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warning: Do not ask for support if all mail goes to postmaster! fetchmail: %s configuration invalid, specify positive port number for service or port fetchmail: %s configuration invalid, RPOP requires a privileged port %s configuration invalid, LMTP can't use default SMTP port Both fetchall and keep on in daemon or idle mode is a mistake! %s querying %s (protocol %s) at %s: poll started POP2 support is not configured. unsupported protocol selected. %s querying %s (protocol %s) at %s: poll completed WARNING: Running as root is discouraged. +GSS+RPA+NTLM+SDPS+SSL+HESIOD+NLS+KRB4+KRB5. Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 Eric S. Raymond Copyright (C) 2004 Matthias Andree, Eric S. Raymond, Rob F. Funk, Graham Wilson Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Matthias Andree, Sunil Shetye Fetchmail comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. For details, please see the file COPYING in the source or documentation directory. Taking options from command line%s%s No mailservers set up -- perhaps %s is missing? Progress messages will be logged via syslog Fetchmail will masquerade and will not generate Received Fetchmail will show progress dots even in logfiles. Fetchmail will forward misaddressed multidrop messages to %s. Fetchmail will direct error mail to the postmaster. Fetchmail will direct error mail to the sender. Options for retrieving from %s@%s: Mail will be retrieved via %s Poll of this server will occur every %d intervals. Poll of this server will occur every %d interval. This host will not be queried when no host is specified. This host will be queried when no host is specified. Password will be prompted for. Protocol is KPOP with Kerberos %s authentication All available authentication methods will be tried. Password authentication will be forced. MSN authentication will be forced. NTLM authentication will be forced. OTP authentication will be forced. CRAM-Md5 authentication will be forced. GSSAPI authentication will be forced. Kerberos V4 authentication will be forced. Kerberos V5 authentication will be forced. End-to-end encryption assumed. Mail service principal is: %s SSL encrypted sessions enabled. SSL server certificate checking enabled. SSL trusted certificate directory: %s SSL key fingerprint (checked against the server key): %s Server nonresponse timeout is %d seconds All messages will be retrieved (--all on). Only new messages will be retrieved (--all off). Fetched messages will be kept on the server (--keep on). Fetched messages will not be kept on the server (--keep off). Old messages will be flushed before message retrieval (--flush on). Old messages will not be flushed before message retrieval (--flush off). Oversized messages will be flushed before message retrieval (--limitflush on). Oversized messages will not be flushed before message retrieval (--limitflush off). Rewrite of server-local addresses is enabled (--norewrite off). Rewrite of server-local addresses is disabled (--norewrite on). Carriage-return stripping is enabled (stripcr on). Carriage-return stripping is disabled (stripcr off). Carriage-return forcing is enabled (forcecr on). Carriage-return forcing is disabled (forcecr off). Interpretation of Content-Transfer-Encoding is disabled (pass8bits on). Interpretation of Content-Transfer-Encoding is enabled (pass8bits off). MIME decoding is enabled (mimedecode on). MIME decoding is disabled (mimedecode off). Idle after poll is enabled (idle on). Idle after poll is disabled (idle off). Nonempty Status lines will be discarded (dropstatus on) Nonempty Status lines will be kept (dropstatus off) Delivered-To lines will be discarded (dropdelivered on) Delivered-To lines will be kept (dropdelivered off) Message size limit is %d octets (--limit %d). Message size warning interval is %d seconds (--warnings %d). Size warnings on every poll (--warnings 0). Received-message limit is %d (--fetchlimit %d). No received-message limit (--fetchlimit 0). Fetch message size limit is %d (--fetchsizelimit %d). No fetch message size limit (--fetchsizelimit 0). Do binary search of UIDs during each poll (--fastuidl 1). Do binary search of UIDs during %d out of %d polls (--fastuidl %d). Do linear search of UIDs during each poll (--fastuidl 