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channels (%u) does not match previous files' (%u) %s: ERROR: sample rate of %u Hz is not supported %s: ERROR: # of channels (%u) is not supported, must be 1 or 2 out of memory allocating space for title gains/peaks%s: ERROR: during analysis (%s) %s: ERROR: couldn't get block from chain minumum blocksize: %u samples maximum blocksize: %u samples minimum framesize: %u bytes maximum framesize: %u bytes point %u: sample_number=%llu, stream_offset=%llu, frame_samples=%u number of index points: %u ERROR: --append not implemented yet 777777777777777777        ϣKE"(=i~%s: ERROR: reading metadata%s: ERROR: writing FLAC fileinternal error %s: ERROR: writing tags (%s) metaflac %s %s:METADATA block #%u UNKNOWN type: %u (%s) truefalse is last: %s length: %u sample_rate: %u Hz channels: %u bits-per-sample: %u total samples: %llu MD5 signature: %02x application ID: data contents: seek points: %u point %u: PLACEHOLDER vendor string: comments: %u comment[%u]: media catalog number: %s lead-in: %llu is CD: %s number of tracks: %u track[%u] LEAD-OUTINVALID number: %u (%s) ISRC: %s DATAAUDIO type: %s pre-emphasis: %s index[%u] offset: %llu number: %u %s: ERROR: FLAC file must have total_samples set in STREAMINFO in order to import/export cuesheet %s: ERROR: FLAC stream has no STREAMINFO block %s: ERROR: FLAC file already has CUESHEET block %s: ERROR: empty import file name %s: ERROR: can't open import file %s %s: ERROR: while parsing cuesheet "%s" on line %u: %s %s: ERROR: adding new CUESHEET block to metadata%s: ERROR: FLAC file has no CUESHEET block %s: ERROR: empty export file name %s: ERROR: can't open export file %s %llu;w"dummy.wav" WAVE%s: ERROR: cannot add seekpoints because STREAMINFO block does not specify total_samples out of memory allocating SEEKTABLE block%s: ERROR: adding new SEEKTABLE block to metadata%s: ERROR (internal) preparing seektable with seekpoints %s: ERROR (--add-seekpoint) creating the decoder instance %s: ERROR (--add-seekpoint) initializing the decoder instance (%s) %s: ERROR (--add-seekpoint) decoding file (%s) %s: ERROR (--add-seekpoint) decoding file %s: ERROR (--add-seekpoint) decoding file (%u:%s) H%-Y 9%s: ERROR: couldn't convert comment to UTF-8 %s: ERROR: memory allocation failure out of memory allocating VORBIS_COMMENT block%s: ERROR: adding new VORBIS_COMMENT block to metadata%s: ERROR: line too long, aborting %s: ERROR: malformed vorbis comment field "%s", %s 5 G\t؏field name contains invalid characterWARNING: undocmented option --%s should be used with caution, only for repairing a damaged STREAMINFO block out of memory allocating space for option listERROR (--%s): value must be >= %u and <= %u ERROR (--%s): value must be a %u-bit unsigned integer ERROR (--%s): invalid sample rate ERROR (--%s): value must be > 0 and <= %u WARNING: --%s is deprecated, the new name is --show-vendor-tag WARNING: --%s is deprecated, the new name is --show-tag ERROR (--%s): malformed vorbis comment field name "%s", %s WARNING: --%s is deprecated, the new name is --remove-all-tags WARNING: --%s is deprecated, the new name is --remove-tag WARNING: --%s is deprecated, the new name is --remove-first-tag WARNING: --%s is deprecated, the new name is --set-tag ERROR (--%s): malformed vorbis comment field "%s", %s WARNING: --%s is deprecated, the new name is --import-tags-from ERROR (--%s): missing filename WARNING: --%s is deprecated, the new name is --export-tags-to ERROR (--%s): may be specified only once specification contains invalid characterERROR (--%s): malformed seekpoint specification "%s", %s ERROR (--%s): illegal length "%s", length must be >= 0 and < 2^%u ERROR: malformed block number specification "%s" ERROR (--%s): malformed block type specification "%s" ERROR (--%s): illegal data format "%s" ERROR (--%s): illegal application data format "%s" ERROR: you must specify at least one FLAC file; metaflac cannot be used as a pipe out of memory allocating space for file names listERROR: you may only specify one major operation at a time ERROR: you may not mix shorthand and major operations ERROR: you may only specify one FLAC file when