#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # (c) Copyright 2003-2006 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # Author: Don Welch # __version__ = '2.1' __title__ = 'Printer/Fax Setup Utility' __doc__ = "Installs HPLIP printers and faxes in the CUPS spooler. Tries to automatically determine the correct PPD file to use. Allows the printing of a testpage. Performs basic fax parameter setup." # Std Lib import sys, getopt, time import socket, os.path, re import readline, gzip # Local from base.g import * from base import device, utils, msg, service from prnt import cups number_pat = re.compile(r""".*?(\d+)""", re.IGNORECASE) nickname_pat = re.compile(r'''\*NickName:\s*\"(.*)"''', re.MULTILINE) USAGE = [ (__doc__, "", "name", True), ("Usage: hp-setup [OPTIONS] [SERIAL NO.|USB ID|IP|DEVNODE]", "", "summary", True), ("[SERIAL NO.|USB ID|IP|DEVNODE]", "", "heading", False), ("USB IDs (usb only):", """"xxx:yyy" where 'xxx' is the USB bus ID and 'yyy' is the USB device ID. (Note: The ':' and all leading zeros must be present.)""", 'option', False), ("", "Use the 'lsusb' command to obtain this information.", "option", False), ("IPs (network only):", 'IPv4 address "a.b.c.d" or "hostname"', "option", False), ("DEVNODE (parallel only):", '"/dev/parportX", X=0,1,2,...', "option", False), ("SERIAL NO. (usb and parallel only):", '"serial no."', "option", True), utils.USAGE_OPTIONS, ("Automatic mode:", "-a or --auto", "option", False), ("To specify the port on a multi-port JetDirect:", "-p or --port= (Valid values are 1\*, 2, and 3. \*default)", "option", False), ("No testpage in automatic mode:", "-x", "option", False), ("To specify a CUPS printer queue name:", "-n or --printer=", "option", False), ("To specify a CUPS fax queue name:", "-f or --fax=", "option", False), ("Type of queue(s) to install:", "-t or --type=. : print*, fax\* (\*default)", "option", False), utils.USAGE_BUS1, utils.USAGE_BUS2, utils.USAGE_LOGGING1, utils.USAGE_LOGGING2, utils.USAGE_LOGGING3, utils.USAGE_HELP, utils.USAGE_EXAMPLES, ("One USB printer attached, automatic:", "$ hp-setup -a", "example", False), ("USB, IDs specified:", "$ hp-setup 001:002", "example", False), ("Network:", "$ hp-setup", "example", False), ("Network, Jetdirect port 2:", "$ hp-setup --port=2", "example", False), ("Parallel:", "$ hp-setup /dev/parport0", "example", False), ("USB or parallel, using serial number:", "$ hp-setup US12345678A", "example", False), ("USB, automatic:", "$ hp-setup --auto 001:002", "example", False), ("Parallel, automatic, no testpage:", "$ hp-setup -a -x /dev/parport0", "example", False), ("Parallel, choose device:", "$ hp-setup -b par", "example", False), utils.USAGE_SPACE, utils.USAGE_NOTES, ("1. If no serial number, USB ID, IP, or device node is specified, the USB and parallel busses will be probed for devices.", "", 'note', False), ("2. Using 'lsusb' to obtain USB IDs: (example)", "", 'note', False), (" $ lsusb", "", 'note', False), (" Bus 003 Device 011: ID 03f0:c202 Hewlett-Packard", "", 'note', False), (" $ hp-setup --auto 003:011", "", 'note', False), (" (Note: You may have to run 'lsusb' from /sbin or another location. Use '$ locate lsusb' to determine this.)", "", 'note', True), utils.USAGE_SEEALSO, ("hp-makeuri", "", "seealso", True), ] def usage(typ='text'): if typ == 'text': utils.log_title(__title__, __version__) utils.format_text(USAGE, typ, __title__, 'hp-setup', __version__) sys.exit(0) log.set_module('hp-setup') try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'p:n:d:hl:b:t:f:axg', ['printer=', 'fax=', 'device=', 'help', 'help-rest', 'help-man', 'logging=', 'bus=', 'type=', 'auto', 'port=']) except getopt.GetoptError: usage() printer_name = None fax_name = None device_uri = None log_level = logger.DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL bus = device.DEFAULT_PROBE_BUS setup_print = True setup_fax = True