"; echo "

กรุณาทำการ Login ก่อน

"; echo ""; exit(); } else { /** Configuration */ require_once( "../configuration.php" ); require_once( $_Config_absolute_path . "/includes/framework.php" ); include("../include/Function.php"); /** Create Database Object */ $dbObj = new DBConn; /** Config Table for This Page */ $myTable = "accessories_tb"; $myTableFK = "AccId"; $myTable1 = "faculty_tb"; $query = " SELECT * FROM $myTable1 Where FacultyStatus ='Y' "; $result = $dbObj->execQuery($query); $numrows = $dbObj->_numrows; /** Paging */ $page = $_GET['page']; if( $page == "" ) { $page = 1; } /** จำนวนข้อมูล ต่อ 1 หน้า */ $perpage = $_REQUEST['perpage']; if( $perpage == "" ) { $perpage = 20; } /** Searching */ $keyword = $_REQUEST['keyword']; $param = "Faculty_code=$Faculty_code&Dura=$Dura&Acc_type_code=$Acc_type_code&Status=$Status" ; } # else ?> <?=$_Config_sitename;?>
execQuery($query); $numrows = $dbObj->_numrows; /** Paging */ $display = ( !isset ($_GET['page']) ) ? 1 : $_GET['page']; $start = ( ($display * $limit) - $limit ); /** Paging */ //### Search if( $keyword != "" ) { if( isset($_GET['OrderBy']) ) { $query = " SELECT * FROM $myTable Where Dura ='$Dura' and Faculty_code='$Faculty_code' and Acc_type_code='$Acc_type_code' and Status='Y' "; } elseif( !isset($_GET['OrderBy']) ) { $query = " SELECT * FROM $myTable Where Dura ='$Dura' and Faculty_code='$Faculty_code' and Acc_type_code='$Acc_type_code' and Status='Y' "; } } else { if( isset($_GET['OrderBy']) ) { $query = " SELECT * FROM $myTable Where Dura ='$Dura' and Faculty_code='$Faculty_code' and Acc_type_code='$Acc_type_code' and Status='Y' "; } elseif( !isset($_GET['OrderBy']) ) { $query = " SELECT * FROM $myTable Where Dura ='$Dura' and Faculty_code='$Faculty_code' and Acc_type_code='$Acc_type_code' and Status='Y' "; } } $query .= " LIMIT $start, $limit "; $result = $dbObj->execQuery($query); ?>
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0 ) { ?> fetchArray($result) ) { $bgColor = ( $bgColor == "#FFFFFF" ) ? "#F9FBFB" : "#FFFFFF"; ?> freeresult($result); ?>
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ราคาที่จัดซื้อ/หน่วย จำแนกเป็นครุภัณฑ หน่วยงาน /ฝ่าย ใช้ประจำที่/
$rs1[Acc_type]\n"; } ?> $rs1[MoneyS_M]\n"; } ?> execQuery($query); $rss = $dbObj->fetchArray($result1); $sday = $rs['Date_buy']; $yearthai = explode( "-", $sday ); $day = intval( $yearthai[2] ); $month = intval( $yearthai[1] ); $year = intval( $yearthai[0] )+ $rss ['Year']; $m = getThaiSubMonth( $month ); echo $day ." ". $m ." ". $year; ?> $rs3[Faculty_name]\n"; } ?> $rs3[Room_name]\n"; } ?>
0 ) ?>
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Page : 1) { $previous = $display - 1; ?> |« หน้าแรก  « ก่อนหน้า $scroll) { $first = $_GET['page']; $last = ($scroll - 1) + $_GET['page']; } else { $first = 1; $last = $paging; } if($last > $paging ) { $first = $paging - ($scroll - 1); $last = $paging; } for($i=$first; $i<=$last; $i++) { if($display == $i) { echo " [$i] "; } else { //echo " $i "; printf(" %s ", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], $i, $perpage, $OrderBy, $ASCDESC, $keyword, $param, $i); } } // end..for } // end..if if($display < $paging) { $next = $display + 1; ?>  ถัดไป »  หน้าสุดท้าย »| Total:
disconn(); /** Unset Class */ unset($dbObj); ?>