SetQuery("select distinct classId, roomId, examCode, examDate, examTimeFrom, studyCode, examTimeTo from ClassExam where classId='$xKey'"); } function RSClassExamCountClsId($clId){ $this->SetQuery("select count(classId) as num from ClassExam where classId='$clId'"); if ($result=$this->GetResult()) { return $result['num']; } } function SearchByClsIdExC($clId, $exC){ if($this->SetQuery("select * from ClassExam where classId='$clId' and examCode='$exC'")){ return 1; }else{ return 0; } } function RSClassExamByClIdAndExCode($xKey, $yKey){ $this->SetQuery("select * from ClassExam where classId='$xKey' and examCode='$yKey'"); } function RSClassExamByClIdAndExCodeLimit($xKey, $yKey, $start, $pageSize){ $this->SetQuery("select * from ClassExam where classId='$xKey' and examCode='$yKey' limit $start, $pageSize"); } function RSClassExamByStIdAndAcYAndSeAndExCode($stId, $acY, $se, $exC){ $this->SetQuery("select ce.classId from EnrollItem ei, ClassExam ce where ei.studentId='$stId' and ei.acadYear='$acY' and ei.semester='$se' and ei.classId=ce.classId and ce.examCode='$exC' group by ce.classId order by ce.examDate, ce.examTimeFrom"); } function RSClassExamByOfIdAndExCodeGroupClId($ofId, $exC){ $this->SetQuery("select classId from ClassExam where officerId='$ofId' and examCode='$exC' group by classId order by examDate, examTimeFrom"); } function GetCountByExCAndExDAndRmAndS1AndE1($ExC, $ExD, $rm, $S1, $E1){ $this->setQuery("select count(*) as num from ClassExam where examCode='$ExC' and examDate='$ExD' and roomId='$rm' and (examTimeTo>='$S1' and examTimeFrom<='$E1')"); if ($result=$this->GetResult()) { return $result['num']; } } function GetCountByExDAndS1AndE1AndOfId($ExD, $S1, $E1, $OfId){ $this->setQuery("select count(*) as num from ClassExam where examDate='$ExD' and (examTimeTo>='$S1' and examTimeFrom<='$E1') and officerId='$OfId'"); if ($result=$this->GetResult()) { return $result['num']; } } } //--End class ClassExam-- ?>