!c99Shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #16!

Software: Apache/2.2.3 (CentOS). PHP/5.1.6 

uname -a: Linux mx-ll-110-164-51-230.static.3bb.co.th 2.6.18-194.el5PAE #1 SMP Fri Apr 2 15:37:44
EDT 2010 i686

uid=48(apache) gid=48(apache) groups=48(apache) 

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(90,99,etc.) because they seems like 80 min. blanks --eject - ejects cd after simulation --swap - swap byte order of audio files --buffers # - sets fifo buffer size (min. 10) --reload - reload the disk if necessary for writing --force - force execution of operation --tmpdir - sets directory for temporary wav files --keep - keep generated temp wav files after exit -v # - sets verbose level -n - no pause before writing Usage: %s write [options] toc-fileoptions: --device [proto:]{|device} - sets SCSI device of CD-writer (default: %s) --driver - force usage of specified driver --simulate - just perform a write simulation --speed - selects writing speed --multi - session will not be closed --buffer-under-run-protection # - 0: disable buffer under run protection 1: enable buffer under run protection (default) --write-speed-control # - 0: disable writing speed control by the drive 1: enable writing speed control (default) --overburn - allow to overburn a medium --full-burn - force burning to the outer disk edge with '--driver generic-mmc-raw' --capacity - sets disk capacity for '--full-burn' you must specify this when using blanks bigger than 80 min. (90,99,etc.) because they seems like 80 min. blanks --eject - ejects cd after writing or simulation --swap - swap byte order of audio files --buffers # - sets fifo buffer size (min. 10) --reload - reload the disk if necessary for writing --force - force execution of operation --tmpdir - sets directory for temporary wav files --keep - keep generated temp wav files after exit -v # - sets verbose level -n - no pause before writing Usage: %s read-toc [options] toc-fileoptions: --device [proto:]{|device} - sets SCSI device of CD-ROM reader --driver - force usage of specified driver for source device --datafile - name of data file placed in toc-file --session # - select session --fast-toc - do not extract pre-gaps and index marks --read-raw - select raw sectors modes for data tracks --no-mode2-mixed - don't switch to mode2_mixed --rspeed - selects reading speed --read-subchan - defines sub-channel reading mode = rw | rw_raw --tao-source - indicate that source CD was written in TAO mode --tao-source-adjust # - # of link blocks for TAO source CDs (def. 2) --with-cddb - retrieve CDDB CD-TEXT data while copying --cddb-servers - sets space separated list of CDDB servers --cddb-timeout # - timeout in seconds for CDDB server communication --cddb-directory - path to local CDDB directory where fetched CDDB records will be stored --force - force execution of operation -v # - sets verbose level Usage: %s disk-info [options]options: --device [proto:]{|device} - sets SCSI device of CD-writer (default: %s) --driver - force usage of specified driver -v # - sets verbose level options: --device [proto:]{|device} - sets SCSI device of CD-writer (default: %s) --driver - force usage of specified driver --cddb-servers - sets space separated list of CDDB servers --cddb-timeout # - timeout in seconds for CDDB server communication --cddb-directory - path to local CDDB directory where fetched CDDB records will be stored --query-string - prints out CDDB query only -v # - sets verbose level Usage: %s read-cd [options] toc-fileoptions: --device [proto:]{|device} - sets SCSI device of CD-ROM reader --driver - force usage of specified driver for source device --datafile - name of data file placed in toc-file --session # - select session --fast-toc - do not extract pre-gaps and index marks --read-raw - read raw data sectors (including L-EC data) --no-mode2-mixed - don't switch to mode2_mixed --rspeed - selects reading speed --read-subchan - defines sub-channel reading mode = rw | rw_raw --tao-source - indicate that source CD was written in TAO mode --tao-source-adjust # - # of link blocks for TAO source CDs (def. 2) --paranoia-mode # - DAE paranoia mode (0..3) --with-cddb - retrieve CDDB CD-TEXT data while copying --cddb-servers - sets space separated list of CDDB servers --cddb-timeout # - timeout in seconds for CDDB server communication --cddb-directory - path to local CDDB directory where fetched CDDB records will be stored --force - force execution of operation -v # - sets verbose level Usage: %s toc-info [options] toc-file Usage: %s toc-size [options] toc-fileoptions: --device [proto:]{|device} - sets SCSI device of CD-writer (default: %s) --driver - force usage of specified driver --speed - selects writing speed --blank-mode - blank mode ('full', 'minimal') --eject - ejects cd after writing or simulation -v # - sets verbose level options: --device [proto:]{|device} - sets SCSI device of CD-writer (default: %s) --driver - force usage of specified driver --reload - reload the disk if necessary for writing --eject - ejects cd after unlocking -v # - sets verbose level Usage: %s drive-info [options]options: --device [proto:]{|device} - sets SCSI device of CD-writer (default: %s) --source-device {|device} - sets SCSI device of CD-ROM reader --driver - force usage of specified driver --source-driver - force usage of specified driver for source device --simulate - just perform a copy simulation --speed - selects writing speed --rspeed - selects reading speed --multi - session will not be closed --buffer-under-run-protection # - 0: disable buffer under run protection 1: enable buffer under run protection (default) --write-speed-control # - 0: disable writing speed control by the drive 1: enable writing speed control (default) --overburn - allow to overburn a medium --full-burn - force burning to the outer disk edge with '--driver generic-mmc-raw' --capacity - sets disk capacity for '--full-burn' you must specify this when using blanks bigger than 80 min. (90,99,etc.) because they seems like 80 min. blanks --eject - ejects cd after writing or simulation --swap - swap byte order of audio files --on-the-fly - perform on-the-fly copy, no image file is created --datafile - name of temporary data file --buffers # - sets fifo buffer size (min. 10) --session # - select session --fast-toc - do not extract pre-gaps and index marks --read-subchan - defines sub-channel reading mode = rw | rw_raw --keepimage - the image will not be deleted after copy --tao-source - indicate that source CD was written in TAO mode --tao-source-adjust # - # of link blocks for TAO source CDs (def. 2) --paranoia-mode # - DAE paranoia mode (0..3) --reload - reload the disk if necessary for writing --force - force execution of operation --with-cddb - retrieve CDDB CD-TEXT data while copying --cddb-servers - sets space separated list of CDDB servers --cddb-timeout # - timeout in seconds for CDDB server communication --cddb-directory - path to local CDDB directory where fetched CDDB records will be stored -v # - sets verbose level -n - no pause before writing Usage: %s read-cddb [options] toc-fileoptions: --cddb-servers - sets space separated list of CDDB servers --cddb-timeout # - timeout in seconds for CDDB server communication --cddb-directory - path to local CDDB directory where fetched CDDB records will be stored -v # - sets verbose level options: --device [proto:]{|device} - sets SCSI device of CD-writer (default: %s) --driver - force usage of specified driver --reload - reload the disk if necessary for writing -v # - sets verbose level Sorry, no help available for command %d :-( Cannot connect to any CDDB server.Querying of CDDB server failed.No CDDB record found for this toc-file.Found following inexact match:Found following inexact matches: DISKID CATEGORY TITLE Select match, 0 for none [0-%d]?Reading CDDB record for: %s-%s-%sReading of CDDB record failed.Creation of source CD toc failed.CD-TEXT data was added to toc.Toc created from source CD image is inconsistent - please report.The toc extracted from the source CD is not suitable forthe recorder device and may produce undefined results.Use option --force to use it anyway.The toc extracted from the source CD is not suitable for this drive.Cannot fork reader process: %sCD image reading finished successfully.Cannot connect pipe to stdin: %sSimulation finished successfully.Writing finished successfully.Creation of source CD image failed.CD-TEXT data was added to toc-file.Reading of CD-TEXT data failed - continuing without CD-TEXT data.Keeping created image file "%s".Corresponding toc-file is written to "%s".Toc created from source CD image is inconsistent.Please insert a recordable medium and hit enter.Cannot get disk information from recorder device.Cannot determine disk status - hit enter to try again.Medium in recorder device is not empty and not appendable.Cannot remove CD image file "%s": %sIllegal disk capacity: %s minutesIllegal blank mode. Valid values: