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argument file Usage: %s [-h] [-V] [-a file] [-c dir] [-d file] [-e] [-I dir] [-j #] [-m file] [-r] [-s suffix] [-t version] [-w] [-x feature] [-z file] [file] where: -h display this help message -V display the %s version number -a file the name of the Scintilla API file [default not generated] -b file the name of the build file [default none generated] -c dir the name of the code directory [default not generated] -d file the name of the documentation file [default not generated] -e enable support for exceptions [default disabled] -I dir look in this directory when including files -j # split the generated code into # files [default 1 per class] -r generate code with tracing enabled [default disabled] -s suffix the suffix to use for C or C++ source files [default ".c" or ".cpp"] -t tag the version/platform to generate code for -w enable warning messages -x feature this feature is disabled -z file the name of a file containing more command line flags file the name of the specification file [default stdin] An invalid flag was given in %s Unexpected flag argument in %s The -g command line flag is deprecated Fqqqqqqqqqqqqaqqqqqqqqqqzq͓ܓq qqqqqqqrqqq۔}^ is undefined C++%s slots must return int %s slots must return void %s slots must return long has not been defined has an unsupported type operator ) already defined One of the arguments of must be a class or enum The first argument of must be a class 1pǠǠpٸٸ() const argument cannot have /Out/ specified () invalid argument type for /Out/ %s() signals must return void %s() unsupported function return type - provide %%MethodCode and a %s signature %s() unsupported signal argument type %s() unsupported function argument type - provide %%Method code, a valid %%VirtualCatcherCode and a valid C++ signature %s() unsupported function argument type - provide %%Method code and a valid %s signature No %%Module has been specified for the module has %%AccessCode but isn't a class instance unsupported ctor argument type - provide %%MethodCode and a C++ signature operator cast must be to a class Oohash_slotstr_slotint_slotlong_slotfloat_slotlen_slotcontains_slotiadd_sloticoncat_slotisub_slotimul_slotirepeat_slotidiv_slotimod_slotiand_slotior_slotixor_slotilshift_slotirshift_slotinvert_slotcall_slotgetitem_slotsetitem_slotdelitem_slotlt_slotle_sloteq_slotne_slotgt_slotge_slotcmp_slotnonzero_slotneg_slotpos_slotabs_slotrepr_slotoperator-/%&|^<<>>+=-=*=/=%=&=|=^=<<=>>=~[]==!=%s%s%s.%ld%u%g0x%08xsipNm_%s_%s::sip%sstruct throw(%S *%s = (%S *)%s%02d%s%d%dUnable to create file "%s" * * %c */ InstanceClass Py_DECREF(a%d); ((*sipCpp) %s (sipCpp %s try { (%s)(const unsigned charunsigned shortunsignedunsigned longunsigned PY_LONG_LONGstruct %Svoidfloatdouble%U%S<%EPyObject *_%s -> em_enums[%d] ,sipMappedType_%T,sipClass_%C,&sipResState,&PyTuple_Type,&PyList_Type,&PyDict_Type,&PySlice_Type,&PyType_Type,sipEnum_%C(%S)static_cast<%B>(0)static_cast<%E>(0)0.0F0.00U0L0UL(%E)%S::sipCpp -> {%N, %S}, {0, 0} }; unsignedLongLongUnsignedLongLongunsigned long longlongLongunsignedLongUnsignedLong {%N, %s}, {%N, (int)%S, &sipEnum_%C}, {0, 0, 0} }; {%N, const_cast<%b *>(%S)}, {%N, &%S, &sipClass_%C, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; {%u, 255, %u}'%c'%l%B( %c &a%ddef %B a%ddef = %B a%d int a%dState = 0; PyObject *a%dWrapper; PyObject *a%dCallable sipWrapper *sipOwner; sip%C *sipCpp; %U *sipCpp; WaXbXivXfXdqYQHR,&sipSelf,sipClass_%C,&sipCpp,sipSelf,sipClass_%T,&a%d,%ssipOwner,&a%dWrapper,&a%dState,a%d)")",&a%d,&a%d,&a%dName,&a%dCallable,&PyTuple_Type,&a%d,&PyList_Type,&a%d,&PyDict_Type,&a%d,&PySlice_Type,&a%d,&PyType_Type,&a%d)) Error writing to "%s" Error closing "%s" part%d/sipsipIsErr return*new %B {%N, , %d}, #line %d "\#line %d "%s" catch (...) { Py_BLOCK_THREADS sipExceptionRef catch (%S &%s) { Sub return NULL; } /* Never reached. */ } PyObject *sipResult; a%d = new %b(); int sipIsErr = 0; sipCallHook("%s"); return NULL; } Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS *sipRes = sipRes = new %b(sipCpp->sipProtect_%s() : sipCpp->%s((*sipCpp)[(*sipCpp)(*sipCpp~(*sipCpp)-(*sipCpp)+(*sipCpp) sipRes = -1; else if Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS -1 sipCallHook("%s"); return 0; return sipRes; sipResult =const_cast<%b *>(sipRes)Py_None,sipMappedType_%T,%s); delete sipRes; %s sipResObj; PyObject *sipResObj =(PyObject *)sipOwner,sipClass_%C,%s); %s sipConvertFromInstance( %s sipBuildResult(0,"(,sipRes,sipMappedType_%T,%s,sipClass_%C,%sconst_cast<%b *>(%s),sipClass_%C, %s PyBool_FromLong(%s); (char *) %s PyInt_FromLong(%s); %s PyLong_FromLong(%s); %s sipConvertFromVoidPtr(const_cast(%s) %s %s; return sipResult; } { Enumlong int PyObject *sipSelf,int a0PyObject *sipSelf