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Maximum is %dsizes of ordered palette (%d) and existing palette (%d) differfailed to find color (%d, %d, %d), which is in the input image, in the ordered palettespecified transparent color not present in palette; ignoring -transparentMaking all occurences of color (%u, %u, %u) transparent.background color (%u, %u, %u) appears in image.added background color (%u, %u, %u) to palette.no room in palette for background color; using closest match (%u, %u, %u) insteadtoo many color/transparency pairs (more than the PNG maximum of %upnmtopng: fatal libpng error: %s pnmtopng: EXTREMELY fatal error: jmpbuf unrecoverable; terminating. cannot allocate main libpng structure (png_ptr)cannot allocate libpng info structure (info_ptr)setjmp returns error condition (1)reading a PBM file (maxval=%d)reading a PGM file (maxval=%d)reading a PPM file (maxval=%d)reading alpha-channel image...dimensions for image and alpha mask do not agreecan only handle files up to 16-bit (use -downscale to overrideUsing only %d rightmost bits of input samples. The rest are redundant.You specified a particular palette, but this image cannot be represented by any palette. %sout of memory allocating hash tableOut of memory building hash tablePNG palette has %u entries, %u of them non-opaqueWriting %d bits per component per pixelwriting a%s %d-bit %s%s file%ssetjmp returns error condition (2)Transparent color {gray, red, green, blue} = {%d, %d, %d, %d}Writing bKGD chunk with background color {gray, red, green, blue} = {%d, %d, %d, %d}Writing sBIT chunk with bits = %dout of memory allocating PNG row bufferINTERNAL ERROR: undefined color_typeThe -chroma option no longer exists. Use -rgb instead.The -phys option no longer exists. Use -size instead.The -time option no longer exists. Use -modtime instead.You may not specify both -alpha and -transparentYou may specify at most one of -nofilter, -sub, -up, -avg, -paeth, and -filter-filter is obsolete. Use -nofilter, -sub, -up, -avg, and -paeth options instead.Invalid syntax for the -size option value '%s'. Should be 3 integers: x, y, and unit codeInvalid syntax for the -rgb option value '%s'. Should be 6 floating point number: x and y for each of white, red, green, and blueInvalid value for -modtime '%s'. It should have the form [yy]yy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.Year is negative in -modtime value '%s'Year is more than 4 digits in -modtime value '%s'Month is negative in -modtime value '%s'Month is >12 in -modtime value '%s'Day of month is negative in -modtime value '%s'Day of month is >31 in -modtime value '%s'Hour is negative in -modtime value '%s'Hour is >23 in -modtime value '%s'Minute is negative in -modtime value '%s'Minute is >59 in -modtime value '%s'Second is negative in -modtime value '%s'Second is >59 in -modtime value '%s'-compression value must be from 0 (no compression) to 9 (maximum compression). You specified %u-comp_mem_level value must be from 1 (minimum memory usage) to 9 (maximum memory usage). You specified %uThe only valid value for -method is 'deflated'. You specified '%s'Valid values for -strategy are 'huffman_only' and filtered. You specified '%s'Program takes at most one argument: input file name Compiled with zlib %s; using zlib %s. %u colors foundYou requested no color mappixel is already only 1 bit1.2.10Not using color map. %sWriting %d-bit color indexes (interlaced)palette+transparency+alphaRGBgrayhistogram createdNo transparent color alpha bits = %dtransparentbackgroundrgbtextztxtmodtimecompressioncomp_mem_levelcomp_strategycomp_window_bitscomp_methodcomp_buffer_sizegammahistdownscaleinterlaceforcelibversionverbosenofiltersubupavgpaethchromaphys%d %d %d%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f%d-%d-%d %d:%d:%ddeflatedhuffman_onlyfiltered-Netpbm 10.35.58Pnmtopng version %s. Compiled with libpng %s. 1.2.3?(unable to allocate memory for comment arrayUnable to allocate buffer to read a line of a file.Unable to allocate memory for text chunksInvalid comment file format: keyword contains a NUL character. Text leading up to the NUL character is '%s'Invalid comment file format: first line is a continuation line! (It starts with whitespace)Unable to allocate %u bytes of memory for comment chunk%d comments placed in text chunk;` |,̚  ,D|hzR| rAD FI<AB E\hAG AD |=AB AGAB F AB FNE JAB AJ AB B((AB I,H D  F AB BDx5AB CF 8 ohd  X  ooo otoxooDh@hd ftP)E@p_P)Tx)(@)@9p))))ٳз( %@(˯pp ) xX`)p,˯07)y)7)в@p!0 p4wP0"`)}B*p):libnetpbm.so.10__gmon_start___Jv_RegisterClassespm_freearraystrfreepm_maxvaltobitspnm_promoteformatrowpnm_xeltopixelasprintfNppm_addtocolorhashpm_closepm_openrppm_computecolorhist2pm_seek2pm_bitstomaxvalppm_alloccolorhashpm_errorppm_colorhisttocolorhashpnm_readpnmrowppm_parsecolor_finipgm_readpgmpnm_initpnm_allocrowoptParseOptions3ppm_lookupcolorpnm_readpnminitpm_tell2ppm_freecolorhashpnm_readpnmpm_closerpm_messagepm_openr_seekableppm_freecolorhistlibpng12.so.0png_write_rowpng_set_compression_buffer_sizepng_init_iopng_set_compression_methodpng_set_compression_window_bitspng_set_filterpng_set_compression_levelpng_destroy_write_structpng_convert_from_time_tpng_create_info_structpng_write_infopng_set_compression_strategypng_get_error_ptrpng_set_packingpng_create_write_structpng_set_compression_mem_levelpng_write_endpng_set_interlace_handlinglibm.so.6libc.so.6_IO_stdin_usedfflushexitreallocabortlongjmp_setjmp__fprintf_chkstdoutfputcmemcpymallocsscanfstderrfwritemktime_IO_getc__libc_start_main__stack_chk_faillibz.so.1zlibVersion_edata__bss_startPNG12_0GLIBC_2.4GLIBC_2.3.4GLIBC_2.0/lib/ld-linux.so.2pnmtopng.debug$lSELF4h4 (444444P|P|P|P P $d|d d HHH PtdTzTTddQtd 44HH !ohh<+ 3tt;o  Ho `W  `    i88dPP@oSuf{44f TTzdzP P|X X|` `|d d|L L} X X}pp~t~ t~~.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.dyn.rel.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.ctors.dtors.jcr.dynamic.got.got.plt.data.bss.gnu_debuglink.gnu.liblist.gnu.conflict.gnu.prelink_undo 44HH !ohh<+ ottx ;o  Ho `W  `    i88dPP@oSuf{44f TTzdzP P|X X|` `|d d|L L} X X}pp~~ 3dd$Dh