#!/bin/bash # dhclient-script for Linux. Dan Halbert, March, 1997. # Updated for Linux 2.[12] by Brian J. Murrell, January 1999. # No guarantees about this. I'm a novice at the details of Linux # networking. # Notes: # 0. This script is based on the netbsd script supplied with dhcp-970306. # 1. ifconfig down apparently deletes all relevant routes and flushes # the arp cache, so this doesn't need to be done explicitly. # 2. The alias address handling here has not been tested AT ALL. # I'm just going by the doc of modern Linux ip aliasing, which uses # notations like eth0:0, eth0:1, for each alias. # 3. I have to calculate the network address, and calculate the broadcast # address if it is not supplied. This might be much more easily done # by the dhclient C code, and passed on. if [ -n "${dhc_dbus}" ]; then /bin/dbus-send \ --system \ --dest=com.redhat.dhcp \ --type=method_call \ /com/redhat/dhcp/$interface \ com.redhat.dhcp.set \ 'string:'"`env | /bin/egrep -v '^(PATH|SHLVL|_|PWD|dhc_dbus)\='`"; if (( ( dhc_dbus & 31 ) == 31 )); then exit 0; fi; fi; function save_previous() { if [ -e $1 ]; then /bin/mv $1 $1.predhclient else echo ''> $1.predhclient fi } make_resolv_conf() { if [ "${PEERDNS}" == "no" ]; then return fi if [ x$reason == xRENEW ] && [ "$new_domain_name" == "$old_domain_name" ] && [ "$new_domain_name_servers" == "$old_domain_name_servers" ]; then return; fi if [ -n "$new_domain_name" ] || [ -n "$new_domain_name_servers" ]; then cp -fp /etc/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf.predhclient rscf=`mktemp /tmp/XXXXXX`; echo '; generated by /sbin/dhclient-script' > $rscf if [ -n "$SEARCH" ]; then echo search $SEARCH >> $rscf else if [ -n "$new_domain_name" ]; then echo search $new_domain_name >> $rscf fi fi if [ -n "$RES_OPTIONS" ]; then echo options $RES_OPTIONS >> $rscf fi for nameserver in $new_domain_name_servers; do echo nameserver $nameserver >> $rscf done change_resolv_conf $rscf rm -f $rscf fi } # Must be used on exit. Invokes the local dhcp client exit hooks, if any. exit_with_hooks() { exit_status=$1 if [ -f /etc/dhclient-exit-hooks ]; then . /etc/dhclient-exit-hooks fi # probably should do something with exit status of the local script exit $exit_status } # Invoke the local dhcp client enter hooks, if they exist. if [ -f /etc/dhclient-enter-hooks ]; then exit_status=0 . /etc/dhclient-enter-hooks # allow the local script to abort processing of this state # local script must set exit_status variable to nonzero. if [ $exit_status -ne 0 ]; then exit $exit_status fi fi # Import Red Hat Linux configuration cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts; . /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/network-functions . /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions [ -f ../network ] && . ../network [ -f ../networking/network ] && . ../networking/network CONFIG=$interface need_config ${CONFIG} if [ -f "${CONFIG}" ]; then source_config else echo $"$0: configuration for $interface not found. Continuing with defaults." >&2 fi source_config release=`uname -r` relmajor=`echo $release |/bin/cut -f1 -d'.'` relminor=`echo $release |/bin/cut -f2 -d'.'` # simple IP arithmetic functions: function quad2num() { if [ $# -eq 4 ]; then let n="$1<<24|$2<<16|$3<<8|$4" echo $n; return 0; fi echo '0'; return 1; } function ip2num() { IFS='.' quad2num $1; } function num2ip() { let n="$1"; let o1='(n>>24)&0xff'; let o2='(n>>16)&0xff'; let o3='(n>>8)&0xff'; let o4='n & 0xff'; echo $o1.