full minimalInvalid remote message file descriptor: %sIllegal number of TAO link blocks: %dIllegal value for option --buffer-under-run-protection: %dIllegal value for option --write-speed-control: %dCdrdao version %s - (C) Andreas Mueller SCSI interface library - (C) Joerg Schilling Paranoia DAE library - (C) MontyCheck http://cdrdao.sourceforge.net/drives.html#dt for current driver tables.Format converter enabled for extensions:Environment variable 'HOME' not defined - cannot read .cdrdao.Could not decode audio files from toc file "%s".Toc file "%s" is inconsistent.You must use the generic-mmc-raw driver to use the full-burn option.Cannot setup source device %s.Cannot get disk information from source device.Writing CD-TEXT populated toc-file "%s".No drive information available.Maximum reading speed: %d kB/s Current reading speed: %d kB/s Maximum writing speed: %d kB/s Current writing speed: %d kB/s ISRC %c%c %c%c%c %c%c %c%c%c%c%c %s: %d tracks, length %s, %ld blocks, %ld MB Process can be aborted with QUIT signal (usually CTRL-\).File "%s" exists, will not overwrite.Cannot open "%s" for writing: %sReading of toc data finished successfully.Reading of toc and track data finished successfully.Inserted disk is not empty and not appendable.Length of toc (%s, %ld blocks) exceeds capacity Ignored because of option '--overburn'.Some drives may fail to record this toc.Please use option '--overburn' to start recording anyway.This driver does not support multi session discs.Writing speed %d not supported by device.Toc-file "%s" may create undefined results.Toc-file "%s" is not suitable for this drive.Pausing 10 seconds - hit CTRL-C to abort.Medium in source device is empty.Two different device are required for on-the-fly copying.Please use option '--source-device x,y,z'.On-the-fly CD copying finished successfully.CD copying finished successfully.Blanking speed %d not supported by device.freedb.freedb.org freedb.freedb.org:/~cddb/cddb.cgi uk.freedb.org uk.freedb.org:/~cddb/cddb.cgi cz.freedb.org cz.freedb.org:/~cddb/cddb.cgiq2nLbxK~(bD0{cp0Adjusted number of FIFO buffers to 10.Cannot allocated memory for ring buffer.No super user permission to setup real time scheduling.Real time scheduling not available.Reader process terminated abnormally.Wrote %ld blocks. Buffer fill min %d%%/max %d%%.Writing track %02d (mode %s/%s %s)...Writing failed - buffer under run?Wrote %ld of %ld MB (Buffers %3d%% %3d%%). Wrote %ld of %ld MB (Buffer %3d%%). Read %ld of %ld MB (Buffer %3d%%). Writing/simulation/read-test aborted on user request.pthread_attr_init failed: %sCannot create thread: %sCannot lock memory pages: %sMemory lockedWaiting for reader processAwaken, will start writingRead %ld blocks.Read %ld of %ld MB. pthread_join failed: %sSwap: %dOpening of track data failed.Reading of track data failed.Buffer filledB?Cannot setup real time scheduling: %sUsing pthread POSIX real time scheduling.Cannot install signal handler: %sBlanking is not supported by this driver.Writing of data failed: Disk fullFound %ld Q sub-channels with CRC errors.Illegal mode in 'CdrDriver::blockSize()'.Illegal encoding mode in 'CdrDriver::blockSize()'.Found illegal mode in sector %ld.Cannot prevent/allow medium removal.The pre-gap of the following track appears to have length %s.This value is probably bogus and may be caused by unexpectedbehavior of the drive. Try to verify with other tools howmuch data can be read from the current track and compare itto the value stored in the toc-file. Usually, the pre-gapTrack Mode Flags Start Length------------------------------------------------------------%2d %s %x %s(%6ld) Failed to send write CD remote progress message.Failed to send read CD remote progress message.Cannot read CD-TEXT data - maybe not supported by drive.CD-TEXT data too big for maximum SCSI transfer length.Reading of CD-TEXT data failed.%02x %02x %02x %02x: %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x CRC: %02x %02xCD-TEXT: Found invalid pack type: %02xCannot determine language mapping from CD-TEXT data.Cannot determine mode of data track %d - asuming MODE1.This drive does not support %s sub-channel reading.Copying data track %d (%s): start %s, Copying audio tracks %d-%d: start %s, Cannot get flags of remote stream: %sCannot set flags of remote stream: %sReading driver table from file "%s".%s:%d: Expecting 'R' or 'W' as first token - line ignored.%s:%d: Missing driver name - line ignored.%s:%d: Missing model name - line ignored.%s:%d: Missing vendor name - line ignored.Found %d valid driver table entries.%s:%d: Driver '%s' not defined - line ignored.%s:%d: Driver option string '%s' not defined - line ignored.Cannot read driver table from file "%s" - using built-in table.Analyzing track %02d (%s): start %s, Pre-emphasis flag of track differs from TOC - toc file contains TOC setting.2-/4-channel-audio flag of track differs from TOC - toc file contains TOC setting.Control nibbles of track match CD-TOC settings.The driver option 0x%lx indicates that the raw TOC datacontains BCD values but a non BCD value was found.Please adjust the driver options.Using TOC data retrieved with generic method (no multi session support).Found bogus toc data (no lead-out entry).Could not determine if raw toc data is BCD or HEX. Please report!Use driver option 0x%lx or 0x%lx to assume BCD or HEX data.Found bogus toc data (0 or > 99 tracks). Please report!Your drive probably does not support raw toc reading.Use driver option 0x%lx to suppress this message.Found bogus toc data (track number sequence). Please report!Found bogus toc data (no lead-out pointer for session). Please report!Found bogus toc data (no lead-out entry in raw data).Long Strategy Type, e.g. CyanineShort Strategy Type, e.g. PhthalocyanineCdrDriver::readDataTrack: Illegal mode.Read error while copying data from track.L-EC error around sector %ld while copying data from track.Use option '--read-raw' to ignore L-EC errors.Padding with %ld zero sectors.Found L-EC error at sector %ld - ignored.The toc type should be set to CD_ROM_XA if a multi sessionTrack %d: sub-channel writing mode is not supported by driver.Mitsubishi Chemical CorporationMulti Media Masters & Machinary SAOptical Disc Manufacturing EquipmentBestdisc Technology CorporationCDA Datentraeger Albrechts GmbHDIGITAL STORAGE TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTDHarmonic Hall Optical Disc Ltd.Hile Optical Disc Technology Corp.Hong Kong Digital Technology Co., Ltd.Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.Sound Sound Multi-Media Development LimitedVICTOR COMPANY OF JAPAN, LIMITEDWEALTH FAIR INVESTMENT LIMITEDTrack %d...Writing of data failed: %sCannot set block size.Cannot read disk toc.getTocGeneric: data len %dGot illegal toc data.CdrDriver.ccblocksPerWrite_ > 0Write data failed.Cannot read capacity.Cannot rezero unit.Cannot start/stop unit.Analyzing of track %d failed.%s should have length 00:02:00.DATA Leadout %s %x %s(%6ld)Found index %d at %s%02d:%02d:00 Found index %d at: %sFound pre-gap: %sFound ISRC code.blocking > 0CD-TEXT data len: %ldNo mode page data received.Found CD-TEXT data.Using default mapping.No tracks on disk.length %s to "%s"...Found disk catalogue number.Writing to "%s" failed: %szeroBuffer_ != __nullWrote %ld of %ld MB. generic-mmc|OPT_DRV_SWAP_READ_SAMPLESOPT_DRV_NO_PREGAP_READOPT_DRV_RAW_TOC_BCDOPT_DRV_RAW_TOC_HEXOPT_MMC_USE_PQOPT_MMC_PQ_BCDOPT_MMC_READ_ISRCOPT_MMC_SCAN_MCNOPT_MMC_CD_TEXTOPT_MMC_NO_SUBCHANOPT_MMC_NO_BURNPROOFOPT_MMC_NO_RW_PACKEDOPT_MMC_USE_RAW_RWOPT_MMC_YAMAHA_FORCE_SPEEDOPT_PLEX_USE_PARANOIAOPT_PLEX_DAE_READ10OPT_PLEX_DAE_D4_12OPT_PLEX_USE_PQOPT_PLEX_PQ_BCDOPT_PLEX_READ_ISRCOPT_DRV_GET_TOC_GENERIC/usr/share/cdrdao/drivers/.cdrdao-drivers_%d_%d-%dlength %s... Raw toc contains %s values.CD is recorded.Session format: %xAuvistar Industry Co.,Ltd.CMC Magnetics CorporationDoremi Media Co., Ltd.FORNET INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD.FUJI Photo Film Co., Ltd.GIGASTORAGE CORPORATIONHitachi Maxell, Ltd.Kodak Japan LimitedLead Data Inc.Mitsui Chemicals, Inc.Pioneer Video CorporationPlasmon Data systems Ltd.POSTECH CorporationPrinco CorporationProdisc Technology Inc.Ricoh Company LimitedRitek Co.SKC Co., Ltd.SONY CorporationTaiyo Yuden Company LimitedTDK CorporationXcitek Inc.Acer Media Technology, IncAMS Technology Inc.AUDIO DISTRIBUTORS CO., LTD.CIS Technology Inc.Computer Support Italy s.r.l.Customer Pressing OosterhoutDELPHI TECHNOLOGY INC.EXIMPOFriendly CD-Tek Co.Grand Advance Technology Ltd.General Magnetics LdGuann Yinn Co.,Ltd.INFODISC Technology Co., Ltd.kdg mediatech AGKing Pro Mediatek Inc.Nacar Media srOPTICAL DISC CORPRATIONOpti.Me.S. S.p.A.OPTROM.INC.Seantram Technology Inc.Taeil Media Co.,Ltd.TAROKO INTERNATIONAL CO.,LTD.TDK Corporation.UNIDISC TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTDUNITECH JAPAN INC.Vanguard Disc Inc.VIVA MAGNETICS LIMITEDVIVASTAR AGWoongjin Media