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encountered -- skipping file deletion internal: try_dests_non() called with invalid mode (%o) failed to hard-link %s with %sskipping server-excluded file "%s" recv_generator: mkdir %s failedignoring unsafe symlink %s -> "%s" skipping non-regular file "%s" fuzzy size/modtime match for %s fuzzy distance for %s = %d.%05d fuzzy basis selected for %s: %s recv_generator: failed to stat %sgenerating and sending sums for %d count=%.0f rem=%ld blength=%ld s2length=%d flength=%.0f chunk[%.0f] offset=%.0f len=%ld sum1=%08lx generator starting pid=%ld count=%d disabled for local transfer or --whole-filefailed to modify permissions on %sDeletions stopped due to --max-delete limit (%d skipped) resend ofrecv mapped %s of size %.0f lseek failed on %sreceiver.cdata recv %d at %.0f write failed on %sgot file_sum recv_files(%d) starting recv_files phase=%d recv_files(%s) invalid basis_dir index: %d. fstat %s failedopen %s failedmkstemp %s failedclose failed on %sdiscardedput into partial-dirretainedWARNING (will try again)recv_files finished (No batched update for%s "%s") temporary filename too long: %s chunk[%d] of size %ld at %.0f offset=%.0f rename failed for %s (from %s)got transfer request in phase 2 [%s] attempt to hack rsync failed. (Skipping batched update for "%s") recv_files: %s is a directory %s: %s failed verification -- update %s%s. _exit_cleanup(code=%d, file=%s, line=%d): entered _exit_cleanup(code=%d, file=%s, line=%d): about to call exit(%d) Invalid file index: %d (count=%d) [%s] Invalid itemized flag word: %x [%s] received request to transfer non-regular file: %d [%s] chunk[%d] len=%d offset=%.0f sum1=%08x send_files mapped %s of size %.0f sender.csend_files starting send_files phase=%d send_files(%d, %s) receive_sumscount=%.0f n=%ld rem=%ld file has vanished: %s send_files failed to open %sfstat failedcalling match_sums %s read errors mapping %ssender finished %s send files finished sender removed %s filter rules are too modern for remote rsync. merge-file name overflows: %s [%s] %sing %s %s because of pattern %s%s%s [%s] parse_filter_file(%s,%x,%x)%s failed to open %sclude file %sdiscarding over-long filter: %s... invalid modifier sequence at '%c' in filter rule: %s '!' rule has trailing characters: %s unexpected end of filter rule: %s discarding over-long filter: %s cannot add local filter rules in long-named directory: %s exclude.c[%s] popping filter list%s [%s] add_rule(%s%.*s%s)%s add_rule*[?** [per-dir %s]rb [not found]excleardir-mergehideprotectriskshow/!Crs/!Crs-+Cenw/!Unknown filter rule: `%s' [%s] clearing filter list%s .cvsignoreHOMECVSIGNORErecv_rules:C-C/*/*push_local_filters[%s] pushing filter list%s [global CVS] [daemon]hidm<D9D9D9D9D9D9D9D9D9[<D9^<'<D9D9D9D9D9D9D9D9D9D9D9!<D9D9D9D9D9D9D9D9D9D9D9D9D9;D9D9D9D9D9D9D9;D9;;%9<<g8g8<<<g8g8g8 =g8g8<g8;;u==:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:==:/:=:==:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:==:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:e==:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:Z==:=:=:O=D==:=:=:=/*"bakoldorig%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S%.2f%c%.*f../.. (in "%s%s%s"%s%s%s.rsync%03dwrite %sread %sset modtime of %s to (%ld) %sERROR: buffer overflow in %s util.cERROR: out of memory in %s bitbag_set_bitbitbag_createsanitize_pathglob_expand %s/glob_expand_oneopening connection using "%s" renaming %s to %s because of text busy abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789,.