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unspecifiedNetwork out of orderTemporary failureAccess information discardedChannel type not implementedInvalid call reference valueCall identity in useNo call suspendedIncompatible destinationInvalid message, unspecifiedRecovery on timer expiryProtocol error, unspecifiedMANUFACTURERALERTCONNECT_ACTIVEDISCONNECTLISTENINFOSELECT_B_PROTOCOLFACILITYCONNECT_B3_ACTIVEDISCONNECT_B3DATA_B3RESET_B3CONNECT_B3_T90_ACTIVERESPREQCONFINDNCPI not supported by current protocol, NCPI ignoredFlags not supported by current protocol, flags ignoredAlert already sent by another applicationLogical block size to small, must be at least 128 BytesMessage buffer size too small, must be at least 1024 BytesMax. number of logical connections not supportedThe message could not be accepted because of an internal busy conditionOS resource error (no memory ?)Controller does not support external equipmentController does only support external equipmentIllegal command or subcommand or message length less than 12 bytesThe message could not be accepted because of a queue full condition !! The error code does not imply that CAPI cannot receive messages directed to another controller, PLCI or NCCIQueue overflow, a message was lost !! This indicates a configuration error. The only recovery from this error is to perform a CAPI_RELEASEUnknown notification parameterThe Message could not be accepted because of an internal busy conditionOS Resource error (no memory ?)Message not supported in current stateIllegal Controller / PLCI / NCCIOut of FAX resources (protocol T.30)Illegal message parameter codingB1 protocol parameter not supportedB2 protocol parameter not supportedB3 protocol parameter not supportedB protocol combination not supportedFlags not supported (reserved bits)Data length not supported by current protocolReset procedure not supported by current protocolProtocol error layer 1 (broken line or B-channel removed by signalling protocol)Another application got that callConnecting not successful (remote station is no FAX G3 machine)Connecting not successful (training error)Disconnected before transfer (remote station does not support transfer mode, e.g. resolution)Disconnected during transfer (remote abort)Disconnected during transfer (remote procedure error, e.g. unsuccessful repetition of T.30 commands)Disconnected during transfer (local tx data underrun)Disconnected during transfer (local rx data overflow)Disconnected during transfer (local abort)Illegal parameter coding (e.g. SFF coding error)Unallocated (unassigned) numberNo route to specified transit networkCall awarded and being delivered in an established channelNo answer from user (user alerted)No circuit / channel availableSwitching equipment congestionRequested circuit / channel not availableResources unavailable, unspecifiedQuality of service unavailableRequested facility not subscribedBearer capability not authorizedBearer capability not presently availableService or option not available, unspecifiedBearer capability not implementedRequested facility not implementedOnly restricted digital information bearer capability is availableService or option not implemented, unspecifiedIdentified channel does not existA suspended call exists, but this call identity does notCall having the requested call identity has been clearedInvalid transit network selectionMandatory information element is missingMessage type non-existent or not implementedMessage not compatible with call state or message type non-existent or not implementedInformation element non-existent or not implementedInvalid information element contentsMessage not compatible with call stateError: Command undefined in function Decode_CommandError: Subcommand undefined in function Decode_SubHandle_Indication: Unsupported Indication 0x%02x. Handle_Confirmation: Info value 0x%x indicates error. Handle_Confirmation: invalid PLCI in CONNECT_B3_CONF. Handle_Confirmation: invalid PLCI in DISCONNECT_CONF. Handle_Confirmation: invalid NCCI in DISCONNECT_B3_CONF. Handle_Confirmation: Info != 0 in LISTEN_CONF. Handle_Confirmation: Info != 0 in INFO_CONF. Handle_Confirmation: Info != 0 in ALERT_CONF. Handle_Confirmation: Invalid Command 0x%02x. Handle_CAPI_Msg: Unknown subcommand 0x%02x. Handle_CAPI_Msg: CAPI_GET_CMSG returns Info != 0. connect.cConnection != (-1)*Connection == (-1)Connect: No available connection identifiers. Connect: error in CAPI_PUT_MESSAGE AnswerCallDisconnectConnectcontr.cController != (-1)GetNumOfSupportedBChannelsdata.cGetState(Connection) == ConnectedReleaseDataSendDataid.cCon != (-1)C[Con].InUseNCCI != (-1)PLCI != (-1)C[Con].faxNCPI != ((void *)0)*pStruct != ((void *)0)DisconnectedD_ConnectPendingD_ConnectedB_ConnectPendingB_DisconnectPendingD_DisconnectPendingC[Con].CallingPartyNumberStruct != ((void *)0)C[Con].CalledPartyNumberStruct != ((void *)0)SetFaxNCPIGetReasonGetB3ReasonSetReasonSetB3Reason_SetCallingPartyNumberStructFreeNumberStructSetCallingPartyNumberSetCalledPartyNumberStructSetCalledPartyNumberGetConnectionInitiatorSetConnectionInitiatorSetStateGetStateGetNumberOfConnectionsGetControllerGetConnectionByNCCIGetConnectionNCCISetConnectionNCCIGetConnectionByPLCIGetConnectionPLCISetConnectionPLCIFreeConnectionReleaseCAPI: error: 0x%04X RegisterCAPI: error: %04x No CAPI support on this system. RegisterCAPI: No ISDN-controller installed 00000000Unconfigured Linux FAXServerDisconnect_h: ConnectionID is invalid usage: capifax [-v] [-i stationID] [-h header] [-c callerNumber] phone file Error during transfer: 0x%04X !!! No CAPI controllers available DataHandle == (unsigned short)Queue.Tail Reason : %04x %s Reason-B3 : %04x %s -rbSfffConnection is already in use vc:i:h:No B-Channels available capifax.cDisconnected. Remote Station ID : %s Transfer-Rate : %d bps highlow Resolution : %s Number of Pages : %d MainStateChangeMainDataConf;<0HDhԽTt4TlT$<`x4TT 8TPhT$d4,D$\$|DdTDD<TtpDH`| AG 0AG H@GAG `2AB FEЖAB D`vAB DGB GB  AB OFO  AB G (@)AB OFYLpAB IlGAB `AB VAB F)GB AWAB NpAB H @AB IUI<PAD  TpAD CFGx 'AB PAB p'AB AB AB ?AB  ?AB  `wAB 8wAB P`sAB hvAB `vAB TAG @aAD FmAB  YAD mAB pAB ,`YAD DmAB \0|AB tAB IIVAB FEAB LгAB IIAB EAB E4жAB IITзWAB l0AB DAB FL;AD й`AB D07AB pAB E AB I(4@3D  F AB D`AB x0rAB FIT  ohhq  P|(ooooto<oTto$"p0P paٳ ``PXApƲ2<pв0޲@˲>P0erHQ`e dcapifax.debug:ELF4i4 (444444ggg\E$g$$HHH Ptd^Qtd 44HH !ohhL+ `3;olHo`W ||(` P i d  o 6uC{C^xx`gg  g$$gggh(hC hh.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.dyn.rel.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.ctors.dtors.jcr.dynamic.got.got.plt.data.bss.gnu_debuglink.dynbss.gnu.liblist.gnu.conflict.gnu.prelink_undo 4q4HqH 3hqhot<TtT !ohhL+ `;olHo`W ||(` P id  o6uS{Snxxpww  w$$wwwx(x x|C xyDH~