corp.cdd2600plextorplextor-scanricoh-mp6200sony-cdu920sony-cdu948taiyo-yudenteac-cdr55toshibayamaha-cdr10xASUSCD-S340CD-S400CD-S500/ADVD-ROM E608E-IDECD-950E/TKUCD-ROM 36X/AKUCD-ROM 52X/AKHFUNAIE295XGoldstarCD-RW CED-8042BHITACHICDR-7730CDR-8435LGCD-ROM CRD-8480CCD-ROM CRD-8482BCD-ROM CRD-8521BDVD-ROM DRN8080BLITE-ONLTD-163LITEONDVD-ROM LTD163DMATSHITACD-ROM CR-588CD-ROM CR-589DVD-ROM SR-8585MEMOREXCD-233EMITSUMICD-ROM FX4820OPTICS_S8622PHILIPSCD-ROM PCCD052E-IDE CD-ROM 36XPIONEERCD-ROM DR-U32DVD-103DVD-104DVD-105SONYCD-ROM CDU31A-02CD-ROM CDU4821CDU5211TEACCD-524ECD-532ECD-540ETOSHIBACD-ROM XM-3206BCD-ROM XM-6102BCD-ROM XM-6302BCD-ROM XM-6402BDVD-ROM SD-C2202DVD-ROM SD-C2302DVD-ROM SD-C2402DVD-ROM SD-M1102DVD-ROM SD-M1401DVD-ROM SD-M1402DVD-ROM GD-2500CD-ROM CR-506CR-8008NAKAMICHMJ-5.16SCD-ROM DR-U03CD-ROM DR-U06CD-ROM DR-U10CD-ROM DR-U12CD-ROM DR-U16DVD-303DVD-305SAFCD-R2006PLUSCD-ROM CDU-76XM-5401PLEXTORPX-40TSPX-40TWPX-63CD-ROM CD-532S1504CD-ROM XM-3601BCD-ROM XM-5302TACD-ROM XM-5701TACD-ROM XM-6201TACD-ROM XM-6401TADVD-ROM SD-2102GRUNDIGCDR100IPWHPCD-Writer 4020CD-Writer 6020IMSCDD2000KODAKPCD-225CDD2600CDD522AOPENCD-RW CRW1632CD-RW CRW2040CD-RW-241040CRW9624CD-RWCDR-2440MBCREATIVECD-RW RW1210ECD-RW RW4424CD-RW RW8433ECD5233EDELTAOME-W141CRD-BP1600PCRD-R800SCRD-RW2HL-DT-STRW/DVD GCC-4120B9510iCD-Writer+ 7570CD-Writer+ 8100CD-Writer+ 8200CD-Writer+ 8290CD-Writer+ 9100CD-Writer+ 9110CD-Writer+ 9200CD-Writer+ 9300CD-Writer+ 9600CD-Writer+ 9700DVD Writer 100jIDE-CDR/RW 16x10AIMATIONIMW121032IAB8088B8120BCD-ROM CDR-8428BCD-RW CED-8080BCD-RW CED-8081BCD-RW CED-8083BCD-RW GCE-8240BCOMBOHL-DT-ST RW/DVD GCC-4080NLTR-0841LTR-24102BLTR-32125WCD-R CW-7502CD-R CW-7503CD-R CW-7582CD-R CW-7585CD-R CW-7586CDRRW01UJDA360UJDA710UJDA72024MAX 104040MAXX 1248AJCD-RW4224MICROSOLUTIONSBACKPACK CD REWRITERCR-4801CR-48X5CR-48X5TECR-48X8TECR-48XATEOLYMPICRWD RW4224PANASONICCDRW1610ACDRW2412APCA460RWDVD-ROM DVD-114CD-R PX-R412CD-R PX-R820CD-R PX-W1210CD-R PX-W124CD-R PX-W1610CD-R PX-W4220CD-R PX-W8220CD-R PX-W8432CD-R PX-W241040CD-R PX-W2410aCD-R PX-W4012ARICOHCD-R/RW MP7040CD-R/RW MP7060CD-R/RW MP7063ACD-R/RW MP7080CD-R/RW MP7083ADVD/CDRW MP9060CD-R8020CD-RW4224ACD-RW6424SAMSUNGCD-R/RW SW-206CD-R/RW SW-408BCDRW/DVD SM-308BSANYOCRD-BP3CD-RW CRX700ECRX-815CRX100CRX120CRX140CRX145CRX160ECRX175A1CRX175ECRX185E1TDK4800CDRW121032CDRW321040BCDRW8432CD-R56CD-R58CD-W216ECD-W512EBCD-W512SBCD-W516EBCD-W516ECCD-W524ECD-W54ETORiSANCDW-U4424DVD-ROM SD-M1612DVD-ROM SD-R1002DVD-ROM SD-R1202TRAXDATACDRW4260WAITECWT624YAMAHACDR200CDR400CRW2100CRW2200CRW2260CRW3200CRW4001CRW4260CRW4416CRW6416CRW8424CRW8824_NECNR-7700AACER10x8x322010A20x10x404406EU4x4x68X4X32CD-R/RW 4X4X32CD-RW CRW3248CRW1232ARTECRW241040WRA-WA48WRR-4048CRW-1610ACRW-3212ACD-R/RW 12X8X32CD-R/RW CRW6206ABENQCRW2410ABTCBCE1610IMBCE2410IMBCE621ECyberDrvCW018DCW038DCW058DCD-RW GCE-8160BCD-RW GCE-8320BCD-Writer+ 7100CD-Writer+ 7200DVD Writer 200jR/RW 2x2x24R/RW 4x4x24R/RW 4x4x32R/RW 8x4x32ReWritable-2x2x6IOMEGAZIPCD 4x650LTR-12101BLTR-16101BLTR-16102CLTR-32123SLTR-40125SLTR-48125WCDRW-2216CR-622CRW-16622801CR-4802CR-4804OTI-975 SOCRATESCDD 3801/31CDD3600CDD3610CDD4201CDD4801CDRW400PCRW1208PCRW120899PCRW404PCRW804QPSCRD-BP 1500PCD-R/RW SW-204BCD-R/RW SW-208CD-R/RW SW-212BCD-R/RW SW-224SW-232CRX195E1CD-W58E2832CDRW2260+CRW2260 PROWT2444EIWT44247900NR-7800ACRW620OMNIWRITER26MP6200MP6201CD-R CDU920CD-R CDU924CD-R CDU948T.YUDENCD-WO EW-50JVCR2626XR-W2010CD-R4012CD-RW 226CD-R50CD-R55CDR4120DVD-ROM SD-R2002DVD-ROM SD-R2102CDR100CDR1024404747474740474ҤҤxE4#virtual int CdrDriver::readAudioRangeStream(CdrDriver::ReadDiskInfo*, int, long int, long int, int, int, TrackInfo*)virtual int CdrDriver::readDataTrack(CdrDriver::ReadDiskInfo*, int, long int, long int, TrackInfo*)virtual int CdrDriver::writeZeros(TrackData::Mode, TrackData::SubChannelMode, long int&, long int, long int)virtual int CdrDriver::writeData(TrackData::Mode, TrackData::SubChannelMode, long int&, const char*, long int) ZY 0@-P``- 0P`Ы- @-xP`w>0>=<; 1-@p:Pl3wWPVT@Su00@Q6..?PL59CdrDriver  Analyzing...Reading...Cannot read ISRC code.Cannot set play parameters.Cannot load/unload medium.CDD2600.ccblockLength_ > 0mode == TrackData::AUDIOsessionNr >= 1Cannot read raw disk toc.Raw toc data len: %dCannot read block - ignored.First track %u, last track %uREAD TOC (format 0) failed.NWA: %ldREAD TOC (format 1) failed.getRawToc failed.Cannot read sub channel data.Writing lead-out... Flushing cache...Writing lead-in and gap...Lba after lead-in: %ldCDD2600 - Version 1.1Reading of audio data failed at sector %ld.Cannot retrieve next writable address.Cannot read sub Q channel data.Read error at LBA %ld, len %ldCDD2600::readTrackData: Illegal mode.First session %u, last session %u, last session start %ldCannot determine status of inserted medium.Inserted medium is not appendable.||Gwȷȷvirtual CdRawToc* CDD2600::getRawToc(int, int*)virtual int CDD2600::writeData(TrackData::Mode, TrackData::SubChannelMode, long int&, const char*, long int)virtual int CDD2600::initDao(const Toc*)  0@-P``- 0P`Ы- @-xP`w>0>=<; 1-@`` 3wWPVT@Su00@Q6p.н0?PP`Lp57CDD2600      11CDD2600BaseWriting is not supported by this driver.Reading CDDA tracks in range [%lu,%lu].Reading CDDA blocks in range [%lu,%lu> (%lu blocks=%lu bytes).(track,index,absolute)=(%2d,%2d,%s)Found track number %02d at %s (block %d).Found track number %02d at %s.Found pregap of track %02d with size %s at Found index number %02d at %s.Found ISRC code of track %02d.block %6ld read and written without errors now. block %6ld written after fully being repaired...block %6ld written with %4ld erronous bytes in it! block %6ld has %3ld error samples block %6ld has %3ld error samples left after %3ld retries Stopped because sector with not matching mode %s found.%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02xPlextorReader::readTrackData: Illegal mode.Plextor CD-ROM Reader - Version 1.3Disabled, unit won't slow downDisabled, unit will wait for max speedEnabled, unit will transfer as soon as possible Slowdown to avoid vibrations: %s Transfer data before max speed: %sCannot play audio block.block %6ld TOC SAYS TRACK STARTS AT %s!LEAD OUT TRACK ENCOUNTERED!UNEXPECTED!PlextorReader.ccUnsupportedEnabled, unit will slow downPlextor features status: Slowdown on read errors: %smodel number %d PRODUCT ID: '%s' CD-ROM PX-4XCHCD-ROM PX-4XCSCD-ROM PX-4XCECD-ROM PX-6XCD-ROM PX-8XCD-ROM PX-12CD-ROM PX-20CD-ROM PX-32CD-ROM PX-40jW11virtual CdRawToc* PlextorReader::getRawToc(int, int*)    ! . ; H  U  @` 0@`-P``- 0P`Ы- @-xP`w>0>=<; 1-@@P`p:03wWPVT@Su00@@Q6.?0PLpp513PlextorReader   uuV4Vvirtual CdRawToc* GenericMMC::getRawToc(int, int*)int GenericMMC::writeCdTextLeadIn()virtual int GenericMMC::writeData(TrackData::Mode, TrackData::SubChannelMode, long int&, const char*, long int)virtual int GenericMMC::initDao(const Toc*)unsigned char* GenericMMC::createCueSheet(long unsigned int, long int*)Cannot retrieve Ricoh mode page 30.Cannot set Ricoh mode page 30.Cannot set write parameters mode page.Cannot get Track Information Block.Track is Blank, Next Writable Address is validCannot retrieve write parameters mode page.Checking for PQ sub-channel reading support (data track)...PQ sub-channel reading (data track) not supported.PQ sub-channel reading (data track) is supported, data format is BCD.PQ sub-channel reading (data track) is supported, data format is HEX.PQ sub-channel reading (data track) seems to be supported but cannot determine data format.Please use driver option '--driver generic-mmc:0x1' or '--driver generic-mmc:0x3' to set the data format explicitly.Checking for raw P-W sub-channel reading support (data track)...Raw P-W sub-channel reading (data track) is supported.Raw P-W sub-channel reading (data track) is not supported.Checking for cooked R-W sub-channel reading support (data track)...Cooked R-W sub-channel reading (data track) is supported.Cooked R-W sub-channel reading (data track) is not supported.Checking for PQ sub-channel reading support (audio track)...PQ sub-channel reading (audio track) is not supported.PQ sub-channel reading (audio track) is supported, data format is BCD.PQ sub-channel reading (audio track) is supported, data format is HEX.PQ sub-channel reading (audio track) seems to be supported but cannot determine data format.Checking for raw P-W sub-channel reading support (audio track)...Raw P-W sub-channel reading (audio track) is supported.Raw P-W sub-channel reading (audio track) is not supported.Checking for cooked R-W sub-channel reading support (audio track)...Cooked R-W sub-channel reading (audio track) is supported.Raw R-W sub-channel reading (audio track) is not supported.Executing power calibration...Power calibration not supported.GenericMMC::readTrackData: Illegal mode.Cannot get data for feature 0x%x.Cannot retrieve drive capabilities mode page.Writing %ld CD-TEXT sub-channels at LBA %ld.Writing of CD-TEXT data failed.TEST UNIT READY failed after recording.CTL/ TNO INDEX DATA SCMS MIN SEC FRAME%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02d %02d %02dDrive accepted cue sheet variant %lx.Drive does not accept any cue sheet variant - please report.Drive accepted write parameter mode page variant %lx.Use option --force to ignore this error.Ignored because of option --force.Cannot setup write parameters for session-at-once mode.Please try to use the 'generic-mmc-raw' driver.Test Unit Ready command failed.Generic SCSI-3/MMC - Version 2.0Cannot retrieve disk information.Enabling JustLink.Disabling JustLink.Enabling JustSpeed.Disabling JustSpeed.Turning BURN-Proof onTurning BURN-Proof offMulti session mode: %dData block type: %uToc type: 0x%xCannot get ISRC code.Read buffer capacity failed.Power calibration failed.Power calibration successful.GenericMMC.ccCannot get feature 0x%x.getFeature: data len: %luCannot read sector of track.Found illegal MCN data: %sCannot get catalog number.channelsPerCmd > 0cdTextSubChannels != __nullcdTextSubChannelCount > 0Writing CD-TEXT lead-in...Start LBA: %ld, length: %ldCD-TEXT encoding failed.n == len - 1 Cue Sheet (variant %lx):ADR FORMCannot set cd speed.Cannot erase CD-RW.Blanking time: %ld secondsLead-in start: %s length: %ldLead-out length: %ld  >p=0NP<<0`P``- 0P`Ы- @-xP`w>0>=<; :  =+7*`*pPlF3wWPVT@Su00@@Q`$. ?