1000) { die('possible exploit'); } /** * Check for numeric keys * (if register_globals is on, numeric key can be found in $GLOBALS) */ foreach ($GLOBALS as $key => $dummy) { if (is_numeric($key)) { die('numeric key detected'); } } unset($dummy); /** * PATH_INFO could be compromised if set, so remove it from PHP_SELF * and provide a clean PHP_SELF here */ $PMA_PHP_SELF = PMA_getenv('PHP_SELF'); $_PATH_INFO = PMA_getenv('PATH_INFO'); if (! empty($_PATH_INFO) && ! empty($PMA_PHP_SELF)) { $path_info_pos = strrpos($PMA_PHP_SELF, $_PATH_INFO); if ($path_info_pos + strlen($_PATH_INFO) === strlen($PMA_PHP_SELF)) { $PMA_PHP_SELF = substr($PMA_PHP_SELF, 0, $path_info_pos); } } $PMA_PHP_SELF = htmlspecialchars($PMA_PHP_SELF); /** * just to be sure there was no import (registering) before here * we empty the global space (but avoid unsetting $variables_list * and $key in the foreach(), we still need them!) */ $variables_whitelist = array ( 'GLOBALS', '_SERVER', '_GET', '_POST', '_REQUEST', '_FILES', '_ENV', '_COOKIE', '_SESSION', 'error_handler', 'PMA_PHP_SELF', 'variables_whitelist', 'key' ); foreach (get_defined_vars() as $key => $value) { if (! in_array($key, $variables_whitelist)) { unset($$key); } } unset($key, $value, $variables_whitelist); /** * Subforms - some functions need to be called by form, cause of the limited URL * length, but if this functions inside another form you cannot just open a new * form - so phpMyAdmin uses 'arrays' inside this form * * *
* ... main form elments ... * * ... other subform data ... * * ... other subforms ... * * ... other subform data ... * * ... main form elments ... * *
* * so we now check if a subform is submitted */ $__redirect = null; if (isset($_POST['usesubform'])) { // if a subform is present and should be used // the rest of the form is deprecated $subform_id = key($_POST['usesubform']); $subform = $_POST['subform'][$subform_id]; $_POST = $subform; $_REQUEST = $subform; /** * some subforms need another page than the main form, so we will just * include this page at the end of this script - we use $__redirect to * track this */ if (isset($_POST['redirect']) && $_POST['redirect'] != basename($PMA_PHP_SELF)) { $__redirect = $_POST['redirect']; unset($_POST['redirect']); } unset($subform_id, $subform); } else { // Note: here we overwrite $_REQUEST so that it does not contain cookies, // because another application for the same domain could have set // a cookie (with a compatible path) that overrides a variable // we expect from GET or POST. // We'll refer to cookies explicitly with the $_COOKIE syntax. $_REQUEST = array_merge($_GET, $_POST); } // end check if a subform is submitted // remove quotes added by php if (function_exists('get_magic_quotes_gpc') && get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { PMA_arrayWalkRecursive($_GET, 'stripslashes', true); PMA_arrayWalkRecursive($_POST, 'stripslashes', true); PMA_arrayWalkRecursive($_COOKIE, 'stripslashes', true); PMA_arrayWalkRecursive($_REQUEST, 'stripslashes', true); } /** * include deprecated grab_globals only if required */ if (empty($__redirect) && !defined('PMA_NO_VARIABLES_IMPORT')) { require './libraries/grab_globals.lib.php'; } /** * check timezone setting * this could produce an E_STRICT - but only once, * if not done here it will produce E_STRICT on every date/time function * * @todo need to decide how we should handle this (without @) */ date_default_timezone_set(@date_default_timezone_get()); /******************************************************************************/ /* parsing configuration file LABEL_parsing_config_file */ /** * We really need this one! */ if (! function_exists('preg_replace')) { PMA_warnMissingExtension('pcre', true); } /** * @global PMA_Config $GLOBALS['PMA_Config'] * force reading of config file, because we removed sensitive values * in the previous iteration */ $GLOBALS['PMA_Config'] = new PMA_Config(CONFIG_FILE); if (!defined('PMA_MINIMUM_COMMON')) { $GLOBALS['PMA_Config']->checkPmaAbsoluteUri(); } /** * BC - enable backward compatibility * exports all configuration settings into $GLOBALS ($GLOBALS['cfg']) */ $GLOBALS['PMA_Config']->enableBc(); /** * clean cookies on upgrade * when changing something related to PMA cookies, increment the cookie version */ $pma_cookie_version = 4; if (isset($_COOKIE) && (isset($_COOKIE['pmaCookieVer']) && $_COOKIE['pmaCookieVer'] < $pma_cookie_version)) { // delete all cookies foreach($_COOKIE as $cookie_name => $tmp) { $GLOBALS['PMA_Config']->removeCookie($cookie_name); } $_COOKIE = array(); $GLOBALS['PMA_Config']->setCookie('pmaCookieVer', $pma_cookie_version); } /** * check HTTPS connection */ if ($GLOBALS['PMA_Config']->get('ForceSSL') && !$GLOBALS['PMA_Config']->get('is_https')) { PMA_sendHeaderLocation( preg_replace('/^http/', 'https', $GLOBALS['PMA_Config']->get('PmaAbsoluteUri')) . PMA_generate_common_url($_GET, 'text')); // delete the current session, otherwise we get problems (see bug #2397877) $GLOBALS['PMA_Config']->removeCookie($GLOBALS['session_name']); exit; } /** * include session handling after the globals, to prevent overwriting */ require './libraries/session.inc.php'; /** * init some variables LABEL_variables_init */ /** * holds parameters to be passed to next page * @global array $GLOBALS['url_params'] */ $GLOBALS['url_params'] = array(); /** * the whitelist for $GLOBALS['goto'] * @global array $goto_whitelist */ $goto_whitelist = array( //'browse_foreigners.php', //'calendar.php', //'changelog.php', //'chk_rel.php', 'db_create.php', 'db_datadict.php', 'db_sql.php', 'db_export.php', 'db_importdocsql.php', 'db_qbe.php', 'db_structure.php', 'db_import.php', 'db_operations.php', 'db_printview.php', 'db_search.php', //'Documentation.html', 'export.php', 'import.php', //'index.php', //'navigation.php', //'license.php', 'main.php', 'pdf_pages.php', 'pdf_schema.php', //'phpinfo.php', 'querywindow.php', //'readme.php', 'server_binlog.php', 'server_collations.php', 'server_databases.php', 'server_engines.php', 'server_export.php', 'server_import.php', 'server_privileges.php', 'server_processlist.php', 'server_sql.php', 'server_status.php', 'server_variables.php', 'sql.php', 'tbl_addfield.php', 'tbl_alter.php', 'tbl_change.php', 'tbl_create.php', 'tbl_import.php', 'tbl_indexes.php', 'tbl_move_copy.php', 'tbl_printview.php', 'tbl_sql.php', 'tbl_export.php', 'tbl_operations.php', 'tbl_structure.php', 'tbl_relation.php', 'tbl_replace.php', 'tbl_row_action.php', 'tbl_select.php', //'themes.php', 'transformation_overview.php', 'transformation_wrapper.php', 'user_password.php', ); /** * check $__redirect against whitelist */ if (! PMA_checkPageValidity($__redirect, $goto_whitelist)) { $__redirect = null; } /** * holds page that should be displayed * @global string $GLOBALS['goto'] */ $GLOBALS['goto'] = ''; // Security fix: disallow accessing serious server files via "?goto=" if (PMA_checkPageValidity($_REQUEST['goto'], $goto_whitelist)) { $GLOBALS['goto'] = $_REQUEST['goto']; $GLOBALS['url_params']['goto'] = $_REQUEST['goto']; } else { unset($_REQUEST['goto'], $_GET['goto'], $_POST['goto'], $_COOKIE['goto']); } /** * returning page * @global string $GLOBALS['back'] */ if (PMA_checkPageValidity($_REQUEST['back'], $goto_whitelist)) { $GLOBALS['back'] = $_REQUEST['back']; } else { unset($_REQUEST['back'], $_GET['back'], $_POST['back'], $_COOKIE['back']); } /** * Check