0). SMTP message batch limit is %d. No SMTP message batch limit (--batchlimit 0). Deletion interval between expunges forced to %d (--expunge %d). No forced expunges (--expunge 0). Domains for which mail will be fetched are: Messages will be appended to %s as BSMTP Messages will be delivered with "%s". Messages will be %cMTP-forwarded to: Host part of MAIL FROM line will be %s Address to be put in RCPT TO lines shipped to SMTP will be %s Recognized listener spam block responses are: Server connection will be brought up with "%s". Server connection will be taken down with "%s". No post-connection command. No localnames declared for this host. DNS lookup for multidrop addresses is enabled. DNS lookup for multidrop addresses is disabled. Server aliases will be compared with multidrop addresses by IP address. Server aliases will be compared with multidrop addresses by name. Envelope-address routing is disabled Envelope header is assumed to be: %s Number of envelope headers to be skipped over: %d Prefix %s will be removed from user id Predeclared mailserver aliases: Connection must be through interface %s. No interface requirement specified. Polling loop will monitor %s. No monitor interface specified. Server connections will be made via plugin %s (--plugin %s). No plugin command specified. Listener connections will be made via plugout %s (--plugout %s). No plugout command specified. No UIDs saved from this host. Poll trace information will be added to the Received header. No poll trace information will be added to the Received header. . Pass-through properties "%s". fetchmail: no mailservers have been specified. fetchmail: no other fetchmail is running fetchmail: error killing %s fetchmail at %d; bailing out. fetchmail: %s fetchmail at %d killed. fetchmail: can't check mail while another fetchmail to same host is running. fetchmail: can't poll specified hosts with another fetchmail running at %d. fetchmail: another foreground fetchmail is running at %d. fetchmail: can't accept options while a background fetchmail is running. fetchmail: background fetchmail at %d awakened. fetchmail: elder sibling at %d died mysteriously. fetchmail: can't find a password for %s@%s. fetchmail: Warning: syslog and logfile are set. Check both for logs! fetchmail: Cannot detach into background. Aborting. starting fetchmail %s daemon could not open %s to append logs to couldn't time-check %s (error %d) restarting fetchmail (%s changed) attempt to re-exec fetchmail failed poll of %s skipped (failed authentication or too many timeouts) interval not reached, not querying %s All connections are wedged. Exiting. sleeping at %s for %d seconds normal termination, status %d p'TTTB,AVk !6K`uODMRunknown?!?autoPOP3APOPRPOPIMAPETRN0123456789abcdef%c%02d%02dXXXXXgethostbyname failed for %s FETCHMAILUSERLOGNAMEQMAILINJECTNULLMAILER_FLAGSHOME_ETCFETCHMAILHOME& &&3&,&%&&&&%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S XXXXX (%Z)%s: can't determine your host!Cannot find my own host in hosts database to qualify it! Trying to continue with unqualified hostname. DO NOT report broken Received: headers, HELO/EHLO lines or similar problems! DO repair your /etc/hosts, DNS, NIS or LDAP instead. %s: The QMAILINJECT environment variable is set. This is dangerous as it can make qmail-inject or qmail's sendmail wrapper tamper with your From: or Message-ID: headers. Try "env QMAILINJECT= %s YOUR ARGUMENTS HERE" %s: Abort. %s: The NULLMAILER_FLAGS environment variable is set. This is dangerous as it can make nullmailer-inject or nullmailer's sendmail wrapper tamper with your From:, Message-ID: or Return-Path: headers. Try "env NULLMAILER_FLAGS= %s YOUR ARGUMENTS HERE" %s: Abort. %s: You don't exist. Go away. String '%s' is not a valid number string. Value of string '%s' is %s than %d. Invalid protocol `%s' specified. Invalid authentication `%s' specified. usage: fetchmail [options] [server ...] -?, --help display this option help -V, --version display version info -c, --check check for messages without fetching -s, --silent work silently -v, --verbose work noisily (diagnostic output) -d, --daemon run as a daemon once per n seconds -N, --nodetach don't detach daemon process -q, --quit kill daemon process -L, --logfile specify logfile name --syslog use syslog(3) for most messages