makeuri = None bus="cups,par,usb" auto=False testpage_in_auto_mode = True jd_port = 1 if os.getenv("HPLIP_DEBUG"): log.set_level('debug') for o, a in opts: if o in ('-h', '--help'): usage('text') elif o == '--help-rest': usage('rest') elif o == '--help-man': usage('man') elif o == '-x': testpage_in_auto_mode = False elif o in ('-n', '--printer'): printer_name = a elif o in ('-f', '--fax'): fax_name = a elif o in ('-d', '--device'): device_uri = a elif o in ('-b', '--bus'): bus = a.lower().strip() if not device.validateBusList(bus): usage() elif o in ('-l', '--logging'): log_level = a.lower().strip() if not log.set_level(log_level): usage() elif o == '-g': log.set_level('debug') elif o in ('-t', '--type'): setup_fax, setup_print = False, False a = a.strip().lower() for aa in a.split(','): if aa.strip() not in ('print', 'fax'): usage() if aa.strip() == 'print': setup_print = True elif aa.strip() == 'fax': setup_fax = True elif o in ('-p', '--port'): try: jd_port = int(a) except ValueError: log.error("Invalid port number. Must be between 1 and 3 inclusive.") usage() elif o in ('-a', '--auto'): auto = True utils.log_title(__title__, __version__) if not os.geteuid() == 0: log.error("You must be root to run this utility.") sys.exit(1) hpiod_sock = None try: hpiod_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) hpiod_sock.connect((prop.hpiod_host, prop.hpiod_port)) except socket.error: log.error("Unable to connect to hpiod.") sys.exit(1) hpssd_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: hpssd_sock.connect((prop.hpssd_host, prop.hpssd_port)) except socket.error: print "Unable to connect to HPLIP I/O (hpssd)." sys.exit(1) # ******************************* MAKEURI if len(args): param = args[0] device_uri, sane_uri, fax_uri = device.makeuri(hpiod_sock, hpssd_sock, param, jd_port) # ******************************* DEVICE CHOOSER if not device_uri: try: device_uri = device.getInteractiveDeviceURI(bus) if device_uri is None: sys.exit(1) except Error: log.error("Error occured during interactive mode. Exiting.") sys.exit(1) # ******************************* QUERY MODEL AND COLLECT PPDS log.info(utils.bold("\nSetting up device: %s\n" % device_uri)) if not auto: log.info("(Note: Defaults for each question are maked with a '*'. Press to accept the default.)") log.info("") print_uri = device_uri.replace("hpfax:", "hp:") fax_uri = device_uri.replace("hp:", "hpfax:") back_end, is_hp, bus, model, \ serial, dev_file, host, port = \ device.parseDeviceURI(device_uri) log.debug("Model=%s" % model) mq, data, result_code = msg.xmitMessage(hpssd_sock, "QueryModel", payload=None, other_fields={"device-uri": device_uri}, timeout=prop.read_timeout) if result_code == ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_MODEL or \ mq.get('support-type', SUPPORT_TYPE_NONE) == SUPPORT_TYPE_NONE: log.error("Unsupported printer model.") sys.exit(1) if not mq.get('fax-type', 0) and setup_fax: log.warning("Cannot setup fax - device does not have fax feature.") setup_fax = False log.debug("Searching for PPDs in: %s" % sys_cfg.dirs.ppd) ppds = [] for f in utils.walkFiles(sys_cfg.dirs.ppd, pattern="HP*ppd*;hp*ppd*", abs_paths=True): ppds.append(f) default_model = utils.xstrip(model.replace('series', '').replace('Series', ''), '_') stripped_model = default_model.lower().replace('hp-', '').replace('hp_', '') # ******************************* PRINT QUEUE SETUP if setup_print: installed_print_devices = device.getSupportedCUPSDevices(['hp']) log.debug(installed_print_devices) if not auto and print_uri in installed_print_devices: log.warning("One or more print queues already exist for this device: %s." % ', '.join(installed_print_devices[print_uri])) while True: user_input = raw_input(utils.bold("\nWould you like to install another print queue for this device? (y=yes, n=no*, q=quit) ?" )) user_input = user_input.lower().strip() if not user_input: user_input = 'n' setup_print = (user_input == 'y') if user_input in ('q', 'y', 'n'): break log.error("Please enter 'y', 'n' or 'q'") if user_input == 'q': log.info("OK, done.") sys.exit(0) if setup_print: log.info(utils.bold("\nPRINT QUEUE SETUP")) if auto: printer_name = default_model printer_default_model = default_model # Check for duplicate names if device_uri in installed_print_devices and \ printer_default_model in installed_print_devices[device_uri]: i = 2 while True: t = printer_default_model + "_%d" % i if t not in installed_print_devices[device_uri]: printer_default_model += "_%d" % i break i += 1 if not auto: if printer_name is None: while True: printer_name = raw_input(utils.bold("\nPlease enter a name for this print queue (m=use model name:'%s'*, q=quit) ?" % printer_default_model)) if printer_name.lower().strip() == 'q': log.info("OK, done.") sys.exit(0) if not printer_name or printer_name.lower().strip() == 'm': printer_name = printer_default_model name_ok = True if print_uri in installed_print_devices: for d in installed_print_devices[print_uri]: #print d, printer_name if printer_name in d: log.error("A print queue with that name already exists. Please enter a different name.") name_ok = False break # TODO: Validate chars in name if name_ok: break else: printer_name = printer_default_model log.info("Using queue name: %s" % printer_name) log.debug("1st stage edit distance match") mins = [] eds = {} min_edit_distance = sys.maxint for f in ppds: t = os.path.basename(f).lower().replace('hp-', '').replace('-hpijs', '').\ replace('.gz', '').replace('.ppd', '').replace('hp_', '').replace('_series', '').lower() eds[f] = utils.levenshtein_distance(stripped_model, t) log.debug("dist('%s', '%s') = %d" % (stripped_model, t, eds[f])) min_edit_distance = min(min_edit_distance, eds[f]) for f in ppds: if eds[f] == min_edit_distance: for m in mins: if os.path.basename(m) == os.path.basename(f): break # File already in list possibly with different path (Ubuntu, etc) else: mins.append(f) x = len(mins) if x > 1: # try pattern matching the model number log.debug("2nd stage matching with model number") log.debug(mins) try: model_number = number_pat.match(stripped_model).group(1) model_number = int(model_number) except AttributeError: pass except ValueError: pass else: log.debug("model_number=%d" % model_number) matches = [] for x in range(3): # 1, 10, 100 factor = 10**x log.debug("Factor = %d" % factor) adj_model_number = int(model_number/factor)*factor number_matching, match = 0, '' for m in mins: try: mins_model_number = number_pat.match(os.path.basename(m)).group(1) mins_model_number = int(mins_model_number) log.debug("mins_model_number= %d" % mins_model_number) except AttributeError: continue except ValueError: continue mins_adj_model_number = int(mins_model_number/factor)*factor log.debug("mins_adj_model_number=%d" % mins_adj_model_number) log.debug("adj_model_number=%d" % adj_model_number) if mins_adj_model_number == adj_model_number: log.debug("match") number_matching += 1 matches.append(m) log.debug(matches) log.debug("***") if len(matches): mins = matches[:] x = len(mins) break enter_ppd = False if x == 0: enter_ppd = True elif x == 1: print_ppd = mins[0] log.info("\nFound a possible PPD file: %s" % print_ppd) if not auto: while True: log.info("Note: The model number may vary slightly from the actual model number on the device.") user_input = raw_input(utils.bold("\nDoes this PPD file appear to be the correct one (y=yes*, n=no, q=quit) ?")) user_input = user_input.strip().lower() if user_input == 'q': log.info("OK, done.") sys.exit(0) if not user_input or user_input == 'y': break if user_input == 'n': enter_ppd = True break log.error("Please enter 'y' or 'n'") else: log.info("") log.warn("Found multiple possible PPD files") max_ppd_filename_size = 0 for p in mins: max_ppd_filename_size = max(len(p), max_ppd_filename_size) log.info(utils.bold("\nChoose a PPD file that most closely matches your device:")) log.info("(Note: The model number may vary slightly from the actual model number on the device.)