static %sslot_%C_%s(%s) { -2 return 2; { int sipArgsParsed = 0; sipCpp = new sip%C( sipCpp = new %U(a0 -> operator %B()QCharQStringQByteArray sip%C *sipCpp = 0; %U *sipCpp = 0; } if (!sipCpp) { return sipCpp; } sipCppPtrsipTransferObjsipCppPtrV sipBadClass(%N); sipBadClass("%B"); Interface header file. class %S; class sip%s : public %s {}; virtual %s~sip%C()%X; sip%s {%s %s = %S::%s }; static sipProtectVirt_%s(bool sipProtect_%s( const)%s; int sipEmit_%s(PyObject *); %O()%s%X; em_exceptions[%d] #endif sip%C(), sipPySelf(0) { sipPyMethods sipCommonCtor(%s,%d); } sip%C::~sip%C()%X { sipCommonDtor(sipPySelf); } sip%C::%O()%s%X { extern typedef SIP_BLOCK_THREADS const_cast(&sipPyMethods[%d],sipPySelf,%N,%N); if (!meth) { return return; } sipVH_%s_%d(sipGILState,meth,static_cast<%U *>(a%d),(%E)a%d sip%C::sipProtect_%s()%s { static_cast<%U *>((sipSelfWasArg ? %S::%s() : emit %s( return 0; } } {%N, %C_emit_%s}, {NULL, NULL} }; sip%C::sip%C()%X: %S(sipSelfWasArgsipArgssipArgsParsed void *res; return NULL; } stateptr Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS sipCppV; int sipRes; return sipRes; } sipPtrPtrsipSegmentsipLenPtrsipSelf->u.cppPtrsipSelf -> flags int sipValState; sipVal%s if (sipPy == NULL) { return sipPy; sipVal = %sconst_cast<%b *>(sipVal),sipClass_%C,NULL); const_cast(sipVal) Py_XINCREF(sipVal); sipPy return %s; { int sipErr = 0; sipVal = (%b *)SIP_NOT_NONE&sipValState if (sipVal%s == NULL) Py_XDECREF(); Py_INCREF(sipVal); = %ssipVal%s; METH_STATIC {%N, var_%C, %s, NULL}, {(void *)slot_%C_%s, %s}, {0, (sipPySlotType)0} }; SIP_TYPE_ABSTRACT, SIP_TYPE_SCC, "%s.%P", "%S", {0, 0, 1} supers_%C, slots_%C, 0, 0, %d, methods_%C, %d, enummembers_%C, variables_%C, init_%C, traverse_%C, clear_%C, getreadbuffer_%C, getwritebuffer_%C, getsegcount_%C, getcharbuffer_%C, dealloc_%C, 0, 0, cast_%C, release_%C, forceConvertTo_%C, convertTo_%C, signals_%C, {classInstances_%C, 0, voidPtrInstances_%C, charInstances_%C, stringInstances_%C, intInstances_%C, longInstances_%C, unsignedLongInstances_%C, longLongInstances_%C, doubleInstances_%C, enumInstances_%C}, 0 }; sipVal = sipPy; /sipAPI #include #define SIP_FEATURE_%s #define sipName_%s %N extern char %N[]; .c.cppcmoduleModule code. #include "sipAPI%s.h" char %N[] = "%s"; %ssipRes return sipRes; *sipResOrig; int sipResState; Dconst_cast<%b *>(,sipMappedType_%T,NULL,sipClass_%C,NULL,sipClass_QObject(int),%sa%difint sipIsErr =ZOrig,&sipRes%s) < 0); if (sipIsErr) ) < 0) PyErr_Print(); delete sipResOrig; return %ssipRes; {init_%C, {NULL, {0, 0, 0}, NULL} }; {(void *)slot_%C_%s, %s, return sipClass; } {%d, ""}, {-1, NULL} }; &sipMappedTypeDef_%T, {0, (sipPySlotType)0} }; {"%s.%P", "%S", NULL, , slots_%C, NULLunknownscharsstringucharustringushortuintulongulonglongclassmtype {"%S", %s_sat, "%S", "%s" {"%s", %d, NULL}, {NULL, -1, NULL} }; {sipSubClass_%C, "%s", NULL, "%s" NULL sipDelayedDtorsinitExtendersslotExtendersexceptionsTable&module_licenseenumInstancesdoubleInstancesunsignedLongLongInstanceslongLongInstancesunsignedLongInstanceslongInstancesintInstancesstringInstancescharInstancesvoidPtrInstancesclassInstancesconvertorsTablevirtHandlersTabletypedefsTableenummembersenumTypesTablemappedTypesTableexternalTypesTabletypesTable&qtAPIimportsTableextern "C" sipAddClassInstance( sipAddMappedTypeInstance(sipModuleDict(PyObject *)sipClass_%C,%N,const_cast<%b *>(&%S)&%S,sipClass_%C); ,sipMappedType_%T); sipAddEnumInstance(,%N,(int)%S,sipEnum_%C); PyExc_%sexceptionsTable[%d]sipException_%CInterface wrapper code. #include "sip%s%F.h" status sipFree(ptr); %b *%s = (%b *)%starget = %s sources = sip%spart%d%ssip%scmodule%s sip%s%F%s headers = sipAPI%s.h sip%s%F.henumD0D1D2D3D4D5D6D7ddldddddddw@JJJdJddJdcmdw &-4;BIPW^elsz AA8!!!!!!!(18A '5FWhy#4EVgxR6Ve:qEeePzeF; 14sssssssss^I4GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGpp#ppppppppppppppppppppppppppp}mpprrrpppppppppppppppppppprpppppppppppppp.EOcw",?uuuRuku5555s555555555555555555,Hd555555O O O O  !8Ul00Mj3mO O %B_O O O O oled d   > 3 > d &$$&$$$$$$$$&$$&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&mmotcuuummmmmmmuurrssss$s.s.s8s8sprrrrrrrmmrmrrmppoo7ppMqqooooooo[o[oq]sqq]sBs]sxsxsss&tsssssssoosos to&t[obb\RR5bkkpf"Uҡȡbbܡbҡkށށ~~~~~~~~~~\RH>>vFd~~~~~~~~~~ZP~FȞ>sssss"s%s(s%S *%s = reinterpret_cast<%S *>(%s)/* * %s * * Generated by SIP %s on %s sipRelease%s(a%d,sip%s_%T,a%dState); sipRelease%s(const_cast<%b *>(a%d),sip%s_%T,a%dState); #define sipEnum_%C sipModuleAPI_%s /* Define the doubles to be added to this type dictionary. */ static sipDoubleInstanceDef doubleInstances_%C[] = { /* Define the doubles to be added to this module dictionary. */ static sipDoubleInstanceDef doubleInstances[] = { /* Define the %ss to be added to this type dictionary. */ static sip%sInstanceDef %sInstances_%C[] = { /* Define the %ss to be added to this module dictionary. */ static sip%sInstanceDef %sInstances[] = { /* Define the ints to be added to this type dictionary. */ static sipIntInstanceDef intInstances_%C[] = { /* Define the ints to be added to this module dictionary. */ static sipIntInstanceDef intInstances[] = { /* Define the enum instances to be added to this type dictionary. */ static sipEnumInstanceDef enumInstances_%C[] = { /* Define the enum instances to be added to this module dictionary. */ static sipEnumInstanceDef enumInstances[] = { /* Define the strings to be added to this type dictionary. */ static sipStringInstanceDef stringInstances_%C[] = { /* Define the strings to be added to this module dictionary. */ static sipStringInstanceDef stringInstances[] = { /* Define the chars to be added to this type dictionary. */ static sipCharInstanceDef charInstances_%C[] = { /* Define the chars to be added to this module dictionary. */ static sipCharInstanceDef charInstances[] = { /* Define the void pointers to be added to this type dictionary. */ static sipVoidPtrInstanceDef voidPtrInstances_%C[] = { /* Define the void pointers to be added to this module dictionary. */ static sipVoidPtrInstanceDef voidPtrInstances[] = { /* Define the class instances to be added to this type dictionary. */ static sipClassInstanceDef classInstances_%C[] = { /* Define the class instances to be added to this module dictionary. */ static sipClassInstanceDef classInstances[] = { {%N, (void *)access_%C, &sipClass_%C, SIP_ACCFUNC}, {%N, &%S, &sipClass_%C, SIP_INDIRECT}, {%N, const_cast<%b *>(&%S), &sipClass_%C, 0}, (sipWrapperType *)&sipType_%s_%C, if (sipParsePair(%ssipArgsParsed,sipArg0,sipArg1," if (sipParseArgs(%ssipArgsParsed,sipArg%s,",sipMappedType_%T,&a%d,&a%dState must have a default constructor static sipEnumMemberDef enummembers_%C[] = { /* These are the enum members of all global enums. */ static sipEnumMemberDef enummembers[] = { sipRaiseUnknownException(); return NULL; } /* Hope that there is a valid copy ctor. */ %S *sipExceptionCopy = new %S(sipExceptionRef); sipRaise%sClassException(sipClass_%C,sipExceptionCopy); if (sipSelfWasArg) { sipAbstractMethod(%N,%N); return NULL; } if ((sipRes = (%b *)sipMalloc(sizeof (%b))) == NULL) { sipCpp->sipProtectVirt_%s(sipSelfWasArg(sipSelfWasArg ? sipCpp->%U::%s( sipRes = 1; else sipRes = 0 if (sipOwner) sipTransferTo(sipSelf, (PyObject *)sipOwner); else sipTransferBack(sipSelf); if (sipIsErr) return %s; Py_INCREF(sipSelf); return sipSelf; Py_INCREF(Py_None); %s Py_None; PyObject *sipResObj = sipConvertFromMappedType( %s sipConvertFromNewInstance( %s sipConvertFromMappedType( %s PyString_FromStringAndSize(%s&%s,1); if (%s == NULL) { Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; } %s PyString_FromString(%s%s); %s sipConvertFromNamedEnum(%s,sipEnum_%C); %s PyLong_FromUnsignedLong(%s); %s PyLong_FromLongLong(%s); %s PyLong_FromUnsignedLongLong(%s); %s PyFloat_FromDouble((double)%s); %s PyFloat_FromDouble(%s); PyObject *sipSelf,PyObject *sipArgsPyObject *sipArg0,PyObject *sipArg1PyObject *sipSelf,PyObject *sipArg if (!PyObject_TypeCheck(sipSelf,(PyTypeObject *)sip%s_%C)) { Py_INCREF(Py_NotImplemented); return Py_NotImplemented; } %S *sipCpp = reinterpret_cast<%S *>(sipGetCppPtr((sipWrapper *)sipSelf,sipClass_%C)); if (!sipCpp) return %s; %S sipCpp = static_cast<%S>(PyInt_AsLong(sipSelf)); bool sipSelfWasArg = !sipSelf; /* Raise an exception if the argument couldn't be parsed. */ sipBadOperatorArg(sipSelf,sipArg,%s); return NULL; Py_INCREF(Py_NotImplemented); return Py_NotImplemented; return sipPySlotExtend(&sipModuleAPI_%s,%s,NULL,sipArg0,sipArg1); return sipPySlotExtend(&sipModuleAPI_%s,%s,sip%s_%C,sipSelf,sipArg); PyErr_Clear(); Py_INCREF(Py_NotImplemented); return Py_NotImplemented; /* Raise an exception if the arguments couldn't be parsed. */ sipNoMethod(sipArgsParsed,%N,%N); return %s; static PyObject *meth_%C_%s(PyObject *,PyObject *sipArgs) static PyObject *func_%s(PyObject *%s,PyObject *sipArgs) /* Raise an exception if the arguments couldn't be parsed. */ sipNoFunction(sipArgsParsed,%N); return NULL; } sipCpp = sipMalloc(sizeof (%S)); if (sipIsErr) return 0; static void *init_%C(sipWrapper *%s,PyObject *sipArgs,sipWrapper **%s,int *sipArgsParsed) { static bool sipRegistered = false; if (!sipRegistered) { qRegisterMetaType<%S>("%S"); sipRegistered = true; } sipTrace(SIP_TRACE_INITS,"init_%C()\n"); if (sipCpp) sipCpp -> sipPySelf = sipSelf; static int convertTo_%T(PyObject *sipPy,void **%s,int *sipIsErr,PyObject *%s) { %b **sipCppPtr = (%b **)sipCppPtrV; %b **sipCppPtr = reinterpret_cast<%b **>(sipCppPtrV); static void *forceConvertTo_%T(PyObject *valobj,int *iserrp) { if (*iserrp || valobj == NULL) return