/* Feel free to use your custom icons for the tree. Make sure they are all of the same size. User icons collections are welcome, we'll publish them giving all regards. */ var tree_tpl = { 'target' : '_self', // name of the frame links will be opened in // other possible values are: _blank, _parent, _search, _self and _top 'icon_e' : '../icons/EMPTY.GIF', // empty image 'icon_l' : '../icons/LINE.GIF', // vertical line 'icon_48' : '../icons/BASE.GIF', // root icon normal 'icon_52' : '../icons/BASE.GIF', // root icon selected 'icon_56' : '../icons/BASE.GIF', // root icon opened 'icon_60' : '../icons/BASE.GIF', // root icon selected 'icon_16' : '../icons/fo.gif', // node icon normal 'icon_20' : '../icons/folderopen.gif', // node icon selected 'icon_24' : '../icons/fo.gif', // node icon opened 'icon_28' : '../icons/folderopen.gif', // node icon selected opened 'icon_0' : '../icons/report.gif', // leaf icon normal 'icon_4' : '../icons/report.gif', // leaf icon selected 'icon_8' : '../icons/report.gif', // leaf icon opened 'icon_12' : '../icons/report.gif', // leaf icon selected 'icon_2' : '../icons/joinbottom.gif', // junction for leaf 'icon_3' : '../icons/JOIN.GIF', // junction for last leaf 'icon_18' : '../icons/plusbottom.gif', // junction for closed node 'icon_19' : '../icons/PLUS.GIF', // junctioin for last closed node 'icon_26' : '../icons/minusbottom.gif',// junction for opened node 'icon_27' : '../icons/MINUS.GIF' // junctioin for last opended node };