-_=+@/main.c Number of files: %d Total file size: %s bytes Literal data: %s bytes Matched data: %s bytes File list size: %d Total bytes sent: %s Total bytes received: %s get_local_name count=%d %s push_dir#1 %s failedcannot stat destination %screated directory %s push_dir#2 %s failedpush_dir#3 %s failedwaitpiddaemon server smblks: %10ld usmblks: %10ld fsmblks: %10ld pipe failed in do_recvfork failed in do_recvfile list sent client_run waiting on %d client_run2 waiting on %d ERROR: module is write only ERROR: module is read only push_dir#4 %s failedBatch file %s open errorout of memory at %s(%d) RSYNC_RSHsshrshremshcmd[%d]=%s pipedo_cmdNumber of files transferred: %d Total transferred file size: %s bytes File list generation time: %.3f seconds File list transfer time: %.3f seconds sent %s bytes received %s bytes %s bytes/sec total size is %s speedup is %.2f Invalid packet at end of run (%d) [%s] ERROR: destination must be a directory when copying more than 1 file ERROR: cannot overwrite non-directory with a directory rsync[%d] (%s%s%s) heap statistics: arena: %10ld (bytes from sbrk) ordblks: %10ld (chunks not in use) hblks: %10ld (chunks from mmap) hblkhd: %10ld (bytes from mmap) allmem: %10ld (bytes from sbrk + mmap) uordblks: %10ld (bytes used) fordblks: %10ld (bytes free) keepcost: %10ld (bytes in releasable chunk) Invalid packet at end of run [%s] server_sender starting pid=%ld ERROR: --remove-sent-files cannot be used with a read-only module server_recv(%d) starting pid=%ld server_recv: recv_file_list error The source and destination cannot both be remote. --files-from hostname is not the same as the transfer hostname --files-from cannot be remote when the transfer is local remote destination is not allowed with --read-batch cmd=%s machine=%s user=%s path=%s internal: args[] overflowed in do_cmd() Missing trailing-%c in remote-shell command. ?@@get_checksum2total: matches=%d hash_hits=%d false_alarms=%d data=%.0f match at %.0f last_match=%.0f j=%d len=%ld n=%ld hash search s->blength=%ld len=%.0f count=%.0f potential match at %.0f i=%ld sum=%08x false_alarms=%d hash_hits=%d matches=%d build_hash_tablebuilt hash table hash search b=%ld len=%.0f sum=%.8x k=%ld offset=%.0f sum=%04x%04x done hash search sending file_sum log.c\#%03orsyncd%s [%d] %s: %s (%d) unexplained error2.6.8*deletingdeleting %ndel.sendfailed to open log-file %sIgnoring "log file" setting. syntax or usage errorprotocol incompatibilityerror in socket IOerror in file IOerror in IPC codesibling process crashedreceived SIGUSR1waitpid() failedtimeout in data send/receiveremote shell failedremote shell killedremote command not foundsent %.0f bytes received %.0f bytes total size %.0f rsync warning: %s (code %d) at %s(%d) [%s=%s] rsync error: %s (code %d) at %s(%d) [%s=%s] log-format string is WAY too long! buffer overflow expanding %%%c -- exiting errors selecting input/output files, dirsrequested action not supportederror starting client-server protocolerror in rsync protocol data streamerrors with program diagnosticssibling process terminated abnormallyreceived SIGINT, SIGTERM, or SIGHUPerror allocating core memory bufferssome files could not be transferredsome files vanished before they could be transferredremote command could not be runthe --max-delete limit stopped deletions*9[//iY'o'@)l)) ' ' ) )'')' *'D*l**'|(})(~*=(*make_bak_dir mkdir %s failedmake_bak_dir stat %s failedbackup filename too long link %s -> "%s"rename %s to backup %smake_backup: DEVICE %s successful. make_backup: RMDIR %s returns %i ignoring unsafe symlink %s -> %s make_bak: skipping non-regular file %s keep_backup failed: %s -> "%s"rsync://--server--daemon--sender--list-only--no-r--compress-level=%d--no-specials--specials--log-format=%i%I--log-format=%i--log-format=%o--log-format=X-B%lu--max-delete=%d--min-size--max-size--timeout=%d--bwlimit=%d--backup-dir~--suffix=%s--delete-excluded--delete--delete-before--delete-during--delete-after--force--only-write-batch=X--super--size-only--modify-window=%d--checksum-seed=%d--partial-dir--delay-updates--partial--ignore-errors--copy-unsafe-links--safe-links--numeric-ids--ignore-existing--existing--append--inplace--temp-dir--files-from--from0--files-from=---no-relative--no-implied-dirs--fuzzy--remove-sent-filesserver_options Options ibparse_size_arg (-%c) *?