whether user supplied token is valid, if not remove any possibly * dangerous stuff from request. * * remember that some objects in the session with session_start and __wakeup() * could access this variables before we reach this point * f.e. PMA_Config: fontsize * * @todo variables should be handled by their respective owners (objects) * f.e. lang, server, collation_connection in PMA_Config */ if (! PMA_isValid($_REQUEST['token']) || $_SESSION[' PMA_token '] != $_REQUEST['token']) { /** * List of parameters which are allowed from unsafe source */ $allow_list = array( /* needed for direct access, see FAQ 1.34 * also, server needed for cookie login screen (multi-server) */ 'server', 'db', 'table', 'target', /* Session ID */ 'phpMyAdmin', /* Cookie preferences */ 'pma_lang', 'pma_collation_connection', /* Possible login form */ 'pma_servername', 'pma_username', 'pma_password', /* for playing blobstreamable media */ 'media_type', 'custom_type', 'bs_reference', /* for changing BLOB repository file MIME type */ 'bs_db', 'bs_table', 'bs_ref', 'bs_new_mime_type', /* URL redirector */ 'url' ); /** * Require cleanup functions */ require './libraries/cleanup.lib.php'; /** * Do actual cleanup */ PMA_remove_request_vars($allow_list); } /** * current selected database * @global string $GLOBALS['db'] */ $GLOBALS['db'] = ''; if (PMA_isValid($_REQUEST['db'])) { // can we strip tags from this? // only \ and / is not allowed in db names for MySQL $GLOBALS['db'] = $_REQUEST['db']; $GLOBALS['url_params']['db'] = $GLOBALS['db']; } /** * current selected table * @global string $GLOBALS['table'] */ $GLOBALS['table'] = ''; if (PMA_isValid($_REQUEST['table'])) { // can we strip tags from this? // only \ and / is not allowed in table names for MySQL $GLOBALS['table'] = $_REQUEST['table']; $GLOBALS['url_params']['table'] = $GLOBALS['table']; } /** * SQL query to be executed * @global string $GLOBALS['sql_query'] */ $GLOBALS['sql_query'] = ''; if (PMA_isValid($_REQUEST['sql_query'])) { $GLOBALS['sql_query'] = $_REQUEST['sql_query']; } /** * avoid problems in phpmyadmin.css.php in some cases * @global string $js_frame */ $_REQUEST['js_frame'] = PMA_ifSetOr($_REQUEST['js_frame'], ''); //$_REQUEST['set_theme'] // checked later in this file LABEL_theme_setup //$_REQUEST['server']; // checked later in this file //$_REQUEST['lang']; // checked by LABEL_loading_language_file /** * holds name of JavaScript files to be included in HTML header * @global array $js_include */ $GLOBALS['js_include'] = array(); $GLOBALS['js_include'][] = 'jquery/jquery-1.4.4.js'; $GLOBALS['js_include'][] = 'update-location.js'; /** * Add common jQuery functions script here if necessary. */ /** * JavaScript events that will be registered * @global array $js_events */ $GLOBALS['js_events'] = array(); /** * footnotes to be displayed ot the page bottom * @global array $footnotes */ $GLOBALS['footnotes'] = array(); /******************************************************************************/ /* loading language file LABEL_loading_language_file */ /** * lang detection is done here */ require './libraries/select_lang.lib.php'; /** * check for errors occurred while loading configuration * this check is done here after loading language files to present errors in locale */ if ($GLOBALS['PMA_Config']->error_config_file) { $error = __('phpMyAdmin was unable to read your configuration file!
This might happen if PHP finds a parse error in it or PHP cannot find the file.
Please call the configuration file directly using the link below and read the PHP error message(s) that you receive. In most cases a quote or a semicolon is missing somewhere.
