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responseToolMenuActiondemo-gtk-logoApplication Windowgtk-opendestroyAppWindowActionsstock-idOpen a filetooltip_Openlabelui-managerbuilding menus failed: %s/MenuBar/ToolBarchangedmark_setwindow_state_eventFileMenu_FileOpenMenuPreferencesMenu_PreferencesColorMenu_ColorShapeMenu_ShapeHelpMenu_Helpgtk-new_NewNCreate a new fileFile1Open first filegtk-save_SaveSSave current fileSaveAsSave _As...Save to a filegtk-quit_QuitQ_AboutALogoGTK+gtk-bold_BoldB_RedRBlood_GreenGGrass_BlueSky_Square_Rectangle_OvalOEgg_GTK!Matthias Clasen Program to demonstrate GTK+ functions.This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with the Gnome Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. You activated action: "%s" of type "%s"Cursor at row %d column %d - %d chars in documentYou activated radio action: "%s" of type "%s". Current value: %dfailed to load GTK logo for toolbar You must fill out this entry to continue:This is optional data, you may continue even if you do not check thisThis is a confirmation page, press 'Apply' to apply changesPage 1gtk-dialog-infoPage 2ConfirmationapplyprepareSample assistant (%d of %d)gtk-okgtk-cancelgtk-helpHorizontal Button BoxesSpreadEdgeStartEndVertical Button Boxesclosedbutton-release-eventScreenNumberOpen Display_Open...clicked_CloseNameChangegtk-closeChange Screen or displaydisplay_openedPlease select the toplevel to move to the new screenPlease enter the name of the new display Can't open display : %s please try another one gtk-copygtk-pastegtk-dialog-warningdrag_begindrag_data_getdrag_data_receivedbutton_press_eventgtk-stopactivate"Copy" will copy the text in the entry to the clipboard"Paste" will paste the text from the clipboard to the entryImages can be transferred via the clipboard, tooImage storage type %d not handledColor Selectionexpose_event_Change the above colorChanging colorCombo boxesSome stock iconsgtk-clearseparatorpixbufWhere are we ?A - BAlbanyAnnapolisAtlantaAugustaAustinBaton RougeBismarckBoiseBostonC - DCarson CityCharlestonCheyenneColumbiaColumbusConcordDenverDes MoinesDoverE - JFrankfortHarrisburgHartfordHelenaHonoluluIndianapolisJacksonJefferson CityJuneauK - OLansingLincolnLittle RockMadisonMontgomeryMontpelierNashvilleOklahoma CityOlympiaP - SPhoenixPierreProvidenceRaleighRichmondSacramentoSalemSalt Lake CitySanta FeSpringfieldSt. PaulT - ZTallahasseeTopekaTrentonEditableOneTwo2½ThreeDialogs_Message Dialog_Interactive Dialog_Entry 1E_ntry 2_Non-stock Buttongtk-dialog-questionThis message box has been popped up the following number of times:Drawing AreaCheckerboard patternScribble areaconfigure_eventmotion_notify_event@@articles != NULLDescription hereShopping listbottles of cokepackages of noodlescan vanilla ice creameggshas-entrytext-columnmodeleditedediting-startedProductvalueYummyAdd itemRemove itemShopping list (you can edit the cells!)packages of chocolate chip cookiesadd_itemsadd_itemGNOMEtotaltotallyGtkEntryCompletionCompletion demo, try writing total or gnome for example.GtkExpanderDetailsExpander demo. Click on the triangle for details.Details can be shown or hidden.bluehypertext can easily be realized with tagsGo backweighthypertext: Hypertextkey-press-eventevent-aftermotion-notify-eventvisibility-notify-eventSome text to show that simple A tag is an attribute that can be applied to some range of text. For example, a tag might be called "bold" and make the text inside the tag bold. However, the tag concept is more general than that; tags don't have to affect appearance. They can instead affect the behavior of mouse and key presses, "lock" a range of text so the user can't edit it, or countless other things. machine-readable text that is not sequential but is organized so that related items of information are connected. GtkIconView demognome-fs-regular.pnggnome-fs-directory.pnggtk-go-upgtk-homeitem_activatedFailed to load an image: %sEditing and Drag-and-DropYellowImagesfloppybuddy.gif_InsensitivetoggledFailed to load image: %salphatest.pngrbarea_preparedarea_updatedImage loaded from a fileUnable to