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Eٔ{$.8ǓǓ Ǔ   !          "#$$%%&'((()*******++,,-../   %g%iMalformed number %s bellaccessxmessagenoneignoreechoprinteventshellsoundUnexpected character %c (%d) in input stream AdeviceD%dvolumepitchdurationclassidwindow0x%xdetailkeycodekskdelaybkdelaymno_event state changes= 0x%08x, new state= 0x%08x map changes= 0x%08x, state= 0x%08x %s event, serial %ld, synthetic %s, device %d, time %ld, keycode %d, eventType %s, group= %d%s, base= %d%s, latched= %d%s, locked= %d%s, mods= 0x%02x%s, base= 0x%02x%s, latched= 0x%02x%s, locked= 0x%02x%s grab mods= 0x%02x%s, compat grab mods= 0x%02x%s lookup mods= 0x%02x%s, compat lookup mods= 0x%02x%s virtual modifiers changed (0x%04x) changed= 0x%x, enabled= 0x%x, enabledChanges= 0x%x percent= %d, pitch= %d, duration= %d window= 0x%x, %sevent_only keycode= %d,detail= %s,slow keys delay= %d,debounce delay= %d names of indicators in 0x%08x changed names of virtual modifiers in 0x%04x changed names of groups in 0x%x changed key aliases changed (%d aliases total) radio group names changed (%d radio groups total) compat maps for groups in 0x%02x changed symbol interpretations %d..%d (of %d) changed keyboard has %d symbol interpretations message: 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x key %d, event: %s, follows: %s new device: %d min_keycode: %d, max_keycode %d old device: %d min_keycode: %d, max_keycode %d device= %d, class= %d, id= %d supported= 0x%0x, unsupported= 0x%0x first button= %d, num buttons= %d leds defined= 0x%08x, led state= 0x%08x yesno%ss %d..%d changed%s%s %d changed%sXkbStateNotify request %d/%d, * compatState = 0x%02x%s, ptr_buttons= 0x%04x%s XkbMapNotifysymbols for keyacts for keybehavior for keyexplicit components for keymodifier map for keyXkbControlsNotify num_groups= %d keycode %d, eventType %s, (NON-XKB) request %d/%d%s XkbIndicatorMapNotifyXkbIndicatorStateNotifyXkbBellNotify bell class= %d, id= %d name= "%s" , no name XkbAccessXNotifybkrejectwarningskpressskacceptskrejectskreleasebkacceptunknown(%d)XkbNamesNotifykeycodes%sgeometry%ssymbols%sphysical symbols name%s changed key type namelevel names for key typenames for keyXkbCompatMapNotifyXkbActionMessageXkbNewKeyboardXkbExtensionDeviceNotify reason= 0x%0x XKB_UNKNOWN!!!j d]:RnɫתOkrV]dInternal error: Error: Warning: Fatal Error: Exiting stderrswitching to %s ---> 0x%p Usage: %s [options]... Legal options: -bg-cfgTrailing %s argument ignored Using "%s", ignoring "%s" -d-display-sc-sd-synch-s-v-?-helpHOME%s/.xkb/xkbevd.cf-Can't open config file "%s /usr/share/X11/xkb%s/xkbevd.cfRunning in the background Cannot open display "%s" No events to watch in "%s" /usr/sbin/sfplay -qEmpty shell command! Ignored Empty sound command! %s %s%sUnknown error action type %d Executing shell command "%s" sounddirectorysounddirsoundcommandsoundcmdstdin-?,-help Print this message -cfg Specify a config file -sc Specify the command to play sounds -sd Specify the root directory for sound files -d[isplay] Specify the display to watch -bg Run in background -synch Force synchronization -v Print verbose messages No configuration file specified on command line Config file "%s" specified twice! Multiple config files on command line No display specified on command line Display "%s" specified twice! Multiple displays on command line No sound command specified on command line Sound command "%s" specified twice! Multiple sound commands on command line No sound directory specified on command line Sound directory "%s" specified twice! Multiple sound dirs on command line Unknown flag "%s" on command line Couldn't find a config file anywhere %s was compiled with XKB version %d.%02d X library supports incompatible version %d.%02d XKB extension not present on %s Server %s uses incompatible version %d.%02d Unknown error %d from XkbOpenDisplay No configuration specified in "%s" Couldn't select desired XKB events Temporarily disabling the audible bell Couldn't disable audible bell Couldn't configure audible bell to reset on exit Audible bell might remain off /usr/share/data/sounds/prosonus/Can't handle type %d XKB events yet, Sorry. Assignment to unknown variable "%s" Uj;0%XHh`xxHxx$ؾ<H`ȿxh,hD\tXx8(0Ld|Xhh4| AB 0 AG H xAB `JAB AV'AG  $ AB FP?AB DAB I ^AD  gAB JHH0{AE HpAB IF hD AB FFF`AB F0AB IcAB 0cAB cAB cAB ,;AB D;AB \AB tAB D`AB D AB DpAB DPvAB DоjAB G@AB 4` AB  LpAB LFHp)AB 0 AB @BAB FFxAB ( D  F AB D,AB FS  ohhq  lL ooorotoo uo*0P :DS@9#PPPٳ zpk`XApƲp<QвP0jvZCP=@@< 05=EJQVag `e ddxkbevd.debugSELFP4ds4 (444444oopp`pHHH Ptdi44Qtd 44HH !ohhH+ 3;orrzHo`W LL ` ll  i d 0oPPEuS{  T i4j$ppppppq pr prr.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.dyn.rel.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.ctors.dtors.jcr.dynamic.got.got.plt.data.bss.gnu_debuglink.dynbss.gnu.liblist.gnu.conflict.gnu.prelink_undo 4q4HqH 3hqh)ot u  !ohhH+ ;orrzHo`W LL ` ll id0oPPEuc{  d y4z$   D