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colors from geometry -dflts Compute defaults for missing components -diffs Only show explicit key definitions -eps Generate an EPS file -fit Fit keyboard image on page (default) -full Print keyboard image full sized -grid Print a grid with mm resolution -if Specifies the name of an internal font to dump -kc Also print keycodes, if possible -label Specifies the label to be drawn on keys Legal values for are: none,name,code,symbols -lc Use for fonts and symbols -level1 Use level 1 PostScript (default) -level2 Use level 2 PostScript -lg Use keyboard group to print labels -ll Use shift level to print labels -mono Ignore colors from geometry (default) -n Print copies (default 1) -nkg Number of groups to print on each key -nokc Don't print keycodes, even if possible -npk Number of keyboards to print on each page -ntg Total number of groups to print -o Specifies output file name -R[] Specifies the root directory for relative -pict Specifies use of pictographs instead of keysym names where available, can be "all", "none" or "common" (default) -synch Force synchronization -w Set warning level (0=none, 10=all) %s was compiled with XKB version %d.%02d X library supports incompatible version %d.%02d XKB extension not present on %s Server %s uses incompatible version %d.%02d Unknown error %d from XkbOpenDisplay Too many file names on command line Compiling %s, writing to %s, ignoring %s Compute defaults not implemented yet Trailing "-grid" option ignored Grid frequency must be an integer > zero Internal Font name not specified Trailing "-if" option ignored Trailing "-label" option ignored Unknown label type "%s" specified Trailing "-lc" option ignored Trailing "-lg" option ignored Label group must be an integer in the range 1..4 Trailing "-ll" option ignored Label level must be in the range 1..255 Number of copies not specified Number of copies must be an integer > zero Number of groups per key not specified Trailing "-nkg" option ignored Groups per key must be in the range 1..2 Illegal number of groups %d ignored Number of keyboards per page not specified Trailing "-npk" option ignored Keyboards per page must be in the range 1..2 Illegal number of keyboards %d ignored Total number of groups not specified Trailing "-ntg" option ignored Total number of groups must be in the range 1..4 Multiple output files specified Multiple root directories specified No level of pictographs specified Trailing "-pict" option ignored Unknown pictograph level specified Unknown flag "%s" on command line Changing root directory to "%s" Couldn't change root directory to "%s" Root directory (-R) option ignored Couldn't open "%s" to dump internal font "%s" Cannot allocate space for output file name Output to an X server not implemented yet Cannot allocate keyboard description Couldn't read geometry from XKM file "%s" XKM file "%s" doesn't have keycodes Cannot label keys as requested. Exiting XKM file "%s" doesn't have symbols Cannot load keyboard description Cannot open "%s" to read geometry Error converting keyboard display from %s to %s Cannot open "%s" to write keyboard description Output to X server not implemented yet Legal options: path names Cannot open display "%s" --?-help-color-dflts-diffs-eps-fit-full-gridGrid frequency not specified Illegal frequency %d ignored -if-kc-labelLabel type not specified nonenamecodesymbolsIgnored -lcLocale not specified -lgLabel group not specified Illegal group %d ignored -llLabel level not specified Illegal level %d ignored -level1-level2-mono-nTrailing "-n" option ignored Illegal count %d ignored -nokc-nkg-npk-ntg-oNo output file specified Trailing "-o" option ignored Compiling %s, ignoring %s -RNo root directory specified Ignoring -R option Using %s, ignoring %s -pictcommonallIgnoring illegal value %s -synch-s-w%s.pfaNo internal font to dump Removing "%s" No input file specified .xkmCannot open "%s" for reading %s.eps%s.psserver%sCannot load names Cannot load geometry for %s Couldn't change to locale %s Using "C" locale, instead CUnknown output format %d No output file created Error creating output file stdoutstdin*1;8&Ppt@p4XpxP0 `0<\0t  `!  "<"XP#t#@$`$p$%0%@%0%P*h+|  AB FLE <rAB FEE `0PAB FEE/ AB FDAB A(AB  0AB FGE AB FEE AB AG@6AB HE `AB IEH"AB IpAB IPDAG AJAB FpAB I$cAB <pcAB TcAB lPcAB ;AB ;AB @AB AB DAB D`AB D  pAB D<vAB DXjAB GtAB  AB  AB LFH@)AB p AB BAB FFAB 0cAB FY(P0D  F AB Dlibxkbfile.so.1XkbAddGeomColorXkbGetMapXkbGetGeometryXKeysymToStringXkbAllocKeyboard_Jv_RegisterClassesXkbGetNames__gmon_start__XkbChangeKbdDisplayXkbKeyNameTextXkbFreeOrderedDrawables_fini_initXkmReadFileXkbFindKeycodeByNameXkbGetOrderedDrawablesXkbAtomGetStringXkbGeomFPTextXkbInitAtomslibX11.so.6XkbFindOverlayForKeyXkbComputeShapeTopXkbLibraryVersionXkbOpenDisplayXSynchronizeXCloseDisplayXConvertCaselibc.so.6_IO_stdin_usedfflushstrcpyexit_IO_putcsetlocalefopenstrrchrstrncpy__stack_chk_failunlinkreallocstdincallocstrlenmemsetchdir__fprintf_chkstdoutfputcfputsfclosemalloc__ctype_b_locsscanfstderrfwritestrchr__vfprintf_chk__strcpy_chk__ctype_tolower_loc__sprintf_chkstrcmp__libc_start_mainfree_edata__bss_start_endGLIBC_2.4GLIBC_2.1GLIBC_2.3GLIBC_2.3.4GLIBC_2.0libXau.so.6libXdmcp.so.6libdl.so.2/lib/ld-linux.so.25  oh I   ooo oooLoɲ@GP:DS60}@E]Pٳ zpk`@ApƲP 5<P0tв00[p4j,@BP=@<+ 22!2""*"(3333F"Y"q"""" 4"",4\4"##44 5P5556`666,7p777<8889L999:\:::(;l;;;8<|<<=H===>X>>>$?h???4@x@@ADAAABTBBB CdCCC0DtDDD@EEE FPFFFG`GGG,HpHHH