when running as a daemon --invisible don't write Received & enable host spoofing -f, --fetchmailrc specify alternate run control file -i, --idfile specify alternate UIDs file --pidfile specify alternate PID (lock) file --postmaster specify recipient of last resort --nobounce redirect bounces from user to postmaster. -I, --interface interface required specification -M, --monitor monitor interface for activity --ssl enable ssl encrypted session --sslkey ssl private key file --sslcert ssl client certificate --sslcertck do strict server certificate check (recommended) --sslcertpath path to ssl certificates --sslfingerprint fingerprint that must match that of the server's cert. --sslproto force ssl protocol (SSL2/SSL3/TLS1) --plugin specify external command to open connection --plugout specify external command to open smtp connection -p, --protocol specify retrieval protocol (see man page) -U, --uidl force the use of UIDLs (pop3 only) --port TCP port to connect to (obsolete, use --service) -P, --service TCP service to connect to (can be numeric TCP port) --auth authentication type (password/kerberos/ssh/otp) -t, --timeout server nonresponse timeout -E, --envelope envelope address header -Q, --qvirtual prefix to remove from local user id --principal mail service principal --tracepolls add poll-tracing information to Received header -u, --username specify users's login on server -a, --[fetch]all retrieve old and new messages -K, --nokeep delete new messages after retrieval -k, --keep save new messages after retrieval -F, --flush delete old messages from server --limitflush delete oversized messages -n, --norewrite don't rewrite header addresses -l, --limit don't fetch messages over given size -w, --warnings interval between warning mail notification -S, --smtphost set SMTP forwarding host --fetchdomains fetch mail for specified domains -D, --smtpaddress set SMTP delivery domain to use --smtpname set SMTP full name username@domain -Z, --antispam, set antispam response values -b, --batchlimit set batch limit for SMTP connections -B, --fetchlimit set fetch limit for server connections --fetchsizelimit set fetch message size limit --fastuidl do a binary search for UIDLs -e, --expunge set max deletions between expunges -m, --mda set MDA to use for forwarding --bsmtp set output BSMTP file --lmtp use LMTP (RFC2033) for delivery -r, --folder specify remote folder name --showdots show progress dots even in logfiles ?Vcsvd:NqL:f:i:p:UP:A:t:E:Q:u:akKFnl:r:S:Z:b:B:e:m:I:M:yw:D:smallerlargerpop2sdpspop3apoprpopimapetrnodmrkerberoskerberos_v5kerberos_v4sshexternalotpopientlmcramcram-md5gssapianymsn, Options are as follows: helpversionchecksilentverbosedaemonnodetachquitlogfileinvisibleshowdotsnosyslogfetchmailrcpidfilenobounceidleportserviceauthtimeoutenvelopeqvirtualuserusernamefetchallnokeeplimitflushnorewritewarningsfoldersmtphostfetchdomainssmtpaddressantispambatchlimitfetchlimitfetchsizelimitfastuidlexpungemdabsmtplmtpsslsslkeysslcertsslprotosslcertcksslcertpathsslfingerprintprincipalinterfacemonitorpluginplugoutconfigdumpyydebugtracepolls=P2DDDP2P2DP2DDvDjDP2ZDBDP2CP2CCP2P2P2ICP2P2P2P2P2P2:CC CBBBP2P2xBP2iBGB(BBP2AA}AnAGA,AA@P2@P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2P2@@@@@z@P@?????}?b?V?>?2?#??>>>>u>S>1>">>T>?CVKcQsXv`dgNpquL}fiNapp~UPPȅͅtՅEޅQuuaaKk Fntlw#r*S3@D LZUb`Bkzem ̆ۆIM   yfork (%s) setsid (%s) /dev/nullcannot open /dev/null: %s cannot open %s: %s dup (%s) timeout after %d seconds waiting to connect to server %s. timeout after %d seconds waiting for server %s. timeout after %d seconds waiting for %s. timeout after %d seconds waiting for listener to respond. Subject: fetchmail sees repeated timeoutsFetchmail saw more than %d timeouts while attempting to get mail from %s@%s. This could mean that your mailserver is stuck, or that your SMTP server is wedged, or that your mailbox file on the server has been corrupted by a server error. You can run `fetchmail -v -v' to diagnose the problem. Fetchmail won't poll this mailbox again until you restart it. pre-connection command failed with status %d couldn't find HESIOD pobox for %s couldn't find canonical DNS name of %s (%s): %s krb5_sendauth: %s [server says '%*s'] Authorization failure on %s@%s%s Subject: fetchmail authentication failed on %s@%sFetchmail could not get mail from %s@%s. The attempt to get authorization failed. Since we have already succeeded in getting authorization for this connection, this is probably another failure mode (such as busy server) that fetchmail cannot distinguish because the server didn't send a useful error message. However, if you HAVE changed your account details since starting the fetchmail daemon, you need to stop the daemon, change your configuration of fetchmail, and then restart the daemon. The fetchmail daemon will continue running and attempt to connect at each cycle. No future notifications will be sent until service is restored.The attempt to get authorization failed. This probably means your password is invalid, but some servers have other failure modes that fetchmail cannot distinguish from this because they don't send useful error messages on login failure. The fetchmail daemon will continue running and attempt to connect at each cycle. No future notifications will be sent until service is restored.Unknown login or authentication error on %s@%s Subject: fetchmail authentication OK on %s@%sFetchmail was able to log into %s@%s. selecting or re-polling folder %s selecting or re-polling default folder skipping message %s@%s:%d (%d octets)couldn't fetch headers, message %s@%s:%d (%d octets) reading message %s@%s:%d of %dmessage %s@%s:%d was not the expected length (%d actual != %d expected) fetchlimit %d reached; %d messages left on server %s account %s fetchlimit %d reached; %d message left on server %s account %s Subject: Fetchmail oversized-messages warningThe following oversized messages were deleted on server %s account %s:The following oversized messages remain on server %s account %s: %d msg %d octets long deleted by fetchmail. %d msg %d octets long skipped by fetchmail.%s error while fetching from %s@%s and delivering to SMTP host %s %s error while fetching from %s@%s post-connection command failed with status %d Option --flush is not supported with %s Option --all is not supported with %s Option --limit is not supported with %s MDASMTPtimeout after %d seconds. hesiodLead server has no name. %s connection to %s failedSSL connection failed. KPOPV0.1kerberos error %s krb5_cc_default: %s krb5_cc_get_principal: %s krb5_sname_to_principal: %s KPOPV1.0krb5_sendauth: %s Lock-busy error on %s@%s Server busy error on %s@%s (previously authorized)Repoll immediately on %s@%s Authorization OK on %s@%s Service has been restored. %s at %s (folder %s)%s at %sPolling %s seen%d messages (%d %s) for %s%d message (%d %s) for %s%d messages for %s%d message for %s (%d octets). No mail for %s bogus message count!skipping message %s@%s:%d (oversized) (%d octets) (%d header octets) (%d body octets) retained not flushed socketmissing or bad RFC822 headerclient/server synchronizationclient/server protocollock busy on serverSMTP transactionDNS lookupundefinedunknown\\7~\~}!~\~~~\\\\\\\\\\\^~A%04d%s %s> %s %s< %s error writing message text mapped %s to local %s line: %sX-IMAP:>From Delivered-To:Delivered-ToX-Mozilla-Status:Return-Path:<>Reply-To:Resent-From:Apparently-From:Resent-Sender:Apparently-To:Resent-To:Resent-Cc:Resent-Bcc:Received:analyzing Received line: %sbyforno Received address found found Received address `%s' (%-.*s)Received: from %s [%s] Received: from %s by %s with %s (fetchmail-%s polling %s account %s folder %s) for <%s> (by default); for <%s>multi-dropsingle-drop (%s); X-Fetchmail-Warning: message has embedded NULsmapped address %s to local %s passed through %s matching %s message delimiter found while scanning headers incorrect header line found while scanning headers line accepted, %s is an alias of the mailserver line rejected, %s is not an alias of the mailserver From: FETCHMAIL-DAEMON To: %s@%s Subject: Headerless mail from %s's mailbox on %s no local matches, forwarding to %s forwarding and deletion suppressed due to DNS errors writing RFC822 msgblk.headers no recipient addresses matched declared local namesrecipient address %s didn't match any local nameSMTP listener rejected local recipient addresses: %s@%sMAILER-DAEMONSMTP: (bounce-message body) mail from %s bounced to %s To: %s MIME-Version: 1.0 --%s Content-Type: text/plain SMTP error: %s Reporting-MTA: dns; %s Final-Recipient: rfc822; %s Last-Attempt-Date: %s Action: failed Status: %5.5s Status: %c.0.0 Diagnostic-Code: %s --%s-- %cMTP error: %s General SMTP/ESMTP error. Error writing to MDA: %s MDA died of signal %d sink.cLMTP delivery error on EOM -- The Fetchmail Daemonforwarding to %s <MAIL FROM:%s%s%s BODY=8BITMIME BODY=7BITRCPT TO:<%s> DATA SIZE=%d%s@[%s]can't even send to %s! %cMTP connect to %s failed %T%Fabout to deliver with: %s wMDA open failed From: FETCHMAIL-DAEMON@%sDate: %sMIME-Version: 1.0MAILER-DAEMON@FETCHMAIL-DAEMON@foo-mani-padme-hum-%ld-%ld-%ldSubject: Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender From: Mail Delivery System <%s> Content-Type: multipart/report; report-type=delivery-status; boundary="%s" This message was created automatically by mail delivery software. A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed: Internal error: SMTP error count doesn't match number of recipients. Content-Type: message/delivery-status Content-Type: text/rfc822-headers spam filter or virus scanner rejected message because: %s This message was too large (SMTP error 552). MDA returned nonzero status %d Strange: MDA pclose returned %d and errno %d/%s, cannot handle at %s:%d Message termination or close of BSMTP file failed SMTP listener refused delivery Unexpected non-503 response to LMTP EOM: %s LMTP partial delivery failure. BSMTP file open or preamble write failed %cMTP listener doesn't like recipient address `%s' %cMTP listener doesn't really like recipient address `%s' Some addresses were rejected by the MDA fetchmail forwards to. no address matches; no postmaster set. no address matches; forwarding to %s. Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bitContent-Type: text/plain; charset="%s"%cMTP< %s smtp listener protocol error %cMTP>. (EOM) QUIT %cMTP> QUIT RSET %cMTP> RSET %cMTP> DATA %cMTP> RCPT TO:<%s> * HELO %s %cMTP> HELO %s MAIL FROM:%sMAIL FROM:<%s>%cMTP> %s %cHLO %s %cMTP> %cHLO %s AUTH AUTH CRAM-MD5 334 Challenge decoded: %s PLAIN^%s^%sAUTH PLAIN %s LOGINAUTH LOGIN ATRNESMTP CRAM-MD5 Authentication... Server rejected the AUTH command. Bad base64 reply from server. %s %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02xESMTP PLAIN Authentication... ESMTP LOGIN Authentication... Deleting fetchids file. Error deleting %s: %s Writing fetchids file. %s@%s %s Merged UID list from %s: %s = %d discarding new UID list New UID list from %s:swapping UID lists lstat: %s: %s Old UID list from %s:Scratch list of UIDs:Error writing to fetchids file %s, old file left in place. Cannot rename fetchids file %s to %s: %s Cannot open fetchids file %s for writing: %s not swapping UID lists, no UIDs seen this query %02x%s CRAM-MD5decoded as %s could not decode BASE64 challenge Using service name [%s] %s GSSAPISending credentials Error exchanging credentials Credential exchange complete Releasing GSS credentials Error releasing credentials Couldn't get service name for [%s] Couldn't unwrap security level data Server requires integrity and/or privacy Unwrapped security level flags: %s%s%s Maximum GSS token size is %ld Error creating security level request /proc/net/devskipping poll of %s, %s down missing IP interface address IP interface address invalid IP interface mask %d.%d.%*dskipping poll of %s, %s IP address excluded skipping poll of %s, %s inactive %d %d %*d %*d %*d %d %*d %*d %*d %d %*d %*d %d%d %d %*d %*d %*d %d %*d %d %*d %*d %*d %*d %dloginmacdefdefaultmachinepasswdaccount%s:%d: warning: unknown token "%s" %s:%d: warning: found "%s" before any host names $%`&&&$text/Content-Transfer-Encoding:Content-Type:MIME-Version:multipart/mixedmessage/quoted-printable7bit8bitboundary=2E message/rfc822Xع=??= '%s':TRUE, '%s':FALSE, '%s':%d, "%s":None[], , TRUE=1; FALSE=0 os_type = 'linux' fetchmailrc = poll_intervalbouncemailspambounceproperties 'servers': [] 'servers': pollnameactiveviaKPOPenvskipdnsakalocaldomainsesmtpnameesmtppassword'users': remote'localnames':[("%s", %s), '*'stripcrforcecrpass8bitsdropstatusdropdeliveredmimedecode'lmtp':TRUE, 'lmtp':FALSE, preconnectpostconnectsmtphunt'antispam':'', mailboxes# End of initializer feature_options = ('pop3','imap','gssapi','kerberos','rpa','sdps','etrn','odmr','ssl',) # Start of configuration initializer # List of server entries begins here # Entry for site `%s' begins: Checking if %s is really the same node as %s Yes, their IP addresses match No, their