// START tab script // Adapted from "Javascript + CSS + DOM Magic" by Makiko Itoh // define variables for "if n4 (Netscape 4), if IE (IE 4.x), // and if n6 (if Netscape 6/W3C-DOM compliant)" var n4, ie, n6; // detect browser support for certain key objects/methods // and assemble a custom document object var doc,doc2,doc3,sty; if (document.layers) { doc = "document."; doc2 = ".document."; doc3 = ""; sty = ""; n4 = true; } else if (document.all) { doc = "document.all."; doc2 = ""; doc3 = ""; sty = ".style"; ie = true; } else if (document.getElementById) { doc = "document.getElementById('"; doc2 ="')"; doc3 ="')"; sty = "').style"; n6 = true; } // display block or none DIV element function blocknone(divname,tabidname,state,tabcolor,tabbg,cursortype) { if (n4) { divObj = eval (doc + divname); tabObj = eval (doc + tabidname); } else { divObj = eval (doc + divname + sty); tabObj = eval (doc + tabidname + sty); } divObj.display = state; tabObj.color = tabcolor; tabObj.backgroundColor = tabbg; tabObj.cursor = cursortype; } // variables that hold the value of the currently active (open) menu var active_tabcontent = null; var active_tab1 = null; // function closes all active menus and turns back to 'off' state function closeallmenus() { if (active_tabcontent != null) { blocknone(active_tabcontent,active_tab1,'none','#000000','#ABCDEF','pointer'); } } // function controls tab content visibility function controlsubmenu(tabcontent,tabid) { closeallmenus(); blocknone(tabcontent,tabid,'block','#000000','#ffc','text'); active_tabcontent = tabcontent; active_tab1 = tabid } //END guide tab script