using '--import-cuesheet-from' or '--export-cuesheet-to' ERROR: you may not specify both '--block-type' and '--except-block-type' 0123456789APPLICATIONSTREAMINFOPADDING0x0123456789ABCDEFabcdefSEEKTABLEVORBIS_COMMENTCUESHEETpreserve-modtimewith-filenameno-filenameno-utf8-convertdont-use-paddingno-cued-seekpointsshow-md5sumshow-min-blocksizeshow-max-blocksizeshow-min-framesizeshow-max-framesizeshow-sample-rateshow-channelsshow-bpsshow-total-samplesset-md5sumERROR (--%s): bad MD5 sum set-min-blocksizeset-max-blocksizeset-min-framesizeset-max-framesizeset-sample-rateset-channelsset-bpsset-total-samplesshow-vendor-tagshow-vc-vendorshow-tagshow-vc-fieldremove-all-tagsremove-vc-allremove-tagremove-vc-fieldremove-first-tagremove-vc-firstfieldset-tagset-vc-fieldimport-tags-fromimport-vc-fromexport-tags-toexport-vc-toimport-cuesheet-fromexport-cuesheet-toadd-seekpoint0123456789.Xsx0123456789.specification is emptyadd-replay-gainadd-paddinghelpversionlistappendremoveremove-allmerge-paddingsort-paddingblock-numberexcept-block-typebinarytextapplication-data-formathexdumpfrom-filegarbled specificationUsage: Options: Shorthand operations: Major operations: --version --list to change this behavior: displayed as follows: --remove --remove-all replaced with padding. --merge-padding --sort-padding single block. metaflac [options] [operations] FLACfile [FLACfile ...] Use metaflac to list, add, remove, or edit metadata in one or more FLAC files. You may perform one major operation, or many shorthand operations at a time. --preserve-modtime Preserve the original modification time in spite of edits --with-filename Prefix each output line with the FLAC file name (the default if more than one FLAC file is specified) --no-filename Do not prefix each output line with the FLAC file name (the default if only one FLAC file is specified) --no-utf8-convert Do not convert tags from UTF-8 to local charset, or vice versa. This is useful for scripts. --dont-use-padding By default metaflac tries to use padding where possible to avoid rewriting the entire file if the metadata size changes. Use this option to tell metaflac to not take advantage of padding this way. ============================================================================== metaflac - Command-line FLAC metadata editor version %s Copyright (C) 2001,2002,2003,2004,2005 Josh Coalson This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. --show-md5sum Show the MD5 signature from the STREAMINFO block. --show-min-blocksize Show the minimum block size from the STREAMINFO block. --show-max-blocksize Show the maximum block size from the STREAMINFO block. --show-min-framesize Show the minimum frame size from the STREAMINFO block. --show-max-framesize Show the maximum frame size from the STREAMINFO block. --show-sample-rate Show the sample rate from the STREAMINFO block. --show-channels Show the number of channels from the STREAMINFO block. --show-bps Show the # of bits per sample from the STREAMINFO block. --show-total-samples Show the total # of samples from the STREAMINFO block. --show-vendor-tag Show the vendor string from the VORBIS_COMMENT block. --show-tag=NAME Show all tags where the the field name matches 'NAME'. --remove-tag=NAME Remove all tags whose field name is 'NAME'. --remove-first-tag=NAME Remove first tag whose field name is 'NAME'. --remove-all-tags Remove all tags, leaving only the vendor string. --set-tag=FIELD Add a tag. The FIELD must comply with the Vorbis comment spec, of the form "NAME=VALUE". If there is currently no tag block, one will be created. --import-tags-from=FILE Import tags from a file. Use '-' for stdin. Each line should be of the form NAME=VALUE. Multi-line comments are currently not supported. Specify --remove-all-tags and/or --no-utf8-convert before --import-tags-from if necessary. --export-tags-to=FILE Export tags to a file. Use '-' for stdin. Each line will be of the form NAME=VALUE. Specify --no-utf8-convert if necessary. --import-cuesheet-from=FILE Import a cuesheet from a file. Use '-' for stdin. Only one FLAC file may be specified. A seekpoint will be added for each index point in the cuesheet to the SEEKTABLE unless --no-cued-seekpoints is specified. --export-cuesheet-to=FILE Export CUESHEET block to a cuesheet file, suitable for use by CD authoring software. Use '-' for stdout. Only one FLAC file may be specified on the command line. --add-replay-gain Calculates the title and album gains/peaks of the given FLAC files as if all the files were part of one album, then stores them in the VORBIS_COMMENT block. The tags are the same as those used by vorbisgain. Existing ReplayGain tags will be replaced. If only one FLAC file is given, the album and title gains will be the same. Since this operation requires two passes, it is always executed last, after all other operations have been completed and written to disk. All FLAC files specified must have the same resolution, sample rate, and number of channels. The sample rate must be one of 8, 11.025, 12, 16, 22.05, 24, 32, 44.1, or 48 kHz. --add-seekpoint={#|X|#x|#s} Add seek points to a SEEKTABLE block # : a specific sample number for a seek point X : a placeholder point (always goes at the end of the SEEKTABLE) #x : # evenly spaced seekpoints, the first being at sample 0 #s : a seekpoint every # seconds; # does not have to be a whole number If no SEEKTABLE block exists, one will be created. If one already exists, points will be added to the existing table, and any duplicates will be turned into placeholder points. You may use many --add-seekpoint options; the resulting SEEKTABLE will be the unique-ified union of all such values. Example: --add-seekpoint=100x --add-seekpoint=3.5s will add 100 evenly spaced seekpoints and a seekpoint every 3.5 seconds. --add-padding=length Add a padding block of the given length (in bytes). The overall length of the new block will be 4 + length; the extra 4 bytes is for the metadata block header. Show the metaflac version number. List the contents of one or more metadata blocks to stdout. By default, all metadata blocks are listed in text format. Use the following options --block-number=#[,#[...]] An optional comma-separated list of block numbers to display. The first block, the STREAMINFO block, is block 0. --block-type=type[,type[...]] --except-block-type=type[,type[...]] An optional comma-separated list of block types to be included or ignored with this option. Use only one of --block-type or --except-block-type. The valid block types are: STREAMINFO, PADDING, APPLICATION, SEEKTABLE, VORBIS_COMMENT. You may narrow down the types of APPLICATION blocks APPLICATION:abcd The APPLICATION block(s) whose textual repre- sentation of the 4-byte ID is "abcd" APPLICATION:0xXXXXXXXX The APPLICATION block(s) whose hexadecimal big- endian representation of the 4-byte ID is "0xXXXXXXXX". For the example "abcd" above the hexadecimal equivalalent is 0x61626364 NOTE: if both --block-number and --[except-]block-type are specified, the result is the logical AND of both arguments. --application-data-format=hexdump|text If the application block you are displaying contains binary data but your --data-format=text, you can display a hex dump of the application data contents instead using --application-data-format=hexdump Remove one or more metadata blocks from the metadata. Unless --dont-use-padding is specified, the blocks will be replaced with padding. You may not remove the STREAMINFO block. See --list above for usage. Remove all metadata blocks (except the STREAMINFO block) from the metadata. Unless --dont-use-padding is specified, the blocks will be Merge adjacent PADDING blocks into single blocks. Move all PADDING blocks to the end of the metadata and merge them into a This is the short help; for full help use 'metaflac --help' , status = "%s" ERROR: %s out of memory growing stringout of memory during strdup() The FLAC file could not be opened. Most likely the file does not exist or is not readable. The file does not appear to be a FLAC file. The FLAC file does not have write permissions. The metadata to be writted does not conform to the FLAC metadata specifications. There was an error while reading the FLAC file. There was an error while writing FLAC file; most probably the disk is full. 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