!c99Shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #16!

Software: Apache/2.2.3 (CentOS). PHP/5.1.6 

uname -a: Linux mx-ll-110-164-51-230.static.3bb.co.th 2.6.18-194.el5PAE #1 SMP Fri Apr 2 15:37:44
EDT 2010 i686

uid=48(apache) gid=48(apache) groups=48(apache) 

Safe-mode: OFF (not secure)

/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/invest/   drwxr-xr-x
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import os, time
from os.path import *
import gnomeapplet, gtk, gtk.gdk, gconf, gobject
from gettext import gettext as _
import gconf

import invest, invest.about, invest.chart, invest.preferences
from invest.quotes import get_quotes_updater
from invest.widgets import *

class InvestAppletPreferences:
    def __init__(self, applet):
        # Default values
        self.GCONF_APPLET_DIR = invest.GCONF_DIR
        self.GCONF_CLIENT = gconf.client_get_default ()
        # Retreive this applet's pref folder
        path = applet.get_preferences_key()
        if path != None:
            self.GCONF_APPLET_DIR = path            
            print 'Using per-applet gconf key:', self.GCONF_APPLET_DIR
            gtik_settings = self.GCONF_CLIENT.get_string(self.GCONF_APPLET_DIR+"/prefs/tik_syms")
            if gtik_settings != None and gtik_settings != "":
                # Import old settings
                self.GCONF_CLIENT.set_string(self.GCONF_APPLET_DIR+"/prefs/tik_syms", "")
                for sym in gtik_settings.split('+'):
                        "amount": 0,
                        "bought": 0,
                        "comission": 0,
class InvestApplet:
    def __init__(self, applet):
        self.applet = applet
        self.prefs = InvestAppletPreferences(applet)
        self.investwidget = InvestWidget()
        self.investticker = InvestTrend()#InvestTicker()
        self.pw = ProgramWindow(applet, self.investticker)
        self.tb = ToggleButton(applet, self.pw)
        self.investwidget.connect('row-activated', lambda treeview, path, view_column: self.tb.set_active(False))
        get_quotes_updater().connect('quotes-updated', self._on_quotes_updated)
        box = gtk.HBox()
        self.applet.setup_menu_from_file (
            invest.SHARED_DATA_DIR, "Invest_Applet.xml",
            None, [("About", self.on_about), ("Prefs", self.on_preferences), ("Refresh", self.on_refresh)])

    def on_about(self, component, verb):
    def on_preferences(self, component, verb):
    def on_refresh(self, component, verb):
    def _on_quotes_updated(self, updater):
        #    _("Financial Report"),
        #    "stock_chart",
        #    _("Financial Report"),
        #    _("Quotes updated"),
        #    3000)
class ToggleButton(gtk.ToggleButton):
    def __init__(self, applet, pw):
        self.pw = pw

        self.connect("toggled", self.toggled)


        image = gtk.Image()
            pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size(join(invest.ART_DATA_DIR, "invest-button.png"), -1,-1)
        except Exception, msg:
            image.set_from_icon_name("stock_chart", gtk.ICON_SIZE_BUTTON)
        hbox = gtk.HBox()
        orient = applet.get_orient()
        arrow_dir = gtk.ARROW_DOWN
        if orient == gnomeapplet.ORIENT_RIGHT:
            arrow_dir = gtk.ARROW_RIGHT
        elif orient == gnomeapplet.ORIENT_LEFT:
            arrow_dir = gtk.ARROW_LEFT
        elif orient == gnomeapplet.ORIENT_DOWN:
            arrow_dir = gtk.ARROW_DOWN
        elif orient == gnomeapplet.ORIENT_UP:
            arrow_dir = gtk.ARROW_UP
        hbox.pack_start(gtk.Arrow(arrow_dir, gtk.SHADOW_NONE))
    def toggled(self, togglebutton):
        if togglebutton.get_active():

class ProgramWindow(gtk.Window):
    Borderless window aligning itself to a given widget.
    Use CuemiacWindow.update_position() to align it.
    def __init__(self, applet, widgetToAlignWith):
        alignment should be one of
        Call CuemiacWindow.update_position () to position the window.
        gtk.Window.__init__(self, gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)
        self.set_decorated (False)

        # Skip the taskbar, and the pager, stick and stay on top
        self.widgetToAlignWith = widgetToAlignWith        
        self.applet = applet
        self.alignment = applet.get_orient ()

        self.realize_status = None
        self.connect ("realize", lambda win : self.__register_realize ())
        self.connect ("size-allocate", self.__resize_event)
    def __resize_event (self, event, data):
        self.update_position ()
    def update_position (self):
        Calculates the position and moves the window to it.
        IMPORATNT: widgetToAlignWith should be realized!
        if self.realize_status == None:
            self.realize_status = False
            self.realize ()
        if self.realize_status == False:
        # Get our own dimensions & position
        (wx, wy) = self.window.get_origin ()
        (ax, ay) = self.widgetToAlignWith.window.get_origin ()

        (ww, wh) = self.window.get_size ()
        (aw, ah) = self.widgetToAlignWith.window.get_size ()

        screen = self.get_screen()
        monitor = screen.get_monitor_geometry (screen.get_monitor_at_window (self.applet.window))
        if self.alignment == gnomeapplet.ORIENT_LEFT:
                x = ax - ww
                y = ay

                if (y + wh > monitor.y + monitor.height):
                    y = monitor.y + monitor.height - wh

                if (y < 0):
                    y = 0
                if (y + wh > monitor.height / 2):
                    gravity = gtk.gdk.GRAVITY_SOUTH_WEST    
                    gravity = gtk.gdk.GRAVITY_NORTH_WEST
        elif self.alignment == gnomeapplet.ORIENT_RIGHT:
                x = ax + aw
                y = ay

                if (y + wh > monitor.y + monitor.height):
                    y = monitor.y + monitor.height - wh
                if (y < 0):
                    y = 0
                if (y + wh > monitor.height / 2):
                    gravity = gtk.gdk.GRAVITY_SOUTH_EAST
                    gravity = gtk.gdk.GRAVITY_NORTH_EAST

        elif self.alignment == gnomeapplet.ORIENT_DOWN:
                x = ax
                y = ay + ah

                if (x + ww > monitor.x + monitor.width):
                    x = monitor.x + monitor.width - ww

                if (x < 0):
                    x = 0

                gravity = gtk.gdk.GRAVITY_NORTH_WEST
        elif self.alignment == gnomeapplet.ORIENT_UP:
                x = ax
                y = ay - wh

                if (x + ww > monitor.x + monitor.width):
                    x = monitor.x + monitor.width - ww

                if (x < 0):
                    x = 0

                gravity = gtk.gdk.GRAVITY_SOUTH_WEST
        self.move(x, y)
    def __register_realize (self):
        self.realize_status = True
gobject.type_register (ProgramWindow)

:: Command execute ::


:: Shadow's tricks :D ::

Useful Commands
Warning. Kernel may be alerted using higher levels
Kernel Info:

:: Preddy's tricks :D ::

Php Safe-Mode Bypass (Read Files)


eg: /etc/passwd

Php Safe-Mode Bypass (List Directories):


eg: /etc/

:: Search ::
  - regexp 

:: Upload ::
[ Read-Only ]

:: Make Dir ::
[ Read-Only ]
:: Make File ::
[ Read-Only ]

:: Go Dir ::
:: Go File ::

--[ c999shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #16 Modded by Shadow & Preddy | RootShell Security Group | r57 c99 shell | Generation time: 0.0134 ]--