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Done. +r:v:t:c:phsuUAaigbwlfdxVSqfopts: -r rate -c channels -s/-u/-U/-A/-a/-i/-g/-f -b/-w/-l/-d -v volume -x effopts: depends on effect Effect took & gave no samples!Received buffer with incomplete amount of samples.to many filenames. max of %d input files and 1 output files Can only specify "-e" for output filenames-r must be given a positive integerVolume value '%s' is not a numberVolume adjustment is negative. This will result in a phase change -c must be given a positive numberNot enough input or output filenames specifiedInput file %s: using sample rate %lu size %s, encoding %s, %d %sInput files must have the same rate, channels, data size, and encodingOutput file %s: using sample rate %lu size %s, encoding %s, %d %sCan not specify multiple effects that modify channel #Can not specify multiple effects that change sample rateWARNING: Corrupt value of %d! Assuming 0 bytes read. Time: %02i:%05.2f [%02i:%05.2f] of %02i:%05.2f (% 5.1f%%) Output Buffer:% 7.2f%cVolume change clipped %d samples[ gopts ] [ fopts ] ifile [ fopts ] ofile [ effect [ effopts ] ]W((((((((((((((((((ҳ((((((((((bh(((Ų(((βڲ09U^cTrim usage: trim start [length]Could not allocate memorybandbandpassbandrejectchoruscopydcshiftdeemphearwaxechoechosfadefilterflangerhighphighpasslowplowpassmaskmcompandnoiseprofnoiseredpanphaserpickpitchpolyphaserepeatreverbreversesilencespeedstatstretchswapsynthvibrovolaiffaifalautoavrcdrcvscvsddatdvmsgsmhcomlalumaudnulprcrawsfslsmpsndtsph8svxswtxwubsoufssduwvocvorbisoggvoxwavwveoperation not supportedFile not seekableoffset past eofVersion %d.%d.%dNONSENSE!shorts24 bitsNONSENSElong longs8-bits16-bits24-bits32-bits64-bitssigned (2's complement)a-lawfloating pointima_adpcminversed u-lawinversed A-lawVorbis-DT! @?MPEG audio (layer I, II or III)Error writing sample file. You are probably out of disk space.Premature EOF while reading sample file.sampling rate was not specifieddata encoding was not specifiedUnknown output file format for 'NULL'.Unknown output file format for '%s': %sCan't open output file '%s': %sbad output format for file %s: %sUnknown input file format for '%s': %sCan't open input file '%s': %sbad input format for file %s: %sdata size was not specifieddata size %i is invaliddata encoding %i is invalid-wbCan't set write bufferFailed writing %s: %sProcessed by SoXFailed reading %s: %sFiletype was not specifiedFile type '%s' is not knownOSS driver only supports unsigned with bytesOSS driver only supports signed with wordsOSS driver only supports bytes and wordsUnable to reset OSS driver. Possibly accessing an invalid file/deviceOSS driver doesn't like signed wordsOSS driver doesn't like unsigned bytesUnable to set the sample size to %dSound card appears to only support %d channels. Overriding format Unable to set audio speed to %d (set to %d)Unable to allocate input/output buffer of size %dForcing to unsignedForcing to signed linearForcing to signed linear wordForcing to unsigned bytesForcing to signed wordsstereomonoCouldn't set to %sInvalid audio buffer size %dUnable to sync dsp{Gz?Can't recovery from overrun, prepare failed: %sCan't recovery from suspend, prepare failed: %sDo not support this encoding for this data sizeDo not support this data size for this handlercannot allocate hardware parameter structurecannot initialize hardware parameter structureResampling setup failed for playbackALSA driver only supports byte and word samples. Changing to word.ALSA driver only supports signed and unsigned samples. Changing to signed.ALSA driver only supports signed and unsigned samples. Changing to unsigned.ALSA driver doesn't supported byte samples. Changing to words.ALSA driver doesn't supported word samples. Changing to bytes.ALSA driver doesn't supported %s samples. Changing to words.ALSA