var fID; //*** IFRAME ID var TXTOBJ; //*** TEXT Obj var format = new Array(); var viewm = new Array(); /**************************************/ document.onmousedown=doMousedown document.onmouseup=doMouseup function changetoIframeEditor(el) { var wi= '', hi= ''; if( hi= " height=" + else if(el.rows) hi= " height=" + (14*el.rows+28) if( wi= " width=" + else if(el.cols) wi= " width=" + (6*el.cols +25) var parent= el.parentElement while(parent.tagName != 'FORM') parent= parent.parentElement var oform= parent var fidx=0; while(document.forms[fidx] != oform) fidx++ ; // form index var val='' if(el.tagName=='TEXTAREA'){ fID= fidx+'VDevID'; val= el.innerText } else fID= fidx+'VDevID' var strx = createEditor(fID,wi,hi); el.outerHTML= strx iEditor(fID) if(el.tagName!='TEXTAREA') return var reg= eval("/
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