@PpBL% 5Jp910GenericMMC   RRR?RRR PU0UN R10SubChannel  P:%02x Q: (%02x) MCN: %s %02x Q: (%02x) ISRC: %s %02x INVALID QMODE: %02x%04x %dPQSubChannel16.cc(c & 0x0f) == 0type_ == QMODE3type_ == QMODE2type_ == QMODE1DATAtype_ == QMODE5TOCQ: (%02x) %02x,%02x %02x:%02x:%02x %02x %02x:%02x:%02x type_ == QMODE1TOC || type_ == QMODE5TOCtype_ == QMODE1DATA || type_ == QMODE2 || type_ == QMODE3type_ == QMODE1TOC || type_ == QMODE1DATA || type_ == QMODE5TOCXXXTXXWTeTeetedeDevirtual const char* PQSubChannel16::isrc() constvirtual void PQSubChannel16::isrc(char, char, char, char, char, char, char, char, char, char, char, char)virtual const char* PQSubChannel16::catalog() constvirtual void PQSubChannel16::catalog(char, char, char, char, char, char, char, char, char, char, char, char, char)virtual void PQSubChannel16::pframe(int)virtual void PQSubChannel16::psec(int)virtual void PQSubChannel16::pmin(int)virtual int PQSubChannel16::aframe() constvirtual void PQSubChannel16::aframe(int)virtual int PQSubChannel16::asec() constvirtual void PQSubChannel16::asec(int)virtual int PQSubChannel16::amin() constvirtual void PQSubChannel16::amin(int)virtual void PQSubChannel16::zero(int)virtual int PQSubChannel16::frame() constvirtual void PQSubChannel16::frame(int)virtual int PQSubChannel16::sec() constvirtual void PQSubChannel16::sec(int)virtual int PQSubChannel16::min() constvirtual void PQSubChannel16::min(int)virtual void PQSubChannel16::point(int)virtual int PQSubChannel16::indexNr() constvirtual void PQSubChannel16::indexNr(int)virtual int PQSubChannel16::trackNr() constvirtual void PQSubChannel16::trackNr(int)virtual void PQSubChannel16::ctl(int) 0dded@V0VUVYV`@c`c@`_b_`b _b^a0^a]@a] ]\^[ZZPYWUUVpU14PQSubChannel16   PWSubChannel96.ccbyteNr >= 0 && byteNr < 12iihNiihP~P~~~|~$~virtual const char* PWSubChannel96::isrc() constvirtual void PWSubChannel96::isrc(char, char, char, char, char, char, char, char, char, char, char, char)virtual void PWSubChannel96::catalog(char, char, char, char, char, char, char, char, char, char, char, char, char)virtual void PWSubChannel96::pframe(int)virtual void PWSubChannel96::psec(int)virtual void PWSubChannel96::pmin(int)virtual int PWSubChannel96::aframe() constvirtual void PWSubChannel96::aframe(int)virtual int PWSubChannel96::asec() constvirtual void PWSubChannel96::asec(int)virtual int PWSubChannel96::amin() constvirtual void PWSubChannel96::amin(int)virtual void PWSubChannel96::zero(int)virtual int PWSubChannel96::frame() constvirtual void PWSubChannel96::frame(int)virtual int PWSubChannel96::sec() constvirtual void PWSubChannel96::sec(int)virtual int PWSubChannel96::min() constvirtual void PWSubChannel96::min(int)virtual void PWSubChannel96::point(int)virtual int PWSubChannel96::indexNr() constvirtual void PWSubChannel96::indexNr(int)virtual int PWSubChannel96::trackNr() constvirtual void PWSubChannel96::trackNr(int)virtual void PWSubChannel96::ctl(int)unsigned char PWSubChannel96::getChannelByte(PWSubChannel96::Channel, int) constvoid PWSubChannel96::setChannelByte(PWSubChannel96::Channel, int, unsigned char)\ |{} }0m`ff fl0k0xp{w{Pwvzpv0zvy u`yty@txs`sruqppopngm`k Rf14PWSubChannel96 H  GenericMMCraw.ccCannt get track information.Block length: %ldCannot read ATIP data.ATIP data len: %ldSI: session nr: %dSI: lead-in start: %ldSI: lead-in len: %ldSI: lead-out len: %ldSI: cdrw: %dSI: atip A1: %u %u %uSub-channel mode requested by toc: %dCannot write CD-TEXT data because the 96 byte raw P-W sub-channel data mode is not supported.Ignored because of --force option.Cannot setup sub-channel writing mode for sub-channel data defined in the toc-file.Cannot setup disk-at-once writing for this drive.Using 16 byte P-Q sub-channel data mode.Using 96 byte packed P-W sub-channel data mode.Using 96 byte raw P-W sub-channel data mode for CD-TEXT.Using 96 byte raw P-W sub-channel data mode.Generic SCSI-3/MMC (raw writing) - Version 2.0Invalid start time of lead-in in ATIP.ATIP data does not contain point A1 data.SI: last lead-out start: %d %d %dSI: atip lead-in start: %d %d %dSI: optimum recording power: %u @`0NP<<0`P`` 0P`Ы- @-xP`w>0>=<; :p =`P`* PlF3wWPVT@Su00@@Q`$. ?@PpBL% 5Jp913GenericMMCraw    $  16PQChannelEncodervirtual int GenericMMCraw::writeData(TrackData::Mode, TrackData::SubChannelMode, long int&, const char*, long int)virtual int GenericMMCraw::initDao(const Toc*)Plextor CD-ROM Reader (scanning) - Version 1.0t  0@`-P``- 0P`Ы- @-xP`w>0>=<; 1-@@P`p:003wWPVT@Su00@@Q6.?0PLpp517PlextorReaderScan `  RicohMP6200.ccRicoh MP6200 - Version 0.1(alpha)` 00NP<<0`P``- 0P`Ы- @-xP`w>0>=`<; :  = ТpPlF3wWPVT@Su00@@Q`$. ?@PpBL% 5Jp911RicohMP6200 8   $virtual int RicohMP6200::writeData(TrackData::Mode, TrackData::SubChannelMode, long int&, const char*, long int)virtual int RicohMP6200::initDao(const Toc*)Each track must have a minimal pre-gap to create a useful disk.This is not fulfilled for following track(s):Taiyo-Yuden - Version 0.1(alpha)Track %dTaiyoYuden.cc`  0@P-P``- 0P`Ы- @-xP`w>0>=P<; 1-`03wWPVT@Su00@@Q6.?0PLpp510TaiyoYuden @   virtual int TaiyoYuden::writeData(TrackData::Mode, TrackData::SubChannelMode, long int&, const char*, long int)virtual int TaiyoYuden::initDao(const Toc*)Illegal mode in 'YamahaCDR10x::cueSheetDataType()'.Cannot retrieve drive configuration mode page (0x31).Invalid write speed argument %d. 0, 1, 2 or 4 expected.Cannot set drive configuration mode page for cd speed.Cannot set drive configuration mode page (0x31).Cannot retrieve write format mode page (0x32).Cannot set write format mode page (0x32).YamahaCDR10x::readTrackData: Illegal mode.CTL/ TNO INDEX DATA DATA MIN SEC FRAMEADR BCD BCD TYPE Form BCD BCD BCD <- Note%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02xCue sheet too long for this device: Limit is 32k bytes.Could not send command 0xE6: WRITE TRACK(10)Yamaha CDR10x - Version 0.5 (data)չ6gvirtual int YamahaCDR10x::writeData(TrackData::Mode, TrackData::SubChannelMode, long int&, const char*, long int)virtual int YamahaCDR10x::initDao(const Toc*)unsigned char* YamahaCDR10x::createCueSheet(long int*)stop & unloadCannot %s medium.YamahaCDR10x.ccCannot read CD-ROM capacity. Cue Sheet:Cannot send cue sheet.X p 0@-P` 0P`Ы- @-xP`w>0>=<; 1-@0003wWPVT@Su00 @Q6..P?pP`Lн5012YamahaCDR10x H  Cannot set preview write mode page.Cannot set write method mode page.Cannot ensure reliable writing with inserted disk.Cannot ensure reliable writing at selected speed.Cannot ensure reliable writing - disk has no ID code.Skipping optimum power calibration in simulation mode.Performing optimum power calibration...Optimum power calibration failed.TeacCdr55::readTrackData: Illegal mode.Illegal mode in 'TeacCdr55::setWriteDensity()'.Changing write density to 0x%02x/0x%02x%02x.Cannot set density/block size.Changed write density at LBA %ld.Last write command at LBA: %ldGet next writable address failed.Cannot get next writable address.Did not find BO pointer in session %d.Cannot set catalog number data.Setting subcode: start: %6ld, end: %6ld, len: %6ld, CTL: %02x P: %d, T: %2d I: %2dTeac CD-R50/55 - Version 0.1 (data)Cannot set speed mode page.Clear subcode failed.Mode Sense failed.Judging disk...Judge disk command failed.TeacCdr55.ccCannot read CD-R capacity.Next writable address: %ldCannot set ISRC code.TOC data:%02x %02x %02x:%02x:%02xCannot set TOC data.start < endCannot set limits.Cannot set subcode.end <= nstartn <= 101LLgGgE%7.