(GPLv2) or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA02110-1301, USA. ********************************************************************************/ if (stristr(htmlentities($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), "block_navigator.php")) { die("
Error: This file cannot be opened directly!
"); } global $dblink,$siteConfig,$userid; $myrank = myRank(); echo "\n"; $nav_res = $dblink->get_list("SELECT * FROM memht_navigator ORDER BY position"); foreach ($nav_res as $nav_row) { $type = intval($nav_row['type']); $content = outCode($nav_row['content']); $html = outCode($nav_row['html']); $icon = outCode($nav_row['icon']); //===TYPE=== //0 = Page //1 = Manual link "url|name|target" //2 = Spacer //3 = HR line //4 = HTML //5 = Title //6 = MyPage if ($icon!="") { $icon = "$icon "; } switch($type) { case 0: $mtitle = ""; if ($pag = $dblink->get_row("SELECT titolo FROM memht_pagine WHERE nome='$content' AND enabled=1 AND rank<=$myrank")) { $mtitle = outCode($pag['titolo']); } else { $pag = $dblink->get_row("SELECT title FROM memht_virtualpages WHERE name='$content' AND enabled=1 AND rank<=$myrank"); $mtitle = outCode($pag['title']); } echo ($mtitle!="") ? "" : "" ; break; case 1: $link = explode("|",$content); if (!eregi("http://",$link[0])) { $link[0] = "http://".$link[0]; } if (isset($link[2])) { echo ""; } else { echo ""; } break; case 2: echo "
"; break; case 3: echo "
"; break; case 4: echo "
"; break; case 5: echo "
"; break; case 6: $row = $dblink->get_row("SELECT id,title FROM memht_mypage WHERE id=$content"); $mtitle = outCode($row['title']); echo ""; break; } } if (isAuth($userid,3)) { ?> " : ""; echo (isset($_COOKIE['hideadminmenu'])) ? "
Show Menu
" : "" ; } ?>