NULL; if (convertTo_%T(valobj,NULL,NULL,NULL)) { void *val; /* * Note that we throw away the flag that says if the value * has just been created on the heap or not. */ convertTo_%T(valobj,&val,iserrp,NULL); return val; } if (valobj == Py_None || sipIsSubClassInstance(valobj,sipClass_%T)) return sipConvertToCpp(valobj,sipClass_%T,iserrp); *iserrp = 1; return NULL; } /* Access function. */ static void *access_%C() { #ifndef _%s%F_h #define _%s%F_h #define sipClass_%C sipModuleAPI_%s.em_types[%d] #define sipCast_%C sipType_%s_%C.td_cast #define sipForceConvertTo_%C sipType_%s_%C.td_fcto extern sipTypeDef sipType_%s_%C; class sip%C : public %S { public: /* Expose this protected enum. */ enum /* * There is a public method for every protected method visible from * this class. */ /* * There is a public method for every Qt signal that can be emitted * by this object. This function is called by Python to emit the * signal. */ /* * There is a protected method for every virtual method visible from * this class. */ protected: public: sipWrapper *sipPySelf; private: sip%C(const sip%C &); sip%C &operator = (const sip%C &); sipMethodCache sipPyMethods[%d]; #define sipClass_%C sipModuleAPI_%s_%s->em_types[%d] #define sipCast_%C sipModuleAPI_%s_%s->em_types[%d]->type->td_cast #define sipForceConvertTo_%C sipModuleAPI_%s_%s->em_types[%d]->type->td_fcto #define sipMappedType_%T &sipMappedTypeDef_%T #define sipForceConvertTo_%T sipMappedTypeDef_%T.mt_fcto #define sipConvertFrom_%T sipMappedTypeDef_%T.mt_cfrom extern sipMappedType sipMappedTypeDef_%T; #define sipMappedType_%T sipModuleAPI_%s_%s->em_mappedtypes[%d] #define sipForceConvertTo_%T sipModuleAPI_%s_%s->em_mappedtypes[%d]->mt_fcto #define sipConvertFrom_%T sipModuleAPI_%s_%s->em_mappedtypes[%d]->mt_cfrom #define sipException_%C sipModuleAPI_%s sipTrace(SIP_TRACE_CTORS,"sip%C::sip%C()%X (this=0x%%08x)\n",this); sipTrace(SIP_TRACE_DTORS,"sip%C::~sip%C()%X (this=0x%%08x)\n",this); sipTrace(SIP_TRACE_CATCHERS,")%s%X (this=0x%%08x)\n",this); sipVH_%s_%d(sip_gilstate_t,PyObject * (*sipVH_%s_%d)(sip_gilstate_t,PyObject * sip_gilstate_t sipGILState; PyObject *meth; meth = sipIsPyMethod(&sipGILState, if (meth) { sipStartThread(); ((sipVH_%s_%d)(sipModuleAPI_%s_%s -> em_virthandlers[%d])) sipEndThread(); } SIP_UNBLOCK_THREADS sip%C::sipProtectVirt_%s(bool sipSelfWasArg int sip%C::sipEmit_%s(PyObject *sipArgs) { int sipArgsParsed = 0; sipNoMethod(sipArgsParsed,%N,%N); return -1; } static int %C_emit_%s(sipWrapper *w,PyObject *sipArgs) { sip%C *ptr = reinterpret_cast(sipGetComplexCppPtr(w)); return (ptr ? ptr -> sipEmit_%s(sipArgs) : -1); } static sipQtSignal signals_%C[] = { static PyObject *meth_%C_%s(PyObject *%s,PyObject *%s) { sipTrace(SIP_TRACE_METHODS,"meth_%C_%s()\n"); /* Raise an exception if the arguments couldn't be parsed. */ sipNoMethod(%s,%N,%N); return NULL; } /* Cast a pointer to a type somewhere in its superclass hierarchy. */ static void *cast_%C(void *ptr,sipWrapperType *targetClass) { if (targetClass == sipClass_%C) return ptr; if ((res = sipCast_%C((%S *)(%S *)ptr,targetClass)) != NULL) return res; /* Call the instance's destructor. */ static void release_%C(void *%s,int%s) { if (state & SIP_DERIVED_CLASS) delete reinterpret_cast(ptr); else delete reinterpret_cast<%U *>(ptr); delete reinterpret_cast<%U *>(ptr); static int traverse_%C(void *sipCppV,visitproc sipVisit,void *sipArg) { static int clear_%C(void *sipCppV) { static int getreadbuffer_%C(PyObject *%s, void *sipCppV, int %s, void **%s) { static int getwritebuffer_%C(PyObject *%s, void *sipCppV, int %s, void **%s) { static int getsegcount_%C(PyObject *%s, void *sipCppV, int *%s) { static int getcharbuffer_%C(PyObject *%s, void *sipCppV, int %s, void **%s) { static void dealloc_%C(sipWrapper *sipSelf) { sipTrace(SIP_TRACE_DEALLOCS,"dealloc_%C()\n"); if (sipIsDerived(sipSelf)) reinterpret_cast(sipSelf -> u.cppPtr) -> sipPySelf = NULL; if (sipIsPyOwned(sipSelf)) { sipAddDelayedDtor(sipSelf); sipFree(sipSelf -> u.cppPtr); release_%C(sipSelf -> u.cppPtr,%s); static PyObject *var_%C(PyObject *%s,PyObject *sipPy) { %S *sipCpp = (%S *)sipGetCppPtr((sipWrapper *)sipSelf,sipClass_%C); %S *sipCpp = reinterpret_cast<%S *>(sipGetCppPtr((sipWrapper *)sipSelf,sipClass_%C)); if (!sipCpp) return NULL; sipPy = sipConvertFromMappedType(sipVal,sipMappedType_%T,NULL); sipPy = sipConvertFromInstance( sipPy = PyBool_FromLong(sipVal); sipPy = PyString_FromStringAndSize(%s&sipVal,1); sipPy = PyString_FromString(%ssipVal); sipPy = PyFloat_FromDouble((double)sipVal); sipPy = PyFloat_FromDouble(sipVal); sipPy = sipConvertFromNamedEnum(sipVal,sipEnum_%C); sipPy = PyInt_FromLong(sipVal); sipPy = PyLong_FromLong(sipVal); sipPy = PyLong_FromUnsignedLong(sipVal); sipPy = PyLong_FromLongLong(sipVal); sipPy = PyLong_FromUnsignedLongLong(sipVal); sipPy = sipConvertFromVoidPtr( if (sipErr) return NULL; } sipVal = reinterpret_cast<%b *>(sipForceConvertToMappedType(sipPy,sipMappedType_%T,NULL,%s,%s,&sipIsErr)sipForceConvertToInstance(sipPy,sipClass_%C,NULL,%s,%s,&sipIsErr) sipVal = (%E)PyInt_AsLong(sipPy); sipValPtr = (signed char *)PyString_AsString(sipPy); sipVal = (signed char *)PyString_AsString(sipPy); sipValPtr = (unsigned char *)PyString_AsString(sipPy); sipVal = (unsigned char *)PyString_AsString(sipPy); sipValPtr = PyString_AsString(sipPy); sipVal = PyString_AsString(sipPy); sipVal = (float)PyFloat_AsDouble(sipPy); sipVal = PyFloat_AsDouble(sipPy); sipVal = (bool)PyInt_AsLong(sipPy); sipVal = (unsigned short)sipLong_AsUnsignedLong(sipPy); sipVal = (short)PyInt_AsLong(sipPy); sipVal = (unsigned)sipLong_AsUnsignedLong(sipPy); sipVal = (int)PyInt_AsLong(sipPy); sipVal = sipLong_AsUnsignedLong(sipPy); sipVal = PyLong_AsLong(sipPy); sipVal = PyLong_AsUnsignedLongLong(sipPy); sipVal = PyLong_AsLongLong(sipPy); sipVal = (struct %S *)sipConvertToVoidPtr(sipPy); sipVal = sipConvertToVoidPtr(sipPy); if (sipIsErr) return NULL; if (PyErr_Occurred() != NULL) { sipBadSetType(%N,%N); return NULL; } sipReleaseInstance(sipVal,sipClass_%C,sipValState); sipReleaseMappedType(sipVal,sipMappedType_%T,sipValState); Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; } PyMethodDef variables_%C[] = { /* Define this type's super-types. */ static sipEncodedClassDef supers_%C[] = { /* Define this type's Python slots. */ static sipPySlotDef slots_%C[] = { static PyMethodDef methods_%C[] = { {%N, meth_%C_%s, METH_VARARGS%s, NULL}%s sipTypeDef sipType_%s_%C = { 0, SIP_TYPE_ABSTRACT|SIP_TYPE_SCC, unsignedLongLongInstances_%C, Internal module API header file. #ifndef _%sAPI_H #define _%sAPI_H #include /* These are the features that are enabled. */ /* * Convenient names to refer to the names of classes defined in this module. * These are part of the public API. */ /* Convenient names to call the SIP API. */ #define sipConvertFromSliceObject(o,len,start,stop,step,slen) PySlice_GetIndicesEx((PySliceObject *)(o),(len),(start),(stop),(step),(slen)) #define sipIsSubClassInstance(o,wt) PyObject_TypeCheck((o),(PyTypeObject *)(wt)) #define sipMapStringToClass sipAPI_%s -> api_map_string_to_class #define sipMapIntToClass sipAPI_%s -> api_map_int_to_class #define sipMalloc sipAPI_%s -> api_malloc #define sipFree sipAPI_%s -> api_free #define sipBuildResult sipAPI_%s -> api_build_result #define sipCallMethod sipAPI_%s -> api_call_method #define sipParseResult sipAPI_%s -> api_parse_result #define sipParseArgs sipAPI_%s -> api_parse_args #define sipParsePair sipAPI_%s -> api_parse_pair #define sipCommonCtor sipAPI_%s -> api_common_ctor #define sipCommonDtor sipAPI_%s -> api_common_dtor #define sipConvertFromSequenceIndex sipAPI_%s -> api_convert_from_sequence_index #define sipConvertFromVoidPtr sipAPI_%s -> api_convert_from_void_ptr #define sipConvertToCpp sipAPI_%s -> api_convert_to_cpp #define sipConvertToVoidPtr sipAPI_%s -> api_convert_to_void_ptr #define sipNoFunction sipAPI_%s -> api_no_function #define sipNoMethod sipAPI_%s -> api_no_method #define sipAbstractMethod sipAPI_%s -> api_abstract_method #define sipBadClass sipAPI_%s -> api_bad_class #define sipBadSetType sipAPI_%s -> api_bad_set_type #define sipBadCatcherResult sipAPI_%s -> api_bad_catcher_result #define sipBadOperatorArg sipAPI_%s -> api_bad_operator_arg #define sipTrace sipAPI_%s -> api_trace #define sipTransfer sipAPI_%s -> api_transfer #define sipTransferBack sipAPI_%s -> api_transfer_back #define sipTransferTo sipAPI_%s -> api_transfer_to #define sipWrapper_Check sipAPI_%s -> api_wrapper_check #define sipGetWrapper sipAPI_%s -> api_get_wrapper #define sipGetCppPtr sipAPI_%s -> api_get_cpp_ptr #define sipGetComplexCppPtr sipAPI_%s -> api_get_complex_cpp_ptr #define sipIsPyMethod sipAPI_%s -> api_is_py_method #define sipCallHook sipAPI_%s -> api_call_hook #define sipStartThread sipAPI_%s -> api_start_thread #define sipEndThread sipAPI_%s -> api_end_thread #define sipEmitSignal sipAPI_%s -> api_emit_signal #define sipConnectRx sipAPI_%s -> api_connect_rx #define sipDisconnectRx sipAPI_%s -> api_disconnect_rx #define sipGetSender sipAPI_%s -> api_get_sender #define sipRaiseUnknownException sipAPI_%s -> api_raise_unknown_exception #define sipRaiseClassException sipAPI_%s -> api_raise_class_exception #define sipRaiseSubClassException sipAPI_%s -> api_raise_sub_class_exception #define sipBadLengthForSlice sipAPI_%s -> api_bad_length_for_slice #define sipClassName sipAPI_%s -> api_class_name #define sipAddClassInstance sipAPI_%s -> api_add_class_instance #define sipAddMappedTypeInstance sipAPI_%s -> api_add_mapped_type_instance #define sipAddEnumInstance sipAPI_%s -> api_add_enum_instance #define sipConvertFromNamedEnum sipAPI_%s -> api_convert_from_named_enum #define sipGetAddress sipAPI_%s -> api_get_address #define sipFreeConnection sipAPI_%s -> api_free_connection #define sipEmitToSlot sipAPI_%s -> api_emit_to_slot #define sipSameConnection sipAPI_%s -> api_same_connection #define sipPySlotExtend sipAPI_%s -> api_pyslot_extend #define sipConvertRx sipAPI_%s -> api_convert_rx #define sipAddDelayedDtor sipAPI_%s -> api_add_delayed_dtor #define sipCanConvertToInstance sipAPI_%s -> api_can_convert_to_instance #define sipCanConvertToMappedType sipAPI_%s -> api_can_convert_to_mapped_type #define sipConvertToInstance sipAPI_%s -> api_convert_to_instance #define sipConvertToMappedType sipAPI_%s -> api_convert_to_mapped_type #define sipForceConvertToInstance sipAPI_%s -> api_force_convert_to_instance #define sipForceConvertToMappedType sipAPI_%s -> api_force_convert_to_mapped_type #define sipReleaseInstance sipAPI_%s -> api_release_instance #define sipReleaseMappedType sipAPI_%s -> api_release_mapped_type #define sipConvertFromInstance sipAPI_%s -> api_convert_from_instance #define sipConvertFromNewInstance sipAPI_%s -> api_convert_from_new_instance #define sipConvertFromMappedType sipAPI_%s -> api_convert_from_mapped_type #define sipGetState sipAPI_%s -> api_get_state #define sipFindMappedType sipAPI_%s -> api_find_mapped_type #define sipLong_AsUnsignedLong sipAPI_%s -> api_long_as_unsigned_long #define sipExportSymbol sipAPI_%s -> api_export_symbol #define sipImportSymbol sipAPI_%s -> api_import_symbol /* The strings used by this module. */ /* The SIP API, this module's API and the APIs of any imported modules. */ extern const sipAPIDef *sipAPI_%s; extern sipExportedModuleDef sipModuleAPI_%s; extern const sipExportedModuleDef *sipModuleAPI_%s_%s; /* Define the strings used by this module. */ sipVH_%s_%d(sip_gilstate_t sipGILState,PyObject *sipMethod if (sipIsErr) PyErr_Print(); PyObject *sipResObj = sipCallMethod(0,sipMethod,); %s (!sipResObj || sipParseResult(0,sipMethod,sipResObj," else { sipRes = *sipResOrig; sipReleaseInstance(sipResOrig,sipClass_%C,sipResState); Py_XDECREF(sipResObj); Py_DECREF(sipMethod); SIP_RELEASE_GIL(sipGILState) static sipInitExtenderDef initExtenders[] = { static sipPySlotExtenderDef slotExtenders[] = { {(void *)slot_%s, %s, {0, 0, 0}}, {NULL, (sipPySlotType)0, {0, 0, 0}} }; /* Convert to a sub-class if possible. */ static sipWrapperType *sipSubClass_%C(void **sipCppRet) { %S *sipCpp = reinterpret_cast<%S *>(*sipCppRet); sipWrapperType *sipClass; /* * This defines each class in this module. The values are replaced by the * proper Python types during the export process. */ static sipWrapperType *typesTable[] = { /* This defines each external type declared in this module, */ static sipExternalTypeDef externalTypesTable[] = { /* This defines each mapped type in this module. */ static sipMappedType *mappedTypesTable[] = { /* Define each named enum in this module. */ static sipEnumDef enumTypesTable[] = { /* * These define each typedef in this module. They are only needed in case * they are used as arguments to Qt signals. */ static sipTypedefDef typedefsTable[] = { {NULL, unknown_sat, NULL, NULL} }; /* * This defines the virtual handlers that this module implements and can be * used by other modules. */ static sipVirtHandlerFunc virtHandlersTable[] = { (sipVirtHandlerFunc)sipVH_%s_%d, /* This defines the modules that this module needs to import. */ static sipImportedModuleDef importsTable[] = { /* This defines the class sub-convertors that this module defines. */ static sipSubClassConvertorDef convertorsTable[] = { /* Define the module's license. */ static sipLicenseDef module_license = { static PyObject *exceptionsTable[%d]; /* This defines the Qt support API. */ static sipQtAPI qtAPI = { &typesTable[%d], sipQtIsQtSignal, sipQtCreateUniversalSignalShortcut, sipQtCreateUniversalSignal, sipQtFindUniversalSignalShortcut, sipQtFindUniversalSignal, sipQtEmitSignalShortcut, sipQtEmitSignal, sipQtCreateUniversalSlot, sipQtDestroyUniversalSlot, sipQtFindSlot, sipQtConnect, sipQtDisconnect, sipQtSignalsBlocked, sipQtGetSender, sipQtForgetSender, sipQtSameSignalSlotName }; /* This defines this module. */ sipExportedModuleDef sipModuleAPI_%s = { NULL, SIP_API_MINOR_NR, "%s", NULL, %d, %s, %s, %d, %s, %s, %s, %d, NULL, %s, %d, %s, %s, %s, %s, {%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s}, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, NULL }; /* The SIP API and the APIs of any imported modules. */ const sipAPIDef *sipAPI_%s; const sipExportedModuleDef *sipModuleAPI_%s_%s; /* The Python module initialisation function. */ #if defined(SIP_STATIC_MODULE) %svoid