driver doesn't supported %s samples. Changing to bytes.ALSA driver doesn't supported signed byte samples. Changing to unsigned bytes.ALSA driver doesn't supported unsigned byte samples. Changing to signed bytes.ALSA driver does not support signed byte samplesALSA driver does not support unsigned byte samplesALSA driver does not support signed word samples. Changing to unsigned words.ALSA driver does not support unsigned word samples. Changing to signed words.ALSA driver does not support signed word samplesALSA driver does not support unsigned word samplesALSA driver does not support %s %s outputalsa: Hardware does not support %d. Forcing sample rate to %d.Could not set exact rate of %d. Approximating with %dError getting min buffer size.Error getting max buffer size.Error getting min period size.Buffer to small. Could not use.cannot prepare audio interface for useunable to allocate output buffer of size %dALSA write error ALSA write errorcannot open audio devicecannot set access typecannot set sample formatcannot set sample ratecannot set channel countError setting periods.Error setting buffersize.cannot set parametersFORM8SVXVHDRANNOCHANBODYVHDR chunk has bad sizeUnsupported data compressionUnable to alloc memoryCouldn't read all of headerNAMEInvalid sample rateBODY chunk not foundCan't open channel file '%s'Can't position channel %dCan't seek channel %dFile created by Sound Exchange Can't rewind channel output file %dcan't rewind output file to rewrite 8SVX headerCan't open channel output file8svx input file must be a file, not a pipeHeader did not begin with magic word 'FORM''FORM' chunk does not specify '8SVX' as typeunsupported output encoding/size for AIFF headercan't rewind output file to rewrite AIFF headerexpanding 8-bit u-law to signed 16 bitsAIFF only supports signed data. Forcing to signed.Ignoring AIFF tail chunk: '%s', %d bytes long You're stripping MIDI/loop info! Premature EOF on AIFF input fileAIFF: Couldn't allocate %s headerAIFF: Unexpected EOF in %s headerAIFF header does not begin with magic word 'FORM'AIFF 'FORM' chunk does not specify 'AIFF' or 'AIFC' as typeMissing SSND chunk in AIFF fileEOF while reading IEEE extended numberCan not support AIFC files that contain compressed data: %sAIFFstartread: ignoring '%s' chunk AIFF: no sound data on input fileAIFF header has invalid blocksize. Ignoring but expect a premature EOFunexpected EOF while skipping AIFF offsetForcing data size from %d bits to 8 bitsForcing data size from %d bits to 16 bitsForcing data size from %d bits to 32 bitsunsupported sample size in AIFF header: %dYou must specify # channels, sample rate, signed/unsigned, Bogus AIFF file: no COMM section.Ignoring MARK chunk since no INSTR found.Ignoring INSTR chunk since no MARK found.AIFFCOMTCOMMMARKINSTSSNDNon-seekable file.%-10s "%s" AIFCsowtNONEAPPLALCHAnnotation:Comment:AUTHAuthor:Name:(c) Copyright:and 8/16 on the command line.AIFF Loop markers: Loop %d: start: %6d end: %6d count: %6d type: Unity MIDI Note: %d Low MIDI Note: %d High MIDI Note: %d ASorry, DEC unsupportedSOXDefaulting to 8khz u-law Found Sun/NeXT magic wordFound DEC magic wordencoding: 0x%lxUnsupported output encoding/size for Sun/NeXT header or .AU format not specified.Only U-law, A-law signed bytes, and signed words are supported.Can't rewind output file to rewrite Sun header.Found inverted DEC magic word. Swapping bytes.Found inverted Sun/NeXT magic word. Swapping bytes.Did not detect valid Sun/NeXT/DEC magic number in header.Sun/NeXT header size too small.Unsupported encoding in Sun/NeXT header. Only U-law, signed bytes, signed words, ADPCM, and 32-bit floats are supported.Unexpected EOF in Sun/NeXT header info.Input file %s: Sun header info: %s-...--.----------------.