[options.c: /.rsync-filter- .rsync-filter--link-dest--copy-dest--compare-deston remote machine: %s%s: %s writereadbackup_dir is %s P *%s%i %n%LRSYNC_PARTIAL_DIRrsync: %shelpno-verboseno-vquietstatshuman-readabledry-runarchiveno-recursiveno-dirsno-dno-permsno-pexecutabilityno-aclsno-Ano-xattrsno-Xno-timesno-tomit-dir-timesmodify-windowno-superno-ownerno-ono-groupno-gno-Dno-devicesno-linksno-lcopy-linkscopy-dirlinkskeep-dirlinksno-hard-linksno-Hno-Rignore-timesone-file-systemupdateignore-non-existingsparsedelmax-deleteexclude-frominclude-fromcvs-excludeno-whole-fileno-Wchecksumblock-sizecompress-levelno-progressno-partialprune-empty-dirslog-formatitemize-changesbwlimitbackupsuffixtimeoutrsync-pathipv4ipv68-bit-outputaddressportsockoptspassword-fileno-blocking-ioprotocolchecksum-seedconfigno-detach%s version %s protocol version %d Copyright (C) 1996-2006 by Andrew Tridgell, Wayne Davison, and others. Capabilities: %d-bit files, %ssocketpairs, %shard links, %sACLs, %sxattrs, %ssymlinks, batchfiles, %sinplace, %sIPv6, %d-bit system inums, %d-bit internal inums rsync comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. See the GNU General Public Licence for details. rsync is a file transfer program capable of efficient remote update via a fast differencing algorithm. Usage: rsync [OPTION]... SRC [SRC]... DEST or rsync [OPTION]... SRC [SRC]... [USER@]HOST:DEST or rsync [OPTION]... SRC [SRC]... [USER@]HOST::DEST or rsync [OPTION]... SRC [SRC]... rsync://[USER@]HOST[:PORT]/DEST or rsync [OPTION]... [USER@]HOST:SRC [DEST] or rsync [OPTION]... [USER@]HOST::SRC [DEST] or rsync [OPTION]... rsync://[USER@]HOST[:PORT]/SRC [DEST] The ':' usages connect via remote shell, while '::' & 'rsync://' usages connect to an rsync daemon, and require SRC or DEST to start with a module name. -v, --verbose increase verbosity -q, --quiet suppress non-error messages -c, --checksum skip based on checksum, not mod-time & size -a, --archive archive mode; same as -rlptgoD (no -H) --no-OPTION turn off an implied OPTION (e.g. --no-D) -r, --recursive recurse into directories -R, --relative use relative path names --no-implied-dirs don't send implied dirs with --relative -b, --backup make backups (see --suffix & --backup-dir) --backup-dir=DIR make backups into hierarchy based in DIR --suffix=SUFFIX set backup suffix (default %s w/o --backup-dir) -u, --update skip files that are newer on the receiver --inplace update destination files in-place (SEE MAN PAGE) --append append data onto shorter files -d, --dirs transfer directories without recursing -l, --links copy symlinks as symlinks -L, --copy-links transform symlink into referent file/dir --copy-unsafe-links only "unsafe" symlinks are transformed --safe-links ignore symlinks that point outside the source tree -k, --copy-dirlinks transform symlink to a dir into referent dir -K, --keep-dirlinks treat symlinked dir on receiver as dir -H, --hard-links preserve hard links -p, --perms preserve permissions -E, --executability preserve the file's executability -A, --acls preserve ACLs (implies --perms) -X, --xattrs preserve extended attributes (implies --perms) --chmod=CHMOD change destination permissions -o, --owner