\n") formatter = utils.TextFormatter( ( {'width': 4}, {'width': max_ppd_filename_size, 'margin': 2}, {'width': 40, 'margin': 2}, ) ) log.info(formatter.compose(("Num.", "PPD Filename", "Description"))) log.info(formatter.compose(('-'*4, '-'*(max_ppd_filename_size), '-'*40 ))) for y in range(x): if mins[y].endswith('.gz'): nickname = gzip.GzipFile(mins[y], 'r').read(4096) else: nickname = file(mins[y], 'r').read(4096) try: desc = nickname_pat.search(nickname).group(1) except AttributeError: desc = '' log.info(formatter.compose((str(y), mins[y], desc))) x += 1 none_of_the_above = y+1 log.info(formatter.compose((str(none_of_the_above), "(None of the above match)", ''))) while 1: user_input = raw_input(utils.bold("\nEnter number 0...%d for PPD file (q=quit) ?" % (x-1))) user_input = user_input.strip().lower() if user_input == '': log.warn("Invalid input - enter a numeric value or 'q' to quit.") continue if user_input == 'q': log.info("OK, done.") sys.exit(0) try: i = int(user_input) except ValueError: log.warn("Invalid input - enter a numeric value or 'q' to quit.") continue if i == none_of_the_above: enter_ppd = True break if i < 0 or i > (x-1): log.warn("Invalid input - enter a value between 0 and %d or 'q' to quit." % (x-1)) continue break if not enter_ppd: print_ppd = mins[i] if enter_ppd: log.error("Unable to find an appropriate PPD file.") enter_ppd = False while True: user_input = raw_input(utils.bold("\nWould you like to specify the path to the correct PPD file to use (y=yes, n=no*, q=quit) ?")) user_input = user_input.strip().lower() if not user_input or user_input in ('q', 'n'): log.info("OK, done.") sys.exit(0) if user_input == 'y': enter_ppd = True break log.error("Please enter 'y' or 'n'") if enter_ppd: ok = False while True: user_input = raw_input(utils.bold("\nPlease enter the full filesystem path to the PPD file to use (q=quit) :")) if user_input.lower().strip() == 'q': log.info("OK, done.") sys.exit(0) file_path = user_input if os.path.exists(file_path) and os.path.isfile(file_path): if file_path.endswith('.gz'): nickname = gzip.GzipFile(file_path, 'r').read(4096) else: nickname = file(file_path, 'r').read(4096) try: desc = nickname_pat.search(nickname).group(1) except AttributeError: desc = '' if desc: log.info("Description for the file: %s" % desc) else: log.error("No PPD 'NickName' found. This file may not be a valid PPD file.") while True: user_input = raw_input(utils.bold("\nUse this file (y=yes*, n=no, q=quit) ?")) user_input = user_input.strip().lower() if not user_input or user_input == 'y': print_ppd = file_path ok = True break elif user_input == 'q': log.info("OK, done.") sys.exit(0) elif user_input == 'n': break else: log.error("File not found or not an appropriate (PPD) file.") if ok: break if auto: location, info = '', 'Automatically setup by HPLIP' else: while True: location = raw_input(utils.bold("Enter a location description for this printer (q=quit) ?")) if location.strip().lower() == 'q': log.info("OK, done.") sys.exit(0) # TODO: Validate chars break while True: info = raw_input(utils.bold("Enter additonal information or notes for this printer (q=quit) ?")) if info.strip().lower() == 'q': log.info("OK, done.") sys.exit(0) # TODO: Validate chars break log.info(utils.bold("\nAdding print queue to CUPS:")) log.info("Device URI: %s" % print_uri) log.info("Queue name: %s" % printer_name) log.info("PPD file: %s" % print_ppd) log.info("Location: %s" % location) log.info("Information: %s" % info) cups.addPrinter(printer_name, print_uri, location, print_ppd, info) installed_print_devices = device.getSupportedCUPSDevices(['hp']) log.debug(installed_print_devices) if print_uri not in installed_print_devices or \ printer_name