-...Type AUTO can only be used for input!Could not determine file type. Do not understand format type: %s Detected file format type: %s .snddns.sd.MAUDRIFFWAVECreative Voice FileSOUN SAMPLE DATA2BITNISTALawOggAVR: file is not seekableAVR: unsupported encodingAVR: unknown headerAVR: number of channels not supportedAVR: unsupported sample resolutioncvsd: min value %f, max value %f cvsd: min slope %f, max slope %f Can't rewind output file to rewrite DVMS header.cvsd: bit rate %dbit/s, bits from %s Length in output .DVMS header will wrong since can't seek to fix itDVMS header checksum error, read %u, calculated %u DVMS rate %dbit/s using %dbit/s deviation %d%% DVMS header of source file "%s":seek failed : %scannot write DVMS header msb to lsblsb to msbunable to read DVMS header filename "%.14s" id 0x%x state 0x%x time %s usender %u ureceiver %u length %u srate %u days %u custom1 %u custom2 %u info "%.16s" 0HO?@@; Sample Rate %ld ; Channels %d %15.8g %15.8g %c %*s%n %lg%nUnable to read sample. ; Sample Rate %ld ; Channels %d?>?CuuC)@pcbbcp@)uu HH h>f66f>h  @ ``#,7 BWW B7,#`` @ error during GSM decodeunable to create GSM streamgsm: channels(%d) must be in 1-16not all HCOM data readchecksum error in HCOM data Original size: %6d bytesCompressed size: %6d byteswrite error in HCOM headerunexpected EOF in Mac headerunexpected EOF in HCOM dataMac header type is not FSSDMac data fork is not HCOMAcan't malloc buffer for compressed HCOM datacan't write compressed HCOM datacan't realloc buffer for uncompressed HCOM dataunacceptable output rate for HCOM: try 5512, 7350, 11025 or 22050 hertzcan't malloc buffer for uncompressed HCOM dataunexpected EOF at start of HCOM dataBad compression type in HCOM headerBad sampling rate divisor in HCOM headercan't malloc memory for Huffman dictionaryHCOM data using value compressionMHDRMDATMAUD: MHDR chunk has bad sizeCouldn't alloc resourcesMAUD: MDAT chunk not foundfile create by Sound eXchange can't rewind output file to rewrite MAUD headerOutput .maud file must be a file, not a pipeMAUD: unsupported number of channels, unable to storeMAUD: header does not begin with magic word 'FORM'MAUD: 'FORM' chunk does not specify 'MAUD' as typeMAUD: frequency denominator == 0, failedMAUD: unsupported number of channels in fileMAUD: unsupported compression type detectedMAUD: Unexpected EOF in ANNO headernul fileFinal length=%dlength now = %dFound Psion record.app headerFound length=%dHeader will be have invalid file length since file is not seekableCan't rewind output file to rewrite Psion header.PRC must use 8000 sample rate. OverridingPRC must only supports 1 channel. OverridingPsion header doesn't start with the correct bytes Try the '.al' (A-law raw) file type with '-t al -r 8000 filename'st_rawread requires positive sizesqƎҎގqqqq;LXdp;;;;|Unable to alloc resourcesCan't seek this data sizeunexpected EOF in SF headerIRCAM comment: %sSF %s file: can't read, it is byte-swapped or it is not an IRCAM SoundFileSoundfile input: unknown format 0x%x EOF in SMPConverted using Sox.%-*s%-*.*sunexpected EOF in SMP headerSMP header is not version %s %.*s: %.*sSMP unable to seek to trailerunexpected EOF in SMP trailerSampleVision trailer: Loop %d: start: %6ld end: %6ldtype: off type: forward type: forward/backward MIDI Note number: %d SOUND SAMPLE DATA 2.1 SMP unable to seek back to save sizeOutput .smp file must be a file, not a pipeSMP: Can't write header completelySMP input file must be a file, not a pipeSMP header does not begin with magic word %s SampleVision file name and comments: %sSMP unable to seek back to start of sample dataSOUNDSND: unexpected EOFSND: sample rate out of rangeSND: unrecognized SND format%.62s - File created by Sound Exchangecan't rewind output file to rewrite SND headerSND: unexpected EOF in SND headerCould not rewird output file to rewrite sphere header. File must be seekable for sphere file