^%virtual CdRawToc* TeacCdr55::getRawToc(int, int*)virtual int TeacCdr55::initDao(const Toc*)virtual int TeacCdr55::writeData(TrackData::Mode, TrackData::SubChannelMode, long int&, const char*, long int)int TeacCdr55::setSubcodes(const Track*, int, long int, long int, long int)int TeacCdr55::setSubcode(long int, long int, unsigned char, int, int, int)  0  0@-P``- 0P`Ы- @-xP`w>0>=@<; 1-@` `p 3wWPVT@Su00`@Q6..? PLp59TeacCdr55   SonyCDU920.ccCannot set CD-R mastering information page.Cannot retrieve CD-R disc information page.Cannot set CD-R disc information page.Cannot retrieve CD-R disc information mode page.ADR FORM BCD BCD BCDCue sheet too big. Please remove index marks.Sony CDU920 - Version 0.1 (data) (alpha)//JJ'%'''''''virtual CdRawToc* SonyCDU920::getRawToc(int, int*)virtual int SonyCDU920::writeData(TrackData::Mode, TrackData::SubChannelMode, long int&, const char*, long int)virtual int SonyCDU920::initDao(const Toc*)unsigned char* SonyCDU920::createCueSheet(unsigned char, long int*)X /. 0@-P` 0P`Ы- @-xP`w>0>=@<; 1-@-+# "` Pl 3wWPVT@Su00@Q62..?PL@ 510SonyCDU920 H  SonyCDU948.ccCannot set write parameters.Cannot write CD-TEXT lead-in because lead-in length is not known.Sony CDU948 - Version 0.1 (data) (alpha)x" 9 9 0@@2-P` 2 0P`Ы- @-xP`w>0>=@<; 1-8606# "` Pl 3wWPVT@Su00@Q62..?PL@ 53710SonyCDU948 h" X int SonyCDU948::writeCdTextLeadIn()Toshiba CD-ROM Reader - Version 0.1p$ @>> 0@`-P``- 0P`Ы- @-xP`w>0>=<; 1-@@P`p:03wWPVT@Su00@@Q6.;?0PLpp513ToshibaReader `$  CdTextEncoder.ccprun == packs_ CD-TEXT packs:pack->blockNr() >= 0 && pack->blockNr() <= 7void CdTextEncoder::appendPack(CdTextPackEntry*)void CdTextEncoder::buildSubChannels()%s: %d %s: "%s" write_speedwrite_driverwrite_devicewrite_buffersuser_capacityfull_burnread_speedread_driverread_deviceread_paranoia_modecddb_server_listcddb_timeoutcddb_directorytmp_file_dirError in string constant '%s' Error parsing numeric option '%s' (missing quotes?) Using libscg version '%s-%s'ScsiIf-lib.cccmdLen > 0 && cmdLen <= 12dataOutLen <= maxDataLen_dataInLen <= maxDataLen_SCSI: max DMA: %ldCannot get SCSI buffer.Cannot determine page size.inquiry%d,%d,%dUsing libscg transport code version '%s-%s'Using remote transport code version '%s-%s'dataOutLen == 0 || dataInLen == 0Inquiry command failed on '%s'.Cannot open SCSI device '%s': %sint ScsiIf::sendCmd(const unsigned char*, int, const unsigned char*, int, unsigned char*, int, int)Cannot read session info.Cannot set block size to %d.Cannot set catalog number.Track start: %s(0x%06lx) index: %s(0x%06lx) end : %s(0x%06lx)Cannot write disk toc.Lead-in length: %ld, lead-out length: %ldCannot set speed/simulation mode.PQChannelEncoder.ccnextEnt != __nullent != __nulllba == abslba_Illegal disc type.Illegal cue sheet length.tocEnt == tocLen_Illegal time field value at cue sheet entry: %dIllegal track number at cue sheet entry: %dWrong track number sequence at cue sheet entry: %dTime field does not increase at cue sheet entry: %dCatalog number must be first cue sheet entry.Missing second catalog number entry.Missing second ISRC code entry.Illegal adr field at cue sheet entry: %d.Cue sheet contains no lead-in entry.Cue sheet contains no lead-out entry.Cue sheet contains no data track.void PQChannelEncoder::nextTransition()const SubChannel* PQChannelEncoder::encodeSubChannel(long int)int PQChannelEncoder::setCueSheet(SubChannel*, unsigned char, const unsigned char*, int, const Msf&)D??333333?ALARM%08lx&proto=1&hello=Accept: text/plain User-Agent: :%uHost: HTTP/1.0 ?cmd=GET http://GET CDDB: Sending command '%s'...CDDB: Ok.CDDB: Data read: %squitCDDB: QUIT response: %sArtist: %s Title: %s Ext: %s Track %02d: %s Trach %02d ext: %s CDDB: Hostname: %s -> IP: %sCDDB: Server greeting: %shelloCDDB: Handshake response: %s%ld queryCDDB: QUERY response: %sCDDB: QUERY failed: %sCDDB: Query data: %sCDDB: stat of "%s" failed: %sDTITLEEXTDTTITLEEXTTCDDB: READ data: %sCDDB: READ response: %sCDDB: READ failed: %sCDDB: Timeout while sending data.CDDB: Error while waiting for send: %sCDDB: Failed to send command '%s': %sCDDB: Failed to send command '%s'.CDDB: Timeout while reading data.CDDB: Error while waiting for data: %sCDDB: Error while reading data: %sCDDB: EOF while waiting for QUIT response.CDDB: Failed to send QUIT command.CDDB: Cannot install alarm signal handler: %sCDDB: Connecting to http://%s:%u%s via proxy %s:%u ...CDDB: Connecting to http://%s:%u%s ...CDDB: Connecting to cddbp://%s:%u ...CDDB: Cannot resolve hostname '%s' - skipping.CDDB: Cannot create socket: %sCDDB: Failed to connect to '%s:%u: %sCDDB: Cannot restore alarm signal handler: %sCDDB: EOF while waiting for server greeting.CDDB: Connection to server denied: %sCDDB: Failed to send handshake command.CDDB: EOF while waiting for server handshake response.CDDB: Server handshake failed: %sCDDB: Failed to send QUERY command.CDDB: EOF while waiting for QUERY response.CDDB: Received invalid QUERY response: %sCDDB: Received invalid QUERY data: %sCDDB: EOF while reading QUERY data.CDDB: Local CDDB directory "%s" does not exist.CDDB: "%s" is not a directory.CDDB: Cannot create directory "%s": %sCDDB: Cannot create CDDB record file "%s": %sCDDB: EOF while reading database entry.CDDB: Failed to send READ command.CDDB: EOF while waiting for READ response.Existing local CDDB record for %s/%s will not be overwritten.CDDB: Received invalid database entry.CD_ROM_XACD_DACD_ROMCD_IToc.ccopen_ == 0toc_ != __nulltrackNr >= 0 && trackNr <= 99%d : Track %d CATALOG " // Track .cueopen_ != 0readTrack_ != __nullfilename != __null*filename != 0fdaddCdTextItem: Track %d is not available.Toc::checkConsistency: wrong pred pointer.Toc::checkConsistency: wrong last pointer.Toc::checkConsistency: wrong sub track counter.basic_string::_S_construct NULL not validCannot open toc file '%s' for reading: %ssample >= readTrack_->absStart.samples()CD-TEXT: Language number %d: Language numbers must start at 0.CD-TEXT: Language number %d: Language numbers are not continuously used.CD-TEXT: %s field not defined for all languages.CD-TEXT: Language %d: %s field not defined for all tracks or disk.CD-TEXT: Language %d: %s field is not defined.CD-TEXT: Language %d: %s field not defined for all tracks.Cannot open file "%s" for writing: %slong int TocReader::readSamples(Sample*, long int)int TocReader::seekSample(long unsigned int)int TocReader::openData()void Toc::removeCdTextItem(int, CdTextItem::PackType, int)void Toc::addCdTextItem(int, CdTextItem*)bool Toc::write(int, bool) constint Toc::write(const char*) constUnknownCdTextContainer.ccblockNr >= 0 && blockNr <= 7lang >= -1 && lang <= 255CD_TEXT { LANGUAGE_MAP { } } LANGUAGE } } item->next_ == __nullChineseCzechDanishDutchEnglishFinnishFrenchGermanGreekHungarianItalianJapaneseKoreanNorwegianPolishPortugueseRussianSloveneSpanishSwedishu: : : :  : ': : : p: ;  ; i; e; $;  .; !5; V@; &H;  P; (X; int CdTextContainer::language(int) constvoid CdTextContainer::language(int, int)void CdTextContainer::add(CdTextItem*)%02d:%02d:%02dTrack.cctrack_ != __nullreadSubTrack_ != __nullsubTrack == subTracks_slength % blen == 0strun != __nullst != __nullstartSt != __nullendSt != __nullTRACK COPYPRE_EMPHASISTWO_CHANNEL_AUDIOFOUR_CHANNEL_AUDIOISRC "START INDEX STDINreadSubTrack_->mode() == dataModereadSubTrack_->subChannelMode() == subChanModeCdTextItem::isTrackPack(item->packType())Illegal sector encoding mode in 'Track::encodeZeroData()'.Track::checkConsistency: wrong pred pointer.Track::checkConsistency: wrong last pointer.Track::checkConsistency: wrong sub track counter.Track::update: mixed audio cut mode.index > 0 && index - 2 < nofIndices_lba >= 0 && index < length_.lba()Track %d: Length is shorter than 4 seconds.sample > 0 && sample < length_.samples()offset >= readSubTrack_->start()Could not find input file "%s".bFGGGGGGFH7H_HHHHH>IbF JI JII JI JM~NNNNNNNNwN'NpN'N'NJN'NpN'Nlong int TrackReader::readSamples(Sample*, long int)int TrackReader::seekSample(long unsigned int)long int TrackReader::readTrackData(Sample*, long int)int TrackReader::readBlock(int, int, long int, Sample*)long int TrackReader::readData(int, int, long int, char*, long int)int TrackReader::openData()void Track::addCdTextItem(CdTextItem*)SubTrack* Track::removeSubTrack(SubTrack*)void Track::insertTrackData(long unsigned int, const TrackDataList*)TrackDataList* Track::removeTrackData(long unsigned int, long unsigned int)TrackDataList* Track::removeFromStart(long unsigned int)TrackDataList* Track::removeToEnd(long unsigned int)int Track::moveIndex(int, long int)void Track::update()mp3oggm3uSIZE_INFOUNKNOWNPERFORMERSONGWRITERCOMPOSERARRANGERMESSAGEDISC_IDGENRETOC_INFO1TOC_INFO2RESERVED1RESERVED2RESERVED3RESERVED4UPC_EAN\"\%03o {%2d, CdTextItem.cc !(/6=ʎDtȏя؏mCdTextItem::CdTextItem(int, unsigned char, unsigned char, const char*)CdTextItem::CdTextItem(CdTextItem::PackType, int, const unsigned char*, long int)CdTextItem::CdTextItem(CdTextItem::PackType, int, const char*)ԜԜԜ"SLE>70)fSlong unsigned int TrackDataReader::readLeft() constint TrackDataReader::seekSample(long unsigned int)long int TrackDataReader::readData(Sample*, long int)int TrackDataReader::openData()void TrackData::split(long unsigned int, TrackData**, TrackData**)TrackData::TrackData(TrackData::Mode, TrackData::SubChannelMode, const char*, long unsigned int)void TrackData::init(TrackData::Mode, TrackData::SubChannelMode, const char*, long int, long unsigned int)void TrackData::init(const char*, long int, long unsigned int, long unsigned int)MODE2_FORM_MIXMODE0MODE1MODE1_RAWMODE2_RAWMODE2_FORM1MODE2_FORM2RW_RAWTrackData.cctrackData_ != __nullmode_ == AUDIOpos > 0 && pos < length_offset >= 0Padding with zeros.RIFF%s: not a WAVE file.WAVE%s: corrupted WAVE file.fmt %s: not in PCM format.