) except IOError: print >> sys.stderr, "%s: No such file:\'%s\'" % (sys.argv[0], sys.argv[1:]) usage()
if __name__ == '__main__': main()