outputSPHERE format only supports ulaw and PCM data.Sphere header does not begin with magic mord 'NIST_1A'NIST_1A 1024 sample_count -i %ld sample_n_bytes -i %d channel_count -i %d 01sample_byte_format -s2 %s sample_rate -i %ld sample_coding -s4 ulaw sample_coding -s3 pcm end_head NIST_1AError reading Sphere headerUnable to allocate memorysample_n_bytes%63s %15s %dchannel_countsample_coding%63s %15s %127sulawsample_rate %53s %15s %ldsample_byte_format%53s %15s %127send_headtx16w:output finishedtx16w selected outputFound header filetype %sLM8953Sample rate = %ldSound too large for TX16W. Truncating, Loop Off tx16w is overriding output format to 1 channel.tx16w is overriding output format to size Signed Word format.Output .txw file must be a file, not a pipetxw input file must be a file, not a pipeInvalid filetype ID in input file header, != LM8953Invalid sample rate identifier found %dRR$tMG$tCOutput .voc file must be a file, not a pipeFile %s: sample rate codes differ: %d != %dFile %s: only interpret 8-bit data!File %s: Silence sample rate is zeroFile %s: skipping unknown block code %dUnsupported VOC format CRLADPCM4 %dUnsupported VOC format CRLADPCM3 %dUnsupported VOC format CRLADPCM2 %dUnsupported VOC format CRLADPCM4A %dCreative Voice FileFile %s: Sample rate is zero?Don't understand size %dFile %s: skipping repeat loopVOC input: short fileunexpected EOF in VOC headerVOC file header incorrectInput .voc file had no sound!Unknown VOC format %d?[yError setting up Ogg Vorbis encorder - make sure you've specied a sane rate and number of channelsError writing header for Ogg Vorbis audio streamWarning: hole in stream; probably harmless Input not an Ogg Vorbis audio streamUnable to allocate internal buffer memory"%)-27<BIPXakv3Qs Vl$G.722 ADPCMMicrosoft Official UnknownMicrosoft PCMMicrosoft ADPCMIEEE FloatMicrosoft A-lawMicrosoft U-lawOKI ADPCM format.IMA ADPCMDigistd format.Digifix format.Dolby AC2GSM 6.10Rockwell ADPCMRockwell DIGITALKG.721 ADPCMG.728 CELPMPEGMPEG Layer 3G.726 ADPCMOnly PCM SupportedChannels(%d) must be <= 16 RIFXfmt factWAV Chunk %serror during gsm decodecannot create GSM objectWAVE: RIFF header not foundWAVE header not foundWAVE chunk fmt not foundCould not find data chunk. %d Samps/chansLISTType INFOType adtlChunk ICRDChunk ISFTChunk cue Chunk ltxtw~pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppN[}55Q55555555/j5555555555555555555555555555555555555'555Ik55555555555555555555555555555555Overriding output size to bytes for compressed data.Do not support %s with 8-bit data. Forcing to unsignedDo not support %s with 16-bit data. Forcing to Signed.Do not support %s with 32-bit data. Forcing to Signed.Do not support %s in WAV files. Forcing to Signed Words.Overriding GSM audio from %d channel to 1 Requested to swap bytes so writing RIFX headerWriting Wave file: %s format, %d channel%s, %d samp/sec %d byte/sec, %d block align, %d bits/sampFinished writing Wave file, %u data bytes %u samples GSM6.10 format: %u blocks %u padded samples %u padded data bytes help ! internal inconsistency - data_written %u gsmbytecount %uWAVE file has missing %s chunkWAVE file %s chunk is to shortWAV chunk appears to have invalid size %d.invalid wav gsm frame size: %d bytesCan't rewind output file to rewrite .wav header.error setting gsm_option for WAV49 format. Recompile gsm library with -DWAV49 option and relink soxerror allocating memory for gsm bufferLength in output .wav header will be wrong since can't seek to fix itPremature EOF on .wav input fileFound RIFX header, swapping bytesWAVE file fmt chunk is too shortWAVE file is in unsupported Microsoft Official Unknown format.User options overriding encoding read in .wav headerSorry, this WAV file is in OKI ADPCM format.Sorry, this WAV file is in Digistd format.Sorry, this WAV file is in Digifix