$o2.$o3.$o4; } function mask() { ip=$1 m=$2 let ip=`IFS='.' ip2num $ip`; let m=`IFS='.' ip2num $m`; let n='ip&m'; num2ip $n; } function mask_bits() { ip=$1 let ip=`IFS='.' ip2num $ip`; let bits=0 for ((bit=1; '((ip&bit)==0) && (bits < 32)'; 'bit<<=1')) do let bits+=1 done let n_bits=32-bits echo $n_bits } function class_bits() { let ip=`IFS='.' ip2num $1`; let bits=32 let mask='255'; for ((i=0; i <= 3; i++, 'mask<<=8')); do let v='ip&mask'; if [ "$v" -eq 0 ] ; then let bits-=8; else break; fi; done; echo $bits; } function routerReachable() { # Handle silly DHCP servers that give us a router not on our subnet: router=$1 routerSubnet=`mask $router $new_subnet_mask` mySubnet=`mask $new_ip_address $new_subnet_mask` unreachable=0 if [ "$routerSubnet" != "$mySubnet" ]; then unreachable=1 if /sbin/arping -f -q -I $interface -w2 $router; then /sbin/ip route add ${router}/32 dev $interface if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then unreachable=0 else /usr/bin/logger -p local7.notice -t "NET" "dhclient: failed to create host route for unreachable router $router not on subnet $mySubnet"; fi else unreachable=1 if [ -x /usr/bin/logger ]; then /usr/bin/logger -p local7.notice -t "NET" "dhclient: DHCP router $router is unreachable on DHCP subnet $mySubnet router subnet $routerSubnet"; fi; fi; fi; return $unreachable; } function add_default_gateway() { router=$1 metric='' if [ $# -gt 1 ] && [ "$2" -gt 0 ]; then metric="metric $2"; fi; if routerReachable $router ; then /sbin/ip route replace default via $router dev $interface $metric; if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then /usr/bin/logger -p local7.notice -t "NET" 'dhclient: failed to create default route: '$router dev $interface $metric; return 1; else return 0; fi; fi; return 1; } function dhconfig() { if [ -z "${dhc_dbus}" ] || (( ( dhc_dbus & 2 ) != 2 )); then if [ x$old_ip_address != x ] && [ x$alias_ip_address != x ] && \ [ x$alias_ip_address != x$old_ip_address ]; then # Possible new alias. Remove old alias. ifconfig $interface:0- inet 0 fi if [ x$old_ip_address != x ] && [ x$old_ip_address != x$new_ip_address ]; then # IP address changed. Bringing down the interface will delete all routes, # and clear the ARP cache. ifconfig $interface inet 0 down fi fi if [ x$reason = xBOUND ] || [ x$reason = xREBOOT ] || [ x$old_ip_address != x$new_ip_address ] || [ x$old_subnet_mask != x$new_subnet_mask ] || [ x$new_network_number != x$new_network_number ] || [ x$old_broadcast_address != x$new_broadcast_address ] || [ "x$old_routers" != "x$new_routers" ] || [ x$old_interface_mtu != x$new_interface_mtu ] ; then if [ -z "${dhc_dbus}" ] || (( ( dhc_dbus & 2 ) != 2 )); then ifconfig $interface inet $new_ip_address $new_subnet_arg \ $new_broadcast_arg if [ -n "$new_interface_mtu" ]; then /sbin/ip link set $interface mtu $new_interface_mtu; fi; if [ -x /etc/dhclient-${interface}-up-hooks ]; then . /etc/dhclient-${interface}-up-hooks; elif [ -x /etc/dhclient-up-hooks ]; then . /etc/dhclient-up-hooks; fi; fi; if [ -z "${dhc_dbus}" ] || (( ( dhc_dbus & 4 ) != 4 )); then prefix_bits=`mask_bits $new_subnet_mask` # Add a network route to the computed network address. if [ $relmajor -lt 2 ] || \ ( [ $relmajor -eq 2 ] && [ $relminor -eq 0 ] ); then /sbin/ip route replace ${new_network_number}/${prefix_bits} dev $interface if [ $added_old_broadcast_route -eq 1 ]; then /sbin/ip route del default; fi; fi; if [[ ( ( -z "$GATEWAYDEV" ) || ( "$GATEWAYDEV" = "$interface" ) ) && ( ( -z "$GATEWAY" ) || ( ( -n "$DHCLIENT_IGNORE_GATEWAY" ) && ( "$DHCLIENT_IGNORE_GATEWAY" = [Yy]* ) ) ) ]]; then metric=${METRIC:-''}; let i=${METRIC:-0}; default_routers=() for router in $new_routers; do added_router=0 for r in ${default_routers[@]}; do if [ "$r" == "$router" ]; then added_router=1; fi; done if [ -z "$router" ] || [ "$added_router" -eq 1 ] || [ `IFS=. ip2num $router` -le 0 ] || [[ ( "$router" = "$new_broadcast_address" ) && ( "$new_subnet_mask" != "" ) ]]; then continue; fi; default_routers=(${default_routers[@]} $router) add_default_gateway $router $metric; let i=i+1; metric=$i; done elif [[ ( ( -z "$GATEWAYDEV" ) || ( "$GATEWAYDEV" = "$interface" ) ) && ( -n "$GATEWAY" ) ]]; then routerSubnet=`mask $GATEWAY $new_subnet_mask` mySubnet=`mask $new_ip_address $new_subnet_mask` if [ "$routerSubnet" = "$mySubnet" ]; then /sbin/ip route replace default via $GATEWAY dev $interface fi; fi; # static routes if [ "x$new_static_routes" != x ]; then IFS=', ' static_routes=($new_static_routes) route_targets=() for((i=0; i<${#static_routes[@]}; i+=2)); do target=${static_routes[$i]} gateway=${static_routes[$i+1]} metric='' for t in ${route_targets[@]}; do if [ $t == $target ]; then if [ -z "$metric" ]; then metric=1; else ((metric=metric+1)); fi; fi; done; if [ -n "$metric" ]; then metric="metric $metric"; fi; if routerReachable $gateway; then /sbin/ip route replace ${target}/`class_bits $target` via ${gateway} dev $interface ${metric} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then /usr/bin/logger -p local7.notice -t 'NET' 'dhclient: failed to create static route:' ${target}/`class_bits $target` via ${gateway} dev $interface ${metric}; else route_targets=(${route_targets[@]} $target); fi; fi; done fi fi fi if [ -z "${dhc_dbus}" ] || (( ( dhc_dbus & 2 ) != 2 )); then if [ x$new_ip_address != x$alias_ip_address ] && [ x$alias_ip_address != x ]; then ifconfig $interface:0- inet 0 ifconfig $interface:0 inet $alias_ip_address $alias_subnet_arg /sbin/ip route replace ${alias_ip_address}/32 dev $interface:0 fi fi if [ -z "${dhc_dbus}" ] || (( ( dhc_dbus & 1 ) != 1 )); then make_resolv_conf if [ -n "$new_host_name" ] && need_hostname; then hostname $new_host_name fi fi; if [ -z "${dhc_dbus}" ] || (( ( dhc_dbus & 8 ) != 8 )); then if [ "${PEERNIS}" = no ]; then : elif [ -n "$new_nis_domain" ]; then domainname "$new_nis_domain" save_previous /etc/yp.conf let contents=0 echo '# generated by /sbin/dhclient-script' > /etc/yp.conf if [ -n "$new_nis_servers" ]; then for I in $new_nis_servers; do echo "domain $new_nis_domain server $I" >> /etc/yp.conf let contents=contents+1 done else echo "domain $new_nis_domain broadcast" >> /etc/yp.conf let contents=contents+1 fi level=`/sbin/runlevel` level=${level##*\ } if [ "$level" = "unknown" ]; then level=1; fi if [ $contents -gt 0 ] && [[ "$level" = [0-6] ]] && /sbin/chkconfig --level=$level ypbind >/dev/null 2>&1 && [ -r /var/run/ypbind.pid ] && yppid=`cat /var/run/ypbind.pid` && [ -d /proc/${yppid} ] && [ "`if [ -x /sbin/busybox ]; then /sbin/busybox readlink /proc/${yppid}/exe; else echo /sbin/ypbind; fi`" = "/sbin/ypbind" ]; then kill -HUP $yppid; fi elif [ -n "$new_nis_servers" ]; then save_previous /etc/yp.conf echo '# generated by /sbin/dhclient-script' > /etc/yp.conf let contents=0 for I in $new_nis_servers; do echo "ypserver $I" >> /etc/yp.conf let contents=contents+1 done level=`/sbin/runlevel` level=${level##*\ } if [ "$level" = "unknown" ]; then level=1; fi if [ $contents -gt 0 ] && [[ "$level" = [0-6] ]] && /sbin/chkconfig --level=$level ypbind >/dev/null 2>&1 && [ -r /var/run/ypbind.pid ] && yppid=`cat /var/run/ypbind.pid` && [ -d /proc/${yppid} ] && [ "`if [ -x /sbin/busybox ]; then /sbin/busybox readlink /proc/${yppid}/exe; else echo /sbin/ypbind; fi`" = "/sbin/ypbind" ] ; then kill -HUP $yppid; fi fi fi if [ -z "${dhc_dbus}" ] || (( ( dhc_dbus & 16 ) != 16 )); then if [ -n "$DHCP_TIME_OFFSET_SETS_TIMEZONE" ] && [[ "$DHCP_TIME_OFFSET_SETS_TIMEZONE" = [yY1]* ]]; then if [ -n "$new_time_offset" ]; then # DHCP option "time-offset" is requested by default and should be handled. # The geographical zone abbreviation cannot be determined from the GMT offset, # but the $ZONEINFO/Etc/GMT$offset file can be used - note: this disables DST. ((z=new_time_offset/3600)); ((hoursWest=`printf '%+d' $z`)) if (( $hoursWest < 0 )); then # tzdata treats negative 'hours west' as positive 'gmtoff' ! ((hoursWest*=-1)); fi tzfile=/usr/share/zoneinfo/Etc/GMT`printf '%+d' $hoursWest`; if [ -e $tzfile ]; then /bin/mv -f /etc/localtime /etc/localtime.predhclient; /bin/cp -fp $tzfile /etc/localtime; /bin/touch /etc/localtime; fi; fi; fi; if [ "${PEERNTP}" == "yes" ] || [ -z "${PEERNTP}" ]; then if [ -n "$new_ntp_servers" ] && [ -e /etc/ntp.conf ]; then save_previous /etc/ntp.conf /bin/egrep -v '(^[\ \ ]*(server|fudge))|(generated by /sbin/dhclient-script)'< /etc/ntp.conf.predhclient > /etc/ntp.conf echo '# servers generated by /sbin/dhclient-script' >> /etc/ntp.conf localClocks=(`/bin/egrep '^[\ \ ]*server[\ \ ]+127\.127' /etc/ntp.conf.predhclient | while read s addr rest; do echo $addr; done`) localClockFudge="`/bin/egrep '^[\ \ ]*fudge[\ \ ]+127\.127' /etc/ntp.conf.predhclient`"; for s in $new_ntp_servers ${localClocks[@]}; do echo 'server '$s >> /etc/ntp.conf; done [ -n "$localClockFudge" ] && echo "$localClockFudge" >> /etc/ntp.conf; if [ -x /usr/bin/diff ] && /usr/bin/diff -q /etc/ntp.conf /etc/ntp.conf.predhclient >/dev/null 2>&1; then : ; else /sbin/service ntpd condrestart >/dev/null 2>&1 fi; fi fi fi; } if [ x$new_broadcast_address != x ] && [ x$new_subnet_mask != x ] && [ "$new_subnet_mask" != "" ]; then new_broadcast_arg="broadcast $new_broadcast_address" fi if [ x$old_broadcast_address != x ]; then old_broadcast_arg="broadcast $old_broadcast_address" fi if [ x$new_subnet_mask != x ]; then new_subnet_arg="netmask $new_subnet_mask" fi if [ x$old_subnet_mask != x ]; then old_subnet_arg="netmask $old_subnet_mask" fi if [ x$alias_subnet_mask != x ]; then alias_subnet_arg="netmask $alias_subnet_mask" fi if [ x$reason = xMEDIUM ]; then # Linux doesn't do mediums (ok, ok, media). exit_with_hooks 0 fi added_old_broadcast_route=0; if [ x$reason = xPREINIT ]; then if [ -z "${dhc_dbus}" ] || (( ( dhc_dbus & 2 ) != 2 )); then if [ x$alias_ip_address != x ]; then # Bring down alias interface. Its routes will disappear too. ifconfig $interface:0- inet 0 fi if [ x$keep_old_ip = xyes ]; then ifconfig $interface up elif [ $relmajor -lt 2 ] || ( [ $relmajor -eq 2 ] && [ $relminor -eq 0 ] ) then ifconfig $interface inet netmask \ broadcast up # Add