ELF44 (444444DDDDHHH Ptd))DDQtd/lib/ld-linux.so.2GNU T`*TUVX\_abű]>=#P;]qX!='JK| ,J8CEt@M|l"4q`6<OD8@<*N   g<qCjEy*#;<vc<<!c#/cb\'w2l*9}Oj"<bb3+*o_ *-CIjX#7*' d?|<r\29<r%Wg*P 1 | Ēz7k 8Gc T|HnF @G8GxH4zIhHR- M)MhP1MRMSM`n MmtMQ2+MB@MJM:Mq5.MHe ‚xH,‚hH0‚@GL‚`‚‚P‚ Â0Â8Â0_XY0Z0_4X8Y<0Z@G`0Lz0{@G$ǁ@GHǁ`Lǁ0hǁ0zxǁzǁ0{ǁ|ǁ@P@G@G `^^^^^^p_8_<_L_@G____̿п0Կؿܿٳ,Dٳ  ii Jqi ii ii ii ii ti ii E@G_EEEEEEEEE E E F F F FFFFFX F$F(F,F0F4F8FbF?F@FAFBFCFDFEFFFGFHFIFJGKGLGM GNGOGPGQGR GSUq5E%E%Eh%Eh%Eh%Eh%Eh %Eh(%Eh0%Eh8p%Eh@`%EhHP%EhP@%FhX0%Fh` %Fhh% Fhp%Fhx%Fh%Fh%Fh% Fh%$Fh%(Fh%,Fh%0Fhp%4Fh`%8FhP%X[ÐU=DGt (Gҡ(GuDGÐUDtt $DÐU $ËEt$1|$A9}ƍyE193~wE19 ~NEt$;19$|$]!Ít&'US$E9GU] U|N,GuL@GD$D$$ D$ E\$D$D$ @G$$[]Ð\$T$ D$$$[]Í&'UVSÃ0ED$$6Ku U;Gr9 $D$Et$D$@$D$ 0[^]áGt0[^]ÍUGt$ɐ UWVS|eE1B0`HD$`HD$G$k`HpD$D$D$D$ @t$D$$G$ND$$D$=-)D$$UGGD$X $D$Ue3 |[^_]É4$ GGu GDžGD$$$D$EDžGf>f D$$ D$@4$@t$D$$$,1׹󫍍dDž,Dž0L$ T$D$4$V5d}2t&G<$D$t~[CD$h$D$(D$D$D$D$ @|$CD$C$zE[errEor]g&<$D$"hD$$d$hDždD$$vD$$EBZ lD$$2QullT$D$ $D$ 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}]uEwG9ƉGvG7vuEx)uU_3D$`)$T$ݓGMDWG ‰T |$$L$E}]u}E ]kE8)u U]TeE1uu}}$E \$4$D$|$$Ue3u ]u}]FfUWVS E } eU1҉T$h1۸)؉D$|$ D$$ؔÁwLuЉ<$uuVT$T$91҉ЋUe3uF [^_]ÅtTT$D$4$@cTD$\$4$RU]Ít&'UWVS^ÍC3E)E}Ut+1ƍED$E D$E$9}u߃[^_]Ë$ÐUSDDt Ћu[]US[B`Y[[saned] +init: access granted [error]quit: received signal %d quit: exiting sanedcloseget_option_descriptorsget_parametersstartdo_scan: start do_scan: select failed (%s) do_scan: write failed (%s) do_scan: status = `%s' do_scan: done, status=%s cancel-d-ssane-port6566main: [%d] socket failed: %s main: [%d] setsockopt () main: [%d] bind failed: %s main: [%d] listen () main: [%d] listen failed: %s main: poll failed: %s main: accept failed: %ssane-backends 1.0.18auth_callback: bad status %d saned-user/etc/hosts.equivsaned.confdecode_handle: %s: error while decoding handle argument (h=%d, %s) check_host: getpeername failed: %s check_host: getnameinfo failed: %s check_host: detected an IPv4-mapped address check_host: getaddrinfo() failed: %s check_host: access by remote host: %s check_host: remote host is IN_LOOPBACK: access granted check_host: remote host is IN6_LOOPBACK: access granted check_host: remote host is not IN_LOOPBACK nor IN6_LOOPBACK check_host: gethostname failed: %s check_host: local hostname: %s check_host: getaddrinfo failed: %s check_host: local hostname(s) (from DNS): %s check_host: remote host has same addr as local: access granted check_host: remote host doesn't have same addr as local check_host: opening config file: %s check_host: can't open config file: %s (%s) check_host: config file line: `%s' check_host: subnet with base IP = %s, CIDR netmask = %s check_host: malformed IPv6 address in config file, skipping: [%s check_host: access granted from any host (`+') check_host: access granted from IP address %s check_host: access granted from IP address %s (IPv4-mapped) check_v6_in_range: invalid CIDR value (%s) ! check_v6_in_range: getaddrinfo() failed: %s check_v4_in_range: invalid CIDR value (%s) ! check_v4_in_range: getaddrinfo() failed: %s check_host: access granted from IP