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D$E$9}u߃[^_]Ë$ÐUSt Ћu[]US[ SY[Cannot append to an archive obtained from a pipe.Cannot append, device record size %d does not support %s specForward positioning operation on archive failedCannot allow updates to an archive with flaws.Unable to recover from an archive read failure.Attempting to recover from an archive read failure.Reverse positioning on pipes is not supported.Unable to obtain current archive byte offsetReverse position on previous volume.Unable to seek archive backwardsUnable to locate tape filemark.Unable to backspace over tape filemark.Unable to backspace over last tape block.Cannot determine archive tape blocksize.Tape drive unable to backspace requested amountUnable to backspace tape over %d pad blocksUnable to backspace tape %d blocks.Write failed, archive is write protected.Unable to append, trailer re-write failed. Quitting.End of archive volume %d reachedFailed write to archive volume: %dWARNING: partial archive write. Archive MAY BE FLAWEDWARNING: partial archive write. Archive IS FLAWEDUnable to truncate archive file%s: Waiting for tape drive close to complete...%s: unknown format, %qu bytes skipped. %s: %s vol %d, %lu files, %qu bytes read, %qu bytes written. Failed open to read/write on %sCannot write an archive on top of a directory %s ATTENTION! %s archive volume change required. %s ready for archive tape volume: %d Load the NEXT TAPE on the tape drive%s ready for archive volume: %d Load the NEXT STORAGE MEDIA (if required) and make sure it is WRITE ENABLED. Type "y" to continue, "." to quit %s, or "s" to switch to new device. If you cannot change storage media, type "s" Is the device ready and online? > %s unknown command, try again Switching to a different archive Input archive name or "." to quit %s. Illegal file name: .. try again File name too long, try again Failed read on archive volume %ddone. %qu blocks could not pipecould not fork-c-dccould not execFailed open to read on %sFailed open to write on %sFailed chdir to %sFailed stat on %sUnable to set signal maskUnable to restore signal maskQuitting %s! Cannot re-open %s, try again Ready for archive volume: %d Archive name > Empty file name, try again ..Cannot save archive name.Cannot open %s, try again ɬ8VUnable to open %s to readCannot chdir to %sdirectory name is too long %sCannot identify format. Searching...Sorry, unable to determine archive format.Premature end of file on archive readArchive I/O error, cannot continueArchive I/O error. Trying to recover.Unable to append, archive header flawInvalid header, starting valid header search.Cannot mix current archive format %s with %s%s: Reading archive to position at the end...Can't fchdir to starting directoryCannot access destination directory %sDestination is not a directory %sDestination pathname too long %sUser specified archive volume byte limit reached.Unable to append when there are archive read errors.Archive read error limit (%d) reachedCannot append to an archive that may have flaws.Unable to rewrite archive trailer, cannot append.Write block size %d too large, maximium is: %dWrite block size %d is not a %d byte multipleWrite block size of %d too large, maximium is: %dWrite block size of %d is not a %d byte multipleWrite block size of %d larger than POSIX max %d, archive may not be portableFile changed size during read %sFile %s was modified during copy to archiveUnable to obtain block size for file %sActual crc does not match expected crc %sFailed write during copy of %s to %sFile %s changed size during copy to %sFile %s was modified during copy to %sRead fault on %sFailed stat of %sUnable to allocate memory for group name cache tableUnable to allocate memory for user name cache tableUnable to allocate memory for group id cache tableUnable to allocate memory for user id cache table%luFile is too large for bcpio format %sCould not write bcpio header for %sCould not write bcpio link name for %sBcpio header field is too small for file %sCpio link name length is invalid: %quCpio file name length %d is out of rangeCpio file name in header is corruptedFile is too large for cpio format %sUnable to write cpio header for %sUnable to write cpio link name for %sCpio header field is too small to store file %sFile is too large for sv4cpio format %sCould not write sv4cpio header for %sCould not write sv4cpio link