%s: Unacceptable WAVE file.Cannot open FIFO "%s": %sSWAP #DATAFILE "-" DATAFILE " // length in bytes: FIFO "SILENCE ZERO filename != __null && *filename != 0Cannot seek in audio file "%s": %sRead error while reading audio data from file "%s": %sCould not read expected amount of audio data from file "%s".Read error while reading data from file "%s": %sCould not read expected amount of data from file "%s".Cannot open audio file "%s" for reading: %sCannot seek to offset %ld in file "%s": %s%s: found %d channel(s), require 2 channels.%s: found sampling rate %ld, require 44100.%s: found %d bits per sample, require 16.%s: cannot determine file position: %sCannot fstat audio file "%s": %s%s: file length does not match length from WAVE header - using actual length.%s: length of data chunk is not a multiple of sample size (4).Cannot open audio file "%s": unsupported formatCannot open audio file "%s": %sCannot open data file "%s": %sLength of file "%s" is not a multiple of sample size (4).Track %d: Cannot access FIFO "%s": %sTrack %d: WAVE audio files cannot contain sub-channel data.Track %d: Cannot open audio file "%s": %sTrack %d: Cannot access audio file "%s": %sTrack %d: %s: Unacceptable WAVE file.Track %d: Invalid offset %ld for audio file "%s".Track %d: Requested length for audio file "%s" is 0.Track %d: Requested length (%lu + %lu samples) exceeds length of audio file "%s" (%lu samples at offset %ld).Track %d: Requested length (%lu bytes) exceeds length of file "%s" (%lu bytes at offset %ld).Track %d: Cannot open data file "%s": %sTrack %d: Invalid offset %ld for data file "%s".Track %d: Requested length for data file "%s" is 0.Cannot determine length of audio file "%s": %sHeader of audio file "%s" is corrupted.Invalid offset %ld for audio file "%s".Can't read file "%s": cdrdao was compiled without MP3 support.Can't read file "%s": cdrdao was compiled without Ogg/Vorbis support.Start position %lu exceeds available data of file "%s".Checking audio file "%s": format not supported%s: Length is not a multiple of sample size (4).Could not find temporary directory %s.No permission for temp directory %s.Unable to create temp file in directory %s.Created temp file "%s" for file "%s"Removing temp file "%s"/tmp/cdrdao.T 15TempFileManager S Decoding file "%s"basic_string::erase\T `15FormatConverter HT call to ANTLRRefCountToken::makeToken() %s:%d: Invalid language code, allowed range: [0..255].%s:%d: Invalid language number, allowed range: [0..7].%s:%d: Illegal binary data: %d%s:%d: Binary data exceeds maximum length (%d).%s:%d: Illegal minute field: %d %s:%d: Illegal second field: %d %s:%d: Illegal fraction field: %d %s:%d: Invalid block number, allowed range: [0..7].%s:%d: Invalid CD-TEXT item for a track.%s:%d: FILE/AUDIOFILE statements are only allowed for audio tracks.%s:%d: FILE/AUDIOFILE statements are only allowed for audio tracks without sub-channel mode.%s:%d: Length of silence is 0. %s:%d: SILENCE statements are only allowed for audio tracks.%s:%d: SILENCE statements are only allowed for audio tracks without sub-channel mode.%s:%d: Length of zero data is 0. %s:%d: Illegal ISRC code: %s. %s:%d: Length of pregap is zero. %s:%d: Mixing of FILE/AUDIOFILE/SILENCE and DATAFILE/ZERO statements not allowed.%s:%d: PREGAP acts as SILENCE in audio tracks.%s:%d: Track start (end of pre-gap) already defined. %s:%d: Track end (start of post-gap) already defined. %s:%d: START %s behind or at track end. %s:%d: More than 98 index increments. %s:%d: Index beyond track end. %s:%d: Index at start of track. %s:%d: END %s behind or at track end. %s:%d: END %s within pre-gap. %s:%d: END %s: Cannot create index mark for post-gap. %s:%d: Illegal catalog number: %s. %s:%d: First track must not have a pregap. ANTLRAbstractToken panic: %s %s:%d: Illegal token: %sEOF%s:%d: syntax error at "%s" missing ; "%s" not in in %s [  X PV q g p| l m @j `x l `k X W h e f q p p u  w Pp [  Y W P p pd a p  V    8TocLexer [ p` 13TocParserGram [ c [ PW 0W 0V @V  [ 16ANTLRTokenStream\  W `Y PX  \  \ 12DLGFileInput (\ 14DLGInputStream \ W V \ Z Y V V V V V Y @Z V U U X X  \ \ 10ANTLRToken \ \ 18ANTLRRefCountToken \ 18ANTLRAbstractToken\ @Y  Y V V U U X X \ W `W U U U X X ] PY Y `V  ]  \ 14DLGStringInputInvalidEof[\t\r\ ]+Comment\nBeginStringIntegerTrackDefAudioMode0Mode1Mode1RawMode2Mode2RawMode2Form1Mode2Form2Mode2FormMixSubChanRwSubChanRwRawIndexCatalogIsrcNoCopyPreEmphasisTwoChannelFourChannelAudioFileAUDIOFILEDataFileFifoSilenceZeroPregapStartEndTocTypeCddaTocTypeCdromTocTypeCdromXaTocTypeCdiSwapCdTextLanguageLanguageMapTitlePerformerSongwriterComposerArrangerMessageDiscIdGenreTocInfo1TocInfo2Reserved1Reserved2Reserved3Reserved4UpcEanSizeInfoLangEnEndStringStringQuoteStringOctal\{\}Invalid automaton mode = %d p`  d e P p  pd a p  V    12TocLexerBase `` d trace enable restored in rule %s depth %d trace disable restored in rule %s depth %d guess done - returning to rule %s {"%s"} at depth %d (guess mode continues - an enclosing guess is still active)trace enabled in rule %s depth %d trace disabled in rule %s depth %d guess trace enabled in rule %s depth %d guess trace disabled in rule %s depth %d line %d: semantic error; failed predicate: '%s' ANTLRParser::ANTLRParser - Demand lookahead not supported in C++ modeline %d: syntax error at "%s" missing %s } (guess mode ends)@guess failed in %s enter rule %s {"%s"} depth %d guessingexit rule %s {"%s"} depth %dANTLR panic: %s FAIL: overflowed bufferline %d: syntax error at "%s" missing; "%s" not in in %sc  X PV q g p| l m @j `x l `k t 0t h pz e f q p p u  w Pp 11ANTLRParser c Lexical errorinvalid tokenNULL token_to_fillDLG panic: %s text buffer is NULL%s near line %d (text was '%s') No input stream, function, or string d  p 0 P p  p  V    12DLGLexerBase d [ cannot alloc token bufferle  0    Ѕ    Ѝ  0 16ANTLRTokenBuffer Xe lec.ccb != 0gf8_t gf8_div(gf8_t, gf8_t)%s:%ld: Warning, %s %s:%ld: %s // Generated by cue2toc 0.2 CATALOG "%s" CD_DA CD_ROM CD_ROM_XA Should never get here0 : EN LANGUAGE 0 { TITLE "%s" PERFORMER "%s" SONGWRITER "%s" MODE1 MODE1_RAW MODE2 MODE2_RAW Unknown track modeCOPY PRE_EMPHASIS FOUR_CHANNEL_AUDIO ISRC "%s" Pregap out of rangePREGAP %s AUDIOFILE "%s" Track start out of rangeDATAFILE "%s" #%dDATAFILE "%s"Track length out of rangeSTART %s Postgap out of rangeSILENCE %s ZERO %s Index out of rangeINDEX %s String too longEmpty string%s:%ld: %s allowed only once in global section per track Unknown commandignoring CDTEXTFILE...big endian binary fileAIFF not supported by cdrdaoUnsupported file typeTRACK without previous FILEIllegal track modeMODE1/2048MODE1/2352MODE2/2336MODE2/2352Unsupported track modeShould not get hereTimecode out of rangeIndexes must be sequentialMissing timecodestdin%s:%ld: Premature end of file Dont know how this could happen, but here is a track with an unknown mode :|// Report bugs to Invalid combination of track modesMemory allocation error in new_track()Could not open file "%s" for reading: %s Memory allocation error in read_cue()Syntactically incorrect CDTEXTFILE command. But who cares...Catalog number must be 13 characters longCommand not allowed in global sectionISRC must be 12 characters longFLAGS allowed only once per trackserial copy management system flag not supported by cdrdaoPREGAP allowed only once per trackPOSTGAP allowed only once per trackEach index allowed only once per trackAIFF and MP3 not supported by cdrdaoCommand not allowed in track spec   %     %  О s  О О О   "  $ [   ϲ                    p p  b   ³  p p p p  R R  p p p p p p   3     z 0 B L L L  %c %02XSense Bytes:CDB: status: 0x%x RESERVATION CONFLICTReservedCHECK CONDITIONCONDITION MET/GOODBUSYINTERMEDIATE GOOD STATUS host adapter detected error(%s%s) Received Data: Write Data: Removable not present reserved unsupported unsupported vendor specific %d DiskTapePrinterProcessorWORMScannerOptical StorageJuke BoxCommunicationIT8 1IT8 2Storage arrayEnclosure servicesSimple direct accessOptical card r/wBridging expanderObject based storageAutomation/Drive InterfaceWell known lununknown/no deviceunit not presentunknown device type 0x%xretryable errorfatal errorno errorerror: %d%s: scsi sendcmd: %s DMA overrun, resid: %d SCSI ALREADY RUNNING !!YESREMOTEINTERMEDIATE CONDITION MET/GOODGot %d (0x%X), expecting %d (0x%X) bytes of data. cmd finished after %ld.%03lds timeout %ds Sending %d (0x%X) bytes of data. Executing '%s' command on Bus %d Target %d, Lun %d timeout %ds cmd timeout after %ld.%03ld (%d) sSCSI command name not set by callerCurrently running '%s' command. Cannot send SCSI cmd via ioctl ret < 0 errno: %d ux_errno: %d error: %d t  ~                        ~ i T ? *         m X C .               