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# # Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. #
import os import os.path import sys import pygtk; pygtk.require('2.0'); import gobject from config import * import storage import traceback import util
def dprint (fmt, *args): util.debug_print (util.DEBUG_USERPROFILE, fmt % args)
class ModuleLoader: """Loads all python modules from a directory allows objects to be constructed from said modules using specific constructors for each object type.""" def __init__ (self, module_path): """Construct a ModuleLoader and will load all available python modules from @module_path. """ self.module_path = module_path self.modules = [] self.__load_modules ()
def __load_module (self, module): """Load a python module named @module.""" dprint ("Loading module: %s", module) cmd = "from sources import %s" % module try: exec (cmd) except: print >> sys.stderr, "Failed to import module '%s' cmd=\"%s\"" % (module, cmd) traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr) return self.modules.append (module) def __load_modules (self): """Load all available modules from self.module_path.""" dprint ("Loading modules from %s", self.module_path) sys.path.append (self.module_path) for file in os.listdir (self.module_path): if file[0] == '.': continue if file[-3:] != ".py": continue if file == "": continue self.__load_module (file[:-3])
def __construct_object (self, module, constructor, arg): """Construct an object by invoking a function named @constructor, with @arg as an argument, in the module called @module. """ dprint ("Constructing object from loaded module using %s.%s", module, constructor) cmd = ("from sources import %s\n" "if %s.__dict__.has_key ('%s'):" " ret = %s.%s (arg)") % (module, module, constructor, module, constructor) try: exec (cmd) except: print "Failed to invoke function '%s.%s': %s" % (module, constructor, sys.exc_type) traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr) return None
try: ret = ret except NameError: return None return ret def construct_objects (self, constructor, arg): """Construct and return a list of objects by invoking a function named @constructor, with @arg as an argument, in each of the python modules in self.module_path which contain a function by that name. """ objects = [] for module in self.modules: o = self.__construct_object (module, constructor, arg) if o != None: objects.append (o) return objects
module_loader = None def get_module_loader (): """Return a singleton ModuleLoader object.""" global module_loader if module_loader == None: module_loader = ModuleLoader (os.path.join (os.path.dirname (__file__), "sources")) return module_loader class ProfileChange (gobject.GObject): """Abstract base class for encapsulating profile changes.""" def __init__ (self, source, delegate = None): """Construct a ProfileChange object.
source: the ProfileSource from which the change came. """ gobject.GObject.__init__ (self) self.source = source self.delegate = delegate
def get_source (self): """Get the ProfileSource from which this change came.""" return self.source
def get_id (self): """Return and identifier for the configuration item which changed.""" raise Exception ("Not implemented")
def get_short_description (self): """Return a short description of the configuration change.""" raise Exception ("Not implemented")
def get_ignore_default (self): """Returns the default value for the ignore item for this change.""" return False; def get_mandatory (self): """Returns the mandatory value of the change, or None to use the default""" return None
def merge_old_change (self, old_change): """Merges info from previous change into this change. Return True to discard the new change.""" return False
gobject.type_register (ProfileChange)
class SourceDelegate: """An abstract base class for helper classes which can be used to intercept and modify changes from a given configuration source.""" def __init__ (self, delegate_name, source, namespace_section): """Construct a SourceDelegate object.
@source: the ProfileSource whose changes the delegate wishes to inspect. @namepsace_section: the section of @source's configuration namespace that the delegate wishes to inspect. """ = delegate_name self.source = source self.namespace_section = namespace_section
def get_name (self): """Returns the configuration delegate's name.""" return
def get_path_description (self, path): """Returns a human readable description for @path. @path must have been previously added by the delegate to the #ProfileStorage. """ return path def handle_change (self, change): """Inspect a ProfileChange. Return #True if the change should not be passed on any further (i.e. #True == 'handled') and return #False if the change should be passed on unmodified. """ raise Exception ("Not implemented")
def commit_change (self, change, mandatory = False): """Commit a change to profile.
mandatory: whether the change should be committed such that it overrides the user's value. """ raise Exception ("Not implemented")
def start_monitoring (self): """Start monitoring for configuration changes.""" raise Exception ("Not implemented")
def stop_monitoring (self): """Stop monitoring for configuration changes.""" raise Exception ("Not implemented")
def sync_changes (self): """Save all committed changes to disk.""" raise Exception ("Not implemented")
def set_enforce_mandatory (self, enforce): """Temporary make mandatory setting non-mandatory.""" raise Exception ("Not implemented")
def apply (self, is_sabayon_session): """Apply profile to the current user's environment.""" raise Exception ("Not implemented") class ProfileSource (gobject.GObject): """An abstract base class which each configuration source must implement."""