format.Sorry, this WAV file is in Dolby AC2 format.Sorry, this WAV file is in Rockwell ADPCM format.Sorry, this WAV file is in Rockwell DIGITALK format.Sorry, this WAV file is in G.721 ADPCM format.Sorry, this WAV file is in G.728 CELP format.Sorry, this WAV file is in MPEG format.Sorry, this WAV file is in MPEG Layer 3 format.Sorry, this WAV file is in G.726 ADPCM format.Sorry, this WAV file is in G.722 ADPCM format.WAV file has unknown format type of %xUser options overriding channels read in .wav headerUser options overriding rate read in .wav headerwave header missing FmtExt chunkwave header error: wExtSize inconsistent with wFmtLenformat[%s]: expects wExtSize >= %dCan only handle 4-bit MS ADPCM in wav filesformat[%s]: samplesPerBlock(%d) incompatible with blockAlign(%d)ADPCM file nCoefs (%.4hx) makes no sense wave header error: wExtSize(%d) too small for nCoefs(%d)base iCoefs differ in %d/14 positionsCan only handle 4-bit IMA ADPCM in wav filesformat[%s]: expects blockAlign(%d) = %dformat[%s]: expects samplesPerBlock(%d) = %dUser options overriding size read in .wav headerSorry, don't understand .wav sizeReading Wave file: %s format, %d channel%s, %d samp/sec %d byte/sec, %d block align, %d bits/samp, %u data bytes %d Extsize, %d Samps/block, %d bytes/block %d Num Coefs, %d Samps/chan %d Extsize, %d Samps/block, %d bytes/block %d Samps/chanGSM .wav: %d Extsize, %d Samps/block, %d Samples/chanPossible buffer overflow hack attack (ICRD)! Possible buffer overflow hack attack (ISFT)! Attempting to seek beyond unsupported chunk '%c%c%c%c' of length %d bytes BCWVE must use 8000 sample rate. OverridingWVE must only supports 1 channel. OverridingPsion header doesn't start with magic word Try the '.al' file type with '-t al -r 8000 filename'Found inverted PSION magic word. Swapping bytes.ALawSoundFile**Found Psion magic wordFound PSION magic wordWrong version in Psion header>Output must have known number of channels to use avg effectCan't average %d channels into %d channelsOutput must have different number of channels to use avg effectavg: -f option requires 4 channels input and 2 channel outputavg: -b option requires 4 channels input and 2 channel outputavg: -1 option requires 4 channels input and 1 channel outputavg: -2 option requires 4 channels input and 1 channel outputavg: -3 option requires 4 channels input and 1 channel outputavg: -4 option requires 4 channels input and 1 channel outputUnknown mix option in average effectYou must specify at least one mix level when using avg with an unusual number of channels.Invalid options specified to avg while not mixingInvalid options specified to avg for this channel combinationusage: avg [ -l | -r | -f | -b | -1 | -2 | -3 | -4 | n,n,n...,n ]avg can only take up to 16 pan values@-l-r-f-b-1-2-3-4Band: center must be < minimum data rate/2 Usage: band [ -n ] center [ width ]-DT!-DT!@-nUsage: bandpass FREQUENCY BANDWIDTHbandpass: illegal frequencybandpass: illegal bandwidthUsage: bandreject FREQUENCY BANDWIDTHbandreject: illegal frequencybandreject: illegal bandwidth;A@ Achorus: gain-in must be positive! chorus: gain-in must be less than 1.0! chorus: gain-out must be positive! chorus: delay must be more than 20.0 msec! chorus: delay must be less than 100.0 msec! chorus: speed must be more than 0.1 Hz! chorus: speed must be less than 5.0 Hz! chorus: delay must be more positive! chorus: delay must be less than 10.0 msec! chorus: decay must be positive! chorus: decay must be less that 1.0! chorus: Cannot malloc %d bytes! chorus: warning >>> gain-out can cause saturation or clipping of output <<<Usage: chorus gain-in gain-out delay decay speed depth [ -s | -t ]chorus: to many delays, use less than %i delaysUsage: chorus gain-in gain-out delay decay speed [ -s | -t ]@@-s-t4@Out of memory,-infWrong number of arguments