not in installed_print_devices[print_uri]: log.error("Printer queue setup failed. Please restart CUPS and try again.") sys.exit(1) else: service.sendEvent(hpssd_sock, EVENT_CUPS_QUEUES_CHANGED, device_uri=print_uri) # ******************************* FAX QUEUE SETUP if setup_fax: try: from fax import fax except ImportError: # This can fail on Python < 2.3 due to the datetime module setup_fax = False log.warning("Fax setup disabled - Python 2.3+ required.") log.info("") if setup_fax: log.info(utils.bold("\nFAX QUEUE SETUP")) installed_fax_devices = device.getSupportedCUPSDevices(['hpfax']) log.debug(installed_fax_devices) if not auto and fax_uri in installed_fax_devices: log.warning("One or more fax queues already exist for this device: %s." % ', '.join(installed_fax_devices[fax_uri])) while True: user_input = raw_input(utils.bold("\nWould you like to install another fax queue for this device? (y=yes, n=no*, q=quit) ?")) user_input = user_input.lower().strip() if not user_input: user_input = 'n' setup_fax = (user_input == 'y') if user_input in ('q', 'y', 'n'): break log.error("Please enter 'y', 'n' or 'q'") if user_input == 'q': log.info("OK, done.") sys.exit(0) if setup_fax: #log.info(utils.bold("\nSetting up fax queue...")) if auto: # or fax_name is None: fax_name = default_model + '_fax' fax_default_model = default_model + '_fax' # Check for duplicate names if fax_uri in installed_fax_devices and \ fax_default_model in installed_fax_devices[fax_uri]: i = 2 while True: t = fax_default_model + "_%d" % i if t not in installed_fax_devices[fax_uri]: fax_default_model += "_%d" % i break i += 1 if not auto: if fax_name is None: while True: fax_name = raw_input(utils.bold("\nPlease enter a name for this fax queue (m=use model name:'%s'*, q=quit) ?" % fax_default_model)) if fax_name.lower().strip() == 'q': log.info("OK, done.") sys.exit(0) if not fax_name or fax_name.lower().strip() == 'm': fax_name = fax_default_model name_ok = True if fax_uri in installed_fax_devices: for d in installed_fax_devices[fax_uri]: if fax_name in d: log.error("A fax queue with that name already exists. Please enter a different name.") name_ok = False break # TODO: Validate chars in name if name_ok: break else: fax_name = fax_default_model log.info("Using queue name: %s" % fax_name) for f in ppds: if f.find('HP-Fax') >= 0: fax_ppd = f log.debug("Found PDD file: %s" % fax_ppd) break else: log.error("Unable to find HP fax PPD file! Please check you HPLIP installation and try again.") sys.exit(1) if auto: location, info = '', 'Automatically setup by HPLIP' else: while True: location = raw_input(utils.bold("Enter a location description for this printer (q=quit) ?")) if location.strip().lower() == 'q': log.info("OK, done.") sys.exit(0) # TODO: Validate chars break while True: info = raw_input(utils.bold("Enter additonal information or notes for this printer (q=quit) ?")) if info.strip().lower() == 'q': log.info("OK, done.") sys.exit(0) # TODO: Validate chars break log.info(utils.bold("\nAdding fax queue to CUPS:")) log.info("Device URI: %s" % fax_uri) log.info("Queue name: %s" % fax_name) log.info("PPD file: %s" % fax_ppd) log.info("Location: %s" % location) log.info("Information: %s" % info) cups.addPrinter(fax_name, fax_uri, location, fax_ppd, info) installed_fax_devices = device.getSupportedCUPSDevices(['hpfax']) log.debug(installed_fax_devices) if fax_uri not in installed_fax_devices or \ fax_name not in installed_fax_devices[fax_uri]: log.error("Fax queue setup failed. Please restart CUPS and try again.") sys.exit(1) else: service.sendEvent(hpssd_sock, EVENT_CUPS_QUEUES_CHANGED, device_uri=fax_uri) # ******************************* FAX HEADER SETUP if auto: setup_fax = False else: while True: user_input = raw_input(utils.bold("\nWould you like to perform fax header setup (y=yes*, n=no, q=quit) ?")) user_input = user_input.strip().lower() if