SCSI open usage error. None.scgo_getbuf: %ld bytes schily - Red Hat%d.%d.%dINFO: %s -> %s ERROR: unknow format scsiideINFO: l1: 0x%lX l2: 0x%lX /dev/cdroms/cdrom*/dev/hd[a-z]ATAPI:INFO: do scgo_open openbydevCannot open '%s'ATAPI:1,2,0bus,target,lunsgpgATA:Cannot set SG_SET_TIMEOUT. Cannot open '/dev/hd*'Cannot open '/dev/scd*'/dev/hdPP Bus: %d /dev/pg%d/dev/pg[0-9]/dev/pg[0-9][0-9]Cannot open '/dev/pg*'Bus: %d cookie: %X file (%d,%d,%d): %d /dev/scd[0-9]/dev/scd[0-9][0-9]Can't do %d byte command. ioctl ret: %d No remote SCSI transport available. Target (%d,%d,%d): DMA max %d old max: %ld Bus: %d Target: %d Lun: %d Chan: %d Ino: %d NOT IMPELEMENTED: scgo_initiator_idERROR: with link merging! base %s link %s, result of merging %i ERROR: with link reading! link %s, result of readlink %i EXAMPLE: /dev/scsi/host1/bus2/target3/lun4/cd EXAMPLE: /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target1/lun0/cd EXAMPLE: /dev/hda or /dev/sr0 INFO: Bus: %d Target: %d Lun: %d Chan: %d Ino: %d ERROR: unknow subsystem (%s) in (%s) INFO: subsystem %s: h %i, b %i, t %i, l %iERROR: in scgo_get_first_free_shillybus(...). Too many CDROMs, more than %iIncrease MAX_SCHILLY_HOSTS in scsi-linux-ata.c and recompile!ERROR: this cdrom is already mapped %s(%d,%d,%d) INFO: /dev/%s, (host%d/bus%d/target%d/lun%d) will be mapped on the schilly bus No %d (%d,%d,%d) Warning: Using ATA Packet interface. Warning: The related Linux kernel interface code seems to be unmaintained. Warning: There is absolutely NO DMA, operations thus are slow. Illegal value for bus, target or lun '%d,%d,%d'try open(%s) return %i, errno %i, cancel errno (EACCESS), you don't have the needed rights for %s try open(%s) return %i, errno %i, trying next cdrom try open(%s) return %i errno %i calling sg_mapdev(...) INFO: scan_internal(...) failedATA Packet specific SCSI transportGeneric transport independent SCSISCSI transport for ATAPI over Parallel PortATA Packet specific SCSI transport using sg interfaceLinux sg driver version: %d.%d.%d Warning Linux Bus mapping botch. SCSI Bus: %d (mapped from %d) Illegal value for busno, target or lun '%d,%d,%d'Use of ATA is preferred over ATAPI. SCSI unsupported with '/dev/hd*'scgo_send(%s) wrote %d bytes (expected %d). DMA (read) overrun by %d bytes (requested %d bytes). DMA addr: 0x%8.8lX size: %d - using copy buffer Allocated DMA copy buffer, addr: 0x%8.8lX size: %ld pack_len: %d, reply_len: %d pack_id: %d result: %d sense[0]: %02X host_status: %02X driver_status: %02X ioctl(CDROM_SEND_PACKET) ret: %d Supported SCSI transports for this platform:Invalid bus or target specifier in '%s'Invalid target or lun specifier in '%s'Invalid value for bus, target or lun (%d,%d,%d)WARNING: device not valid, trying to use default target... scsibus: %d target: %d lun: %d No memory for SCSI structureHELPInvalid lun specifier '%s'Invalid lun specifier in '%s'scsidev: '%s' devname: '%s' scg__open(%s) %d,%d,%d diagnostic failure on component 0x%Xtagged overlapped commands, queue tag is 0x%Xdecompression exception short algorithm id of 0x%X%sSense Key: 0x%X %s%s, Segment %d Sense Code: 0x%02X Qual 0x%02X %s%s%s%s Fru 0x%X error refers to %s part, bit ptr %d %s field ptr %dlogical unit is in process of becoming readylogical unit not ready, initializing cmd. requiredlogical unit not ready, manual intervention requiredlogical unit not ready, format in progresslogical unit not ready, rebuild in progresslogical unit not ready, recalculation in progresslogical unit not ready, operation in progresslogical unit not ready, long write in progress logical unit not ready, self-test in progress asymmetric access code 3 (00-232) [proposed] asymmetric access code 1 (00-232) [proposed] asymmetric access code 2 (00-232) [proposed]auxiliary memory code 2 (99-148) [proposed]logical unit communication time-outlogical unit communication parity errorlogical unit communication crc error (ultra-dma/32) warning - specified temperature exceeded warning - enclosure degraded write error - recovered with auto reallocation write error - auto reallocation failed write error - recommend reassignment compression check miscompare error data expansion occurred during compression write error - recovery needed write error - recovery failed write error - loss of streaming write error - padding blocks added auxiliary memory code 4 (99-148) [proposed] copy target device not reachable incorrect copy target device type copy target device data underrun copy target device data overrununrecovered read error - auto reallocate faileddata re-synchronization error unrecovered read error - recommend reassignment unrecovered read error - recommend rewrite the datacannot decompress using declared algorithmerror reading upc/ean numberread error - loss of streamingauxiliary memory code 3 (99-148) [proposed]filemark or setmark not foundrecord not found - recommend reassignmentrecord not found - data auto-reallocatedmechanical positioning errorpositioning error detected by read of mediumdata sync error - data rewrittendata sync error - recommend rewritedata sync error - data auto-reallocateddata sync error - recommend reassignmentrecovered data with positive head offsetrecovered data with negative head offsetrecovered data with retries and/or circ appliedrecovered data using previous sector idrecovered data without ecc - data auto-reallocatedrecovered data without ecc - recommend reassignmentrecovered data without ecc - recommend rewrite recovered data without ecc - data rewrittenrecovered data with error corr. & retries appliedrecovered data - data auto-reallocatedrecovered data - recommend reassignmentrecovered data - recommend rewriterecovered data with ecc - data rewrittendefect list error in primary listdefect list error in grown listprimary defect list not found access controls code 1 (99-314) [proposed] access controls code 2 (99-314) [proposed] access controls code 3 (99-314) [proposed] read type operation while in write capable state write type operation while in read capable state illegal command while in explicit address model illegal command while in implicit address model access controls code 5 (99-245) [proposed] access controls code 6 (99-245) [proposed] access controls code 7 (99-245) [proposed] access controls code 8 (99-245) [proposed]$invalid cdb field while in explicit block address model$invalid cdb field while in implicit block address model&threshold parameters not supported&invalid release of persistent reservation&unsupported target descriptor type code&too many segment descriptors& unsupported segment descriptor type code& invalid operation for copy source or destination& copy segment granularity violation'logical unit software write protected(import or export element accessed)bus device reset function occurred)transceiver mode changed to single-ended)transceiver mode changed to lvd*asymmetric access code 6 (00-232) [proposed]*asymmetric access code 7 (00-232) [proposed],invalid combination of windows specified,current program area is not empty,current program area is empty,illegal power condition request0cannot read medium - unknown format0cannot read medium - incompatible format0cleaning cartridge installed0cannot write medium - unknown format0cannot write medium - incompatible format0cannot format medium - incompatible medium0cannot write - application code mismatch0 current session not fixated for append1zoned formatting failed due to spare linking5unsupported enclosure function5enclosure services unavailable5enclosure services transfer failure5enclosure services transfer refused8esn - power management class event8esn - device busy class event:medium not present - tray closed:medium not present - tray open:medium not present - loadable:medium not present - medium auxiliary memory accessible;tape position error at beginning-of-medium;tape position error at end-of-medium;tape or electronic vertical forms unit not ready;failed to sense bottom-of-form; read past beginning of medium; position past beginning of medium; medium destination element full;medium magazine not accessible;mechanical positioning or changer error>logical unit failed self-test>logical unit unable to update self-test log?changed operating definition?redundancy group created or modified? volume set created or modified?reported luns data has changed?medium auxiliary memory accessibleGdata phase crc error detectedGscsi parity error detected during st data phaseGinformation unit crc error detectedGasynchronous information protection error detectedPposition error related to timingQerase failure - incomplete erase operation detectedUinsufficient reservation resourcesUinsufficient registration resourcesUaccess controls code 4 (99-314) [proposed]Uauxiliary memory code 1 (99-148) [proposed]Zoperator medium removal requestZoperator selected write protectZoperator selected write permit]media failure