for the compander effect Use: {,}+ {,}+ [ [ [>> gain-out can cause saturation of output <<<Usage: echo gain-in gain-out delay decay [ delay decay ... ]echo: to many delays, use less than %i delays@Jechos: gain-in must be positive! echos: gain-in must be less than 1.0! echos: delay must be positive! echos: delay must be less than %g seconds! echos: decay must be positive! echos: decay must be less than 1.0! echos: Cannot malloc %d bytes! echos: warning >>> gain-out can cause saturation of output <<<Usage: echos gain-in gain-out delay decay [ delay decay ... ]echos: to many delays, use less than %i delaysFade: warning: End time passed end-of-file. Padding with silenceUsage: fade [ type ] fade-in-length [ stop-time [ fade-out-length ] ] Time is in hh:mm:ss.frac format. Fade type one of q, h, t, l or p. Fade: End of fade-in should not happen before beginning of fade-outxJfJfJfJJfJfJfJJHJfJfJ`J%1[qhltp]7drain overran obuf by %d filter: low(%d),high(%d) parameters must satisfy 0 <= low <= high <= %dfilter: Unable to make low filter filter: Unable to make high filter filter: adjusted freq %d-%d is identityUsage: filter low-high [ windowlength [ beta ] ]Usage: filter low-high [ windowlength ]filter: window length (%ld) <4 is too shortfilter opts: %d-%d, window-len %d, beta %f flanger: gain-in must be positive! flanger: gain-in must be less than 1.0! flanger: gain-out must be positive! flanger: delay must be positive! flanger: delay must be less than 5.0 msec! flanger: speed must be more than 0.1 Hz! flanger: speed must be less than 2.0 Hz! flanger: decay must be positive! flanger: decay must be less that 1.0! flanger: warning >>> gain-out can cause saturation or clipping of output <<<flanger: Cannot malloc %d bytes! Usage: flanger gain-in gain-out delay decay speed [ -s | -t ]@Highpass: cutoff must be < sample rate / 2 (Nyquest rate) Usage: highp cutoff;f?;fUsage: highpass FREQUENCYhighpass: illegal frequencyLowpass: cutoff must be < sample rate / 2 (Nyquest rate) Usage: lowp cutoffUsage: lowpass FREQUENCYlowpass: illegal frequency ףp= ?Mask effect takes no options.? mcompand accepts only an odd number of arguments: mcompand quoted_compand_args [xover_freq quoted_compand_args [...]Wrong number of arguments for the compander effect within mcompand Use: {,}+ {,}+ [ [ [bufdata <= 2048Usage: noiseprof [filename]effp->ininfo.channels == effp->outinfo.channelsCouldn't open output file %s: %sst_noiseprof_flownoisered.c Channel %d: %f, %fsmoothing[i] >= 0 && smoothing[i] <= 1noisered: Output clipped to %f. chan->window[j] >= -1 && chan->window[j] <= 1Couldn't open profile file %s: %snoisered: Got channel %d, expected channel %d.noisered: Not enough datums for channel %d (expected %d, got %d)noisered: channel mismatch: %d in input, %d in profile. Usage: noiseprof profile-file [threshold]A?process_windowreduce_noisest_noisered_flowPAN clipped %d values, maybe adjust volume?unexpected number of channels (in=%d, out=%d)PAN cannot handle different rates (in=%ld, out=%ld) use resample or rateUsage: pan direction (in [-1.0 .. 1.0])??PAN onto a mono channel...phaser: delay must be positive! phaser: delay must be less than 5.0 msec! phaser: speed must be more than 0.1 Hz! phaser: speed must be less than 2.0 Hz! phaser: decay must be positive! phaser: decay must be less that 1.0! phaser: warning >>> gain-in can cause saturation or clipping of output <<<phaser: warning >>> gain-out can cause saturation or clipping of output <<<phaser: Cannot malloc %d bytes! Usage: phaser gain-in gain-out delay decay speed [ -s | -t ]DUUUUUU?Mb@?q= ףp?HzG?