address %s (in subnet %s/%s) check_host: getaddrinfo for `%s' failed: %s check_host: entry isn't an IP address and can't be found in DNS check_host: DNS lookup returns IP address: %s init: access by host %s denied init: bad status after sanei_w_set_dir: %d init: bad status=%d or procnum=%d init: bad status after sanei_w_init_req: %d init: bad status after sanei_w_free: %d init: access granted to %s@%s init: failed to initialize backend (%s) init: unexpected backend major version %d (expected %d) check_host: access granted from IP address %s (in subnet [%s]/%s) quit: already active, returning process_request: waiting for request process_request: bad status %d process_request: got request %d process_request: (open) error while decoding args (%s) process_request: (open) device_name == NULL process_request: (open) strlen(resource) == 0 process_request: (open) sane_get_devices failed process_request: (open) device_list[0] == 0 process_request: access to resource `%s' denied process_request: access to resource `%s' granted process_request: sane_open returned: %s process_rquest: (control_option) error while decoding args h=%d (%s) start_scan: failed to obtain socket address (%s) start_scan: failed to obtain data socket (%s) start_scan: failed to bind address (%s) start_scan: failed to make socket listen (%s) start_scan: using port %d for data process_request: waiting for data connection process_request: getpeername failed: %s process_request: getnameinfo failed: %s process_request: access to data port from %s process_request: however, only %s is authorized process_request: configuration problem or attack? process_request: accept failed! (%s) do_scan: select_fd was closed --> EOF do_scan: trying to write %d bytes to client do_scan: wrote %ld bytes to client do_scan: trying to read %d bytes from scanner do_scan: read %d bytes from scanner do_scan: statuscode `%s' was added to buffer do_scan: processing RPC request on fd %d process_request: received unexpected procedure number %d main: starting debug mode (level %d) main: trying to get port for service `sane-port' (getaddrinfo) main: "sane-port" service unknown on your host; you should add main: sane-port 6566/tcp saned # SANE network scanner daemon main: to your /etc/services file (or equivalent). Proceeding anyway. main: getaddrinfo() failed even with numeric port: %s main: not enough memory for fds main: [%d] socket () using IPv%d main: [%d] failed to put socket in SO_REUSEADDR mode (%s) main: [%d] bind () to port %d main: couldn't bind an address. Exiting. main: waiting for control connection saned (AF-indep+IPv6) from %s ready auth_callback: called during non-authorizable RPC (resource=%s) auth_callback: called for unexpected request %d (resource=%s) auth_callback: bad procedure number %d (expected: %d, resource=%s) auth_callback: got auth for resource %s (expected resource=%s) iZ$h"3sanei_wiresanei_w_exit: wire %d sanei_w_exit: freeing buffer sanei_w_exit: done sanei_w_free: wire %d sanei_w_free: done sanei_w_string: wire %d sanei_w_string: value = %s sanei_w_device: wire %d sanei_w_word: wire %d sanei_w_word: value = %d sanei_w_range: wire %d sanei_w_frame: wire %d sanei_w_frame: value = %d sanei_w_action: wire %d sanei_w_action: value = %d sanei_w_unit: wire %d sanei_w_unit: value = %d sanei_w_value_type: wire %d sanei_w_bool: wire %d truefalsesanei_w_bool: value = %s sanei_w_parameters: wire %d sanei_w_status: wire %d sanei_w_status: value = %d sanei_w_char: wire %d sanei_w_char: value = %d sanei_w_byte: wire %d sanei_w_byte: value = %d sanei_w_init: initializing sanei_w_init: done sanei_w_ptr: FREE: done sanei_w_ptr: bad status: %d sanei_w_ptr: done sanei_w_device_ptr: wire %d sanei_w_array: FREE: done sanei_w_array: done sanei_w_space: done flush: wire %d flush: error status %d flush: wire flushed ENCODEDECODEFREEsanei_w_reply: done sanei_w_call: done sanei_w_free: error status %d sanei_w_device: %s %s from %s (%s) sanei_w_range: min/max/step = %f/%f/%f sanei_w_value_type: value = %d sanei_w_constraint_type: wire %d sanei_w_constraint_type: value = %d sanei_w_parameters: format/last/bpl/ppl/lines/depth = %d/%d/%d/%d/%d/%d sanei_w_void: wire %d (void debug output) sanei_w_init: not enough free memory sanei_w_init: initializing codec sanei_w_ptr: wire %d, value pointer at is %lu bytes sanei_w_ptr: FREE: freeing value sanei_w_ptr: FREE: tried to free value but *v or value_size was NULL sanei_w_ptr: send/receive is_null sanei_w_ptr: DECODE: receive data pointed at sanei_w_ptr: DECODE: maximum amount of allocated memory exceeded (limit: %u, new allocation: %lu, total: %lu bytes) sanei_w_ptr: DECODE: not enough free memory sanei_w_option_descriptor_ptr: wire %d sanei_w_option_descriptor_ptr: done sanei_w_device_ptr: device struct at %p sanei_w_array: wire %d, elements of size %lu sanei_w_array: FREE: freeing array (%d elements) sanei_w_array: FREE: tried to free array but *len_ptr or *v was NULL sanei_w_array: send/receive array length sanei_w_array: bad status: %d sanei_w_array: array has %d elements sanei_w_array: DECODE: maximum amount of allocated memory exceeded (limit: %u, new allocation: %lu, total: %lu bytes) sanei_w_array: DECODE: not enough free memory sanei_w_array: transferring array elements sanei_w_option_descriptor: wire %d sanei_w_option_descriptor: option %s sanei_w_option_descriptor: done sanei_w_space: %lu bytes for wire %d sanei_w_space: bigger than buffer (%lu bytes), may be flush() sanei_w_space: wire is in invalid state %d sanei_w_space: free buffer size is %lu sanei_w_space: ENCODE: sending %lu bytes sanei_w_space: ENCODE: write failed (%d) sanei_w_space: ENCODE: free buffer is now %lu sanei_w_space: DECODE: buffer underflow sanei_w_space: DECODE: %lu bytes left in buffer sanei_w_space: DECODE: receiving data sanei_w_space: DECODE: no data received (%d) sanei_w_space: DECODE: %lu bytes read sanei_w_space: FREE: doing nothing for free operation sanei_w_set_dir: wire %d, old direction WIRE_%s sanei_w_set_dir: WARNING: will delete %lu bytes from buffer sanei_w_set_dir: direction changed sanei_w_set_dir: wire %d, new direction WIRE_%s sanei_w_reply: wire %d (old status %d) sanei_w_reply: error status %d