IP addresses don't match nameserver failure while looking for '%s' during poll of %s: %s nameserver failure while looking for `%s' during poll of %s. %ld %d %dfetchmail: lock creation failed. fetchmail: error reading lockfile "%s": %s fetchmail: removing stale lockfile fetchmail: error opening lockfile "%s": %s 0123456789xX012345670123456789bad buffer in yy_scan_bytes()input in flex scanner failed00112233445566778899aAbBcCdDeEfFout of dynamic memory in yy_scan_buffer()out of dynamic memory in yy_scan_bytes()out of dynamic memory in yy_create_buffer()fatal flex scanner internal error--end of buffer missedfatal error - scanner input buffer overflowfatal flex scanner internal error--no action foundn__^^^d_7^A^K^U^_^i^u^^y]]]]]]]]]]]]]]^^#^8[S[n[[[[[[\:\X\v\\\\\\\\\\]]]%]/]9]E]O]Y]e]o]````aaa%a/a9aMaWaaauaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbb%b/b9bEbObYbebobybbbbbbbYYYYYYbbbb cc3cGc[cocycccY_`.[.[.[     !"#$%&'()*+,-./012345678|LH_Kxly9(&<$n}~'Ik`;)2=4m1w:avPgJz 3 ^RN@o F3ej?SY{Adpf+8',%Ec#2- 47q1*/> !"W\VXg.rBuhCbjQU <GY=6s5MOZT\]i0Dt[8_^orv}dmrntmkqnnTyrPRL_gWbgcib`ftEA LqEnBITk^XST\TUQQOG93207=@;9,/'/)'%# $##)2+$%.." M #5[J 7  U _oI3^}us|zy|urw{qjujcrhgqbk\aYgXgWdde`[^S\WP\NSLYSSNHMGOMHGNID@:E@6A?:1050/0,(&,+-/,%01(!#''#'=     {uuz}oosuroBBXmx     !%& +!,/"21(/4(*0432>37607E4;@9H8:=LBMDRFDI?JVSGM\QQ_NYWYaS\gZijgljdbhiactuujnlvyl{u|vz{r{y|}     #"% $".'B!+"1+&./001%<560/87AFC6<JIGIM=CO@PHCRSXQPQKML[T_^VZaUdfabkX[k_qjopqgywprs~qvqx|swx   4%&)%( -.##*%-'5)489<7<=2294<6D8CGHKFLMIBSHRSOHYNIXKLM\OP``bb %   % ,_ ,/ / _! !# $#!)!'&$$&'&($)'*()'1..C**.1*.9*--9C--C-ED-E--333D-E344EJ55435I5JJI4KRJ5777777KR4888888BFBGBFFGBFOLGMLGLNMpPONMWOUMPPWPpUPSSpSSSXSTTSSXTXSTX^^X[[[^aa[a^[bbabb^baeeeeee ZZ CELCLEWWE\hy\hzzhh +( N(~+{y+{~N     !"#$%&'()*+,-./012345789;<=>?@ABDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdghijklnop`qstuvwxyz{|~     !"%&'()*+,- ./012356789:=>?@ABDFGHIJKMNOPQRSUVYZ[\]^_`cdefghijmnoprstuxhy{|    !&'()*+,-./123589:;=>?ABCDHJKMNNPRSTUXYZ[\^acdfjlmopprtuvwz{|}~zxvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcb`_]\ZXWVUTSRQPOMLKJIHGFE987543210/.-,)'&%$#"!     |{yxwvutsrqonmlkjifedca`_^][YXVUTSQPONMKJIHGFDBA?><;:9876543210.-,+*)('&%$#!   ~}|{zyxwvutsrqonmlkjihgfc\ZVQHA@?>=<;:0+"   !"#$%&'()*+,-./012 3456788888892:;<22=>?@22A2BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW222\\]_`\cc_vdfc\g_w`ceeeeeesaeeeeeeoxptqy|u r}~z{opqr\\\_`cc_\c_cPQs45't(,-_`\\]__`\16;__2<\cc_d7cgVahuWcXYaeeeeeeABCDEvFGHIaJbKLZMq~[wr_`\\\__`\__x\cc_ccy`F<z!"    $-%.ABh/kti0ulABm )*!,HUIM{-N|}~.OV<P      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHJKLMNOPQRSTUVIWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%'()*+,-./0123456&789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~$%Y[[^^bb\\__ccnmlkjihgfedcba`_^]\[ZYXWTSRQLKJGFEDCBA@?>=;:9876543210/+('&%$#"     DC~}|{zyx@wvsrqponjgfedcba`?_^]\>[ZYXWVUTSRQ=PONMLKJIHG;EDC@?>=<;:987654321,+*)('&# R  }|{zyxwvutsponmlkjifedc`_^]UTSRON@?>=:9830/.+*)&%$#"!     Z``nmlkjihZXX%s/%send of inputsyntax errormemory exhaustedopen: %s: %s File %s must be a regular file. File %s must have no more than -rwx--x--- (0710) permissions. File %s must be owned by you. server option after user optionsE{g{qrr/r;rGrSr_ryrrrrrrrorrssoo0sUszssosospos t$t>tTt`tltxtttt(u:uLu^uuuuuuv/v;vGvVvbvnvo}vvovovoooovvvoow&wJw|wwwwxHxooootxxoooxxoxxy%y?yYyeyqy}yyyyyyyyyyyz9zqmzzzzzzzzzz {{!{-{9{ow{{{{{|Sz)*) L&/567>'?AJKXZ_`agln=DI3UkC F  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[l $ !"#<<&<)*+,-.%''< <==<>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[/; :<(I$%L'<(P(<=<<< !"[<<=<2<<5<789<<?@ABCDEFGHI><L<NOPQ<<<IJKLM<[P <=XYZ[<<$=#=<&<<)*+,-.<'======<=<<$<>?@ABCDEFGH<<<<<NO<QRSTUVW?@ABCDEFGH<<<<<NO.Q0123456789=<B.>hi&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@A B CDEFGHnyz~poIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdef|&'()*+{q,-rstu=>?@w.}!"#$%TUVWX[ cdef/0123456789:;<ABCDEFGHJKLMNOPQRSYZ\]^_`ab  lopqrstuvwx>-yz/{ADEKCM % $"&(,'5689HRcVdXeZfjkgh\imn:;<=OTaPT_@?.0B1234|}~)*+FGN!