SetQuery("select * from ClassTimeTable where classId='$xKey' order by classId limit $start, $pageSize"); } function RSClassTimeTableByClId($xKey){ $this->SetQuery("select * from ClassTimeTable where classId='$xKey' order by sequenceId"); } function RSClassTimeTableByClIdAndDayAndPr($xKey, $yKey, $zKey){ $this->SetQuery("select * from ClassTimeTable where classId='$xKey' and weekDay='$yKey' and '$zKey' between timeSlotStart and timeSlotEnd order by sequenceId"); } //-- Use on page processClass.php -- function SearchByKeyRoIdAndWD($ClsId, $xKey, $yKey){ $this->SetQuery("select * from ClassTimeTable where classId='$ClsId' and roomId='$xKey' and weekDay='$yKey'"); } function SearchByKeyRoIdAndWDAndTss($AcY, $SeM, $Dy, $rm, $S1, $E1){ /* $sql="SELECT count(*) as num from Class c, ClassTimeTable t where c.acadYear='$AcY' and c.semester='$SeM' and c.classId=t.classId and t.weekDay='$Dy' and t.roomId='$rm' and (t.timeSlotEnd >= '$S1' and t.timeSlotStart <= '$E1')"; die($sql); */ $this->setQuery("select count(*) as num from Class c, ClassTimeTable t where c.acadYear='$AcY' and c.semester='$SeM' and c.classId=t.classId and t.weekDay='$Dy' and t.roomId='$rm' and (t.timeSlotEnd >= '$S1' and t.timeSlotStart <= '$E1')"); $result=$this->GetResult(); return $result['num']; } function RSClassTimeTableByRoIdAndWDAndTss($AcY, $SeM, $Dy, $rm, $S1, $E1){ $sql = "select * from Class c, ClassTimeTable t where c.acadYear='$AcY' and c.semester='$SeM' and c.classId=t.classId and t.weekDay='$Dy' and t.roomId='$rm' and (t.timeSlotEnd >= '$S1' and t.timeSlotStart <= '$E1')"; $this->setQuery($sql); } function SearchByKeyRoIdAndWDAndTssAndCoIdAndSectionAndOVL($AcY, $SeM, $Dy, $rm, $S1, $E1, $coId, $section){ $this->setQuery("select count(*) as num from Class c, ClassTimeTable t where c.acadYear='$AcY' and c.semester='$SeM' and c.classId=t.classId and t.weekDay='$Dy' and t.roomId='$rm' and t.timeSlotStart='$S1' and t.timeSlotEnd='$E1' and c.courseId='$coId' and c.section!='$section' and t.overlap='Y'"); $result=$this->GetResult(); return $result['num']; } function RSClassTimeTableByAcYAndSe($xKey, $yKey){ $this->SetQuery("select * from ClassTimeTable t, Class c where t.classId=c.classId and acadYear='$xKey' and semester='$yKey' order by sequenceId"); } function SearchByKeyClsIdTseTssWD($ClsId, $S1, $E1, $WD){ $this->SetQuery("SELECT count(*) as num from ClassTimeTable t where t.classId='$ClsId' and (t.timeSlotEnd >= '$S1' and t.timeSlotStart <= '$E1') and (t.weekDay='$WD')"); $result=$this->GetResult(); return $result['num']; } //-- Use on page beforeShowClassStudy.php -- function SearchCTTByClsIdWdSt($ClsId,$wd,$st){ if($this->SetQuery("select * from ClassTimeTable where classId='$ClsId' and weekDay='$wd' and timeSlotStart='$st' ")){ return 1; }else{ return 0; } } //-- The end -- } //--End class ClassTimeTable-- ?>