c=$c->c; $this->DB=$c->db; } function Save(){ if ($this->status==1){ $this->GpID=$this->GetNextCode(); $sql = "insert into umgroup values('$this->GpID', '$this->GpNameT', '$this->GpNameE', '$this->GpDesc', '$this->GpStID')"; }else { $sql = "update umgroup set GpNameT='$this->GpNameT', GpNameE='$this->GpNameE', GpDesc='$this->GpDesc', GpStID='$this->GpStID' where GpID='$this->GpID'"; } return $this->Dml($sql); } function Delete(){ return $this->Dml("delete from umgroup where GpID='$this->GpID'"); } function GetNextCode(){ $this->SetQuery("select max(GpID) as num from umgroup"); if ($result=$this->GetResult()) { return $result['num']+1; } } function RSumgroup(){ $this->SetQuery("select * from umgroup order by GpID"); } function GetRecord(){ if ($this->result = $this->GetResult()) { $this->GpID = $this->result['GpID']; $this->GpNameT = $this->result['GpNameT']; $this->GpNameE = $this->result['GpNameE']; $this->GpDesc = $this->result['GpDesc']; $this->GpStID = $this->result['GpStID']; return 1; }else { return 0; } } function SearchByKey($xKey){ if ($this->SetQuery("select * from umgroup where GpID= '$xKey'")){ return 1; }else { return 0; } } //****************** You can add new functions below **********************// function DeleteBySt($StID){ return $this->Dml("delete from umgroup where GpStID='$StID'"); } function RSumgroupOrderStID(){ $this->SetQuery("select * from umgroup order by GpStID,GpID"); } function RSumgroupByName(){ $this->SetQuery("select * from umgroup order by GpNameT"); } function RSumGroupByStID($stID){ $sql = "select * from umgroup where GpStID='$stID' order by GpNameT"; $this->SetQuery($sql); } function RSumgroupByStIDGroupMnIcon(){ $this->SetQuery("select g.GpID from umgroup g, ummenu m where g.GpStID=7 and g.GpID=m.MnIcon group by g.GpID union select g.GpID from umgroup g, ummenu m where g.GpStID=9 and g.GpID=m.MnIcon group by g.GpID"); } } //--End class umgroup-- ?>