open image file 'gtk-logo-rgb.gif': %sAnimation loaded from a fileProgressive image loadingFailure reading image file 'alphatest.png': %sUnable to open image file 'alphatest.png': %sGtkListStore demoactiveFixed?Bug numberSeverityDescriptionNormalCriticalMajorGetters for all settersGtkcalender sizeEnhancementFirst bug :=)This is the bug list (note: not based on real data, it would be nice to have a nice ODBC interface to bugzilla or so, though).scrollable notebooks and hidden tabsgdk_window_clear_area (gdkwindow-win32.c) is not thread-safeXft support does not clean up correctlyGtkFileSelection needs a refresh method. Can't click button after setting in sensitiveGtkLabel - Not all changes propagate correctlyRework width/height computations for TreeViewgtk_dialog_set_response_sensitive () doesn't workSelectable label needs right-click copy menuAdd shift clicking to GtkTextViewnetscape-like collapsable toolbarsB&D#t]8\item %2d - %ddelete-eventmenustest line2foobarFlippack-direction_Resize_ShrinkPanes_Hi thereRightLeftHorizontalBottomTopVerticalPickersColor:Font:File:Pick a FileFolder:Pick a FolderPixbufsbackground.jpgapple-red.pnggnome-applets.pnggnome-calendar.pnggnome-foot.pnggnome-gmush.pnggnome-gimp.pnggnome-gsame.pnggnu-keys.pngpBCB-DT! -DT! @-DT!@???FTfyprinting.cbegin-printdraw-pageend-printsans 14%d/%dmonobX<@?A !@:?@DRotated Textexpose-eventSans Bold 27Cv@$@N@f@@GtkSizeGroupColor Options_Foreground_BackgroundLine Options_Dashing_Line ends_Enable groupingRoundArrowSolidDashedDottedstock-displayIcon and ItemIcon OnlyItem Only???????%s %sNo selected itemStock Icons and ItemsStockItemInfogtk-GTK_STOCK_Macrostock_idLabelAccelIDSelected ItemClick MeOption 1Option 2Option 3textview.cTextViewheadingstyleitalicbigscalexx-smallx-largemonospacefamilyblue_foregroundred_backgroundbackground_stippleforeground_stipplepixels_above_linesbig_gap_before_linepixels_below_linesbig_gap_after_linepixels_inside_wrapdouble_spaced_linenot_editablewrap_modeword_wrapchar_wrapno_wrapjustificationcenterright_justifyright_marginleft_marginwide_marginsstrikethroughdouble_underlinerisesuperscriptsubscriptindentrtl_quoteFont styles. For example, you can have , , or monospace (typewriter) text. Colors. Colors such as a blue foregrounda red background or even a stippled red backgroundStrikethroughdouble underline, and are all supported. Images. for example. Spacing. Editability. Wrapping. Justification. Internationalization. and a menu: and a scale: and an animation: finally a text entry: . blackFailed to load image file gtk-logo-rgb.gif The text widget can display text with all kinds of nifty attributes. It also supports multiple views of the same buffer; this demo is showing the same buffer in two places. It's best not to hardcode specific text sizes; you can use relative sizes as with CSS, such as to ensure that your program properly adapts if the user changes the default font size. a stippled blue foreground on solid red background (select that to read it) can be used. Underline, strikethrough, and rise. The buffer can have images in it: You can adjust the amount of space before each line. This line has a whole lot of space before it. You can also adjust the amount of space after each line; this line has a whole lot of space after it. You can also adjust the amount of space between wrapped lines; this line has extra space between each wrapped line in the same paragraph. To show off wrapping, some filler text: the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Also note that those lines have extra-wide margins. This line is 'locked down' and can't be edited by the user - just try it! You can't delete this line. This line (and most of the others in this buffer) is word-wrapped, using the proper Unicode algorithm. Word wrap should work in all scripts and languages that GTK+ supports. Let's make this a long paragraph to demonstrate: blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah This line has character-based wrapping, and can wrap between any two character glyphs. Let's make this a long paragraph to demonstrate: blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah This line has all wrapping turned off, so it makes the horizontal scrollbar appear. This line has center justification. This line has right justification. This line has big wide margins. Text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text. You can put all sorts of Unicode text in the buffer. German (Deutsch Süd) Grüß Gott Greek (Ελληνικά) Γειά σας Hebrew שלום Japanese (日本語) The widget properly handles bidirectional text, word wrapping, DOS/UNIX/Unicode paragraph separators, grapheme boundaries, and so on using the Pango internationalization framework. Here's a word-wrapped quote in a right-to-left language: وقد بدأ ثلاث من أكثر المؤسسات تقدما في شبكة اكسيون برامجها كمنظمات لا تسعى للربح، ثم تحولت في السنوات الخمس الماضية إلى مؤسسات مالية منظمة، وباتت جزءا من النظام المالي في بلدانها، ولكنها تتخصص في خدمة قطاع المشروعات الصغيرة. وأحد أكثر هذه المؤسسات نجاحا هو »بانكوسول« في بوليفيا. You can put widgets in the buffer: Here's a button: This demo doesn't demonstrate all the GtkTextBuffer features; it leaves out, for example: invisible/hidden text (doesn't work in GTK 2, but planned), tab stops, application-drawn areas on the sides of the widget for displaying breakpoints and such...This buffer is shared by a set of nested text views. Nested view: Don't do this in real applications, please. attach_widgetsendscrollScroll to bottom scroll to bottom scroll to bottom scroll to bottomScroll to end scroll to end scroll to end scroll to end Card planning sheetxalignHolidayactivatablevisibleAlexHavocTimOwenDaverealizeJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberNew Years DayPresidential InaugurationMartin Luther King Jr. dayPresidents' DayGroundhog DayValentine's DayNational Tree Planting DaySt Patrick's DayApril Fools' DayArmy DayEarth DayNurses' DayNational Day of PrayerMothers' DayArmed Forces DayMemorial DayJune Fathers' DayFlag DayParents' DayIndependence DayAir Force DayCoast Guard DayFriendship DayGrandparents' DayLabor DayNational Children's DayBosses' DaySweetest DayMother-in-Law's DayNavy DayColumbus DayHalloweenMarine Corps DayVeterans' DayThanksgivingPearl Harbor Remembrance DayChristmasKwanzaaJonathan's Holiday Card Planning SheetAdministrative Professionals' DayJuneteenth (Liberation of Slaves)Citizenship Day or Constitution DayUI ManagerType to startRadio action "%s" selectedAction "%s" activated 5*/comment/*preprocessorstaticfunctiontype if controlstringerr == NULL || *err == NULL/usr/share/gtk-2.0/demoCannot open %s: %s strlen (p) >= q - pmain.ctitlestrlen (p) >= lenGDK_PIXBUF_MODULE_FILEGTK_IM_MODULE_FILEFailed to read icon file: %srow_activated_Info_SourceSans 18fontDodgerBlueForestGreenRosyBrownpurpleburlywood4DarkGoldenrod4Editable Cellseditable_cells.cList Storelist_store.cTree Storetree_store.chypertext.cMultiple ViewsAutomatic scrollingtextscroll.cIcon View Basicsiconview.ciconview_edit.cApplication main windowappwindow.cAssistantassistant.cbutton_box.cChange Displaychangedisplay.cClipboardclipboard.cColor Selectorcolorsel.ccombobox.cDialog and Message Boxesdialog.cdrawingarea.cEntry Completionentry_completion.cexpander.cIcon Viewimages.cMenusmenus.cPaned Widgetspanes.cpickers.cpixbufs.cPrintingrotated_text.cSize Groupssizegroup.cStock Item and Icon Browserstock_browser.cText WidgetTree Viewui_manager.cconst voidgintint gchar gfloatgint8gint16gint32guintguint8guint16guint32gucharglonggbooleangshortgushortgulonggdoublegldoublegpointerGListGSListFALSETRUEFILE GtkObject GtkColorSelection GtkWidget GtkButton GdkColor GdkRectangle GdkEventExpose GdkGC GdkPixbufLoader GdkPixbuf GErrorsize_t while else do for return goto "Cannot find demo data file "%s"../../gdk-pixbuf/libpixbufloader-pnm.la../../gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf.loaders../../modules/input/gtk.immodulesWidget (double click for demo)load_fileo8G<N<S<X<^<]<d<e<k<q<x<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<= ==)=4=>=L=\=c=t===8====  ==_8=demo_find_file; 8LX|p,<,$<<\Xx<|4L l,|(@`,|l < \ ,| |  l 0 P

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