-DT!?PITCH clipped %d values... adjust volume with -v option maybe?PITCH cannot handle different rates (in=%ld, out=%ld) use resample or ratePITCH cannot handle different channels (in=%ld, out=%ld) use avg or panmalloc failed in st_pitch_startunexpected PITCH_FADE parameter %dUsage: pitch shift width interpole fade (in cents, in ms, cub/lin, cos/ham/lin/trap) (defaults: 0 20 c c)cccc/ccc;cccccccGcccccccccccccccccc/ccc;cccccccGfactors(%d) =nutham-w-widthshortlong-cutoffNumber %d too large of a prime. Input and Output rate must not be the same to use polyphase effectPoly: input rate %d, output rate %d. %d stages.Poly: window: %s size: %d cutoff: %f.Poly: stage %d: Up by %d, down by %d, i_samps %d, hsize %dPoly: : filt_len %d, cutoff freq %.1fIllegal buffer %p, length %d, or cutoff %f. Illegal buffer %p or length %d to nuttall. Illegal buffer %p or length %d to hamming. Poly: output samples %d, oskip %dPolyphase: unknown argument (%s %s)!-DT! @-DT!@;%N?zD?-DT!)@1|?!3|2@C˅?q= ףpݿJz5 %)+/5;=CGIOSYaegkmq %379=KQ[]agou{  #-39;AKQWY_eikw)+57;=GUY[_mqswRate effect takes no options.Input and Output rates must be different to use rate effectrate effect can only handle rates <= 65535rate effect reduces data to 16 bitsrepeat: corrupted temporary file repeat1: read error on temporary file repeat2: read error on temporary file repeat3: read error on temporary file repeat: write error on temporary file repeat: could not create temporary filerepeat: could not parse repeat parameterrepeat: repeat parameter must be positiveUsage: repeat count]%iKO ;)BA?@resample: Can not handle this sample rate change. Nx not positive: %dInput and Output rates must be different to use resample effectresample: Unable to make filter resample: rate ratio %ld:%ld, coeff interpolation not needed Factor is too small or large for BUFFSIZEUsage: resample [ rolloff [ beta ] ]resample: rolloff factor (%f) no good, should be 0.01>> gain-out can cause saturation of output <<<reverb: reverb-time must be positivereverb: delay must be positive! reverb: delay must be less than %g seconds! reverb: Cannot malloc %d bytes! Usage: reverb gain-out reverb-time delay [ delay ... ]reverb: to many dalays, use less than %i delaysReverse effect takes no options.Reverse effect finds odd temporary file Reverse effect read error from temporary file Internal error: reverse_flow called in wrong phaseReverse effect write error on temporary file Reverse effect can't create temporary file BHFs}Periods must not be negative%lf%cInvalid unit specifiedUsage: silence above_periods [ duration thershold[d | %% ] ] [ below_periods duration threshold[ d | %% ]]silence threshold should be between 0.0 and 100.0 %%silence threshold should be less than 0.0 dB*>SPEED: %d values clipped...-cn = %d cent = %d speed = %f speed [-c] factor (default 1.0, <1 slows, -c: factor in cent)@@UUUUUU?%f %f %.3f Samples read: %12u Length (seconds): %12.6f Scaled by rms: %12.6f Scaled by: %12.1f Maximum amplitude: %12.6f Minimum amplitude: %12.6f Midline amplitude: %12.6f Mean norm: %12.6f Mean amplitude: %12.6f RMS amplitude: %12.6f Maximum delta: %12.6f Minimum delta: %12.6f Mean delta: %12.6f RMS delta: %12.6f Rough frequency: %12d Volume adjustment: %12.3f Probably text, not sound Try: -t raw -b -s Try: -t raw -b -u Try: -t raw -b -U Can't guess the type %08lx -v-s option: invalid argument-rms-freq-dFFT can only use sample buffers of 2^n. Buffer size used is %ld Unable to allocate memory for FFT buffers. Summary effect: unknown optiono:STRETCH clipped %d values...some malloc failedSTRETCH cannot handle different channels (in=%d, out=%d) use avg or panSTRETCH cannot handle different rates (in=%ld, out=%ld) use resample or rateUsage: stretch factor [window fade shift fading] (expansion, frame in ms, lin/..., unit<1.0, unit<0.5) (defaults: 1.0 20 lin ...) error while parsing factorUsage: stretch factor [window fade shift fading] (expansion, frame in ms, lin/..., unit<1.0, unit<0.5) (defaults: 1.0 20 lin ...) error while parsing window sizeUsage: stretch factor [window fade shift