init%s() #else PyMODINIT_FUNC init%s() #endif { static PyMethodDef sip_methods[] = { {%N, func_%s, METH_VARARGS, NULL}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; PyObject *sipModule, *sipModuleDict, *sip_sipmod, *sip_capiobj; /* Initialise the module and get it's dictionary. */ sipModule = Py_InitModule(sipModuleAPI_%s.em_name,sip_methods); sipModuleDict = PyModule_GetDict(sipModule); /* Import the SIP module and get it's API. */ sip_sipmod = PyImport_ImportModule("sip"); if (sip_sipmod == NULL) return; sip_capiobj = PyDict_GetItemString(PyModule_GetDict(sip_sipmod),"_C_API"); if (sip_capiobj == NULL || !PyCObject_Check(sip_capiobj)) return; sipAPI_%s = (const sipAPIDef *)PyCObject_AsVoidPtr(sip_capiobj); sipAPI_%s = reinterpret_cast(PyCObject_AsVoidPtr(sip_capiobj)); /* Export the module and publish it's API. */ if (sipAPI_%s -> api_export_module(&sipModuleAPI_%s,SIP_API_MAJOR_NR,SIP_API_MINOR_NR,sipModuleDict) < 0) return; sipModuleAPI_%s_%s = sipModuleAPI_%s.em_imports[%d].im_module; /* * Define the class and mapped type instances that have to be added * inline. */ /* Define the enum instances that have to be added inline. */ if ((exceptionsTable[%d] = PyErr_NewException("%s.%s",,NULL)) == NULL || PyDict_SetItemString(sipModuleDict,"%s",exceptionsTable[%d]) < 0) return; #include "sipAPI%s.h" #include "sip%s%F.h" /* Call the mapped type's destructor. */ static void release_%T(void *ptr, int%s) { delete reinterpret_cast<%b *>(ptr); static PyObject *convertFrom_%T(void *sipCppV,PyObject *%s) { %b *%s = reinterpret_cast<%b *>(%s)} sipMappedType sipMappedTypeDef_%T = { "%B", release_%T, forceConvertTo_%T, convertTo_%T, convertFrom_%T }; /* Get the APIs of the modules that this one is dependent on. */ Unable to allocate memory on the heap QtRegisterTypesQtNoEmittersVersion is already definedNo such platform or featureReleaseGILPreHookPostHookPyNameExternalAbstractDelayDtorFactoryTransferBackAutoGenNo such featureNumericNewThreadSIP_Unknown exception base typeInvalid type for %MappedTypeToo many %End directives%License type not specifiedLicenseeTimestampSignatureModule is already definedCannot mix C and C++ modulesNoDerivedDefault__add____pos____sub____neg____float____int__Unsupported operator cast__mul____div____mod____and____or____xor____lshift____rshift____iadd____isub____imul____idiv____imod____iand____ior____ixor____ilshift____irshift____invert____call____getitem____lt____le____eq____ne____gt____ge__Too many optional flagsAllowNoneGetWrapperArraySizeTransferTransferThisInOutConstrainedsyntax errorparser stack overflow__long__sipForceConvertToTransfer_sipForceConvertTo_sipConvertFromTransfer_sipConvertFrom_sipClass_sipEnum_sipException_ExceptionStopIterationStandardErrorArithmeticErrorLookupErrorAssertionErrorAttributeErrorEOFErrorFloatingPointErrorEnvironmentErrorIOErrorOSErrorImportErrorIndexErrorKeyErrorKeyboardInterruptMemoryErrorNameErrorOverflowErrorRuntimeErrorNotImplementedErrorSyntaxErrorIndentationErrorTabErrorReferenceErrorSystemErrorSystemExitTypeErrorUnboundLocalErrorUnicodeErrorUnicodeEncodeErrorUnicodeDecodeErrorUnicodeTranslateErrorValueErrorZeroDivisionErrorWindowsErrorVMSError__str____unicode____len____contains____setitem____delitem____cmp____nonzero____abs____repr____hash__Internal error: increase the value of MAX_NESTED_SCOPE No %%Module has been specified for module defined in %s Too many %%If statements in %s Too many %%End statements in %s : unsupported type argument to template class instantiation There is already an enum in scope with the same Python nameThere is already an enum member in scope with the same Python nameThere is already a variable in scope with the same Python nameThere is already a function in scope with the same Python nameThere is already a class or namespace in scope with the same Python nameThere is already an exception with the same Python nameOptional flag has a value of the wrong typeA class, exception, namespace or mapped type has already been defined with the same nameMapped type has already been defined in another moduleThere is already a class with the same name or the exception has been used before being definedClasses, structs and namespaces must be in the public or or protected sectionsThe struct/class has already been definedFunction declaration not allowed in a struct in a C moduleStatic functions not allowed in a C moduleExceptions not allowed in a C module/TransferThis/ may only be specified in constructors and class methods/TransferBack/ and /Factory/ cannot both be specifiedCannot provide code for signalsStatic functions cannot be signalsStatic functions cannot be virtualNon-class function specified as abstractVirtual signals aren't supported%VirtualCatcherCode provided for non-virtual functionThis