preserve owner (super-user only) -g, --group preserve group --devices preserve device files (super-user only) --specials preserve special files -D same as --devices --specials -t, --times preserve times -O, --omit-dir-times omit directories when preserving times --super receiver attempts super-user activities -S, --sparse handle sparse files efficiently -n, --dry-run show what would have been transferred -W, --whole-file copy files whole (without rsync algorithm) -x, --one-file-system don't cross filesystem boundaries -B, --block-size=SIZE force a fixed checksum block-size -e, --rsh=COMMAND specify the remote shell to use --rsync-path=PROGRAM specify the rsync to run on the remote machine --existing ignore non-existing files on receiving side --ignore-existing ignore files that already exist on receiving side --remove-sent-files sent files/symlinks are removed from sending side --del an alias for --delete-during --delete delete files that don't exist on the sending side --delete-before receiver deletes before transfer (default) --delete-during receiver deletes during transfer, not before --delete-after receiver deletes after transfer, not before --delete-excluded also delete excluded files on the receiving side --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --force force deletion of directories even if not empty --max-delete=NUM don't delete more than NUM files --max-size=SIZE don't transfer any file larger than SIZE --min-size=SIZE don't transfer any file smaller than SIZE --partial keep partially transferred files --partial-dir=DIR put a partially transferred file into DIR --delay-updates put all updated files into place at transfer's end -m, --prune-empty-dirs prune empty directory chains from the file-list --numeric-ids don't map uid/gid values by user/group name --timeout=TIME set I/O timeout in seconds -I, --ignore-times don't skip files that match in size and mod-time --size-only skip files that match in size --modify-window=NUM compare mod-times with reduced accuracy -T, --temp-dir=DIR create temporary files in directory DIR -y, --fuzzy find similar file for basis if no dest file --compare-dest=DIR also compare destination files relative to DIR --copy-dest=DIR ... and include copies of unchanged files --link-dest=DIR hardlink to files in DIR when unchanged -z, --compress compress file data during the transfer --compress-level=NUM explicitly set compression level -C, --cvs-exclude auto-ignore files the same way CVS does -f, --filter=RULE add a file-filtering RULE -F same as --filter='dir-merge /.rsync-filter' repeated: --filter='- .rsync-filter' --exclude=PATTERN exclude files matching PATTERN --exclude-from=FILE read exclude patterns from FILE --include=PATTERN don't exclude files matching PATTERN --include-from=FILE read include patterns from FILE --files-from=FILE read list of source-file names from FILE -0, --from0 all *-from/filter files are delimited by 0s --address=ADDRESS bind address for outgoing socket to daemon --port=PORT specify double-colon alternate port number --sockopts=OPTIONS specify custom TCP options --blocking-io use blocking I/O for the remote shell --stats give some file-transfer stats -8, --8-bit-output leave high-bit chars unescaped in output -h, --human-readable output numbers in a human-readable format --progress show progress during transfer -P same as --partial --progress -i, --itemize-changes output a change-summary for all updates --log-format=FORMAT output filenames using the specified format --password-file=FILE read password from FILE --list-only list the files instead of copying them --bwlimit=KBPS limit I/O bandwidth; KBytes per second --write-batch=FILE write