If you receive a blank page, everything is fine.') . '

' . ($GLOBALS['PMA_Config']->getSource() == CONFIG_FILE ? '' . $GLOBALS['PMA_Config']->getSource() . '' : '' . $GLOBALS['PMA_Config']->getSource() . ''); trigger_error($error, E_USER_ERROR); } if ($GLOBALS['PMA_Config']->error_config_default_file) { $error = sprintf(__('Could not load default configuration from: %1$s'), $GLOBALS['PMA_Config']->default_source); trigger_error($error, E_USER_ERROR); } if ($GLOBALS['PMA_Config']->error_pma_uri) { trigger_error(__('The $cfg[\'PmaAbsoluteUri\'] directive MUST be set in your configuration file!'), E_USER_ERROR); } /******************************************************************************/ /* setup servers LABEL_setup_servers */ /** * current server * @global integer $GLOBALS['server'] */ $GLOBALS['server'] = 0; /** * Servers array fixups. * $default_server comes from PMA_Config::enableBc() * @todo merge into PMA_Config */ // Do we have some server? if (!isset($cfg['Servers']) || count($cfg['Servers']) == 0) { // No server => create one with defaults $cfg['Servers'] = array(1 => $default_server); } else { // We have server(s) => apply default configuration $new_servers = array(); foreach ($cfg['Servers'] as $server_index => $each_server) { // Detect wrong configuration if (!is_int($server_index) || $server_index < 1) { trigger_error(sprintf(__('Invalid server index: %s'), $server_index), E_USER_ERROR); } $each_server = array_merge($default_server, $each_server); // Don't use servers with no hostname if ($each_server['connect_type'] == 'tcp' && empty($each_server['host'])) { trigger_error(sprintf(__('Invalid hostname for server %1$s. Please review your configuration.'), $server_index), E_USER_ERROR); } // Final solution to bug #582890 // If we are using a socket connection // and there is nothing in the verbose server name // or the host field, then generate a name for the server // in the form of "Server 2", localized of course! if ($each_server['connect_type'] == 'socket' && empty($each_server['host']) && empty($each_server['verbose'])) { $each_server['verbose'] = __('Server') . $server_index; } $new_servers[$server_index] = $each_server; } $cfg['Servers'] = $new_servers; unset($new_servers, $server_index, $each_server); } // Cleanup unset($default_server); /******************************************************************************/ /* setup themes LABEL_theme_setup */ /** * @global PMA_Theme_Manager $_SESSION['PMA_Theme_Manager'] */ if (! isset($_SESSION['PMA_Theme_Manager'])) { $_SESSION['PMA_Theme_Manager'] = new PMA_Theme_Manager; } else { /** * @todo move all __wakeup() functionality into session.inc.php */ $_SESSION['PMA_Theme_Manager']->checkConfig(); } // for the theme per server feature if (isset($_REQUEST['server']) && !isset($_REQUEST['set_theme'])) { $GLOBALS['server'] = $_REQUEST['server']; $tmp = $_SESSION['PMA_Theme_Manager']->getThemeCookie(); if (empty($tmp)) { $tmp = $_SESSION['PMA_Theme_Manager']->theme_default; } $_SESSION['PMA_Theme_Manager']->setActiveTheme($tmp); unset($tmp); } /** * @todo move into PMA_Theme_Manager::__wakeup() */ if (isset($_REQUEST['set_theme'])) { // if user selected a theme $_SESSION['PMA_Theme_Manager']->setActiveTheme($_REQUEST['set_theme']); } /** * the theme object * @global PMA_Theme $_SESSION['PMA_Theme'] */ $_SESSION['PMA_Theme'] = $_SESSION['PMA_Theme_Manager']->theme; // BC /** * the active theme * @global string $GLOBALS['theme'] */ $GLOBALS['theme'] = $_SESSION['PMA_Theme']->getName(); /** * the theme path * @global string $GLOBALS['pmaThemePath'] */ $GLOBALS['pmaThemePath'] = $_SESSION['PMA_Theme']->getPath(); /** * the theme image path * @global string $GLOBALS['pmaThemeImage'] */ $GLOBALS['pmaThemeImage'] = $_SESSION['PMA_Theme']->getImgPath(); /** * load layout file if exists */ if (@file_exists($_SESSION['PMA_Theme']->getLayoutFile())) { include $_SESSION['PMA_Theme']->getLayoutFile(); /** * @todo remove if all themes are update use Navi instead of Left as frame name */ if (! isset($GLOBALS['cfg']['NaviWidth']) && isset($GLOBALS['cfg']['LeftWidth'])) { $GLOBALS['cfg']['NaviWidth'] = $GLOBALS['cfg']['LeftWidth']; } } if (! defined('PMA_MINIMUM_COMMON')) { /** * Character set conversion. */ require_once './libraries/charset_conversion.lib.php'; /** * String handling */ require_once './libraries/string.lib.php'; /** * Lookup server by name * (see FAQ 4.8) */ if (! empty($_REQUEST['server']) && is_string($_REQUEST['server']) && ! is_numeric($_REQUEST['server'])) { foreach ($cfg['Servers'] as $i => $server) { if ($server['host'] == $_REQUEST['server']) { $_REQUEST['server'] = $i; break; } } if (is_string($_REQUEST['server'])) { unset($_REQUEST['server']); } unset($i); } /** * If no server is selected, make sure that $cfg['Server'] is empty (so * that nothing will work), and skip server authentication. * We do NOT exit here, but continue on without logging into any server. * This way, the welcome page will still come up (with no server info) and * present a choice of servers in the case that there are multiple servers * and '$cfg['ServerDefault'] = 0' is set. */ if (isset($_REQUEST['server']) && (is_string($_REQUEST['server']) || is_numeric($_REQUEST['server'])) && ! empty($_REQUEST['server']) && ! empty($cfg['Servers'][$_REQUEST['server']])) { $GLOBALS['server'] = $_REQUEST['server']; $cfg['Server'] = $cfg['Servers'][$GLOBALS['server']]; } else { if (!empty($cfg['Servers'][$cfg['ServerDefault']])) { $GLOBALS['server'] = $cfg['ServerDefault']; $cfg['Server'] = $cfg['Servers'][$GLOBALS['server']]; } else { $GLOBALS['server'] = 0; $cfg['Server'] = array(); } } $GLOBALS['url_params']['server'] = $GLOBALS['server']; /** * Kanji encoding convert feature appended by Y.Kawada (2002/2/20) */ if (function_exists('mb_convert_encoding') && $lang == 'ja') { require_once './libraries/kanji-encoding.lib.php'; /** * enable multibyte string support */ define('PMA_MULTIBYTE_ENCODING', 1); } // end if /** * save some settings in cookies * @todo should be done in PMA_Config */ $GLOBALS['PMA_Config']->setCookie('pma_lang', $GLOBALS['lang']); $GLOBALS['PMA_Config']->setCookie('pma_collation_connection', $GLOBALS['collation_connection']); $_SESSION['PMA_Theme_Manager']->setThemeCookie(); if (! empty($cfg['Server'])) { /** * Loads the proper database interface for this server */ require_once './libraries/database_interface.lib.php'; require_once './libraries/logging.lib.php'; // get LoginCookieValidity from preferences cache // no generic solution for loading preferences from cache as some settings need to be kept // for processing in PMA_Config::loadUserPreferences() $cache_key = 'server_' . $GLOBALS['server']; if (isset($_SESSION['cache'][$cache_key]['userprefs']['LoginCookieValidity'])) { $value = $_SESSION['cache'][$cache_key]['userprefs']['LoginCookieValidity']; $GLOBALS['PMA_Config']->set('LoginCookieValidity', $value); $GLOBALS['cfg']['LoginCookieValidity'] = $value; unset($value); } unset($cache_key); // Gets the authentication library that fits the $cfg['Server'] settings // and run authentication // to allow HTTP or http $cfg['Server']['auth_type'] = strtolower($cfg['Server']['auth_type']); if (! file_exists('./libraries/auth/' . $cfg['Server']['auth_type'] . '.auth.lib.php')) { PMA_fatalError(__('Invalid authentication method set in configuration:') . ' ' . $cfg['Server']['auth_type']); } /** * the required auth type plugin */ require_once './libraries/auth/' . $cfg['Server']['auth_type'] . '.auth.lib.php'; if (!PMA_auth_check()) { /* Force generating of new session on login */ PMA_secureSession(); PMA_auth(); } else { PMA_auth_set_user(); } // Check IP-based Allow/Deny rules as soon as possible to reject the // user // Based on mod_access in Apache: // http://cvs.apache.org/viewcvs.cgi/httpd-2.0/modules/aaa/mod_access.c?rev=1.37&content-type=text/vnd.viewcvs-markup // Look at: "static int check_dir_access(request_rec *r)" if (isset($cfg['Server']['AllowDeny']) && isset($cfg['Server']['AllowDeny']['order'])) { /** * ip based access library */ require_once './libraries/ip_allow_deny.lib.php'; $allowDeny_forbidden = false; // default if ($cfg['Server']['AllowDeny']['order'] == 'allow,deny') { $allowDeny_forbidden = true; if (PMA_allowDeny('allow')) { $allowDeny_forbidden = false; } if (PMA_allowDeny('deny')) { $allowDeny_forbidden = true; } } elseif ($cfg['Server']['AllowDeny']['order'] == 'deny,allow') { if (PMA_allowDeny('deny')) { $allowDeny_forbidden = true; } if (PMA_allowDeny('allow')) { $allowDeny_forbidden = false; } } elseif ($cfg['Server']['AllowDeny']['order'] == 'explicit') { if (PMA_allowDeny('allow') && !PMA_allowDeny('deny')) { $allowDeny_forbidden = false; } else { $allowDeny_forbidden = true; } } // end if ... elseif ... elseif // Ejects the user if banished if ($allowDeny_forbidden) { PMA_log_user($cfg['Server']['user'], 'allow-denied'); PMA_auth_fails(); } unset($allowDeny_forbidden); //Clean up after you! } // end if // is root allowed? if (!