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Got error: %s | %-*s| %-*s| Too few arguments to createcreate database `%.*s`Too few arguments to drop OK, aborting database drop!drop database `%.*s`Database "%s" dropped query failed; error: '%s'shutdown failed; error: '%s'flush privilegesreload failed; error: '%s'refresh failed; error: '%s'Server version %s Protocol version %d Connection %s UNIX socket %s TCP port %d %s days day hours hour min secshow full processlistshow processlistToo few arguments to 'kill'debug failed; error: '%s'flush hostsflush tablesflush statusONset sql_log_off=1START SLAVEError starting slave: %sSlave startedSTOP SLAVEError stopping slave: %sSlave stoppedmysqld is aliveUnknown command: '%-.60s'mysqladminclientcountdebugforcecompresscharacter-sets-dirdefault-character-sethelpDisplay this help and exit.Connect to host.portprotocolrelativeset-variablesilentsocketsleepsslssl-cassl-capathssl-certssl-cipherssl-keyssl-verify-server-certuserverboseWrite more information.versionverticalwaitconnect_timeoutshutdown_timeoutcommandsshutdownreloadrefreshkillvariablesflush-logsflush-hostsflush-tablespingextended-statusflush-statusflush-privilegesstart-slavestop-slaveflush-threadsold-password%s Ver %s Distrib %s, for %s on %s Copyright (C) 2000-2006 MySQL ABThis software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to modify and redistribute it under the GPL license Administration program for the mysqld daemon.Usage: %s [OPTIONS] command command.... Where command is a one or more of: (Commands may be shortened) create databasename Create a new database debug Instruct server to write debug information to log drop databasename Delete a database and all its tables extended-status Gives an extended status message from the server flush-hosts Flush all cached hosts flush-logs Flush all logs flush-status Clear status variables flush-tables Flush all tables flush-threads Flush the thread cache flush-privileges Reload grant tables (same as reload) kill id,id,... Kill mysql threads password new-password Change old password to new-password, MySQL 4.1 hashing. old-password new-password Change old password to new-password in old format. ping Check if mysqld is alive processlist Show list of active threads in server reload Reload grant tables refresh Flush all tables and close and open logfiles shutdown Take server down status Gives a short status message from the server start-slave Start slave stop-slave Stop slave variables Prints variables available version Get version info from serverconnect to server at '%s' failed error: '%s'Check that mysqld is running and that the socket: '%s' exists! Check that mysqld is running on %sYou can check this by doing 'telnet %s %d' Waiting for MySQL server to answerUnknown option to protocol: %s CREATE DATABASE failed; error: '%-.200s'Dropping the database is potentially a very bad thing to do.Any data stored in the database will be destroyed. Do you really want to drop the '%s' database [y/N] DROP DATABASE %s failed; error: '%s'SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'pid_file'Shutdown signal sent to server; Waiting for pid file to disappearpid file '%s' changed while waiting for it to disappear! mysqld did probably restart process list failed; error: '%s'kill failed on %ld; error: '%s'show /*!40003 GLOBAL */ variablesunable to show variables; error: '%s'show /*!50002 GLOBAL */ statusunable to show status; error: '%s'Too few arguments to change passwordSHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'old_passwords'Could not determine old_passwords setting from server; error: '%s'Could not get old_passwords setting from server; error: '%s'set password='%s',sql_log_off=0Can't turn off logging; error: '%s'unable to change password; error: '%s' You cannot use 'password' command as mysqld runs with grant tables disabled (was started with --skip-grant-tables). Use: "mysqladmin flush-privileges password '*'" insteadconnection was down, but mysqld is now alivemysqld doesn't answer to ping, error: '%s'Warning; Aborted waiting on pid file: '%s' after %d seconds Number of iterations to make. This works with -i (--sleep) only.Output debug log. Often this is 'd:t:o,filename'.Don't ask for confirmation on drop database; with multiple commands, continue even if an error occurs.Use compression in server/client protocol.Directory where character sets are.Set the default character set.Password to use when connecting to server. If password is not given it's asked from the tty.Port number to use for connection or 0 for default to, in order of preference, my.cnf, $MYSQL_TCP_PORT, /etc/services, built-in default (3306).The protocol of connection (tcp,socket,pipe,memory).Show difference between current and previous values when used with -i. Currently works only with extended-status.Change the value of a variable. Please note that this option is deprecated; you can set variables directly with --variable-name=value.Silently exit if one can't connect to server.Socket file to use for connection.Execute commands again and again with a sleep between.Enable SSL for connection (automatically enabled with other flags). Disable with --skip-ssl.CA file in PEM format (check OpenSSL docs, implies --ssl).CA directory (check OpenSSL docs, implies --ssl).X509 cert in PEM format (implies --ssl).SSL cipher to use (implies --ssl).X509 key in PEM format (implies --ssl).Verify server's "Common Name" in its cert against hostname used when connecting. This option is disabled by default.User for login if not current user.Output version information and exit.Print output vertically. Is similar to --relative, but prints output vertically.Wait and retry if connection is down.B?O=nЩHtЪi:s;x \8\X||l ,<|  AB 0Ж=AB HAB  `AB ACCAB D`AB F`AB AF AB FQF0AB C$ПAB AGDAB A,` D  F AB LLzR| AB 8iAB Clibmysqlclient.so.15__gmon_start___Jv_RegisterClassesmysql_statmake_scrambled_password_323my_strdupmysql_fetch_fieldstrfillmy_initmysql_num_rowsmysql_optionsmy_closemysql_get_server_infomysql_pingmake_scrambled_passwordsystem_filenamemy_openrandominitmysql_get_proto_infomysql_fetch_rowmy_prognameint10_to_strmysql_unix_portmysql_initstrmovmy_printf_errorget_tty_passwordmysql_refreshmysql_errnomysql_real_connectfree_defaultsmysql_errormysql_free_resultmysql_store_resultmysql_dump_debug_infosql_protocol_typelibmysql_querymysql_field_seekmysql_shutdownfind_typestr2intmysql_get_host_infomysql_portload_defaultsllstrhandle_optionsprint_defaultsmysql_closemysql_ssl_setcharsets_dirmy_print_variablesmy_no_flags_freemysql_num_fieldsmy_endmysql_killmy_print_helplibcrypt.so.1libnsl.so.1libssl.so.6libcrypto.so.6libz.so.1libstdc++.so.6libm.so.6libgcc_s.so.1libc.so.6_IO_stdin_usedfflushexitsprintf_IO_putcsignalputstime__stack_chk_failstdinfgetsstrlenstdoutfputc__strtol_internal__xstat64stderrfwritestrchrfprintfsleep__strtoull_internal__libc_start_main_edata__bss_start/usr/lib/mysqlex_var_names_fp_hwdefault_charsetuserlast_valuesopt_password__data_start__libc_csu_init__libc_csu_finihosttruncated_var_namesGLIBC_2.2GLIBC_2.4GLIBC_2.0libmysqlclient_15libgssapi_krb5.so.2libkrb5.so.3libcom_err.so.2libk5crypto.so.3libresolv.so.2libdl.so.2/lib/ld-linux.so.2libkrb5support.so.0libkeyutils.so.1libselinux.so.1libsepol.so.11?KWfp ` xohL N 0(8Hoooʍo|oo o|00Z_W0p4òвA ОpЙpA ^Un:Pf̯|)k@XPPHP^0``BPp޲GP=`T`UW2Xʿտܿcxx# fDmmCAA  ,,  ?%ʼhA   p RP|||W+  `rDiO vs@}Sp ippHH!,TT "hPP  XX #LL \\ E``u$$ vVE w,{DD${/Q8AHPU_jv,d d`emysqladmin.debugirELF4l4 (444444WW` `HHH PtdT||Qtd 44HH !ohh+ LL03||N;oʍ Ho`W H` 88( i``dxx`o&uxx<{< T|00U````,,a00a ``b k kk.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.dyn.rel.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.ctors.dtors.jcr.dynamic.got.got.plt.data.bss.gnu_debuglink.dynbss.gnu.liblist.gnu.conflict.gnu.prelink_undo 44HH !ohh+ LL0o||  | ;oʍ Ho`W H` 88( i``dxx`o&uxx<{< T|00U3W````,,a00a ``b k,   l  l$lDhq