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- ignoring it%d-plane HAM?? - interpreting image as a normal ILBMwarning - color lookup tables ignored in HAMno colormap - interpreting values as grayscaleham_to_ppm(): impossible HAM code - can't happenunknown PCHG compression type %dwarning - ignoring PCHG alpha channel because this program doesn't know what to do with itwarning - got %ld change structures, chunk header reports %ldinsufficient data in SmallLineChanges structuresinsufficient data in line maskinsufficient data in BigLineChanges structuresunknown palette changes structure format in %s chunkcannot interpret %d-plane image as 'deep' (# of planes must be divisible by 3)input is a %d:%d:%d direct color ILBMtoo many planes (max %d per color component)masking type '%s' in a direct color ILBM?? - ignoring itThis program does not know how to process a %s chunk in direct colordon't know how to interpret %d-plane imageinvalid number of planes for IFF-PBM: %d (must be 8)Image has a maskplane, which is invalid in IFF-PBMinvalid compression mode for %s: %d (must be 4)invalid number of planes for %s: %d (must be 13)invalid number of planes for %s: %d (must be 25)rgbn_to_ppm(): invalid IFF ID %s - can't happenwarning - repeat count 0 at col %d row %d: skipped %d RGB entr%swarning - %s chunk with FORM size 0x%08lx (should be 0x%08x)%s chunk found after %s chunk - skippinginvalid size for %s chunk - skipping ituse '-maskfile ' to generate a PBM mask file from %swarning - masking type '%s' not recognizeduse '-maskfile ' to generate a PBM mask file from genlock bitswarning - illegal aspect ratio %d:%d, using 1:1warning - non-square pixels; to fix do a 'pnmscale -%cscale %g'warning - %s type %ld not recognized%s chunk: dpi_x = %d dpi_y = %dunknown chunk type %s - skipping[-verbose] [-ignore [-ignore ] ...] [-isham|-isehb|-isdeep|-isnotham|-isnotehb|-isnotdeep] [-cmaponly] [-adjustcolors] [-transparent ] [-maskfile ] [ilbmfile]'-ignore' option needs a 4 byte chunk ID string as argumentinput is not a FORM type IFF fileinput is not an ILBM, RGBN, RGB8 or PBM type FORM IFF fileskipped %u extraneous byte%s after last chunkwarning - file length/FORM size field mismatch (%ld != %ld+8)read errorpremature EOF in %s chunkinsufficient data in %s chunkwarning - black colormapshifted scaling colormap to 8 bits assuming image maxval=%dunknown compression type %dinput is a deep (%d-bit) ILBMtoo many planes (max %d)nPlanes is too largemultipalette input is a %sHAM%d fileEHB input is a %d-plane %s%sILBMassert: MinReg > MaxReg%s chunk without %s chunk%s/%s plane number mismatchtoo many planesscaling colors to %d bitsinput is a %sPBM input is a %d-bit RGB imageiesignoring %s chunkwarning - non-0 %s chunkdimensions: %dx%d, %d planesdimensions: %dx%dunknowncompression: %sunknown masking type %dwarning - empty %s colormap%s chunk size mismatchcontents of %s chunk:write error-verbose-noverbose-isham-isehb-isdeep-isnotham-isnotehb-isnotdeep-cmaponly-adjustcolors-noadjustcolors-transparent-maskfile-ignoremax %d chunk IDs to ignoreno colormapinput is a colormap fileno %s or %s chunk foundnonebyterun1mask planetransparent colorlasso @; (0D``|`00@d@``4Xxp 80\|zR| =QB 8Ж$AD T$AD p$AD  AB FPEAB FhKAB A6AB FF cAB FN , {AB FPE Ph`AB BF tAB AG AB FLPAD F yAB FPE {AB FPE$DGAB F DtAB AGh AB F :AB AC @AB FPE=AB DТbAB AF `AB I(`( AB I Hp{AB BIlAB I L4AB BC,h*D  F AB D.\ d oh    L, oooooPoԄoDh