name for %sSv4cpio header field is too small for file %sCpio link name read errorCpio link name is corrupt070702070701070707TRAILER!!!File changed size %sFile rewind failed on: %sFailed seek on file %sFailed write to file %sFile seek on %sOut of memorypaxUnable to remove directory %sCould not unlink %sUnable to remove %sCould not link to %s from %sUnable to create %sUnable to link to %s from %sCould not create: %sCould not access %s (stat)File %s was modified during readWARNING! Major Internal Error! GNU hack Failing!Could not set permissions on %sUnable to set file uid/gid of %sUnable to obtain file stats %sAccess/modification time set failed on: %sUnable to close file descriptor on %sUnable to link file %s to itselfA hard link to the directory %s is not allowedUnable to copy %s, file would overwrite itselfcannot follow symlink %s in chain for %s%s skipped. Sockets cannot be copied or extracted%s has an unknown file type, skipping@:@(Ignoring unterminated pathname at EOFIgnoring too-long pathname: %sWARNING! These file names were not selected:Unable to allocate memory for filenameUnable to allocate memory for file name bufferCan't chdir to %sFile system cycle found at %sUnable to read directory %sFile system traversal errorUnable to access %sUnable to read symlink %sInvalid file name argumentu"u"$u"~$u"$#u"u"##%b %e %Y%b %e %H:%M%s%s %s %s%2lu %-*.*s %-*.*s %4lu,%4lu %9qu == => %s: unknown option %c %s: %c argument missing Invalid option nameInvalid options format [-G group] ... [pattern ...] [file ...] %s = %s Invalid block size %sInvalid -p string: %cUnknown -x format: %spax: Known -x formats are: gzipInvalid write limit %snone3.4pax (%s) %s -%cwrite_opt=nodircompress/dev/rst0/dev/rst1/dev/rst4/dev/rst5/dev/rst7/dev/rst8-I-Problem with file '%s'-CTAPE/dev/tapeUnknown -H format: %scpio: Known -H formats are:Problem while reading stdinbcpiosv4cpiosv4crcustarversionusagehelpUnable to allocate space for option listusage: cpio -o [-aABcLvVzZ] [-C bytes] [-H format] [-O archive] [-F archive] < name-list [> archive] cpio -i [-bBcdfmnrsStuvVzZ6] [-C bytes] [-E file] [-H format] [-I archive] [-F archive] [pattern...] [< archive] cpio -p [-adlLmuvV] destination-directory < name-list usage: tar [-]{crtux}[-befhmopqsvwzHLOPXZ014578] [blocksize] [archive] [replstr] [-C directory] [-I file] [file ...] usage: pax [-cdnvzO] [-E limit] [-f archive] [-s replstr] ... [-U user] ...[-T [from_date][,to_date]] ... pax -r [-cdiknuvzDOYZ] [-E limit] [-f archive] [-o options] ... [-p string] ... [-s replstr] ... [-U user] ... [-G group] ... pax -w [-dituvzHLOPX] [-b blocksize] [ [-a] [-f archive] ] [-x format] [-B bytes] [-s replstr] ... [-o options] ... [-U user] ...[-T [from_date][,to_date][/[c][m]]] ... pax -r -w [-diklntuvDHLOPXYZ] [-p string] ... [-s replstr] ... [-U user] ... [-G group] ... [file ...] directory These format options are not supportedab:cdf:iklno:p:rs:tuvwx:zB:DE:G:HLOPT:U:XYZ0Write limit is not a %d byte multipleError count value must be positive%s: Invalid combination of options:Destination directory was not suppliedb:cef:hmopqruts:vwxzBC:HI:LOPXZ014578The -O/-o options are only valid when writing an archiveUnable to open file '%s' for readabcdfiklmoprstuvzABC:E:F:H:I:LO:SZ6====================================================================================================================================>=================>=Z>#A=VA@===@==@ A===? @==-@C@Y@======o@x@@p>=>==>=>>=><>=????!?7?C?=?&C&CAAwABAAABAAAAAAABABBG@F@F@F@F@F@F@F@F@F@FGGhJ@FIH@FIH@F@FH@F@FH@F@F@FF@F@F@F@F@F@FH@F@F@F@F@F@FHFHH@FG@F@FG@FFHH@FzHkH@F\HFCH4H%H@F@F@FHFF;G;GG[ONJJONJONJJJJJJJJJFNJJJJNNJJLJJ.N8NJJJJJJJGNJVNJJJJJJJeNOJ-O> %s >> %s Pattern select out of memoryPattern list inconsistentEmpty pattern stringEmpty replacement stringInput > Skipping file. WARNING! These patterns were not matched:Replacement name too long %s >> %sUnable to allocate memory for pattern stringUnable to allocate memory for replacement string%s while compiling regular expression %sInvalid replacement string option %sRemoving leading / from absolute path names in the archive ATTENTION: %s interactive file rename operation. Input new name, or a "." to keep the old name, or a "return" to skip this file. Try again, illegal file name: .. Try again, file name too long Processing continues, name unchanged. Processing continues, name changed to: %s Cpu time