__gsignals__ = { "changed" : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, (ProfileChange, )) }
def __init__ (self, source_name, delegate_constructor = None): """Construct a ProfileSource object.""" gobject.GObject.__init__ (self) = source_name module_loader = get_module_loader ()
self.delegates = [] if delegate_constructor: self.delegates = module_loader.construct_objects (delegate_constructor, self) def get_delegate (self, delegate_name): """Return a delegate named @delegate_name.""" for delegate in self.delegates: if delegate.get_name () == delegate_name: return delegate return None
def get_name (self): """Returns the configuration source's name.""" return
def get_path_description (self, path): """Returns a human readable description for @path. @path must have been previously added by the source to the #ProfileStorage. """ return path
def emit_change (self, change): """Pass @change to all register delegates for this source and emit a 'changed' signal with @change if none of the delegates return #True. """ for delegate in self.delegates: if not change.get_id ().startswith (delegate.namespace_section): continue if delegate.handle_change (change): dprint ("Delegate '%s' handled change '%s'", delegate.get_name (), change.get_id ()) return self.emit ("changed", change) def commit_change (self, change, mandatory = False): """Commit a change to profile.
mandatory: whether the change should be committed such that it overrides the user's value. """ if change.delegate: change.delegate.commit_change (change, mandatory) dprint ("Delegate '%s' committed changes '%s'", change.delegate.get_name (), change.get_id ()) return True return False def start_monitoring (self): """Start monitoring for configuration changes.""" raise Exception ("Not implemented")
def stop_monitoring (self): """Stop monitoring for configuration changes.""" raise Exception ("Not implemented")
def sync_changes (self): """Save all committed changes to disk.""" raise Exception ("Not implemented")
def set_enforce_mandatory (self, enforce): """Temporary make mandatory setting non-mandatory.""" raise Exception ("Not implemented") def apply (self, is_sabayon_session): """Apply profile to the current user's environment.""" raise Exception ("Not implemented")
gobject.type_register (ProfileSource)
class UserProfile (gobject.GObject): """An encapsulation of the user profile and backend sources.""" __gsignals__ = { "changed" : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, (ProfileChange, )) }
def __init__ (self, profile_name): """Construct a UserProfile
profile_name: name of the profile to be loaded module_path: optional path from which configuration modules should be loaded """ gobject.GObject.__init__ (self)
dprint ("Constructing profile from %s", profile_name)
self.profile_name = profile_name
# # Open the user settings packages and try to install them # = storage.ProfileStorage (profile_name) module_loader = get_module_loader () self.sources = [] self.sources = module_loader.construct_objects ("get_source", dprint ("%d sources loaded:", len (self.sources)) for source in self.sources: dprint (" %s", source.get_name ()) source.connect ("changed", self.__handle_source_changed)
def __handle_source_changed (self, source, change): self.emit ("changed", change)
def get_source (self, source_name): """Return a source named @source_name.""" for source in self.sources: if source.get_name () == source_name: return source return None
def get_delegate (self, delegate_name): """Return a delegate named @delegate_name.""" for source in self.sources: delegate = source.get_delegate (delegate_name) if not delegate is None: return delegate return None
def start_monitoring (self): """Start monitoring for configuration changes.""" dprint ("Starting monitoring") for s in self.sources: # Start source monitor before delegates so we # can e.g. set up gconf in the gconf source and # use it in the gconf delegate s.start_monitoring () for delegate in s.delegates: delegate.start_monitoring ()
def stop_monitoring (self): """Stop monitoring for configuration changes.""" dprint ("Stopping monitoring") for s in self.sources: for delegate in s.delegates: delegate.stop_monitoring () s.stop_monitoring ()
def sync_changes (self): """Save all committed changes to disk.""" dprint ("Syncing all committed changes to disk") for s in self.sources: for delegate in s.delegates: delegate.sync_changes () s.sync_changes () ()
def set_enforce_mandatory (self, enforce): """Temporary make mandatory setting non-mandatory.""" dprint ("Changing mandatory enforcement in user's environment") for s in self.sources: s.set_enforce_mandatory (enforce) for delegate in s.delegates: delegate.set_enforce_mandatory (enforce) def apply (self, is_sabayon_session): """Apply profile to the current user's environment.""" dprint ("Applying profile to user's environment") for s in self.sources: s.apply (is_sabayon_session) for delegate in s.delegates: delegate.apply (is_sabayon_session)
gobject.type_register (UserProfile)
# # Unit tests # def run_unit_tests (): class LocalTestChange (ProfileChange): def __init__ (self, source, key, value): ProfileChange.__init__ (self, source) self.key = key self.value = value def get_id (self): return self.key def get_short_description (self): return self.key
class LocalTestDelegate (SourceDelegate): def __init__ (self, source): SourceDelegate.__init__ (self, "local", source, "/bar") def handle_change (self, change): if change.get_id () == "/bar/foo1": return True return False
class LocalTestSource (ProfileSource): def __init__ (self): ProfileSource.__init__ (self, "local")
profile = UserProfile ("foo-storage") assert len (profile.sources) > 0
testsource = None for source in profile.sources: if source.get_name () == "test": testsource = source break; assert testsource != None assert len (testsource.delegates) == 1
localsource = LocalTestSource () profile.sources.append (localsource) def handle_source_changed (source, change, profile): profile.emit ("changed", change) localsource.connect ("changed", handle_source_changed, profile) assert len (profile.sources) > 1
localdelegate = LocalTestDelegate (localsource) localsource.delegates.append (localdelegate)
global n_signals n_signals = 0 def handle_changed (profile, change): global n_signals n_signals += 1 profile.connect ("changed", handle_changed)
# Only foo2 and foo3 should get through localsource.emit_change (LocalTestChange (localsource, "/bar/foo1", "1")) localsource.emit_change (LocalTestChange (localsource, "/bar/foo2", "2")) localsource.emit_change (LocalTestChange (localsource, "/bar/foo3", "3"))
# Only bar2 and bar3 should get through testsource.emit_change (testsource.get_test_change ("/foo/bar1", "1")) testsource.emit_change (testsource.get_test_change ("/foo/bar2", "2")) testsource.emit_change (testsource.get_test_change ("/foo/bar3", "3"))
assert n_signals == 4