a batched update to FILE --only-write-batch=FILE like --write-batch but w/o updating destination --read-batch=FILE read a batched update from FILE --protocol=NUM force an older protocol version to be used -4, --ipv4 prefer IPv4 -6, --ipv6 prefer IPv6 --version print version number (-h) --help show this help (-h works with no other options) Use "rsync --daemon --help" to see the daemon-mode command-line options. Please see the rsync(1) and rsyncd.conf(5) man pages for full documentation. See http://rsync.samba.org/ for updates, bug reports, and answers The server is configured to refuse --%s No match for refuse-options string "%s" Usage: rsync --daemon [OPTION]... --address=ADDRESS bind to the specified address --config=FILE specify alternate rsyncd.conf file --no-detach do not detach from the parent --port=PORT listen on alternate port number --help show this help screen If you were not trying to invoke rsync as a daemon, avoid using any of the daemon-specific rsync options. See also the rsyncd.conf(5) man page. rsync: %s: %s (in daemon mode) the --temp-dir path is WAY too long. Daemon option(s) used without --daemon. (Type "rsync --daemon --help" for assistance with daemon mode.) --compress-level value is invalid: %d --max-size value is invalid: %s --min-size value is invalid: %s ERROR: at most %d %s args may be specified Invalid argument passed to --chmod (%s) --write-batch and --read-batch can not be used together ignoring --%s-batch option sent to server --read-batch cannot be used with --files-from the batch-file name must be %d characters or less. You may not mix --compare-dest, --copy-dest, and --link-dest. You may not combine multiple --delete-WHEN options. --delete does not work without -r or -d. Your options have been rejected by the server. --suffix cannot contain slashes: %s the --backup-dir path is WAY too long. --suffix cannot be a null string without --backup-dir --sparse cannot be used with --inplace --append cannot be used with --whole-file --%s cannot be used with --%s The --files-from sent to the server cannot specify a host. Invalid --files-from remote filename failed to open files-from file %s: %s Error parsing options: option may be supported on client but not on server? /  / %d file%sto consider %d files... uid=%ld gid=%ld%s ... receive_file_entryoverflow: linkname_len=%d inode_tablesymlink has no referent: %s readlink %s failedskipping directory %s skipping mount-point dir %s [%s] make_file(%s,*,%d) make_fileflist_expandreceiving file listrecv_file_listrecv_file_name(%s) received %d names %s %11.0f %s %s -> %s %s %11.0f %s %s recv_file_list done opendir %s failedreaddir(%s)get_dirlistbuilding file listsend_file_listpush_dir %s failedflist.clink_stat %s failed/./pop_dir %s failedsend_file_list done [%s] i=%d %s %s%s%s%s mode=0%o len=%.0f%s%s flags=%x removing duplicate name %s from file list (%d) overflow: flags=0x%x l1=%d l2=%d lastname=%s skipping overly long name: %s copying unsafe symlink "%s" -> "%s" [%s] expand file_list to %.0f bytes, did%s move cannot send long-named file %s skipping long-named directory: %s found ".." dir in relative path: %s @io timeout after %d seconds -- exiting writefd_unbuffered failed to write %ld bytes [%s]Internal error: wrong write used in receiver. attempting to send over-long vstring (%d > %d) rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (%.0f bytes received so far) [%s] invalid multi-message %d:%ld [%s] multiplexing overflow %d:%ld [%s] over-long vstring received (%d > %d) Invalid checksum count %ld [%s] Invalid block length %ld [%s] Invalid checksum length %d [%s] Invalid remainder length %ld [%s] io_printf() was too long for the