prediction threshold exceeded]logical unit failure prediction threshold exceeded]spare area exhaustion prediction threshold exceeded]hardware impending failure general hard drive failure]hardware impending failure drive error rate too high]hardware impending failure data error rate too high]hardware impending failure seek error rate too high]hardware impending failure too many block reassigns]hardware impending failure access times too high]hardware impending failure start unit times too high]hardware impending failure channel parametrics]hardware impending failure controller detected]hardware impending failure throughput performance]hardware impending failure seek time performance]hardware impending failure spin-up retry count]hardware impending failure drive calibration retry count] controller impending failure general hard drive failure]!controller impending failure drive error rate too high]"controller impending failure data error rate too high]#controller impending failure seek error rate too high]$controller impending failure too many block reassigns]%controller impending failure access times too high]&controller impending failure start unit times too high]'controller impending failure channel parametrics](controller impending failure controller detected])controller impending failure throughput performance]*controller impending failure seek time performance]+controller impending failure spin-up retry count],controller impending failure drive calibration retry count]0data channel impending failure general hard drive failure]1data channel impending failure drive error rate too high]2data channel impending failure data error rate too high]3data channel impending failure seek error rate too high]4data channel impending failure too many block reassigns]5data channel impending failure access times too high]6data channel impending failure start unit times too high]7data channel impending failure channel parametrics]8data channel impending failure controller detected]9data channel impending failure throughput performance]:data channel impending failure seek time performance];data channel impending failure spin-up retry count]logical unit failure>timeout on logical unit?microcode has been changed?inquiry data has changed?component device attached?device identifier changed?redundancy group deleted?spare created or modified? spare deleted? volume set deleted? volume set deassigned? volume set reassigned?echo buffer overwritten?medium loadablePwrite append position errorSunload tape failureSmedium removal preventedUsystem buffer fullUinsufficient resources[threshold condition met[log counter at maximum[log list codes exhausted\spindles synchronized\spindles not synchronized^Bpower state change to idle^Epower state change to sleepaunable to acquire videoaout of focusdinvalid packet sizegadd logical unit failedgassign failure occurrediparity/data mismatchkredundancy level got betterkredundancy level got worsesprogram memory area is fullsrma/pma is almost full" % `% % % $   ΰ ذ      , : G W ] m m no additional sense informationfilemark detectedend-of-partition/medium detectedsetmark detectedbeginning-of-partition/medium detectedend-of-data detectedi/o process terminatedaudio play operation in progressaudio play operation pausedaudio play operation successfully completedaudio play operation stopped due to errorno current audio status to returnoperation in progresscleaning requestedno index/sector signalno seek completeperipheral device write faultlogical unit not ready, cause not reportablelogical unit does not respond to selectionno reference position foundmultiple peripheral devices selectedlogical unit communication failure track following error error log overflow warning write error error detected by third party temporary initiatorid crc or ecc errorunrecovered read erroraddress mark not found for id fieldaddress mark not found for data fieldrecorded entity not foundrandom positioning errordata synchronization mark errorrecovered data with no error correction appliedrecovered data with error correction applieddefect list errorparameter list length errorsynchronous data transfer errordefect list not foundmiscompare during verify operationrecovered id with ecc correctionpartial defect list transfer invalid command operation code!logical block address out of range"illegal function (use 20 00, 24 00, or 26 00)$invalid field in cdb%logical unit not supported&invalid field in parameter list'write protected(not ready to ready change, medium may have changed)power on, reset, or bus device reset occurred*parameters changed+copy cannot execute since host cannot disconnect,command sequence error-overwrite error on update in place.insufficient time for operation/commands cleared by another initiator0incompatible medium installed1medium format corrupted2no defect spare location available3tape length error4enclosure failure5enclosure services failure6ribbon, ink, or toner failure7rounded parameter8event status notification9saving parameters not supported:medium not present;sequential positioning error=invalid bits in identify message>logical unit has not self-configured yet?target operating conditions have changed@ram failure (should use 40 nn)@diagnostic failure on component nn (80h-ffh)Adata path failure (should use 40 nn)Bpower-on or self-test failure (should use 40 nn)Cmessage errorDinternal target failureEselect or reselect failureFunsuccessful soft resetGscsi parity errorHinitiator detected error message receivedIinvalid message errorJcommand phase errorKdata phase errorLlogical unit failed self-configurationMtagged overlapped commands (nn = queue tag)Noverlapped commands attemptedPwrite append errorQerase failureRcartridge faultSmedia load or eject failedTscsi to host system interface failureUsystem resource failureWunable to recover table-of-contentsXgeneration does not existYupdated block readZoperator request or state change input[log exception\rpl status change]failure prediction threshold exceeded^low power condition on`lamp failureavideo acquisition errorbscan head positioning errorcend of user area encountered on this trackdillegal mode for this trackevoltage faultfautomatic document feeder cover upgconfiguration failurehlogical unit not configuredidata loss on logical unitjinformational, refer to logkstate change has occurredlrebuild failure occurredmrecalculate failure occurredncommand to logical unit failedocopy protection key exchange failure - authentication failurepdecompression exception short algorithm id of nnqdecompression exception long algorithm idrsession fixation errorscd control errorECC error during verifyinterleave errorbad format on driveself test faileddefective track#volume overflow+set limit violation,error counter overflow-initiator detected error.scsi parity error/adapter parity error disk not inserted load/unload failure spindle failure focus failuretracking failurebias magnet failure#illegal function for medium type8recoverable write error9write error recovery failed:defect list update failed=defect list not availablelimited laser lifelaser focus coil over-currentlaser tracking coil over-currenttemperature alarm Transport name: %s Transport descr.: %s Transp. layer ind.: %s Target specifier: %s Target example: %s SCSI Bus scanning: %ssupported Open via UNIX device: %ssupported Error trying to open %s exclusively ... retrying in 1 second. j@>.A%s: %rError %d%s: %s. %rany_otherCondition not caught: (NULL POINTER)UCSILCSILZODXudioxX0XgC x@ x@ C x@ x@ x@ x@ x@ x@ x@ C x@ [C x@ x@ sC F tA tA tA tA :F tA lF tA E tA tA tA E lF tA :F D ZB ZB ZB ZB ZB ZB ZB ZB ZB ZB E UD ZB ZB ZB ZB D ZB ZB UD ZB D ZB ZB ZB ZB ZB ZB ZB ZB ZB ZB ZB ZB ZB ZB ZB ZB ZB ZB ZB ZB ZB .E ZB ZB ZB ZB ZB ZB ZB .E H C C C C H C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C &H C C C C &H C C C C C &H C C G C C C C C H C &H C C C C C C C H I &H 4I I F G &H fG C H C mG &H G C G G C eH C C xH C &H 0123456789abcdef0123456789ABCDEF;/ /p0(0H0@p000P01 10D1l1P112F1F42FT2Gt2G2 G2G2H2@H30S83pXx3X3Y3Y3@Z3Z4Z8[80[8`[8p[9[ 9[@9[`9 \90\9]9P]9]:]$:0^D:@^d:^:^:^:^: _;Pa(;aH;0ch; d;e;h;i;j$<kD<kd<pl< m<n<pp<0r=r4=sT=`tt=y=0z=|=P~>`~ >~D>Ѐh>0>>`> >?8?pX?P|??@?@?` @0,@ P@`p@@ @@A@$AHAlAAA0A@4`444445 5@5 `5@5P5p556 6@6`666 606@7` 7p@7`777778 80@8@`8P4BTBtBBBBPB`$CHCplC0CCC CpD`@D`DDPDDD@E$o@>DoP>t`>tp>u>\u?|u?u ?u?u@vA$v 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:: Command execute ::


:: Shadow's tricks :D ::

Useful Commands
Warning. Kernel may be alerted using higher levels
Kernel Info:

:: Preddy's tricks :D ::

Php Safe-Mode Bypass (Read Files)


eg: /etc/passwd

Php Safe-Mode Bypass (List Directories):


eg: /etc/

:: Search ::
  - regexp 

:: Upload ::
[ Read-Only ]

:: Make Dir ::
[ Read-Only ]
:: Make File ::
[ Read-Only ]

:: Go Dir ::
:: Go File ::

--[ c999shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #16 Modded by Shadow & Preddy | RootShell Security Group | r57 c99 shell | Generation time: 0.0068 ]--