Pure Change History =================== 1.0.0 (2017-06-05) ------------------ The community has battle-tested Pure and provided valuable feedback. We are now at a place where we can guarantee backwards compatibility through all subsequent 1.x releases. We hope you have found Pure to be useful and unobtrusive.. To provide feedback, please comment on this GitHub issue, or file a new issue to have it tracked as a separate thread. 0.6.2 (2017-01-05) ------------------ * Added proper module API for node users [#619] ### Buttons * Added Button Groups to Pure [#621] ### Menus * Reset style for horizontal dropdown separator [#620] 0.6.1 (2016-10-12) ------------------ * Migrate to PostCSS for browser prefixes [#617] * Remove duplicate Firefox inner focus border [#457] * Fix grid inside table in IE 10/11 [#504] * Fix CSSLint issues [#609] * Upgraded grunt dependencies to 1.x [#609] 0.6.0 (2015-02-07) ------------------ * Upgraded Normalize.css to 3.0.2. * Dropped IE7 support. * Refactored Menus. * Numerous minor bug fixes. ### Menus * Implemented flatter, low-specificity selectors, not attached to HTML elements, for easier customization. * Removed pure-menu-open class. * Added pure-menu-scrollable capability, to allow for scrollable menus when restricted by width or height. * Added pure-menu-allow-hover to reveal dropdowns on hover. * Removed various default styling properties, making menus a bit more bare-bones, a bit less opinionated, a bit easier to customize on top. * Broke Menu up into files for core, horizontal, dropdowns, scrollable, and skin, again for improved optimization and ease of customization: take only what you need. * Removed Paginator. * While not part of the Pure repo itself, the accompanying Pure website now features additional menu examples and an example script for enabling dropdowns and improved accessiblity. 0.5.0 (2014-05-27) ------------------ ### Base * Added the `.pure-img` class name for make images scale with the viewport in fluid layouts. ### Grids * __[!]__ Removed `.pure-g-r` from core, in favor of a mobile-first responsive grid system. ([#24][], [#267][]) To use the mobile-first grid system, you need to pull in `pure.css`, along with `grids-responsive.css`. We also have `grids-responsive-old-ie.css` that you can serve to IE < 9 users so that they can view a desktop-version of your website: ```html ``` Find out more about the new grid system at . ### Tables * Switched cell padding in Tables from `px` to `em` units, and also increased the amount of padding to `padding: 0.5em 1em`. [#24]: https://github.com/yahoo/pure/issues/24 [#267]: https://github.com/yahoo/pure/pull/267 0.4.2 (2014-02-13) ------------------ * Added `main` to Pure's `bower.json` file to allow easier integration with build processes and tooling. ([#286][] @stevenvachon) ### Forms * Improved how `` elements look in Chrome by fixing paddings. ([#283][] @jpetto) * Removed `font-size` rules from ``, ``, and `
` elements within `.pure-form`. Font sizes are now inherited from the application's CSS file. ([#265][]) * Invalid `` elements within a Pure Form no longer explicitly set a `border-width`. ([#295][] @kwando) [#265]: https://github.com/yahoo/pure/issues/265 [#283]: https://github.com/yahoo/pure/issues/283 [#286]: https://github.com/yahoo/pure/issues/286 [#295]: https://github.com/yahoo/pure/issues/295 0.4.1 (2014-02-06) ------------------ ### Base * Elements that have Pure classnames which set a `display` declaration _and_ use the `hidden` HTML attribute will now properly be hidden. With these changes, the following button will be hidden from view: ```html ``` A new rule for the `[hidden]` selector has been added with the declaration: `display: none !important;`. This is a time where it's appropriate for a project like Pure to use `!important`. ([#177][]) ### Buttons * Removed all the occurrences of `-ms-linear-gradient()` from Buttons since it has never been in the final version of IE 10. ([#200][]: @AurelioDeRosa) * `` Buttons now have the same height as non-input buttons. `font-family: inherit;` has been added to the `.pure-button` selector to normalize the difference in height. ([#221][] @narcis-radu) * Buttons now have visually uniform default `padding` on all four sides. The left/right padding is 2x the top/bottom padding. ([#191][] @achalv) ### Forms * Added `vertical-align: top;` to `