limit reached, cleaning up.Can't open current working directory.Cannot allocate memory for temp file name.Unable to set up signal handlerSignal caught, cleaning up.TMPDIR/tmp/LC_TIMEUnable to set up signal maskcan not gzip while appendingkklkolkDlklkkklEmpty time range stringIllegal lower time range %sIllegal upper time range %sImproperly specified time range: %sUnable to allocate memory for time rangeBad option %c with time range %sUpper %s and lower %s time overlapTime range format is: [[[[[cc]yy]mm]dd]HH]MM[.SS][/[c][m]]Unable to allocate memory fo group selection tableCannot determine gid for group name: %sGroup selection table out of memoryUnable to allocate memory for user selection tableUnable to find uid for user: %sUser selection table out of memoryUnable to store mode and times for directory: %sUnable to store mode and times for created directory: %sUnable to create temporary file for directory times: %sDevice map table out of memoryUnable to fix truncated inode/device field when storing %sArchive may create improper hard links when extractedDirectory access time reset table ran out of memoryCannot allocate space for directory access time tableCannot allocate memory for device mapping tableCannot allocate memory for interactive rename tableCannot allocate memory for hard link tableNo interactive rename table, links may failInteractive rename table out of memoryFailed write to file time tableFailed seek on file time tableFile time table ran out of memoryUnable to set mode and times for created directoriesCannot allocate memory for file time tableUnable to create temporary file: %sCannot update rename tableHard link table out of memoryFailed ftime table seekFailed ftime table readTar cannot archive a fifo %sLink name too long for tar %sFile name too long for tar %sFile is too large for tar %swrite_optFile is too long for ustar %s׊׊׊׊׊׊׊׊׊׊׊׊׊׊׊׊׊׊׊׊X3[Y,,YFY=FFTar cannot archive a character device %sTar cannot archive a block device %sTar cannot archive a socket %sTar header field is too small for %sUnknown tar format -o option/value pair %s=%s%s=%s is the only supported tar format option%s=%s is only supported when writing.Ustar cannot archive a socket %sLink name too long for ustar %sFile name too long for ustar %sUstar header field is too small for %s%s: /dev/ttywFatal error, cannot open %s5РРРРРР^m|РРРРРРРРРРРРРРРРРР&;,L lв` (pDp`0@P<\0t0`0 `0 P h `   00 H h  P  0 H 0d @| @ ` 4 L d |  @   0 P pp `  @  p @,Lh !"$P$0%8%X&x,.2p33 4,p5D`6d688`9@:0=$>D>\>t?@ A0DD0GPG4HT`ItR_@aa`bb40gTht`i0jplpp v8wXzx|~@08PptЃp@ P,D\@tp@ ,`Dp\tP@Е@4Tl0P@,Hph  $<0XxPp@P8P\0| PeAB  06AB FFFTAB Nt_AB I`AB KIAB NAB F YAB FHEPAB F0`AB IWP@kAB GlAB D-AB BCeAB PAB AJ 04AB ACFpAB I$AB HD0ZAB IdAB I@#AB pAAB FAB ApzAB FAB E AB FFF<p#AB DX@AB FxAB &AB ,AB  vAB FAB FPAB I  AB I@ JAB XpbAB puAB FI`bAB uAB FIPbAB  UAB KFF bAB  UAB KFF@ AG X AG p_AB Ap AG AB FAB A@AB HEAD  AB FFF<&AB F\AB t AB AB   AB 0AAB NAAB NAAB N -AB FF<PAB GXNAG FLx0AB IAB F -AB I AB IF AD FPQAB D4AB IFTAB IFtPAB DPtAB FF AB D'AB FAB D }AB BC( P7AB @ AB FI` pAB II 0AB E &AB II 0AB F 0"AB D &AB E &fAB 4 'AB FFT (AB l (AB F )AB A 0*AB F P+AB C ,AB F  ,AB ITF, -AB IL p0PAB LFl 1GB  1AD  1;AB F 03AB  4\AB  `4 AB AF p7iAB $ 7AB FD p:AB \ :DAB FK| ;AB B <AB F PE AB F 0SIAB BC TAB BF 0UoAB FF< UkAB E\ VUAB I| pZ_AB E [AB E \AB FF p]:AB I _AB IPcvAB (4cD  F AB D`i2AB AD0kAB BFPmAB FI0pAB FFqAB FFPsAB F  tYAB E@tAB E`pu}AD  xuAB RHFv^AB FwAB FxAB BCxAB FP{&AG 4{ AB FT|KAB l|KAB 0}KAB }LAB }RAB F0wAB FAG FoAB I4AB HTЅAD l AG DAD AB BAB BC0IAD ALAB SAB F<AB S\kAB F|)AB  )AB P AB ITpAB AB FAB I$0AB <@AB T@AB Gp@fAB FFAB D PwAB FFFТAB F`WAD F TAB DDD4 AB L2AB d@'AB DpAB FP;AG E AB OEE AB AAB AD AB FH@0[AB F `AB IEE AB OzR| AB E< AB E @ Ƚohhq  0o oo0ouo(ouon04ɲpگa ?ڹPK`cPҲ`Ue 01:D jòSP0@9@E_iٳPVVpjϯ0+`0spk`f~`pp PXA6 FU2R0t`pG0iвp 0`ѯIvp4Ѕ/گpSZU0Iٹ`JCw КP=@sptǵү`S<3Ep^@<>6 h 1 pPPp7:L  PPp77n 0PPp7?n00PPp7H(11PpPF( pPp7LTZ$Id: vis.c,v 1.2 2005/07/29 07:59:12 kukuk Exp $`e ddpax.debugO.!ELFp4d4 (444444tHHH Ptd@s@@Qtd 44HH !ohh<+ p3 ;o00 Ho  pW 0`  i@@dXXoppX$uȽ={>@5 @@syܐ t  t.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.dyn.rel.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.ctors.dtors.jcr.dynamic.got.got.plt.data.bss.gnu_debuglink.dynbss.gnu.liblist.gnu.conflict.gnu.prelink_undo 4q4HqH 3hqh.ou(u !ohh<+ p;o00Ho  pW 0`  i@@"dXX"opp)X$uȽM{N@5 @@ܠ   D