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WARN Line %d only contains whitespace! WARN File contains a mix of CR, LF, and CR LF line endings! WARN Non-Windows PPD files should use lines ending with only LF, not CR LF! %s Missing "%s" translation string for option %s! %s Bad UTF-8 "%s" translation string for option %s! %s Bad UTF-8 "%s" translation string for option %s, choice %s! %s Missing "%s" translation string for option %s, choice %s! %s No base translation "%s" is included in file! %s Bad cupsFilter value "%s"! %s Missing cupsFilter file "%s" %s Bad cupsPreFilter value "%s"! %s Missing cupsPreFilter file "%s" Usage: cupstestppd [options] filename1.ppd[.gz] [... filenameN.ppd[.gz]] program | cupstestppd [options] - Options: -R root-directory Set alternate root -W {all,none,constraints,defaults,filters,translations} Issue warnings instead of errors -q Run silently -r Use 'relaxed' open mode -v Be slightly verbose -vv Be very verbose cupstestppd: The -q option is incompatible with the -v option. cupstestppd: The -v option is incompatible with the -q option. FAIL **FAIL** Unable to open PPD file - %s FAIL **FAIL** Unable to open PPD file - %s on line %d. REF: Page 42, section 5.2. REF: Page 20, section 3.4. REF: Pages 45-46, section 5.2. REF: Pages 42-45, section 5.2. REF: Pages 48-49, section 5.2. REF: Pages 52-54, section 5.2. REF: Page 15, section 3.2. REF: Page 15, section 3.1. REF: Pages 16-17, section 3.2. REF: Page 19, section 3.3. REF: Page 27, section 3.5. DETAILED CONFORMANCE TEST RESULTS **FAIL** Default option code cannot be interpreted: %s **FAIL** REQUIRED DefaultImageableArea REF: Page 102, section 5.15. **FAIL** BAD DefaultImageableArea %s! REF: Page 102, section 5.15. PASS DefaultImageableArea **FAIL** REQUIRED DefaultPaperDimension REF: Page 103, section 5.15. **FAIL** BAD DefaultPaperDimension %s! REF: Page 103, section 5.15. PASS DefaultPaperDimension **FAIL** BAD Default%s %s REF: Page 40, section 4.5. **FAIL** REQUIRED Default%s REF: Page 40, section 4.5. **FAIL** REQUIRED FileVersion REF: Page 56, section 5.3. PASS FormatVersion **FAIL** REQUIRED FormatVersion REF: Page 56, section 5.3. PASS LanguageEncoding **FAIL** REQUIRED LanguageEncoding REF: Pages 56-57, section 5.3. PASS LanguageVersion **FAIL** REQUIRED LanguageVersion REF: Pages 57-58, section 5.3. **FAIL** BAD Manufacturer (should be "HP") REF: Page 211, table D.1. **FAIL** BAD Manufacturer (should be "Oki") REF: Page 211, table D.1. **FAIL** REQUIRED Manufacturer REF: Pages 58-59, section 5.3. **FAIL** BAD ModelName - "%c" not allowed in string. REF: Pages 59-60, section 5.3. **FAIL** REQUIRED ModelName REF: Pages 59-60, section 5.3. **FAIL** REQUIRED NickName REF: Page 60, section 5.3. **FAIL** REQUIRED PageSize REF: Pages 99-100, section 5.14. **FAIL** REQUIRED PageRegion REF: Page 100, section 5.14. **FAIL** REQUIRED PCFileName REF: Pages 61-62, section 5.3. **FAIL** BAD Product - not "(string)". REF: Page 62, section 5.3. **FAIL** REQUIRED Product REF: Page 62, section 5.3. **FAIL** BAD PSVersion - not "(string) int". REF: Pages 62-64, section 5.3. **FAIL** REQUIRED PSVersion REF: Pages 62-64, section 5.3. **FAIL** BAD ShortNickName - longer than 31 chars. REF: Pages 64-65, section 5.3. PASS ShortNickName **FAIL** REQUIRED ShortNickName REF: Page 64-65, section 5.3. **FAIL** BAD JobPatchFile attribute in file REF: Page 24, section 3.4. **FAIL** REQUIRED PageSize REF: Page 41, section 5. REF: Page 99, section 5.14. **FAIL** REQUIRED ImageableArea for PageSize %s REF: Page 41, section 5. REF: Page 102, section 5.15. **FAIL** REQUIRED PaperDimension for PageSize %s REF: Page 41, section 5. REF: Page 103, section 5.15. **FAIL** Bad %s choice %s! REF: Page 84, section 5.9 **FAIL** REQUIRED %s does not define choice None! REF: Page 122, section 5.17 **FAIL** Bad %s choice %s! REF: Page 122, section 5.17 **FAIL** %s must be 1284DeviceID! REF: Page 72, section 5.5 **FAIL** Bad LanguageEncoding %s - must be ISOLatin1! **FAIL** Bad LanguageVersion %s - must be English! **FAIL** Default translation string for option %s contains 8-bit characters! **FAIL** Default translation string for option %s choice %s contains 8-bit characters! WARN %s has no corresponding options! WARN Duplex option keyword %s should be named Duplex or JCLDuplex! REF: Page 122, section 5.17 WARN Default choices conflicting! WARN "%s %s" conflicts with "%s %s" (constraint="%s %s %s %s") WARN Obsolete PPD version %.1f! REF: Page 42, section 5.2. WARN LanguageEncoding required by PPD 4.3 spec. REF: Pages 56-57, section 5.3. WARN Manufacturer required by PPD 4.3 spec. REF: Pages 58-59, section 5.3. WARN PCFileName longer than 8.3 in violation of PPD spec. REF: Pages 61-62, section 5.3. WARN ShortNickName required by PPD 4.3 spec. REF: Pages 64-65, section 5.3. WARN Protocols contains both PJL and BCP; expected TBCP. REF: Pages 78-79, section 5.7. WARN Protocols contains PJL but JCL attributes are not set. REF: Pages 78-79, section 5.7. WARN %s shares a common prefix with %s REF: Page 15, section 3.2. WARN Missing cupsICCProfile file "%s" language_level = %d color_device = %s variable_sizes = %s landscape = %d options[%d] = %s (%s) %s %s %.0f (%d choices) %s (%s) = ERROR %s (%s) = %.2fx%.2fin (%.1f,%.1f,%.1f,%.1f) consts[%d] = *%s %s *%s %s profiles[%d] = %s/%s %.3f %.3f [ %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f ] attrs[%d] = %s %s%s%s: "%s" A?=R@1|88%%0Wz_rj;HdЉ`$@zR| tAG 88AB CX؆KAB CxAB C AB C xAB AD48AB A,X:D  F AB Dqppppppq qȮRb dio8 -   o oof o -̮*:JZjz *:JZjz *:JZjz *:JZjzcupstestppd.debugKeh.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.dyn.rel.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.ctors.dtors.jcr.data.rel.ro.dynamic.got.got.plt.data.bss.gnu_debuglink TThh !o@+ p388-;of f Ho W  `    i doWudidi{ii%L\\((̮̞ԯԟ