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control recordExpected version command, received: "%s".Protocol version %d is not supported.Bad message option string (%s): %shardlink: options not delimitedhardlink: oldname name not delimitedhardlink: new name not specifiedhardlink: tilde expansion failedcmdspecial: premature end of input.Unknown cmdspecial command '%s'.NULL target pointer set.chkparent(%s, %o) start %s: mkdir%s: unknown login name "%s"%s: unknown group "%s"%s: chown %d.%d failed: %s%s: chgrp %d failed: %s%s: chmod failed: %s.OLD%s%s%s: remove failed: %s%s -> %s: rename failed: %s%s: unlink failed: %s%s: not a plain file%s: opendir failed: %s%s/%s: Name too long%s: lstat failed: %s%s: rmdir failed: %s%s: removed%s: create failed: %s%s: Write error: %s%s: open for read failed: %sFiles are the same '%s' '%s'.%s: need to update%s: utimes failed: %s%s: renamed to %s%s: was sparse%s: updatedrecvit: options not delimitedrecvit: mode not delimitedrecvit: size not delimitedrecvit: mtime not delimitedrecvit: atime not delimitedrecvit: no file name%s: too many directory levelsCannot set file name.%s/%s%s: need to remove%s: need to chmod to %o%s: chmod from %o to %o%s: chown from %s.%s to %s.%s%s: mkdir failed: %s%s -> %s: symlink failed: %s%d: unknown file typeStartup for %sServing %sstartup for %sserving %sExpected digit, got '%s'.Unknown config command "%s".Cannot set newname target.%s: not a regular file%s: no parent: %s %s: cannot link to %s: %sserver: too many '%c'sclean: options not delimited%lld %ld %o %s %s%s: not a file or directoryFILESexport %s;%s=%sserver: unknown command '%s'mǼ~׽G/etc/mtab%s: setmntent failed: %sTimeout getting mount infomountent = '%s' (%s)wakeup() in filesys.c called%s: Name to large for buffer.Cannot find dir of `%s'unknown mount point for `%s'nfscachefs%s: Cannot stat filesystem: %s%s: Cannot statfs filesystem: %s.%s: Could not find mount pointroignoreswapCannot calloc %d * %d = %d bytes of memory.Cannot realloc %d bytes of memory.Cannot malloc %d bytes of memory.Version %s.%d (%s) - Protocol Version %d, Release %s, Patch level %d%s: No password entry for uid %dSegmentation violation - dumping core [PID = %d, %s]finish() called: do_fork = %d amchild = %d isserver = %dCannot read remote input: Remote descriptor not open.<<< Cmd = %c (\%3.3o) Msg = "%s"sighandler() received signal %d No signal handler defined for signal %d.Your user id (%d) is not known to this system.UserID = %d pwname = '%s' home = '%s' >>> Cmd = %c (\%3.3o) Msg = "%.*s"6.1RELEASE%s: unknown user name:%d%s: No name for group %disserveramchildparent(unknown)Lost connection to %sremote input line too longresponse() start received ACK received EMPTY logmsg Response time outpipe of %s failed: %s/dev/null-c/bin/shshell returned %d``````v```%s REMOTE ERROR: %sLOCAL ERROR: %sTMPDIR/tmp/rdistXXXXXXwCreated notify temp file '%s' %.*s=NULL message stringNo '=' foundNo message facility specifiedNo message type specifieddebug Where is of form Valid names: Valid names:changenoticenerrorferrorwarningverboseallstdoutsyslognotifyCannot open notify file for writing: %s: %s.Current message logging config:%.*s is not a valid message facilityThe "%.*s" message facility cannot be used by the server.Cannot open log file for writing: %s: %s.Message type "%.*s" is invalid.No file name found for "file" message facility =,,...:=,...   oHHq   (ohoooTto(o|to@֎04pОP\ga?t %`c̯`U01`p:Pw jP0`@9T]@E_iٳVp`0pk`_`pTr˯ PRAPW F<˯hV`0iв p0Pvp4ЅL/ 9޲ZC @sEp^@<>_8syslog=ferror l@esz v# R0 `e ddrdistd.debug2s^ELF`44 (444,,,,,@@@((( Qtd (( !oHHD+  3;o Hohh PW  (`   ido``X_us{sT((,,44<<@@  p8  ̋.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.dyn.rel.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame.ctors.dtors.jcr.dynamic.got.got.plt.data.bss.gnu_debuglink.dynbss.gnu.liblist.gnu.conflict.gnu.prelink_undo q(q( 3HqH oTtT(|t| !oHHD+  ;oHohhPW (`  ido``$X_u{ԃT((,,44<<@@  p8  Лt Л