route to make broadcast work. Do not omit netmask. /sbin/ip route replace default dev $interface && added_old_broadcast_route=1; else ifconfig $interface 0 up fi # We need to give the kernel some time to get the interface up. # sleep 1 # I don't think this is necessary with modern kernels - no problems found during testing - # JVD, 2005-06-17 # but just in case: if [ -n "$DHCLIENT_DELAY" ] && [ "$DHCLIENT_DELAY" -gt 0 ] ; then sleep $DHCLIENT_DELAY; fi; exit_with_hooks 0 fi; fi if [ x$reason = xARPCHECK ] || [ x$reason = xARPSEND ]; then if [ -z "$new_ip_address" ] || [ -z "$interface" ] || /sbin/arping -q -f -c 2 -w 3 -D -I ${interface} ${new_ip_address}; then exit_with_hooks 0 else exit_with_hooks 1 fi; fi if [ x$reason = xBOUND ] || [ x$reason = xRENEW ] || \ [ x$reason = xREBIND ] || [ x$reason = xREBOOT ]; then dhconfig ; exit_with_hooks 0 fi if [ x$reason = xEXPIRE ] || [ x$reason = xFAIL ] || [ x$reason = xRELEASE ] \ || [ x$reason = xSTOP ]; then if [ "${PEERDNS}" == "yes" ] || [ -z "${PEERDNS}" ]; then if [ -f /etc/resolv.conf.predhclient ]; then change_resolv_conf /etc/resolv.conf.predhclient rm -f /etc/resolv.conf.predhclient fi fi if [ -n "$DHCP_TIME_OFFSET_SETS_TIMEZONE" ] && [[ "$DHCP_TIME_OFFSET_SETS_TIMEZONE" = [yY1]* ]]; then if [ -e /etc/localtime.predhclient ]; then /bin/rm -f /etc/localtime /bin/mv -f /etc/localtime.predhclient /etc/localtime; /bin/touch /etc/localtime; fi; fi; if [ "${PEERNTP}" == "yes" ] || [ -z "${PEERNTP}" ]; then if [ -f /etc/ntp.conf.predhclient ]; then /bin/rm -f /etc/ntp.conf /bin/mv -f /etc/ntp.conf.predhclient /etc/ntp.conf service ntpd condrestart >/dev/null 2>&1 fi fi if [ "${PEERNIS}" == "yes" ] || [ -z "${PEERNIS}" ]; then if [ -f /etc/yp.conf.predhclient ]; then /bin/rm -f /etc/yp.conf /bin/mv -f /etc/yp.conf.predhclient /etc/yp.conf level=`/sbin/runlevel` level=${level##*\ } if [ "$level" = "unknown" ]; then level=1; fi if [[ "$level" = [0-6] ]] && /sbin/chkconfig --level=$level ypbind >/dev/null 2>&1 && [ -r /var/run/ypbind.pid ] && yppid=`cat /var/run/ypbind.pid` && [ -d /proc/${yppid} ] && [ "`if [ -x /sbin/busybox ]; then /sbin/busybox readlink /proc/${yppid}/exe; else echo /sbin/ypbind; fi`" = "/sbin/ypbind" ] ; then kill -HUP $yppid; fi fi fi if [ -x /etc/dhclient-${interface}-down-hooks ]; then . /etc/dhclient-${interface}-down-hooks; elif [ -x /etc/dhclient-down-hooks ]; then . /etc/dhclient-down-hooks; fi; if [ x$alias_ip_address != x ]; then # Turn off alias interface. ifconfig $interface:0- inet 0 fi if [ x$old_ip_address != x ]; then # Shut down interface, which will delete routes and clear arp cache. ifconfig $interface inet 0 down fi if [ x$alias_ip_address != x ]; then ifconfig $interface:0 inet $alias_ip_address $alias_subnet_arg /sbin/ip route replace ${alias_ip_address}/32 $interface:0 fi exit_with_hooks 0 fi if [ x$reason = xTIMEOUT ] && [ "x$new_routers" != 'x' ]; then if [ -z "${dhc_dbus}" ] || (( ( dhc_dbus & 2 ) != 2 )); then if [ x$alias_ip_address != x ]; then ifconfig $interface:0- inet 0 fi ifconfig $interface inet $new_ip_address $new_subnet_arg \ $new_broadcast_arg fi; set $new_routers if ping -q -c 1 -w 10 -I $interface $1; then dhconfig ; exit_with_hooks 0 fi if [ -z "${dhc_dbus}" ] || (( ( dhc_dbus & 2 ) != 2 )); then ifconfig $interface inet 0 down fi; exit_with_hooks 1 elif [ x$reason = xTIMEOUT ]; then exit_with_hooks 1 fi exit_with_hooks 0