SetQuery("select sum(lateFine) as num from EnrollFee, Payment where EnrollFee.studentId='$xKey' and EnrollFee.enrollFeeId=Payment.enrollFeeId and paymentLate='Y'"); if ($result=$this->GetResult()) { return $result['num']; } } function GetSumLateFineByStIdAndAcYAndStYAndSe($wKey, $xKey, $yKey, $zKey){ $this->SetQuery("select sum(lateFine) as num from EnrollFee, Payment where EnrollFee.studentId='$wKey' and EnrollFee.enrollFeeId=Payment.enrollFeeId and acadYear='$xKey' and studentYear='$yKey' and semester='$zKey' and paymentLate='Y'"); if ($result=$this->GetResult()) { return $result['num']; } } function GetSumLateFineByAcYAndStYAndSeAndPgId($wKey, $xKey, $yKey, $zKey){ $this->SetQuery("select sum(lateFine) as num from EnrollFee, Payment where EnrollFee.enrollFeeId=Payment.enrollFeeId and acadYear='$wKey' and studentYear='$xKey' and semester='$yKey' and programId='$zKey' and paymentLate='Y'"); if ($result=$this->GetResult()) { return $result['num']; } } function RSPaymentByPayDateGroupOrderPayDate($xKey, $yKey){ $this->SetQuery("select payDate from Payment where payDate between '$xKey' and '$yKey' group by payDate order by payDate"); } function GetSumPayAmountByPayDate($xKey){ $this->SetQuery("select sum(payAmount) as num from Payment where payDate='$xKey'"); if ($result=$this->GetResult()) { return $result['num']; } } function RSPaymentByPayDateOrderPayDate($xKey, $yKey){ $this->SetQuery("select * from Payment where payDate between '$xKey' and '$yKey' order by payDate"); } function GetSumPayAmountByEfIdAndPayDate($xKey, $yKey){ $this->SetQuery("select sum(payAmount) as num from Payment, EnrollFee where Payment.enrollFeeId='$xKey' and payDate<'$yKey' and EnrollFee.enrollFeeId=Payment.enrollFeeId"); if ($result=$this->GetResult()) { return $result['num']; } } function GetSumLateFineByEfId($xKey){ $this->SetQuery("select sum(lateFine) as num from Payment where enrollFeeId='$xKey' and paymentLate='Y'"); if ($result=$this->GetResult()) { return $result['num']; } } function GetMaxYearOfRefNo(){ $this->SetQuery("select max(substr(refNo, 5, 2)) as num from Payment"); if ($result=$this->GetResult()) { return $result['num']; } } function GetMaxNoOfRefNoByYear($xKey){ $this->SetQuery("select max(substr(refNo, 1, 3)) as num from Payment where substr(refNo, 5, 2)='$xKey'"); if ($result=$this->GetResult()) { return $result['num']; } } //--Use on page paymentEnroll.php-- function RSPaymentByEfId($xKey){ $this->SetQuery("select * from Payment where enrollFeeId='$xKey'"); } function numDateDiff($date1,$date2){ $this->SetQuery("SELECT DATEDIFF('$date1','$date2') as num"); if ($result=$this->GetResult()) { return $result['num']; } } function GetMaxRefNo(){ $this->SetQuery("select max(refNo) as num from Payment"); if ($result=$this->GetResult()) { return $result['num']; } } function GetMaxCodePayId($enrollFeeId){ $this->SetQuery("select max(payId) as num from Payment where enrollFeeId='$enrollFeeId'"); if ($result=$this->GetResult()) { return $result['num']; } } //--The end-- } //--End class Payment-- ?>