fading] (expansion, frame in ms, lin/..., unit<1.0, unit<0.5) (defaults: 1.0 20 lin ...) error while parsing fade typeUsage: stretch factor [window fade shift fading] (expansion, frame in ms, lin/..., unit<1.0, unit<0.5) (defaults: 1.0 20 lin ...) error while parsing shift ratioUsage: stretch factor [window fade shift fading] (expansion, frame in ms, lin/..., unit<1.0, unit<0.5) (defaults: 1.0 20 lin ...) error with shift ratio valueUsage: stretch factor [window fade shift fading] (expansion, frame in ms, lin/..., unit<1.0, unit<0.5) (defaults: 1.0 20 lin ...) error while parsing fading ratioUsage: stretch factor [window fade shift fading] (expansion, frame in ms, lin/..., unit<1.0, unit<0.5) (defaults: 1.0 20 lin ...) error with fading ratio valueCan't swap channels on mono data.invalid swap channel options usedUsage: swap [1 2 | 1 2 3 4]z<@ACsynth: can not operate with more than %d channelsUsage:synth [length] type mix [freq[-freq2]] [off] [ph] [p1] [p2] [p3] length in sec or hh:mm:ss.frac, 0=inputlength, default=0 is sine, square, triangle, sawtooth, trapetz, exp, whitenoise, pinknoise, brownnoise, default=sine is create, mix, amod, default=create frequency at beginning in Hz, not used for noise.. frequency at end in Hz, not used for noise.. can be given as %%n, where 'n' is the number of half notes in respect to A (440Hz) Bias (DC-offset) of signal in percent, default=0 phase shift 0..100 shift phase 0..2*Pi, not used for noise.. square: Ton/Toff, triangle+trapetz: rising slope time (0..100) trapetz: ON time (0..100) trapetz: falling slope position (0..100)synth: internal error 1synth: internel error 2Could not allocate memeorysinesquaresawtoothtriangleexptrapetzwhitenoisepinknoisebrownnoisevoicenoisesynth: no type givencreatemixamodfmodsynth: illegal freqsynth: illegal freq2synth: too many parameterssynth: parameter error"_yY@bK*#  Vibro: Cannot malloc %d bytesUsage: vibro speed [ depth ]CAMbP?Vibro: speed must be < 30.0, 0.0 < depth < 1.0=VOL limited %d values (%d percent).VOL clipped %d values, amplitude gain=%f too high...VOL cannot handle different channels (in=%d, out=%d) use avg or panVOL cannot handle different rates (in=%ld, out=%ld) use resample or rateUsage: vol gain [ type [ limitergain ] ] (default type=amplitude: 1.0 is constant, <0.0 change phase; type=power 1.0 is constant; type=dB: 0.0 is constant, +6 doubles ampl.) The peak limiter has a gain much less than 1.0 (ie 0.05 or 0.02) which is only used on peaks to prevent clipping. (default is no limiter)MSADPCM bpred >= nCoef, arbitrarily using 0 @03ff3IMA_ADPCM block ch%d initial-state (%d) out of range  "%)-27<BIPXakv3Qs Vl$V LLT!%(,[1K6;ADH~OqW/`ibt%d is not a power of two long_term.cNr >= 40 && Nr <= 120brp != (-32767 - 1)dpdppNcbcdmax > 0scal >= 0scal <= 100 && scal >= -100Nc <= 120 && Nc >= 40Gsm_Long_Term_Synthesis_FilteringGsm_Long_Term_PredictorCalculation_of_the_LTP_parameterslpc.csmax > 0scalauto <= 4temp >= 0 && temp < 32*r >= 0*r != (-32767 - 1)temp >= 0AutocorrelationReflection_coefficientsTransformation_to_Log_Area_Ratiospreprocess.cSO >= -0x4000SO <= 0x3FFCs1 != (-32767 - 1)Gsm_Preprocessrpe.c0 <= Mc && Mc <= 3exp >= -4 && exp <= 6mant >= 0 && mant <= 7*xMc <= 7 && *xMc >= 0temp <= 7 && temp >= -7exp <= 5exp <= 6 && exp >= 0exp <= 4096 && exp >= -4096temp1 >= 0 && temp1 < 16APCM_quantization_xmaxc_to_exp_mantAPCM_inverse_quantizationRPE_grid_positioningAPCM_quantizationadd.cnum >= 0 && denum >= numa != 0a != (-32767 - 1) || b != (-32767 - 1)gsm_divgsm_normgsm_L_mult;SLz|{ |<| <}(}Hd<܆,<|\8 X x<| (<@l\|ܡ̢ \ܤ<Tl<\|ܥ 8Tp|, ( Hld<l\<<H%?h%@%@% A%A%A%A &\B,&BH&Ch&I&J&\K&K&lM'|P$'RD'\Sd'|S|'|T'T'T'Y'Y(Z$(,Z<(LZT(\Zl(Z(Z([(\\(\)\)|]8) _X)<_t)l_)_)_),`)l`*`*`8*`T*,ap*la*a*a*a*Lb*|b+d0+ eP+lep+e+,f+f+f+L(>H>,h>l>\>>l>< ?! 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