SetQuery("select * from Officer order by officerName limit $start, $pageSize"); } function SearchByOfficerCode($xKey){ if ($this->SetQuery("select * from Officer where officerCode='$xKey'")){ return 1; }else { return 0; } } function RSOfficerByOfCodeAndNmAndSn($xKey, $yKey, $zKey){ $this->SetQuery("select * from Officer where officerCode like '%$xKey%' and officerName like '%$yKey%' and officerSurname like '%$zKey%' order by officerName"); } function SearchByOfCodeOfNOfSn($OfC, $OfN, $OfSn){ $this->SetQuery("select * from Officer where officerCode='$OfC' or officerName='$OfN' or officerSurname='$OfSn'"); } function RSOfficerByOgIdAndDebtUDAuthorityIsY($xKey){ $this->SetQuery("select * from Officer where organId='$xKey' and debtUDAuthority='Y'"); } } //--End class Officer-- ?>