$cfg['Server']['AllowRoot'] && $cfg['Server']['user'] == 'root') { $allowDeny_forbidden = true; PMA_log_user($cfg['Server']['user'], 'root-denied'); PMA_auth_fails(); unset($allowDeny_forbidden); //Clean up after you! } // is a login without password allowed? if (!$cfg['Server']['AllowNoPassword'] && $cfg['Server']['password'] == '') { $login_without_password_is_forbidden = true; PMA_log_user($cfg['Server']['user'], 'empty-denied'); PMA_auth_fails(); unset($login_without_password_is_forbidden); //Clean up after you! } // Try to connect MySQL with the control user profile (will be used to // get the privileges list for the current user but the true user link // must be open after this one so it would be default one for all the // scripts) $controllink = false; if ($cfg['Server']['controluser'] != '') { $controllink = PMA_DBI_connect($cfg['Server']['controluser'], $cfg['Server']['controlpass'], true); } // Connects to the server (validates user's login) $userlink = PMA_DBI_connect($cfg['Server']['user'], $cfg['Server']['password'], false); if (! $controllink) { $controllink = $userlink; } /* Log success */ PMA_log_user($cfg['Server']['user']); /** * with phpMyAdmin 3 we support MySQL >=5 * but only production releases: * - > 5.0.15 */ if (PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION < 50015) { PMA_fatalError(__('You should upgrade to %s %s or later.'), array('MySQL', '5.0.15')); } /** * SQL Parser code */ require_once './libraries/sqlparser.lib.php'; /** * SQL Validator interface code */ require_once './libraries/sqlvalidator.lib.php'; /** * the PMA_List_Database class */ require_once './libraries/PMA.php'; $pma = new PMA; $pma->userlink = $userlink; $pma->controllink = $controllink; /** * some resetting has to be done when switching servers */ if (isset($_SESSION['tmp_user_values']['previous_server']) && $_SESSION['tmp_user_values']['previous_server'] != $GLOBALS['server']) { unset($_SESSION['tmp_user_values']['navi_limit_offset']); } $_SESSION['tmp_user_values']['previous_server'] = $GLOBALS['server']; } // end server connecting /** * check if profiling was requested and remember it * (note: when $cfg['ServerDefault'] = 0, constant is not defined) */ if (isset($_REQUEST['profiling']) && PMA_profilingSupported()) { $_SESSION['profiling'] = true; } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['profiling_form'])) { // the checkbox was unchecked unset($_SESSION['profiling']); } // library file for blobstreaming require_once './libraries/blobstreaming.lib.php'; // checks for blobstreaming plugins and databases that support // blobstreaming (by having the necessary tables for blobstreaming) checkBLOBStreamingPlugins(); } // end if !defined('PMA_MINIMUM_COMMON') // load user preferences $GLOBALS['PMA_Config']->loadUserPreferences(); // remove sensitive values from session $GLOBALS['PMA_Config']->set('blowfish_secret', ''); $GLOBALS['PMA_Config']->set('Servers', ''); $GLOBALS['PMA_Config']->set('default_server', ''); /* Tell tracker that it can actually work */ PMA_Tracker::enable(); /** * @global boolean $GLOBALS['is_ajax_request'] * @todo should this be moved to the variables init section above? * * Check if the current request is an AJAX request, and set is_ajax_request * accordingly. Suppress headers, footers and unnecessary output if set to * true */ if (isset($_REQUEST['ajax_request']) && $_REQUEST['ajax_request'] == true) { $GLOBALS['is_ajax_request'] = true; } else { $GLOBALS['is_ajax_request'] = false; } /** * @global boolean $GLOBALS['inline_edit'] * * Set to true if this is a request made during an inline edit process. This * request is made to retrieve the non-truncated/transformed values. */ if(isset($_REQUEST['inline_edit']) && $_REQUEST['inline_edit'] == true) { $GLOBALS['inline_edit'] = true; } else { $GLOBALS['inline_edit'] = false; } if (!empty($__redirect) && in_array($__redirect, $goto_whitelist)) { /** * include subform target page */ require $__redirect; exit(); } ?>