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This may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU Public License error creating state file %s: %s error stat()ing state file %s: %s error opening state file %s: %s bad top line in state file %s line %d too long in state file %s bad year %d for file %s in state file %s bad month %d for file %s in state file %s bad day %d for file %s in state file %s could not read state file, will not attempt to write into it 1j%ld: error: %ld:%s:%d bad %s path %s fstat of %s failed: %s failed to read %s: %s reading config file %s endscriptnocompressnodelaycompressnosharedscriptsnocopytruncatenocopynotifemptynodateextnoolddirmailfirstmaillast%o %s %s%c%s:%d unknown user '%s' %s:%d unknown group '%s' nocreateminsize%s:%d unknown unit '%c' %s:%d bad size '%s' dailymonthlyweeklyyearlyrotate countstartstart count%s:%d bad start count '%s' maxagemaxage count%s:%d bad maximum age '%s' errors%s:%d bad %s address %s nomailnomissingokprerotatefirstactionpostrotatelastactiontabooextincludeincluding %s olddir is now %s extensionextension nameextension is now %s uncompresscmduncompressuncompress_prog is now %s compressoptionscompress_options is now %s compressextcompress-extcompress_ext is now %s %s:%d unexpected text %s:%d missing end of line %s:%d error parsing filename %s:%d glob failed for %s reading config info for %s %s:%d unxpected } .gz/bin/gunzip/bin/gzipcannot stat %s: %s .cannot open directory %s: %s cannot realloc: %s error in chdir("%s"): %s config.cnamelist[i] != ((void *)0)cannot malloc: %s .rpmsave.rpmorig~,v.rpmnew.swp%s:%d argument expected after %s failed to open config file %s: %s Ignoring %s because it's not a regular file. %s:%d extra arguments for create %s:%d bad rotation count '%s' %s: %d: the errors directive is deprecated and no longer used. %s:%d tabooext may not appear inside of log file definition %s:%d include may not appear inside of log file definition %s:%d compression program %s is not an executable file %s:%d uncompression program %s is not an executable file %s:%d invalid compression options %s:%d unknown option '%s' -- ignoring line %s:%d unexpected log filename %s:%d { expected after log file name(s) %s:%d duplicate log entry for %s %s:%d error verifying log file path %s: %s %s:%d error verifying olddir path %s: %s %s:%d olddir %s and log file %s are on different devices %s:%d, unexpected text after { %s:%d lines must begin with a keyword or a filename (possibly in double quotes) %s:prerotate or postrotate without endscript cannot open current directory: %s Ignoring %s, because of %s ending readConfigPath;z~8,Pp܃| |0P̑p ,06_ `e@??ulibpopt.so.0__gmon_start___Jv_RegisterClassespoptSetOtherOptionHelp_fini_initpoptReadDefaultConfigpoptFreeContextpoptGetNextOptpoptGetArgspoptPrintUsagepoptGetContextpoptBadOptionpoptStrerrorpoptParseArgvStringpoptHelpOptionslibselinux.so.1security_getenforcefreeconfgetfilecon_rawsetfscreatecon_rawgetfscreatecon_rawis_selinux_enabledlibc.so.6_IO_stdin_usedglobfree64fflushstrcpyfchmodexitexeclstrncmpstrrchrwaitpipe__strdupftruncate64closedirglob64fchdirstrncpyfork__stack_chk_failunlinkrealloc__assert_failendpwentexeclpfgetsgetpwnamcallocstrlenmemset__errno_locationreadendgrentdup2__fxstat64__fprintf_chkgetgrnamfchownfputcmemcpyfclosemalloc__lxstat64opendir__xstat64__ctype_b_locsscanfstderrexecvpstrncatfwriterenamewaitpidlocaltimelseek64__vfprintf_chkmktimereaddir64qsort__sprintf_chkfopen64accessstrcmpstrerror__libc_start_mainstrcoll__strtoul_internalfree_edata__bss_start_endGLIBC_2.4GLIBC_2.3GLIBC_2.2GLIBC_2.3.4GLIBC_2.1GLIBC_2.0libdl.so.2libsepol.so.1/lib/ld-linux.so.2logrotate.debugELF44 (44444400h00HHH PtdԛQtd 44HH !ohhD+  3̇;o Ho pW  ` ,,  idoHou{   ԛ؜000011l2 3.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.dyn.rel.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.ctors.dtors.jcr.dynamic.got.got.plt.data.bss.gnu_debuglink.dynbss.gnu.liblist.gnu.conflict.gnu.prelink_undo 44HH !ohhD+  ȯxDD ;o Ho pW  ` ,,  idoHou{   ԛ؜000011l2 3x3033?DH