#7JISWY[]b`Q^LU\]]^^__```````````````````aaabbccddeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeffgghiiijjkklllmmnnooppqqrrsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssvxghijklmUTF-8EUC-JPEUC-KREUC-TWKOI8-RKOI8-UGBKGB2312GB18030VSCIIUS-ASCIIANSI_X3.4-1968ISO646ISO_646.IRV8859-CP12TIS-620TIS620.2533Big5BIG5Big5HKSCSBIG5HKSCSISO-8859-11ISO-8859-WINDOWS-12Option --folder is not supported with POP3 Cannot handle UIDL response from upstream server. Warning: ignoring bogus data for message sizes returned by server. Server responded with UID for wrong message. id=%s (num=%d) was deleted, but is still present! Messages inserted into list on server. Cannot handle this. protocol error while fetching UIDLs Warning: "Maillennium POP3/PROXY server" found, using RETR command instead of TOP. TLS is mandatory for this session, but server refused CAPA command. The CAPA command is however necessary for TLS. %s: upgrade to TLS succeeded. %s: opportunistic upgrade to TLS failed, trying to continue. We've run out of allowed authenticators and cannot continue. Required APOP timestamp not found in greeting Timestamp syntax error in greeting Undefined protocol request in POP3_auth lock busy! Is another session active? QUITDELE %d LIST%u %uTOP %d 1Message-Id:CAPASTLSAUTH MSNAUTH NTLMPOP3> %s +OK-ERRlockLockLOCKwait[IN-USE][LOGIN-DELAY]Serviceunavailable*ENV %dTo: <%s>RETR %dTOP %d 99999999LIST %d%d %uUIDL %dSTATLAST%u is unseen %u is first unseen UIDLMaillennium POP3/PROXY serverdemon.pop3.email.msn.com@compuserve.comrpa%s: upgrade to TLS failed. USER %sPASS %sInvalid APOP timestamp. APOP %s %sRPOP %spop3s rw0 0STORE %d +FLAGS.SILENT (\Seen)mail expunge mismatch (%d actual != %d expected) STORE %d +FLAGS.SILENT (\Seen \Deleted)STORE %d +FLAGS (\Seen \Deleted)* %d FETCH (UID %*s RFC822.SIZE %u)Warning: ignoring bogus data for message sizes returned by the server. Protocol identified as IMAP4 rev 1 Protocol identified as IMAP4 rev 0 Protocol identified as IMAP2 or IMAP2BIS %d FETCH (UID %*s RFC822.HEADER {%d}%d messages waiting after re-poll %d message waiting after re-poll %d messages waiting after first poll %d message waiting after first poll %d messages waiting after expunge %d message waiting after expunge search for unseen messages failed %s: opportunistic upgrade to TLS failed, trying to continue Required OTP capability not compiled into fetchmail STORE %d +FLAGS (\Seen)LOGOUTFETCH %d BODY.PEEK[TEXT]FETCH %d RFC822.TEXT.PEEKFETCH %d RFC822.TEXTFETCHFETCH %d RFC822.SIZEFETCH %d:%d RFC822.SIZE* NO* %d FETCH (RFC822.SIZE %u)IMAP4REV1IDLEwill idle after poll CAPABILITY EXISTSDONE IMAP> DONE EXPUNGE PREAUTH[READ-ONLY]FETCH %d RFC822.HEADER%d FETCH (RFC822.HEADER {%d}* BADNOOPre-poll failed INBOXEXAMINE "%s"SELECT "%s"mailbox selection failed expunge failed SEARCH UNSEEN NOT DELETED* SEARCH%lu is unseen STARTTLSAUTH=EXTERNALAUTHENTICATE%s EXTERNAL %s*AUTH=GSSAPIAUTH=KERBEROS_V4AUTH=CRAM-MD5AUTH=NTLMAUTHENTICATE NTLMIMAP> %s LOGINDISABLEDLOGIN "%s" "%s"imapsr|@0`@ЫpOption --keep is not supported with ETRN Option --flush is not supported with ETRN Option --folder is not supported with ETRN Option --check is not supported with ETRN %s's SMTP listener does not support ESMTP %s's SMTP listener does not support ETRN Pending messages for %s started Unable to queue messages for node %s ETRN syntax error in parameters ETRN %sQueuing for %s started No messages waiting for %s Node %s not allowed: %s ETRN syntax error Unknown ETRN error %d smtpsr!Option --keep is not supported with ODMR Option --flush is not supported with ODMR Option --folder is not supported with ODMR Option --check is not supported with ODMR %s's SMTP listener does not support ATRN Unable to process ATRN request now ATRN %sTurnaround now... ATRN request refused. You have no mail. Command not implemented Authentication required. Unknown ODMR error %d ODMR< %sODMR> %s354receiving message data odmrsqÄ$%s KERBEROS_V4krb_mq_req: %s krb_get_cred: %s krb_get_tf_fullname: %s @challenge mismatch could not decode initial BASE64 challenge non-null instance (%s) might cause strange behavior could not decode BASE64 ready response Outbound data: %02X dec64 error at char %d: %x Inbound binary data: RPA String too long Unicode: MD5 result is: Hdr not 60 Token length error  `HsMechanism field incorrect Get response Get response return %d [%s] AUTH RPA > AUTH RPA Service challenge (l=%d): Service timestamp %s RPA token 2 length error Realm list: %s User challenge: User authentication (l=%d): RPA status: %02X RPA token 4 length error SuccessInvalid userid or passphraseDeity errorRPA rejects you: %s Session key established: RPA authorisation complete rbABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/MD5 being applied to data block: Token Length %d disagrees with rxlen %d RPA token 2: Base64 decode error Service chose RPA version %d.