SetQuery("select CourseInProgram.*, Course.courseCode, Course.courseName, Course.courseUnit from CourseInProgram, Course where programId='$xKey' and CourseInProgram.courseId=Course.courseId Limit $start, $pageSize"); } function RSCourseInProgramByPgIdAndCd1AndCd2($xKey, $yKey, $zKey){ $this->SetQuery("select * from CourseInProgram where programId='$xKey' and conditionId1='$yKey' and conditionId2='$zKey'"); } function RSCourseInProgramByPgIdAndCdId1($xKey, $yKey){ $this->SetQuery("select CourseInProgram.*, Course.courseCode, Course.courseName, Course.courseUnit from CourseInProgram, Course where programId='$xKey' and conditionId1='$yKey' and CourseInProgram.courseId=Course.courseId "); } function SearchByKeyDel($xKey1, $xKey2, $xKey3){ if ($this->SetQuery("select * from CourseInProgram where programId='$xKey1' and conditionId1='$xKey2' and conditionId2='$xKey3'")){ return 1; }else{ return 0; } } // This function use on page courseInClassTable.php function RSCourseInProgramByPgIdCountCo($xKey){ $this->SetQuery("select count(courseId) as num from CourseInProgram where programId='$xKey' order by courseId"); $result=$this->GetResult(); return $result['num']; } //-- The End -- // Search by courseId for not show course function SearchByKeyPgIdAndCd1Cd2CourseId($wKey, $xKey, $yKey, $zKey){ if($this->SetQuery("select * from CourseInProgram where programId='$wKey' and conditionId1='$xKey' and conditionId2='$yKey' and courseId='$zKey' order by courseId")){ return 1; }else{ return 0; } } function RSCountCourseId($yKey, $zKey){ $this->SetQuery("select count(courseId) as num from CourseInProgram where programId='$yKey' and courseId='$zKey' order by courseId"); if($result=$this->GetResult()) { return $result['num']; } } } //--End class CourseInProgram-- ?>