user_input == 'q': log.info("OK, done.") sys.exit(0) if not user_input: user_input = 'y' setup_fax = (user_input == 'y') if user_input in ('y', 'n', 'q'): break log.error("Please enter 'y' or 'n'") if setup_fax: d = fax.FaxDevice(fax_uri) try: d.open() except Error: log.error("Unable to communicate with the device. Please check the device and try again.") else: try: tries = 0 ok = True while True: tries += 1 try: current_phone_num = d.getPhoneNum() current_station_name = d.getStationName() except Error: log.error("Could not communicate with device. Device may be busy. Please wait for retry...") time.sleep(5) ok = False if tries > 12: break else: ok = True break if ok: while True: if current_phone_num: phone_num = raw_input(utils.bold("\nEnter the fax phone number for this device (c=use current:'%s'*, q=quit) ?" % current_phone_num)) else: phone_num = raw_input(utils.bold("\nEnter the fax phone number for this device (q=quit) ?")) if current_phone_num and (not phone_num or phone_num.strip().lower() == 'c'): phone_num = current_phone_num if phone_num.strip().lower() == 'q': log.info("OK, done.") sys.exit(0) if len(phone_num) > 50: log.error("Phone number length is too long (>50 characters). Please enter a shorter number.") continue ok = True for x in phone_num: if x not in '0123456789-(+) ': log.error("Invalid characters in phone number. Please only use 0-9, -, (, +, and )") ok = False break if not ok: continue break while True: if current_station_name: station_name = raw_input(utils.bold("\nEnter the name and/or company for this device (c=use current:'%s'*, q=quit) ?" % current_station_name)) else: station_name = raw_input(utils.bold("\nEnter the name and/or company for this device (q=quit) ?")) if current_station_name and (not station_name or station_name.strip().lower() == 'c'): station_name = current_station_name if station_name.strip().lower() == 'q': log.info("OK, done.") sys.exit(0) if len(station_name) > 50: log.error("Name/company length is too long (>50 characters). Please enter a shorter name/company.") continue break try: d.setStationName(station_name) d.setPhoneNum(phone_num) except Error: log.error("Could not communicate with device. Device may be busy.") else: log.info("\nParameters sent to device.") finally: d.close() # ******************************* TEST PAGE if setup_print: print_test_page = False if auto: if testpage_in_auto_mode: print_test_page = True else: while True: user_input = raw_input(utils.bold("\nWould you like to print a test page (y=yes*, n=no, q=quit) ?")) user_input = user_input.strip().lower() if not user_input: user_input = 'y' if user_input == 'q': log.info("OK, done.") sys.exit(0) print_test_page = (user_input == 'y') if user_input in ('y', 'n', 'q'): break log.error("Please enter 'y' or 'n'") if print_test_page: if not auto: user_input = raw_input(utils.bold("\nLoad plain paper into printer and press 'enter' ?")) d = device.Device(print_uri) try: try: d.open() except Error: log.error("Unable to print to printer. Please check device and try again.") else: if d.isIdleAndNoError(): #d.close() log.info( "Printing test page..." ) d.printTestPage() log.info("Test page has been sent to printer. Waiting for printout to complete...") time.sleep(5) i = 0 while True: time.sleep(5) try: d.queryDevice(quick=True) except Error, e: log.error("An error has occured.") if d.error_state == ERROR_STATE_CLEAR: break elif d.error_state == ERROR_STATE_ERROR: log.error("An error has occured (code=%d). Please check the printer and try again." % d.status_code) break elif d.error_state == ERROR_STATE_WARNING: log.warning("There is a problem with the printer (code=%d). Please check the printer." % d.status_code) else: # ERROR_STATE_BUSY update_spinner() i += 1 if i > 24: # 2min break else: log.error("Unable to print to printer. Please check device and try again.") finally: d.close() log.info("\nDone.") sys.exit(0)