Python slot requires %MethodCodeInsufficient number of arguments to Python slotIncorrect number of arguments to global operatorIncorrect number of arguments to Python slotGlobal operators must be either numeric or comparison operators/NewThread/ may only be specified for virtual functions/NewThread/ may only be specified for void functionsA function with the same Python signature has already been defined%TypeHeaderCode can only be used in a namespace, class or mapped type%SIPNoEmitters is deprecated, please use %SIPOptions instead%Exception not allowed in a C module%Exception name has already been seen as a class name - it must be defined before being usedThe %Exception has already been definedMapped type has already been defined in this module%MappedType templates not allowed in a C module%MappedType template arguments must be simple names%MappedType template must map a template type%MappedType template for this type has already been defined%MappedType must have a %ConvertFromTypeCode directive%MappedType must have a %ConvertToTypeCode directive%MappedType has more than one %ConvertFromTypeCode directive%MappedType has more than one %ConvertToTypeCode directivenamespace definition not allowed in a C module%Platforms has already been defined for this moduleNo more than one of these %Platforms must be specified with the -t flagAt most one of this %Timeline must be specified with the -t flagInternal error: increase the value of MAX_NESTED_IFLower bound is not a time versionUpper bound is not a time versionLower and upper bounds cannot both be omittedLower and upper bounds are from different timelinesLower and upper bounds must be differentLater version specified as lower bound%License details not specifiedInvalid character in module name%Makefile is ignored, please use the -b flag insteadClass enums must be in the public or protected sectionsInvalid binary operator for stringInvalid unary operator for stringScoped names are not allowed in a C moduleFirst argument to function call is missingToo many arguments to function callClass templates not allowed in a C moduleInternal error - increase the value of MAX_NR_ARGSClass definition not allowed in a C moduleA scoped name cannot be given in a class definitionClass has super-classes but no definitionExternal classes can only be declared in the global scope%GCTraverseCode already given for class%GCClearCode already given for class%BIGetReadBufferCode already given for class%BIGetWriteBufferCode already given for class%BIGetSegCountCode already given for class%BIGetCharBufferCode already given for classClass has more than one %ConvertToSubClassCode directiveClass has more than one %ConvertToTypeCode directivepublic section not allowed in a C moduleprotected section not allowed in a C moduleprivate section not allowed in a C modulesignals section not allowed in a C moduleDestructor doesn't have the same name as its classDestructor has already been definedDestructor in C modules must include %MethodCodeVirtual destructor or %VirtualCatcherCode not allowed in a C moduleConstructors with arguments in C modules must include %MethodCodeExplicit constructors not allowed in a C moduleConstructor must be in the public, private or protected sectionsConstructor doesn't have the same name as its classA constructor with the same Python signature has already been definedThe /NoDerived/ annotation cannot be used with a C++ signatureThe /NoDerived/ annotation must be used with %MethodCodeA constructor with the /Default/ annotation has already been definedClass function must be in the public, private, protected, slot or signal sectionsOperator casts must be specified in a class and have no argumentsThis operator cast has already been specified in this classAbstract virtual function '= 0' expectedSIP_RXOBJ_CON and SIP_SLOT_CON must both be given and at most onceSIP_RXOBJ_DIS and SIP_SLOT_DIS must both be given and at most once/Array/ and /ArraySize/ must both be given and at most onceFirst argument of the list is missingAn ellipsis must be at the end of the argument listCompulsory argument given after optional argumentClass variables must be in the public section%AccessCode cannot be specified for non-static class variablesCannot have static members in a C structureCannot mix %AccessCode and %GetCode or %SetCodeCannot specify %GetCode or %SetCode for global variablesReferences not allowed in a C moduleFirst exception of throw specifier is missing66666666666606666666666666666666666*Cgz6?6660W (66U66X66fp46fv66+6.AT6p666Z666666666666 %1=IUamy6/J7Pi/g `D6666p66666666660p0666@z$30  66B ~M\ /> +:IXgv *9HWvPfP8~2666666MJwBQ ! k&5`o~ /yDS )S S S S S S S S S S S S S   S S S S S S S S S S S   S 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