%d RPA error in service@realm string RPA Failed open of /dev/urandom. This shouldn't prevent you logging in, but means you cannot be sure you are talking to the service that you think you are (replay attacks by a dishonest service are possible.) RPA token 4: Base64 decode error Restricted user (something wrong with account)RPA rejects you, reason unknown RPA User Authentication length error: %d RPA Session key length error: %d RPA _service_ auth fail. Spoof server? realloc failed >?456789:;<=  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/dAbout to rewrite %sRewritten version is %s %s:%u: %s (log message incomplete)=??=rfc2047e.cstrlen(charset) < 40=%02X rfc2047e!"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~!"#$%&'*+,-./0123456789:;<>@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~getaddrinfo(NULL, "%s") error: %s Cannot resolve service %s to port number. Please specify the service as decimal port number. smbutil.clen+1 < sizeof bufl*2 < sizeof bufNTLM Request: Ident = %s mType = %d Flags = %08x User = %s Domain = %s %02x NTLM Response: LmResp = NTResp = Wks = %s sKey = NTLM Challenge: Challenge = unicodeToStringstrToUnicodetoString!#$%&'*+-/0123456789=?ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~t.                                                                                                                           ;p - ` @, L `h   P 0 $ < @X t ` м @ @ 0 \ @t P 0   `0 P P#p `# # # $ % @'P'0`'H'`'x`(Y@[p[[]0_P`tcpfЊPP(@Xx@pp@@4Tt `й@Pd0p0@H`x (@Hh@0 (HPh(Hh P< TtP@p@4TtpP` $<\|@P`0pH`x!"`"",#D#\#t#$%%0&&0&L'p'p(778 09,P9D:hP;;0<pKLO 0P8pPTPtPPQRTUW0XP0\p^ a bbd m4 0xT pxp x x py y y @z!z8!@|X!}x!!!!`! "0"@P"p"Й"""""#О #P@#`#0|#P###$p$$D$@h$$$0$$$p%8%@X%p%%p%@%%p&0&P&pp&&`&&& ','L'l' '0'@''' (0(H(h(0( (((P)`)0)@H)h))))) *@4*`P*ph** * * * * +p @+ d+ ++0++,08,\, ,,,,| "AG 0eAB DL = AB Cl`AG AD AB E@eAB AGAB G` AB I AB IFF<:AB I\PAB F|/AB 0AB FDAB &AB D@IAB A  AB ACC( AB AJH`eAB AdmAB D@AB F@}AB E(,5D  F AB D%JAB @&AB F$P(AB CD0)AB D`)2AB IW,}AB E/AB E`0NAB FH1"AB FPTAB `TJAB D4T<AB DPTAB HpUAB V"AB E@X AG PXAB `X<AB XLAB XbAB NE(`Y1AB I HAB FFFl@/AB p`AB DЌAB IAB I AB KFI AB I$AB FDp\$AB Idл{AB |P[AB DAB HFP,AB $AB AB FFAB AJ(@-AB IHpAB FhpAB F@AB I@WAB D<AB FAB I5AB I$ AB FDxAB FF ddAB FFG dAB FFG `dAB FFG uAB FIGP\AB FE  uAB FIG8 08AB IX p AB Ix AD  *AB  1AB  $AB  @1AB  9AB  :GB   AB 8 SAB FX ;AB Fx 1AB E AB E SAB FF @JAB F FAB F \AB F8 @^AB FIX AB Ex 0tAB F kAB AG tAB I AB I P AB I AB I8  AB IX AB Ix rAB I AB E kAB E AB F AB  !AB F0 !TAB F P "AB FEEt "mAB I (1FD  P(RAE JF (aAD  )oAB C)AB C$P.XAB FD0AB Fd@4-AB AFp5qAB FE5OAB FE@6AB AC7 AB AC8 AB I$DbAB JODDAB BCdpEAB FPIAB `IAB I*AB IAB FWKAB Q MAB $M AB D@NAB F`O;FB xONAB @P AG PP AG `P AG pP AG P AB P AB  P AG 8P AB PP%AB FpR AB S^AB D`SjAB SAB T AB T AB T3AB TAB I<UAB FI\VwAB AD |VAB FFF0WAB FW$AB D WAB FEEXhAB E X~AB FF@pYAB F`hAB  xhAB FFFiAB E0jAB  PjQAB MFHkAB DPloAB G0leAB FEP0m6AB AJpp|AB FJ};AB FIcAB 03AB DpNAB FKAB  nAB FFF@P2AB C`MAB CAB IAB AJЈAB AF5AB I0ZAB I AB I@ AB BI ` AB IETAB LId AB I AB F09GB ApAB :MB 0ЩAB EPp.AB DlAB }AG E @AB FEEЫbAB I@AB IAB I()AB @AB AG`AB I`AB I aAB AFAB I@ AB IAB AB 0&AB HAB IhAB  AB &AB yAB IPAB ZPJAE C 0AB AJ ,PAD ACFPdAB BF pAB ACF\AG IpAB L 9AB IWE@QAB IPAB 0<AB FFP0dAB hAB ADAB FpDAB FuAB F@ VAB   XAB LFF$ kAB <p AB E \@ =AB KFF AB FpAB TAB FAB CpgAD DtAB AF<`nAB AXAB E x[AB ACF AB EAB EMAB FAB F " AB 40" AB L@">AB Dh"eAB D"'AF   #SAB FEI#0AB $<AB AC$1AB 0%AB F0 ,AG FP-AB Fp.IAB BP.AD `.eAB .eAB @/AB I /AB TFF 0ZAB E < 0AB TFF ` 1YAB FFF 2 AB IFW 3AD A @3AB A `3 AD  p3 AD !3AD K0!:CAG ACP!:AB h!:AB I !<-AB ADC !=hAB ACC !p=NAB ACC !=)AB ADC"=AB I 8"BAB FFF \"0C^AB FFF "CKAB FFF "CKAB FFF "0DgAB FFI "DrAB FIU # EUAB FIF4#EAB I T#FTAB DDDx#GAB FIWPaq!;  xHohhqȁ $??006.&=5-%      )4%/7(3-!0,1'8"5.*2$ :2*" <4,$ >6.&@80( 91)! ;3+# =5-% ?7/'          (08@ '/7?&.6>%- 5=$, 4<#+ 3;"* 2:!) 19T`eJQ[`tҨ娿ա+5FNbwө멿 ddfetchmail.debugVs:ELF44 (444444  ``X``  HHH Ptd11t t Qtd 44HH !ohh`+ ȁ3HH ;oЛHo@W @`    i%d& o3ؔuxHx{H` 1t t:t#```` 4a4