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Thank you for using pilot-link. Welcome to the DLP Shell Type 'help' for additional information Now setting Palm time from desktop to: %a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Z %Y Delete a application or database from your Palm device Usage: rm Please note that no extension is required on 'dbname' Example: rm Address Application %s successfully removed List all files and databases stored on your Palm device Usage: ls [options] Options: -l --long List all RAM databases using "expanded" format -r --rom List all ROM databases and applications -h Display this information Typing 'ls' on it's own will use the 'simple' listing format Example: ls -lr More: 0x%x Flags: 0x%-4x Type: %.4s Creator: %c%c%c%c Modification Number: %-4ld Version: %-2d Filesystem 1k-blocks Used Available Used Total n/a %9lu n/a %4luk %8lu %8lu %3ld%% %4luk Total (ROM + RAM) %8lu %8lu n/a n/a %5luk View or set user-specific Palm information -u Set Username on the Palm device (use double-quotes) -i Set the numeric UserID on the Palm device -v Set the numeric ViewerID on the Palm device -p Set the numeric PCID on the Palm device -h Display this information Typing 'user' on it's own will display the currently stored User info Example: user -u "John Q. Public" -i 12345 -v 54321 -p 98765 Username = "%s" UserID = %08lx (%i) ViewerID = %08lx (%i) PCid = %08lx (%i) Usage: %s -p Options: other useful functions. Exiting.dlpsh> "' porthelpversion%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d%s: not found %s: remove error %d longromdlp_ReadDBList: err %d Created: %19s Backup : %19s Modify : %19s error: index backs upCard0: ROM %9luCard0: RAM %9lu Usage: user [options]dlp_ReadUserInfo: err %d Username = "%s" UserID = %08lx (%i) ViewerID = %08lx (%i) PCid = %08lx (%i) dlp_WriteUserInfo: err %d dflsexitquitrmtimedtpuserp:hvu:i:v:p:hviewidpcidlrh,``````f````ΘبݨӨuivph;h <l,| @|Xt,| vAB 0AB AL0AB IIlJAB D@AB I,`hD  F AB HLАmAB @AB D AB D(pAB IHmAB IhAB I=  ohX a   o`oooodooh̻pe :D@ٳ@XଇyV p †P޲`Jǵ<pĻp¨Ǩʨ@Ϩ@Өdlibpisock.so.8__gmon_start___Jv_RegisterClassesdlp_ReadStorageInfopilot_connectpi_watchdogdlp_WriteUserInfodlp_DeleteDBdlp_SetSysDateTimedlp_AddSyncLogEntrydlp_EndOfSyncdlp_ReadDBList_fini_initprint_splashdlp_OpenConduitdlp_ReadUserInfopi_closelibtermcap.so.2libreadline.so.5readlineadd_historylibc.so.6_IO_stdin_usedfflush__printf_chkexitoptindstrncpyputs__stack_chk_failputcharstrspnstrftimestrcspnstdoutmemcpystrcasecmpoptarggetopt_longlocaltimestrchr__sprintf_chk__libc_start_main__strtoul_internalfree_edata__bss_start_endGLIBC_2.4GLIBC_2.3.4GLIBC_2.0/lib/ld-linux.so.2dlpsh.debugELFP4.4 (444444++++̻̻HHH Ptd)ĩĩllQtd 44HH !ohhH+ 3a;o^Ho``@W  `   idPoPP Xu{ ĩ)l00*++Ȼ+̻+,,``-p -x --.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.dyn.rel.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.ctors.dtors.jcr.dynamic.got.got.plt.data.bss.gnu_debuglink.dynbss.gnu.liblist.gnu.conflict.gnu.prelink_undo 44HH !ohhH+ odh ;o^Ho``@W  `   idPoPP Xu{ ĩ)l00*++Ȼ+̻+,,``-p - -l 3XX.t00D 6