"; echo "

กรุณาทำการ Login ก่อน

"; echo ""; exit(); } else { /** Configuration */ require_once( "../configuration.php" ); require_once( $_Config_absolute_path . "/includes/framework.php" ); require_once( "../include/Function.php" ); /** Chart */ include ("../includes/charts.php"); /** Create Database Object */ $dbObj = new DBConn; /** Config Table for This Page */ $myTable = "training_tb"; $myTableFK = "Training_code"; $query = " SELECT * FROM $myTable WHERE Teacher_code='$Teacher_code' GROUP BY Year_std ORDER By Year_std desc "; $result = $dbObj->execQuery($query); $rss = $dbObj->fetchArray($result); $numrows = $dbObj->_numrows; $param = ""; } # else ?> <?=$_Config_sitename;?> - ข้อมูลการพัฒนาบุคลากร - ฐานข้อมูลพัฒนาบุคลากร จำแนกรายปีงบประมาณ
"; // Fetch all factory records $strQuery111 = " SELECT * FROM $myTable WHERE Teacher_code='$Teacher_code' GROUP BY Year_std "; $result111 = $dbObj->execQuery($strQuery111); //Iterate through each factory if( $result111 ) { while( $rs111 = $dbObj->fetchArray($result111) ) { $Year = $rs111['Year_std']; $sql3 = " SELECT SUM(Day) AS Day FROM training_tb WHERE Teacher_code='$rs111[Teacher_code]' AND Year_std='$rs111[Year_std]' "; $result3 = $dbObj->execQuery($sql3); $rs3 = $dbObj->fetchArray($result3); $strXML .= ""; } # while } # if $dbObj->freeresult($result111); //Finally, close element $strXML .= ""; //Create the chart - Pie 3D or Column3D Chart with data from strXML echo renderChart("../charts/Pie3D.swf", "", $strXML, "", 600, 375, false, false); ?>

freeresult($result); /** Close the Database */ $dbObj->disconn(); /** Unset Class */ unset($dbObj); ?>