sanei_w_call: wire %d (old status %d) sanei_w_call: sending request (procedure number: %d) sanei_w_call: receiving reply sanei_w_call: error status %d 7sanei_configSANE_CONFIG_DIR.:/etc/sane.d%s%c%s:sanei_config_open: attempting to open `%s' sanei_config_open: using file `%s' sanei_config_open: could not find config file `%s' sanei_authcalled for ``%s'' by %s %s.userscould not open ``%s''... /dev/urandom%.128s$MD5$%x%lx%08lxresource=%s $MD5$%s%.128sauthorization succeeded authorization failed resource is longer than 127 chars... no authorization callback supplied by frontend randombits: could not open /dev/urandom... $MD5$%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02xcheck_passwd: received plain-text reply from user ``%s'' could not find resource ``%s''... [sanei_debug] malloc() failed Setting debug level of %s to %d. [%s] %s[%s] sanei_debugSANE_DEBUG_;@GnXn|0oooЂ,Lxp@<\t@@У$ Hh@PЧPШ(PHЩhP  @dp0д0 @dк`` P8 X @p @  $ `< T t P  |  AB FIF<0AB DXИzAB ACxP!AB AB IAB EAB DpAB BI( D  F AB D 8AB FFF\`DAB FF|SAB FFDAB FF`5AB FF5AB FF5AB FF 1AB 4`AB APnAB EpPAB EAB Ep5AB sAB D 0AB FIFtAB FF(@AB EHaAB FFhPAB EwAB EpwAB EwAB EpwAB EwAB E(pAB EHAB EhwAB E@bAB FFbAB FF &AB PAB E  AB FFF$ eAB FFDsAB FFdAB FAB EpAB F0AB AAG E AB FFF$PAB D@@$AB XpAB ExAB FF]AB FFFAB BPAB FAB F5AB 0kAB IPP5AB hAAB I cAB IFFP5AB -AB I8AB !AB 0QAB I 4UAB IFFXAB FL xnAB ITF AB I +@J | oh|H  E܎̎o,oobo`ooPoD04` g?k o@P̯:0z`lòS0@Ez0kٳ| ppk 8ϸ`pXApƲ@PW <jV$pp0{вKp0pSDP?@o| CК˲P%k3@<]>D`elibsane.so.1__gmon_start___Jv_RegisterClasses_finisanei_config_opensanei_debug_sanei_configsane_exitsane_get_select_fdsanei_config_readsane_strstatussanei_debug_sanei_debugsanei_debug_msgsane_cancelsane_get_parameterssane_closesane_set_io_modesane_get_devicessane_opensanei_config_get_stringsane_get_option_descriptorsanei_init_debugsane_startsanei_config_skip_whitespacesane_readsane_control_optionsane_initlibdl.so.2libusb-0.1.so.4libpthread.so.0__errno_locationacceptfcntllibjpeg.so.62libieee1284.so.3libgphoto2.so.2libgphoto2_port.so.0libm.so.6libc.so.6_IO_stdin_usedsocketstrcpysrandfopengai_strerrorstrncmpisfdtypestrrchr__strdupsignaltime__stack_chk_faillistenselectreallocgetpidfgetscallocstrlenopenloggetaddrinfomemsetstrstrbindfseekgetnameinfo__syslog_chkshutdownpoll__fprintf_chkmemcpyfclose__strtol_internalsetsockoptmallocstrcasecmpgetpeername__strndupgetenv__ctype_b_locstderralarm__snprintf_chk__strsep_gfilenogethostnamefwritefreadstrchrgetsockname__vfprintf_chk__vsyslog_chk__ctype_toupper_locfreeaddrinfo__sprintf_chkmemmovestrcmp__libc_start_mainferrorcloselogfree_edata__bss_start_endGLIBC_2.0GLIBC_2.1.1GLIBC_2.2GLIBC_2.4GLIBC_2.1GLIBC_2.3GLIBC_2.3.4/lib/ld-linux.so.2libexif.so.12saned.debugCCELF4(4 (444444DDDDHHH Ptd))DDQtd 44HH !ohh+ P3``;obb Ho,,W ̎` ܎ i||dPokuȂ{& )D+DDDDEĵEȵ\$G$@G8< 8H.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.dyn.rel.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.ctors.dtors.jcr.dynamic.got.got.plt.data.bss.gnu_debuglink.dynbss.gnu.liblist.gnu.conflict.gnu.prelink_undo 44HH !ohh+ Po``PP  ;obb Ho,,W ̎` ܎ i||dPokuȂ{& )D+DDDDEĵEȵ\$G$@G@ DGD8 3|H|#D