buffer. flist_ndx_pushio_start_buffering_inio_start_buffering_outmsg_list_addread errorreadfd_unbufferedunexpected tag %d [%s] invalid message %d:%d unknown message %d:%d [%s] unknownThe protocol version in the batch file is too new (%d > %d). (%s) Protocol versions: remote=%d, negotiated=%d protocol version mismatch -- is your shell clean? (see the rsync man page for an explanation) %s is very old version of rsync, upgrade recommended. --protocol must be at least %d on the %s. --protocol must be no more than %d on the %s. --fuzzy requires protocol 29 or higher (negotiated %d). %s with --inplace requires protocol 29 or higher (negotiated %d). Using more than one %s option requires protocol 29 or higher (negotiated %d). --prune-empty-dirs requires protocol 29 or higher (negotiated %d). compat.cServerClientlink %s => %s failed%s => %s "%s" is a hard link init_hard_linkshlink_listinflate (token) returned %d token.csimple_recv_token1.2.3inflate init failed recv_deflated_tokendecompressor lost sync! compression init failed send_deflated_tokendeflate returned %d set_compressioninflate flush returned %d (%d bytes) inflate returned %d (%d bytes) deflate on token returned %d (%d bytes left) 6add_to_listis_in_groupprocess has %d gid%s: gid %d(%s) maps to %d recv_uid_listuid %d(%s) maps to %d Running socket program: "%s" socketpair_tcp failed/dev/nullset_socket_options ,Unknown socket option %s rsync: getaddrinfo %s: %s open_socket_insocket(%d,%d,%d) failed: %s socket.clisten() on socket failedRSYNC_PROXY: Proxy-Authorization: Basic failed to write to proxyfailed to read from proxyHTTP/failed to connect to %sRSYNC_CONNECT_PROGSO_KEEPALIVESO_REUSEADDRSO_BROADCASTIPTOS_LOWDELAYIPTOS_THROUGHPUTSO_SNDBUFSO_RCVBUFSO_SNDLOWATSO_RCVLOWATSO_SNDTIMEOSO_RCVTIMEOsyntax error -- %s does not take a value failed to set socket option %srsync: getaddrinfo: bind address %s: %s bind() failed: %s (address-family %d) unable to bind any inbound sockets on port %d Try using --ipv4 or --ipv6 to avoid this listen() error. could not create child server processinvalid proxy specification: should be USER:PASS@HOST:PORT invalid proxy specification: should be HOST:PORT connection via http proxy %s port %s rsync: getaddrinfo: %s %s: %s authentication information is too long CONNECT %s:%d HTTP/1.0%s%s bad response from proxy -- %s Using RSYNC_CONNECT_PROG instead of %sopening tcp connection to %s port %d write_filemap_filefileio.cmap_ptrlseek returned %.0f, not %.0finvalid len passed to map_ptr: %ld invalid read_size of %ld in map_ptr "'&;|[]()$#!*?^\'.shbatch.c --filter=._- --exclude-from=---filter--include--exclude-f--write-batch--only-write-batch--read-batch= ${1:- <<'#E#' - ; #E#Batch file %s write errorSettClear--recurse (-r)--owner (-o)--group (-g)--links (-l)--devices (-D)--hard-links (-H)--checksum (-c)--dirs (-d)--compress (-z)%sing the %s option to match the batchfile. ~ '6HXd%s: response family %d != %d compare_addrinfo_sockaddrgetpeername on fd%d failedclientname.cSSH_CONNECTIONSSH_CLIENTSSH2_CLIENTmalformed address %s: %s %s: too short sockaddr_in6; length=%d forward name lookup for %s failed: %s no known address for "%s": spoofed address? %s is not a known address for "%s": spoofed address? name lookup failed for %s: %s ZGB50x|SMB_ACL_TYPE_ACCESSSMB_ACL_TYPE_DEFAULTunknown SMB_ACL_TYPE_Texpand_rsync_acl_listexpand_ida_listsys_acl_get_entryunpack_smb_acl: %s(): %s sys_acl_get_tag_typesys_acl_get_permsetsys_acl_clear_permssys_acl_add_permsys_acl_set_permsetacls.csys_acl_set_tag_typesys_acl_create_entrysys_acl_set_qualifierpack_smb_acl %s(): %s change_sacl_perms: %s(): %s expand_file_acl_index_listexpand_smb_acl_listpush_keep_backup_acl: sys_acl_get_file(%s, %s): %s expand_rsync_acl_list to %.0f bytes, did%s move expand rsync_acl to %.0f bytes, did%s move unpack_smb_acl: warning: duplicate USER_OBJ entry ignored unpack_smb_acl: warning: duplicate GROUP_OBJ entry ignored unpack_smb_acl: warning: duplicate MASK entry ignored unpack_smb_acl: warning: duplicate OTHER entry ignored unpack_smb_acl: warning: entry with unrecognized tag type ignored default_perms_for_dir: sys_acl_get_file(%s, %s): %s, falling back on umask default_perms_for_dir: unpack_smb_acl failed, falling back on umask got ACL-based default perms %o for directory %s send_acl: sys_acl_get_file(%s, %s): %s dup_acl: sys_acl_get_file(%s, %s): %s dup_acl: sys_acl_get_file(%s, %s): %s. ignoring dup_acl: sys_acl_delete_def_file(%s): %s dup_acl: sys_acl_set_file(%s, %s): %s store_access_in_entry %s(): %s find_file_acl_index: can't find entry for file in list set_acl: sys_acl_get_file(%s, %s): %s set_acl: sys_acl_delete_def_file(%s): %s pack_smb_acl: sys_acl_init(): %s set_acl: sys_acl_set_file(%s, %s): %s expand_file_acl_index_list to %.0f bytes, did%s move receive_acl %s: duplicate access ACL receive_acl %s: expecting access ACL; got default receive_acl %s: unknown ACL type tag: %c receive_rsync_acl: bogus permset %o receive_rsync_acl: error: duplicate USER_OBJ entry receive_rsync_acl: error: duplicate GROUP_OBJ entry receive_rsync_acl: error: duplicate MASK entry receive_rsync_acl: error: duplicate OTHER entry receive_rsync_acl: unknown tag %c expand_smb_acl_list to %.0f bytes, did%s move receive_acl %s: %s ACL index %d out of range AA0y00000000000000000000000000?&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &`&&&&&%s: rsync_xal_set: lsetxattr %s failed: %s find_file_xal_index: no entries find_file_xal_index: can't find entry for file in list %s: rsync_xal_get: llistxattr: %s %s: rsync_xal_get: re-llistxattr failed: %s %s: rsync_xal_get: llistxattr failed: %s %s: rsync_xal_get: lgetxattr %s failed: %s %s: rsync_xal_get: re-lgetxattr of %s failed: %s %s: receive_xattr: unknown extended attribute type tag: %c receive_xattr to %lu bytes, %s move %s: receive_xattr: xa index %lu out of range xattr.crsync_xal_storersync_xal_getreceive_xattrdid notdidGB/sMB/skB/s (xfer#%d, to-check=%d/%d) %12s %3d%% %7.2f%s %4d:%02d:%02d%sBzD:IpBaED5MbP?pipe.cam_senderforkFailed to dup/closeFailed to closeFailed to exec %slocal_childparams.c:Section() -params.c:Parameter() -params.c:OpenConfFile() -params.c:pm_process() -%s Memory re-allocation failure.%s Empty section name in configuration file. %s Badly formed line in configuration file: %s %s Unexpected EOF in the configuration file: %s %s Invalid parameter name in config. file. %s Ignoring badly formed line in configuration file: %s %s Unexpected end-of-file at: %s %s No configuration filename specified. unable to open configuration file "%s"%s memory allocation failure. %s Failed. Error returned from params.c:parse(). /etc/rsyncd.confyestruenoFalseloadparm.cglobalFailed to add a new service log filemotd filepid filesocket optionssyslog facilityauth userscommentdont compressexclude fromgidhosts allowhosts denyignore errorsignore nonreadableinclude fromincoming chmodlock filelog formatmax connectionsmax verbosityoutgoing chmodpost-xfer execpre-xfer execread onlyrefuse optionssecrets filestrict modestemp dirtransfer logginguiduse chrootwrite onlynobody/var/run/rsyncd.lock%o %h [%a] %m (%u) %f %lauthauthprivcronftpkernlprmailnewssecuritysysloguseruucplocal0local1local2local3local4local5local6local7Badly formed boolean in configuration file: "%s". Unknown Parameter encountered: "%s" IGNORING unknown parameter "%s" Global parameter %s found in service section! *.gz *.tgz *.zip *.z *.rpm *.deb *.iso *.bz2 *.tbzb0b0{0b0b000f0b0111112j2z224, U, ^, h, 4, q, , @S R R R R v~R c~R R ’R ΒR ْS  S R l~R R o_S R  R +R ;S  R IR 3R XR gR uS R R S R 3S S “R Ɠ S ѓ$S pre-xfer exec returned failure (%d) @ERROR: protocol startup error module-list request from %s (%s) unknown module '%s' tried from %s (%s) rsync denied on module %s from %s (%s) @ERROR: access denied to %s from %s (%s) rsync allowed access on module %s from %s (%s) @ERROR: failed to open lock file @ERROR: max connections (%d) reached -- try again later @ERROR: auth failed on module %s pre-xfer exec preparation failed@ERROR: pre-xfer exec preparation failed the 'temp dir' value for %s is WAY too long -- ignoring. Invalid "%sing chmod" directive: %s rsyncd version %s starting, listening on port %d ERROR: The remote path must start with a module name rsync: did not see server greeting rsync: server sent "%s" rather than greeting rsync: didn't get server startup line ERROR: The remote path must start with a module name not a / finish_pre_execclientserver.cconnect from %s (%s) @RSYNCD: %d @RSYNCD: %d#list%-15s %s @RSYNCD: EXIT @ERROR: Unknown command '%s' @ERROR: Unknown module '%s' failed to open lock file %smax connections (%d) reached @RSYNCD: AUTHREQD Invalid uid %s @ERROR: invalid uid %s Invalid gid %s @ERROR: invalid gid %s RSYNC_MODULE_NAME=%sRSYNC_MODULE_PATH=%sRSYNC_HOST_ADDR=%sRSYNC_HOST_NAME=%sRSYNC_USER_NAME=%srsync_modulefork failed@ERROR: fork failed RSYNC_RAW_STATUS=%dRSYNC_EXIT_STATUS=%dRSYNC_REQUEST=%sRSYNC_ARG%d=%schroot %s failed@ERROR: chroot failed chdir %s failed @ERROR: chdir failed setgid %d failed@ERROR: setgid failed setgroups failed@ERROR: setgroups failed setuid %d failed@ERROR: setuid failed @RSYNCD: OK torsync %s %s from %s@%s (%s) rsync %s %s from %s (%s) outgoincomfailed to create pid file %sUSERLOGNAME@RSYNCD: OK@RSYNCD: EXIT@ERRORaccess_match , .0123456789unknown family %u malformed mask in %s error matching address %s: %s ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/could not open password file "%s"falling back to RSYNC_PASSWORD environment variable. password file must not be other-accessible password file must be owned by root when running as root continuing without password file using RSYNC_PASSWORD environment variable. RSYNC_PASSWORD environment variable ignored auth failed on module %s from %s (%s): invalid challenge response secrets file must not be other-accessible (see strict modes option) secrets file must be owned by root when running as root (see strict modes) continuing without secrets file auth failed on module %s from %s (%s): missing secret for user "%s" auth failed on module %s from %s (%s): password mismatch auth failed on module %s from %s (%s): unauthorized user RSYNC_PASSWORDstat(%s) Password: auth_serveralnumblankcntrlgraphlowerprintspaceupperxdigitalphapunctrwxrwxrwx Extent size: %12ld Alloc quantum: %12ld Extents created: %12ld Extents freed: %12ld Alloc count: %12.0f Free Count: %12.0f Alloc bytes: %12.0f Free bytes: %12.0f %12ld %5ld deflate 1.2.3 Copyright 1995-2005 Jean-loup Gailly PP P    invalid distance too far backinvalid distance codeinvalid literal/length codeincorrect header checkunknown compression methodinvalid window sizeunknown header flags setheader crc mismatchinvalid block typeinvalid stored block lengthsinvalid code lengths setinvalid bit length repeatinvalid literal/lengths setinvalid distances setincorrect data checkincorrect length checktoo many length or distance symbolsgƸx׹F<apռccbj]=     A@!  @a`10  @`Psp0  ` @ X ;x8 h( H T+t4  d$ D \ S|< l,  L R#r2  b" B Z Cz: j*  J V@3v6 f& F  ^ c~> n. 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